Hi, I'm playing around with adjusting conversion values in gAds. The issue 
I have is with the conversions (ecommerce transactions) that are imported 
into gAds directly from GA (type: Import > GA):

First a short background of what I'm doing:

My scenario (that did not work):

   1. Created conversion in gAds of type import (from GA) - to get GA 
   transactions into gAds. Did a purchase on website, transaction is present 
   in GA, transaction is present as conversion also in gAds, with transaction 
   value of 12.34 €. Everything works fine till here.
   2. Prepared gSheet with upload data to change conversion value form 
   12.34 to let's say 333.33. Didn't work, got error that names of conversions 
   (in GA and gAds) aren't the same. BTW, changing value of conversions that 
   are set up in Google Ads as Website conversions (using gTag JS directly in 
   website's HTML) with gSheet upload works just fine.
   3. Asked for help our local gAds support team and they've told me that 
   changing conversion value with upload isn't an option if the conversions in 
   gAds are imported form Google Anayltics (which is BTW really strange to me 
   since it's all linked together).
   4. The team suggested the only possible solution left (I've tried couple 
   of other hacks to change conversion value but none of them worked as 
   expected): use Google Ads API. They've suggested the method 
   which actually does the same as I've tried with gSheet upload, but it's 
   done with API.

Since I want to suggest to our client the solution that really works and 
since we're talking about API implementation which could take quite a lot 
of time / money to set it up, I have couple of questions:

   1. Since gSheet upload in my scenario doesn't work (not for conversions 
   imported from GA) and since the 
   method OrderIdOfflineConversionAdjustmentFeed does similar thing - will API 
   method in my case work *for gAds conversions imported from GA*?
   2. If yes, which parameter is used to send Transaction Id that's used in 
   Google Anayltics? The only suitable parameter I see in the specs is 
   3. If no, is there any way to achieve this with Google Ads API (any 
   other method) or am I stuck with simply sending adjusted conversion value 
   already into the GA (as adjusted transaction revenue)?


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