Re: [agi] A probabilistic/algorithmic puzzle...

2003-02-20 Thread Jonathan Standley

  Let X_i, i=1,...,n, denote a set of discrete 
  random variables 
  X_i is the set of all integers 
  between i and n, initial value for i is 1?
  or is i any member of the set 
  or does i function only as a lower 
  bound to set X?
  hi me again. if forgot to ask: is 
  i,...,n an integer index pointing to a array of related 
  could X_i have this structure[1,6,3,7] in 
  other words is the internal order significant? can this exist X_i = 
  related question: does X_i represent 
  constructions in Novamente's knowledge representation system? or thoughts or 
  trains of thought? or a hybrid thought/knowledge 
  J Standley

Re: [agi] Re: AGI Complexity

2003-02-19 Thread Jonathan Standley
  There is no reason you couldn't take every single deterministic, P
  algorithm in the standard C++ libraries and implement it as hardware.
  Most programs would then be mostly written in assembly language, with
  constructions like
  binarysearch[sorted_array x, search_target y] replacing   add a, mov y,
  etc etc.

 That approach went out with the introduction of the 4004.

yeah I know but with the technology today it becomes a very powerful tool.
95% + of the processing in a Nvidia Geforce4 is pure hard-wired logic.  when
you write an application that involves the Direct3d API, the vast majority
of calls to the API go direct to hardware.  you tell the card to apply a
certain texture or shader or transform to a 3d object, and the chip grabs
that object from it;s on-card RAM and runs it through the appropriate
task-dedicated circuitry.  This is why video cards have such insane
bandwidth on their internal bus, throughput higher than 1 GB/sec is common
on mid-range cards

Even an old geforce 1 (worth about 20 bucks today) outperforms a top of the
current line pentium or athlon in the 3d rendering domain.

Imagine a motherboard that acted as the physical layer for a TCP/IP-based
mesh network.  This motherboard could have a number of slots for major
card-based subsystems like graphics and sound, and multiple zif type sockets
for several standardized chip sizes and pin configuration.  And of course a
CPU to play the role of conductor and traffic cop.  there could be dozens of
chip sockets on a given mother board, and you could connect motherboards to
build a more powerful system.  Then you simply add all the optional chips
and cards you want(the system is a fully functional PC from the start).

The thing is, once mass production of all this stuff starts, it's is just as
cheap as a conventional pc is today.  There is no fundamental technological
upgrade, just a different way of using current tech.

By having entire c++, java, etc. libraries in hardware on a base system, you
take a huge load off the cpu.
Instant supercomputer in a tidy 1000$ package.  :)

J Standley

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Re: [agi] Re: AGI Complexity

2003-02-19 Thread Jonathan Standley
 As I said (maybe you read what I had written as a joke) reconfigurable
 logic is your best choice. It's almost as good as custom hardware. Even
 though its pricey, you only have to buy it once and simply upload new
 designs to it.

no, I didn't take it as a joke.  I know FPGA's and such are the best choice
if you are developing processor intensive custom applications such as an
AGI.  They are indeed expensive...

the general thrust of my post though was about bringing supercomputer power
to your average joe. :)

J Standley

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Re: AGI Complexity (WAS: RE: [agi] doubling time watcher.)

2003-02-18 Thread Jonathan Standley

 Alan, I strongly suggest you increase your familiarity with neuroscience
before making such claims in the future.  I'm not sure what simplified model
of the neuron you are using, but be assured that there are many layers of
complexity of function within even a simple neuron, let alone in networks.
The coupled resistor/capacitor model is only given as a simplified version
in textbooks to make the topic of neural networks digestible to the
entry-level student.  Dendrites are not simple summators, they have a
variety of nonlinear processes including recursive, catalytic chemical
reactions and complex second-messenger systems.  That's just the tip of the
iceberg once you get into pharmacological subsystems, the complexity becomes
a bit staggering.

agreed that the brain is enormously complex; however I think the point Alan
was making hinges on a slightly different interpretation of the word

His interpretation seems to be similar to that which Hofstadter elucidates
in GEB; namely the idea of 'sealing off' of levels.  You can look at the
mind through different perspectives and at varying scales because of it's
high complexity.  Yet this very trait, arising from the brain's
mind-boggling complexity, allows one to model it at a system-scale level.
At a high enough level, you can start treating various major components as
black boxes, and dealing only with their high functionality.  Of course you
lose a certain amount of accuracy in doing this, but it is nonetheless a
valid approach.  We view and deal with other people as unified personalities
who we cannot 'read their mind'.  Rather we observe their actions and draw
conclusions about internal states that cannot be directly observed in the
absence of sophisticated brain-scanning technology.  Despite this
limitation, we are able to interact with others and predict their future
behavior and mental states to a reasonable degree.

Say I'm designing an AGI architecture (which I am btw, but it is irrelevant
to this discussion :)  and I want to preprocess audio data so that speech is
already parsed by the time it enters the AI's cognitive modules.  All I need
to do is obtain a preexisting natural language parser program and then
tailor the AI cognitive module(s) to work w/ it's output instead of raw
audio data.  I don't need to even look at the parsers' code if I don't want
to. (Although it may ease the use of it if I do examine it, it;s not

I suppose I'm saying you can approach the mind (or any complex system that
has at least vaguely recognizable functional subsystems) in a manner
analogous to that of Object Oriented Programming

Jonathan Standley

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[agi] Re: AGI Complexity

2003-02-18 Thread Jonathan Standley
 Ed Helfin wrote:

 It's been some time
since I looked at this, but I believe my conclusion was that it wasn't all
that reliable, I.e. low % accuracy for correct POS identification?, etc.  I
don't know if this gets you where you want to go, but it might be worth
looking at.

I've looked at a number of different speech and text parsers for my project,
but haven't decided yet on any one solution.  I think in a couple years this
technology will have advanced to the point of being 'plug and play' so to
speak, where you can include it as a standard library within , say, C++.

thanks for the suggestion :)

 BTB, it seems a better, more forward looking approach to your architecture
 might be to implement audio parsing (AP - or speech recognition SR?),
 natural language parsing (NLP) and cognitive processing (CP) or cognition
 a coherent whole, not the other way around with separate and distinct
 parsing (AP), natural language parsing (NLP), and cognitive processing
(CP) you suggest with your comments about an OO approach.

I've thought about this, and the conclusion I have come to is that depending
on how you approach AI, each architecture has its pros and cons.

This is why I feel that a functional, modular approach to sensory processing
is the easiest but certainly not the only correct way of doing it  --

If you show 10 people a simple object like a soda can or a pencil, and then
ask them to draw what they see without looking at the object, all ten
results are identifiably the same object.  This to me suggests that the
visual system itself is a highly reliable, predictable system.  Given the
same input, most individuals visual systems will (assuming no colorblindness
or other mutation) pass the same output to the concious levels of the mind.
Differences in perception exist to be sure, but the regularity of perception
among people is quite remarkable.

 In addition to the tremendous benefits of architecting something closer to
 real AGI, i.e. an obvious increase in the 'Goertzelian Real-AGI' level
 you would have the benefits of computational optimization, specifically,
 reduced # of ops to cognition, reduced object I/O, reduced latency,
 processing redundancy, etc. assuming, of course, your implementation of
 cognitive processing (CP) doesn't incur a tremendous overhead from the
 synthesis with the other two modules.

 This is a quite perceptive summary of the benefits of the approach you
suggest :)

I take a quite non-mainstream approach to AI, and more generally to computer
science as a whole.  For one, I am not at all interested in the CPU-centric
paradigm that permeates the computer industry.

Dedicated purpose hardware provides task specific performance orders of
magnitude higher than that of a general purpose CPU.  And task-specific
hardware need not be inordinately expensive.  Look at graphics and sound
boards as an example of this.

There is no reason you couldn't take every single deterministic, P algorithm
in the standard C++ libraries and implement it as hardware.  Most programs
would then be mostly written in assembly language, with constructions like

binarysearch[sorted_array x, search_target y] replacing   add a, mov y, etc

not only are you getting the efficiency boost of assembly language, but also
the speed boost of dedicated hardware!   I'm not suggesting eliminating
CPUs, just saying they should act as the conductor, not the conductor plus
the orchestra members plus the instruments plus the stage...

Also, software can be written in hardware.  Photoshop costs 500$, an entry
level computer from dell that will run PS quite well costs 400$.  This is
kinda nutty.  Put the fucker on a chip, with some flash ram to allow
patching, halve the price (who the hell pirates IC's?), and get at least an
order of magnitude increase in program speed *compared to current top of the
line Intel/AMD processors running software version of Photoshop*.  And this
speed would be more or less constant if you put the Photoshop chip in a 400$
PC or a 4000$ dollar pc.  (actually, the faster PC's could help out with
math-heavy stuff such as certain filters).

ok that was all rather off topic :)

anyway back to the topic on hand - I personally am not so much interested in
either imitating the brains architecture or designing a mind that is highly
efficient and 'smart' from the get go.  I'm trying to solve the problem of
general cognition, and hence I don't care if an AI based on my methods
starts out with the smarts of a mouse :).  As long as the general conceptual
basis is sound, and scaleable to human-level cognition or higher, I would be
a very, very happy person.

Ed, thanks for your insightful and thought provoking comments :)  they have
my brain going off in all sorts of directions as a result of writing this
response, and that is definitely a good thing.

J Standley

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Re: [agi] Emergent ethics via training - eg. game playing

2003-01-29 Thread Jonathan Standley
Indeed, I regretted those choices as soon as I hit the send button ...
 Hi Jonathan,

 I think Sim City and many of the Sim games would be good but
 Civilization 3 and Alpha Centauri and Black  White are highly
 competitive and allow huge scope for being combative.

 Compared to earlier versions, Civilisation 3 has added more options for
 non-war based domination but unless players are committed to a
 peaceful approach the program is largely a war game.

 I don't know Black  White personally but I picked up a review at:

  The premise is simple: you're a god and it's your task to convert as
  many nonbelievers to your cause as possible, thereby gaining power. You
  can be a good god or a bad god, an evil master of destruction or a
  benevolent flower daddy - or any of the millions of shades in between.
  By managing your villages and fighting other gods, you vie for ultimate

 I'm not sure that Black  White would be good training for an AGI. Do
 we really want it to limber up as a dominating god - maybe benevolent
 and maybe not??

 Cheers, Philip

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Re: [agi] Emergent ethics via training - eg. game playing

2003-01-28 Thread Jonathan Standley
Sim City, Black  White, the Sims, civ3  the related Alpha Centauri

All good choices I think

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Re: [agi] Language and AGI (was Re: Early Apps)

2002-12-27 Thread Jonathan Standley

- Original Message -
From: Shane Legg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Language and AGI (was Re: Early Apps)

 I guess people continue to do AI with languages like English
 because that is what is of practical use and where more money
 is likely to be.


A newspeak style language might be useful for communicating with fairly
simple AI's  An emerging mind would probably have no more use for 10
synonyms for have  than a baby learning to talk does.

But natural language may be one of the more 'difficult' approaches to AI.
The various experiments that have been conducted in regards to the
Sapir-Worf hypothesis
lead me to question the notion of language as the root of intelligence.  It
seems likely to me that a human stores and manipulates primarily conceptual
constructions, not linguistic ones.  The language one speaks certainly
influences thought processes, but few people think in sentences.

J Standley

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Re: [agi] Re: Games for AIs

2002-12-13 Thread Jonathan Standley
Gary Miller wrote:

 People who have pursued the experience such as myself and have been
 given small tastes of success will tell you unequivocally that if it is
 not endorphins that are being released then there is something even more
 powerful at work within the brain.

I think that it has been fairly well established that endorphins are
involved in these flow states; my contention is that concious sensation is
a result of the change in neural activity patterns caused by
neurotransmitters and other factors, not the neurotransmitters themselves.
IMO this is important b/c it generalizes conciousness as a property of
complex dynamic systems such as the brain

 The interesting thing is that while in this state you perceive the
 intellect as being greatly heightened, with thoughts flowing at an
 extremely accelerated pace and the sense of one's self or being separate
 from everything else is eliminated or greatly diminished.  Mystics who
 devote their live to the self-inducement of this state are not
 necessarily doing so for just philosophic or religious reasons.  The
 sense of clarity and pleasure experienced during the state may be very
 addictive and may be the basis for the revelatory experiences that
 inspired all modern day religions.  In many cases the experiences are so
 strong that a single experience has been known to cause people to
 completely change the direction of their lives.

I've experienced this state before, it is very powerful...

 While it is difficult to separate the scientific literature from the
 large body of new age and religious hyperbole, there may be an overdrive
 gear that can be triggered in the mind by practice of meditative

 Should a FAI have a MetaGoal to maximize it's own perceived pleasure.
 Since the FAI will need a mechanism to prioritize it's internal goal
 states the external trigger for such a state could be used reprioritize
 the FAI's goals states at least during early development to induce it to
 follow positive modes of thought and stay out of areas such as obsessive
 compulsive behavior, antisocial behavior, paranoia, megalomania and
 other states associated with mental illness.

Current research into mental illness does indeed suggest that such disorders
are the result of faulty internal mechanisms which in a normal person keep
the mind on an even keel.  the Discovery channel had a program about OCD on
not that long ago that profiled a team of researchers who are testing that

J Standley

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Re: Re[3]: [agi] TLoZ: Link's Awakening.

2002-12-12 Thread Jonathan Standley
I do agree that it seems a bit forced at times; the thing that struck me
about it is that it seems to be a efficient method of filtering confusing or
seemingly contradictory ideas into a set of data that is relatively easy to
parse and/or analyze.
the 'debate' between Kant and a modern philosopher IMO is a good example of

I'm not sure, but I think this process could be implemented in an
algorithmic manner. A true AI would probably look at this (CIN) the way we
do, as an idea to be evaluated and discussed, but CIN might be an easy way
to add some abstract reasoning capability to something like a chatterbot

J Standley

 A clarification:

 CS I'm not quite getting their generic space and
 CS blended space concepts; it all seems a bit forced and
 CS overabstracted.

 In their monk-mountain and regatta-race examples I get the mental
 overlapping of the same space on two different occasions point, where
 drawing neat diagrams of blended spaces makes some sense; I just don't
 get the generalization of this to other classes of problem, where it seems


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Re: [agi] Re: Games for AIs

2002-12-12 Thread Jonathan Standley
The idea of putting a baby AI in a simulated world where it might learn
cognitive skills is appealing.  But I suspect that it will take a huge
number of iterations for the baby AI to learn the needed lessons in that

This is definitely a serious consideration  - one way to overcome this might
be the inclusion of innate behaviors that steer the new mind towards
activities/actions that engender cognitive and emotional development.
Babies instinctively look at faces, reach for objects, and track moving
things w/ their eyes and eventually head and neck.

An AI's innate behaviors could have a built in reward structure, where, for
example, succesfully tracking a ball rolled across the simulated floor
would reinforce the neural network patterns that produced the desired

On a related note, what is the nature of pleasure(reward)?  is it simply the
sensation that occurs b/c of the neural activity/reorganization that occurs
when needs are fulfilled or tasks completed successfully?  If so, does
pleasure correlate to increases in neural efficiency?  Neurons and the
networks they make up require a certain amount of reinforcement to maintain
normal functioning (this is a fact, though I wish I had a reference handy to
back up that assertion :).  I'm guessing that pleasure is caused when
reinforcement levels rise above their recent average.  This would account
for the fact that a) practising or doing something you like is pleasurable
b) pleasure is relative to circumstance, and c) all forms of pleasure seem
to be built upon the same core sensation.  IMO this is important because it
takes chemical effects out of the emotion equation, ie chemicals cause
pleasure by activating existing reinforcement mechanisms.  If I'm right,
emotions are (at their most basic level) nothing but patterns in the
activity of neural network type system, which we feel b/c we 'are' the
system's activity, not the system itself...
On a practical note, if  the above hypothesis is correct, it would be
relatively easy to identify the signature patterns of different emotions
(via PET or fMRI) and emotionally program an AI's reward structure to
ensure that it behaves itself

J Standley
updated today! see:

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Re: [agi] Re: Games for AIs

2002-12-12 Thread Jonathan Standley


 [motovation problem].

 No, human euphoria is much more than simple neural reenforcement. It is
 a result of special endorphines such as dopomine that are released when
 the midbrain is happy about something.

You're right.  I really should have thought out that post a little more
before writing it
when I said about removing chemistry from the equation what I was sort of
getting at was that the endorphins'(or cocaine or any other
pleasure-generating chemical) presence results in changes in the behavior
and activity of affected neurons, and what we 'feel' is the shifts in
activity patterns.  Without getting too offtopic or philosophical, I was
trying to universalize the phenomena of feeling emotions, by saying that
it's not the chemical activity itself we feel.  If one were to stimulate a
given cluster of neurons in a manner that would cause them to act exactly as
if they were being influenced by endorphins, I think the subject would
'feel' the exact same sensation as if the neurons were 'naturally'

 You see, the cortex has no oppinion about anything whatsovever. It is
 merely a computational matrix. It receives its programming from exactly
 two sources. External stimuli and the midbrain/brain-steam. (though
 special areas of the cortex are dedicated to doing some of the
 high-level work required by emotional circuits).

 In the brain steam there are special neural networks that generate
 special kinds of decisions that I will call oppinions. ;)

 When this circuit likes something it gets all happy and sends excitory
 signals... When it is unhappy it sends inhibitory signals. A particular
 disorder that I have (and many other people have) is depression where
 excessive inhibitory signals are generated

I have moderate depression w/ an associated sleep disorder; it's one of the
things that originally got me interested in neurology and cog. science.

 I'm still reading and hopefully I'll have some ideas about emotional
 qualia and the like.

I'm looking at your website as I write this, you have some fascinating ideas
on there...

J Standley

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Re: [agi] Automated Turing Test

2002-12-11 Thread Jonathan Standley
how about selling the software to spammers while also selling more
difficult tests to sites like yahoo?

anyone want to get rich quick?  :)
 Two things come to mind:
   1) might be useful at some stage for doing tests of perceptual
  systems, in some cases possibly even for directing research
  (i.e., using the given tests as challenges)
   2) make money selling captcha-passing software to spammers
 although if you do 2), we'll have to kill you.


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