Evolving Logic has developed and is continuing to work on tools for 
handling complex adaptive systems where no model less complex than 
the system itself can accurately predict in detail how the system will 
behave at future times

Tools and Techniques for Developing Policies for Complex and 
Uncertain Systems  

Steven C. Bankes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Computer Scientist

Abstract: Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) can be characterized as 
those systems for which no model less complex than the system itself 
can accurately predict in detail how the system will behave at future 
times. Consequently, the standard tools of policy analysis, based as 
they are on devising policies that perform well on some best estimate 
model of the system, cannot be reliably used for CAS. This paper 
argues that policy analysis for CAS requires an alternative approach to 
decision theory. The general characteristics of such an approach are 
described, and examples provided of its application to policy analysis.  

Keywords: Complex adaptive systems (CAS), Decision Theory, 
Computational Experiments, Deep Uncertainty, Robustness, Adaptive 


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