GetGeoTargetConstant API returns with desired language?

2020-06-01 Thread thuong le
Is there any possible way to pass a language code to the request 
header/body when getting GeoTargetConstant via Google ads api? 
It would be great if the return country name of return geo constant is 
"Deutschland" instead of "Germany" for example.

Thank you and have a nice week ahead,

Thuong Le

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Re: Shopping Performance View product listing returns empty

2020-05-26 Thread thuong le
Thanks, I sent a private message for you :) 

On Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 1:31:13 AM UTC+7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Thuong,
> Thank you for reaching out. Can you please share your client customer ID *via 
> Reply privately to author *so I can further investigate the issue? Can 
> you also provide more information on which products are disapproved?
> Regards,
> Mitchell
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q1zrpxQ:ref

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Re: Best way to retrieve Conversion ID and Conversion Label from Google Ads API

2020-05-23 Thread thuong le
 Thank you! Looking forward to Google ads api's future releases :) 

On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 12:29:02 AM UTC+7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Thuong,
> Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pull any 
> values from within the tag using the API. I have filed a feature request on 
> your behalf so please keep an eye on our Developer Blog for information on 
> future releases.
> Regards,
> Mitchell
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q1zrBPB:ref

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Best way to retrieve Conversion ID and Conversion Label from Google Ads API

2020-05-21 Thread thuong le
Hi all,

Currently when retrieve a conversion action from api, we only have the 
snippet tags that include Conversion id and Conversion label, something 
like this:

“globalSiteTag”: “\n src=\“\“>\n\n
> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];\n  function 
> gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}\n  gtag(‘js’, new Date());\n\n  
> gtag(‘config’, ‘AW-’);\n\n”,


> “eventSnippet”: “\n\n  gtag(‘event’, ‘conversion’, {\n  ‘send_to’: 
> ‘AW-/’,\n  ‘value’: 
> ,\n  ‘currency’: ‘’,\n  
> ‘transaction_id’: ‘’\n  });\n\n”

Is there any better way to get the conversion id and conversion label from 
api beside extract it using Regex?  I hope that these attributes just 
return directly from api so we can store it easily.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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Re: Fetch all client accounts under MCC

2020-05-20 Thread thuong le
Hi Bryan, 
Thank you for your reply, I double check it again and I can confirm that I 
used top level manager account for retrieve the hierarchy (9772414649 is my 
manager account id). The request and response log is the same, so could you 
please my request id and the response again? Thank you! 

➜ php examples/AccountManagement/GetAccountHierarchy.php

[2020-05-21T10:48:37.024631+07:00] google-ads.INFO: Request made: Host: "", Method: 
"/", CustomerId: 
9772414649, RequestId: "GtBNwJwzctE2WfiYYSIKwA", IsFault: 0, FaultMessage: 

object(Generator)#18812 (0) {


*Unable to retrieve information for the following accounts which are likely 
either test accounts or accounts with setup issues. Please check the logs 
for details:*


On Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 11:50:15 PM UTC+7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Thuong,
> Thank you for reaching out to us. Have you followed these steps 
> for calling the hierarchy under your manager account? I took a look at your 
> logs and it looks like you called this on a child account. Could you try 
> your query again on your top level manager account? If you're still 
> encountering issues, could you provide me with your new request and 
> response log for the result you get?
> Thank you,
> Bryan, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q1zqc57:ref

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Re: Fetch all client accounts under MCC

2020-05-20 Thread thuong le
Hi Bryan, 
Thank you for your reply, I double check it again and I can confirm that I 
used top level manager account for retrieve the hierarchy (9772414649 is my 
manager account id). The request and response log is the same, so could you 

➜ php examples/AccountManagement/GetAccountHierarchy.php

[2020-05-21T10:48:37.024631+07:00] google-ads.INFO: Request made: Host: 
"", Method: 
"/", CustomerId: 
9772414649, RequestId: "GtBNwJwzctE2WfiYYSIKwA", IsFault: 0, FaultMessage: 

object(Generator)#18812 (0) {


Unable to retrieve information for the following accounts which are likely 
either test accounts or accounts with setup issues. Please check the logs 
for details:


On Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 11:50:15 PM UTC+7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Thuong,
> Thank you for reaching out to us. Have you followed these steps 
> for calling the hierarchy under your manager account? I took a look at your 
> logs and it looks like you called this on a child account. Could you try 
> your query again on your top level manager account? If you're still 
> encountering issues, could you provide me with your new request and 
> response log for the result you get?
> Thank you,
> Bryan, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q1zqc57:ref

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Re: Fetch all client accounts under MCC

2020-05-20 Thread thuong le
I got the similar issue and I got response from Google Support that the 
issue is resolved but still, when querying on my test manager account


It just returns an empty result (without any error), even though it does 
have a bunch of child accounts. My guess is, the result does not contain 
cancelled/closed accounts, which is the default status of each account and 
its child accounts (and this status cannot be changed anyway). Is it 
possible to *get Account Hierarchy *on a test account?

When I run the example from official document, this is the result

[2020-05-20T00:20:39.063082+07:00] google-ads.INFO: Request made: Host: "
>", Method: 
> "/", CustomerId: 
> 9772414649, RequestId: "FPmgAVOwBjJ0T9d9BlVBKg", IsFault: 0, FaultMessage: 
> "None"  
> object(Generator)#18812 (0) {
> }
> Unable to retrieve information for the following accounts which are likely 
> either test accounts or accounts with setup issues. Please check the logs 
> for details:
> 9772414649

Is there anything that I missed or an alternative solution? 

On Monday, October 21, 2019 at 5:27:43 PM UTC+7, nazar pryymak wrote:
> Hi  Bharani,
> I am trying to get all customers from "GoogleAdsService" Ads API version 2 
> via query :
>   customer_client.descriptive_name
>   customer_client
> after that I am able to get all acounts for production account.
> But when I trying to execute same query for test account:
> then I am receiving empty list.
> Could you help me to resolve mention issue ?

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Re: Fetch all client accounts under MCC

2020-05-19 Thread thuong le
Hi Bharani,

Any update on this issue? Please let me know if we have any alternative for 
this issue, thank you!

On Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 2:27:43 AM UTC+7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hello Nazar, 
> Thank you for sharing the details. This is a known issue where the 
> customer_client resource is currently not returning results for Test 
> accounts. Our Engineering team is looking into this issue. I will keep you 
> posted on the updates. 
> Regards,
> Bharani, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UKNwoy:ref

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