[agi] Neural Network

2004-01-26 Thread Kevin


Some interesting tweaking of traditional NN's produces some 
itneresting results...


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RE: [agi] probability theory and the philosophy of science

2004-01-26 Thread Philip Sutton
Hi Ben,

I've just read: Science, Probability and Human Nature: A  
Sociological/ Computational/ Probabilist Philosophy of Science.  It's 
accessible (thanks) and very thought provoking.

As I read the paper, I imagined how these questions might relate to the 
creation and training and activities of Novamentes.

Coming out of my own work I've also been thinking about how 
Novamentes might deal with the issue of ecological sustainability.  This 
question then links up with some of the ideas in your paper.

You mentioned that key attributes of people (and perhaps also 
Novamentes?) who are likely to contribute most to the development of 
science is an interest in 'novelty' and 'simplicity' of theories (in the 
Einsteinian sense of as simple as possible, but no simpler?).  This 
was counterposed to people who seek 'stability' and 'persistence'.

For a while I've been thinking that AGIs should have an inbuilt value of 
caution in the face of possibilities to change the real world (a 
precautionary principle).  But in the light of your paper it occurred to me 
that you might see such a principle as predisposing AGIs to a 
personality of seeking stability and persistence and hence you might 
not be so keen on the idea of an inbuilt precautionary principle.

In my own work I've been trying to work out how to handle 
simultaneous drives for continuity and change.  I think these lie at the 
heart of the notion of 'sustainable development'.

I think a balanced personality needs to have both drives - to identify 
what needs to or is desirable to persist from the present into the future 
and what needs to or is desirable to be changed for the better (for the 
first time).  Perhaps then wisdom lies in the ability to decide what 
should be managed for continuity and what for change and what can be 
left to survive or not as an outcome of the evolution of the system.

So maybe the challenge is not to priviledge a drive for stability and 
persistence over an drive for novelty and change - or vice versa, but to 
enable people and AGIs to have *both* sub-personalities but have a 
system for applying these sub-personalities to different key issues.  
This then pushes the debate onto the question of what guides us to 
prefer to actively sustain versus to actively change in relation to 
different issues or questions.

Cheers, Philip

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