I also ran into this problem.  Google is not very good about updating all 
their documentation when they deprecate something.

The solution is to modify the "redirect_uri" in your your request url and 
change it from "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" to 
"http://localhost/notarealpage";.  That way, when you authorize your app, 
google will redirect to:


Then you just use that <authorization_code> to proceed with obtaining a 
refresh token.

On Monday, March 14, 2022 at 10:59:49 PM UTC-7 adsapi wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for the reply. I am also a member of the Google Ads API team and 
> let me provide support to your concern.
> I would like to inform you first that I am going to delete your initial 
> post as it contains sensitive information like the client ID. Please 
> refrain from posting sensitive information in public forums for security 
> purposes.
> Moving forward, I can see that the exact phase where you encountered the 
> error is when generating code for the refresh token. However, I am afraid 
> that our team would not be able to provide support here as the issue is 
> more Oauth2 specific and outside of our scope already. With this, I would 
> suggest reaching out to the Google Cloud platform support team via this 
> link <https://cloud.google.com/support-hub> to get support here as they 
> are more equipped to this topic and to address the issue.
> Regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Ernie John 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2Yl3Du:ref

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