Hi I am trying to get the information to SORT but FieldName Cost 
...perferable descending.  I have not been able to figure out the proper 
code to sort - any help is very much appreciated. THANKS!

{'query' : 'SELECT CampaignName, AdGroupName, OfferId, Clicks, Impressions, 
Ctr, AverageCpc, Cost, Conversions ' +
    'WHERE Cost > 300000000 ' + //Fields of type Money are returned in 
micro currency units (micros) but may be prefixed with "auto: " or may 
simply be the string "auto" if automatic bidding is used. For example, 
$1.23 will come back as 1230000 (1.23 x 1,000,000). Micro amounts always 
refer to the account's local currency.
                'spreadsheetUrl' : 'insertgoogleurl',
                'tabName' : 'PLACheckSpend',
              *    'OrderBy' : 'Cost',*
                'reportVersion' : 'v201802'

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