RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-03-02 Thread Philip Sutton


OK - so Novamente has a system for 
handling 'importance' already and 
there is an importance updating function that feeds back to other aspects of 
Attention Value. That's good in terms of Novamente having an internal 
architecture capable of supporting and ethical system. 

 You're asking 
the AGI to solve the inverse problem: Find the concept
 that is consistent 
with these descriptions and associations, and then
 embody that concept 
in your own behavior. I think this is a very hard
 learning problem 

 which presumably means that it 
will be put off until the AGI has the 
capacity to undertake the leaning process. So why is this a problem? 

 and the AGI might 
will come up with something subtly but dangerously
 twisted I 
don't trust this 1/1000 at much as experience-based

But it's not either/or - under the 
approach that I've suggested, Novamente 
would have an itch to learn about certain ethical concepts AND it would 
gain experience-based learning - so if experience-based learning is so good 
why wouldn't it help Novamente to handle it internal itch-driven learning 
without the subtle but dangerous twisting that you fear? 

And anyway why would your pure experience-based 
learning approach be 
any less likely to lead to subtly but dangerously warped ethical systems? 
The trainers could make errors and a Novamente's self-learning could be 
skewed by the limits of its experience and the modelling it observes. 

I am not certain, but I don't have a good feeling about it.
 I think 
it's fine to stimulate things related to compassion and
 inhibit things 
opposed to it, but, I think this will be useful as a
 *guide* to an 
experience-based learning process, not as a primary means
 of stimulating 
the development of a sense of compassion. 

Your approach to ethics seems to be 
based almost 100% on learning and 
you seem to thing that your own team will be training all the Novamentes 
before they leave the sandbox. How can you guarantee that your team will 
always be the trainers and the quality standards will always be maintained? 

For example, why couldn't someone 
outside your group get a copy of a 
Novamente and just strip out the learned data and then retrain the new 
copy of Novamente themselves? 


Getting back to your basic preferred 
concept of using expience-based 
learning to build a Novamente's ethical beliefs - this means that every 
Novamente has to start as a tabula rasa and in effect learn all the lessons 
of evolution all by itself. 

With anything less intelligent than 
a human-equivalent Novamente this 
would be a highly inefficient approach. But with something as intelligent as 
human-equivalent Novamente this a hugely dangerous strategy. 

Given that ethics were not hard wired 
into early animals - you have to ask 
why this hard wiring eventually emerged. My guess is that as animals 
became more powerful and potentially dangerous to their own kind it was 
only the ones with inbuilt ethics that could be activated soon after birth that 
were safe enough to survive and pass on their genes. 

In other word the lesson of evolution 
was that evolutionary recapitulation 
could not be relied on to get each animal to a point where it was safe for its 


Just as an aside, it seems that autism 
is a condition caused by problems 
with a human's pre-wired empathy system. According to your preferred 
approach to GI training it should only be a matter of training human GI in 
ethics and empathy. Why then does autism exist as a problem since 99% 
of autistic kids are put through a major training program by parents and 
others to get them to relate socially? I simply can't see why a Novamente 
that is without a modicum of ethical hardwiring will not end up being 
autisitic - no matter how good the training program you might give it. 

Why will your Novamentes not be autistic 
- despite the training regime that 
you intend? 


At this stage in the discussion on 
the AGI list I haven't heard anything to 
convinve me that a certain amount of ethical pre-wiring is certain to cause 
problems that are any greater than the problems that could be caused by 
NOT having a modicum of carefully designed ethical hardwiring. 


You have said many times that we need 
to suck it an see through 
experiment - that the theory of AGI psychological development is too 
underdeveloped because we don't know what we are dealing with. 

So why not proceed to develop Novamente's 
down two different paths 
simultaneously - the path you have already designed - where experience-
based learning is virtually the only strategy, and a variant where some 
Novamentes have a modicum of carefully designed pre-wiring for ethics? 

Then you've got some experiential 
basis for comparing the two proposed 
strategies - and quick corrective action will be easier if one or other strategy 
shows signs of running into problems. 

And less 

RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-03-02 Thread Philip Sutton


 I don't 
have a good argument on this point, just an intuition, based
 on the fact that 
generally speaking in narrow AI, inductive learning
 based rules based 
on a very broad range of experience, are much more
 robust than expert-encoded 
rules. The key is a broad range of
 experience, otherwise 
inductive learning can indeed lead to rules that
 are overfit 
to their training situations and don't generalize well
 to fundamentally 
novel situations. 

I've played around with expert systems 
years ago (I designed one to 
interpret a legal framework I was working on) and I'm familiar with the 
notion of inductive learning - using computers to generate algorithms 
representing patterns in large data sets. And I can see why the fuzzier 
system might be more robust in the face of partial novely.

But I'm not proposing that AGIs rely only on 
pre-wired ethical drivers - 
a major program of experience-based learning would also be needed - 
just as you are planning.

And in any case I didn't propose that 
the modicum of hard-wiring take 
the form a deductive 'expert system'-style rule-base. That would be 
very inflexible as the sole basis for ethical judgement formation (and in 
any case the AGI itself would be capable of developing very good 
deductive rule-bases and inductive expert system 'rule' bases without 
the need for these to be preloaded).

 If there need 
to be multiple Novamentes (not clear -- one might be
 enough), they 
could be produced through cloning rather than raising
 each one from 

Ok - I hadn't thought of cloning as 
a way to avoid having to directly 
train every Novamente.

But the idea of having just one Novamente 
seems somewhat 
unrealistic and quite risky to me. 

If the Novamente design is going to 
enable boostraping as you plan 
then your one Novamente is going to end up being very powerful. If you 
try to be the gatekeeper to this one powerful AGI then (a) the rest of the 
world will end up considering your organisation as worse than Microsoft 
and many of your clients are not going to want to be held to ranson by 
being dependent on your one AGI for their mission critical work and (b) 
the one super-Novamente might develop ideas if it own that might not 
include you or anyone else being the gatekeeper.

The idea of one super-Novamente is 
also dangerous because this one 
AGI will develop its own perspecitive on things and given its growing 
power that perpective or bias could become very dangerous for any 
one or anything that didn't fit in with that perspective.

I think an AGI needs other AGIs to 
relate to as a community so that a 
community of leaning develops with multiple perspectives available. 
This I think is the only way that the accelerating bootstraping of AGIs 
can be handled with any possibility of being safe.

 The engineering/teaching 
of ethics in an AI system is pretty different
 from its evolution 
in natural systems... 

Of course. But that is not to 
say that there is nothing to be learned 
from evolution about the value of building in ethics in creatures that are 
very intelligent and very powerful.

You didn't respond to one part of 
my last message:

 Philip: So why 
not proceed to develop Novamentes down two different
 paths simultaneously 
- the path you have already designed - where
learning is virtually the only strategy, and a variant
 where some Novamentes 
have a modicum of carefully designed pre-wiring
 for ethics.
(coupled with a major program of experience-based 

On reflection I can well imagine that 
you are not ready to make any 
commitment to my suggestion to give the dual (simultaneous) 
development path approach a go. But would 
you be prepared to 
explore the possibility of dual (simultaneous) development path 
approach? I think there would be much to be learned from at least 
examining the dual approach prior to making any commitment.

What do you think?

Cheers, Philip

RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-03-02 Thread Ben Goertzel

  But the idea of 
  having just one Novamente seems somewhat unrealistic and quite risky to 

  If the Novamente design is 
  going to enable boostraping as you plan then your one Novamente is going to 
  end up being very powerful. If you try to be the gatekeeper to this one 
  powerful AGI then (a) the rest of the world will end up considering your 
  organisation as worse than Microsoft and many of your clients are not going to 
  want to be held to ranson by being dependent on your one AGI for their mission 
  critical work and (b) the one super-Novamente might develop ideas if it own 
  that might not include you or anyone else being the 
  The idea of one 
  super-Novamente is also dangerous because this one AGI will develop its own 
  perspecitive on things and given its growing power that perpective or bias 
  could become very dangerous for any one or anything that didn't fit in with 
  that perspective.
  I think an AGI 
  needs other AGIs to relate to as a community so that a community of leaning 
  develops with multiple perspectives available. This I think is the only way 
  that the accelerating bootstraping of AGIs can be handled with any possibility 
  of being safe.

  feels to me like a lot of anthropomorphizing...
  Clearly there are going to be a fair number of 
  commercial partial-Novamente software systems in use before we finish the real 
  uber-Novamente But, I don't see why there necessarily has to be more 
  than one Novamente taught to be a true AGI.
  me, it's an unanswered question whether it'sa better use of, 
  say,10^5 computers to make them all one Novamente, or to partition them 
  into a society of Novamente's
   Philip: So why not proceed to develop Novamentes 
  down two different
   paths simultaneously - the path you have already 
  designed - where
   experience-based learning is virtually the only 
  strategy, and a variant
   where some Novamentes have a modicum of carefully 
  designed pre-wiring
   for ethics.
  (coupled with a 
  major program of experience-based learning)? 
  On reflection I 
  can well imagine that you are not ready to make any commitment to my 
  suggestion to give the dual (simultaneous) development path approach a 
  go. But would you be prepared to explore the possibility of 
  (simultaneous) development path approach? I think there would be much to 
  be learned from at least examining the dual approach prior to making any 
  What do you 
  I guess I'm accustomed to working in a 
  limited-resources situation, where you just have to make an intuitive call as 
  to the best way to do something and then go with it ... and then try the next 
  way on the list, if one's first way didn't work...
  Of course, if there are a lot of resources available, 
  one can explore parallel paths simultaneously and do more of a breadth-first 
  rather than a depth-first search through design space !
  -- Ben G

RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-03-02 Thread Philip Sutton


I think an AGI needs other AGIs to relate to as a community so that a
of learning develops with multiple perspectives available.
  This I think 
is the only way that the accelerating bootstraping of
  AGIs can 
be handled with any possibility of being safe. ** 
 Ben: That feels 
to me like a lot of anthropomorphizing...

Why? Why would humans be the 
only super-intelligent GI to have 
perspectives or points of view? I would have thought it was inevitable 
for any resource limited/experience limited GI system. And any AGI in 
the real world is going to be resource and experience limited.

 To me, it's an 
unanswered question whether it's a better use of, say,
 10^5 computers 
to make them all one Novamente, or to partition them
 into a society 
of Novamente's 

This was the argument that raged over 
mainframe vs mini/PC 

The question is only partly technical 
- there are many other issues that 
will determine the outcome.

If for no other reason, the monopolies 
regulators are probably not going 
to allow all the work requiring an AGI to go through one company. Also 
users of AGI services are not going to want to have to deal with a 
monopolist - most big companies will want to have at the very least 
least 2-3 AGI service companies in the market place.And its unlikely 
that these service companies are going to want to have to buy all their 
AGI grunt from just one company.

Even in the CPU market there's still 
AMD serving up a bit of 
competition to Intel. And Windows isn't the only OS in the market.

And then there's the wider community 
- if there are going to be AGIs at 
all will the community rest easier if they think there is just one super 
AGI?? What do people think of Oracle's plan to have one big 
government database?

In any case it's clearly not safe 
to have just one AGI in existance - if the 
one AGI goes feral the rest of us are going to need to access the power 
of some pretty powerful AGIs to contain/manage the feral one. 
Humans have the advantage of numbers but in the end we may not 
have the intellectual power or speed to counter an AGI that is actively 
setting out to threaten humans.

So why not proceed to develop Novamentes down two different
  paths simultaneously 
- the path you have already designed - where
learning is virtually the only strategy, and a
where some Novamentes have a modicum of carefully designed
for ethics. (coupled with a major program of

 Ben: I guess 
I'm accustomed to working in a limited-resources
 situation, where 
you just have to make an intuitive call as to the
 best way to do 
something and then go with it ... and then try the next
 way on the list, 
if one's first way didn't work... Of course, if
 there are a lot 
of resources available, one can explore parallel paths
and do more of a breadth-first rather than a
 depth-first search 
through design space ! 

There is at least one other option 
that you haven't mentioned and that 
is to take longer to create the AGI via the 100% experience-based 
learning route so you can free some resources to devote to following 
the 'hard-wiring plus experiential 
learning' route as well.

It's not going to be the end of the 
world if we take a little longer to 
create a safe AGI but it could be the end of the line for all humans or at 
least those humans not allied with the AGI if we get a feral or 
dangerous AGI by mistake.

And maybe by pursuing both routes 
simulaneously you might generate 
more goodwill that might increase the resourcing levels a bit further 
down the track.

Cheers, Philip

RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-03-02 Thread Ben Goertzel


What would help me 
to understand this idea would be to understand in more detail what kinds of 
rules you want to hardwire.

Do you want to 
hardwire, for instance, a rule like "Don'tkill 

And then give it 
rough rule-based definitions of "don't", "kill" and "people", and count on 
learning to augment/replace these 

Or do you want to 
hardwire rules at a finer-grained 


  maybe by pursuing both routes simulaneously you might generate more goodwill 
  that might increase the resourcing levels a bit further down the track.
  Well, the bottom line is that the hard-wiring 
  approach doesn't make that much intuitive sense to me. But I could be 
  wrong, I've been wrong plenty of times before.
  We're going to have the Novamente book published 
  before we have a super-smart Novamente ready. So, hopefully someone will 
  read the book and formulate a good approach to hard-wiring ethical rules, in 
  detail If it makes enough sense I'll be convinced that it's the way 
  to do things I'm not closed-minded about it, i just don't see why 
  it's a good idea yet, and I don't have enough intuition for your idea to 
  design something in detail based on it myself...

RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-03-01 Thread Ben Goertzel

At the moment you have truth and attention 
values attached to nodes and links. I'm wondering whether you need to have 
a third numerical value type relating to 'importance'. Attention has a 
temporal implication - it's intended to focus significant mental resources on a 
key issue in the here and now. And truth values indicate the reliability of the 
data. Neither of these concepts capture the notion of importance.

Actually, the AttentionValue has multiple 
components. One is called LongTermImportance and it controls which things 
are retained memory versus being paged to disk or outright deleted. For 
instance, if you're overseas for three years cut off from all contact with your 
home country, your mom's name may not be worthy of attention during that period, 
but you won't forget it... in Novamente this means it has a lot of 

ethical truths should have a lot of LTI...

There is also an AV component called "importance," 
which is controlled by a number of factors including LTI, the recent utility of 
thinking about something, and the amount of recentactivity involving that 

I guess the next question is, what would 
an AGI do with data on importance. I'm just thinking off the top of my head, but 
my guess is that if the nodes and links had high importance values but low truth 
values that this should set up an 'itch' in the system driving the AGI to engage 
in learning and contemplation that would lift the truth values. Maybe the 
higher the dissonance between the importance values and the truth values, the 
more this would stimulate high attention values for the related nodes and 

The dynamics are not as simple as you suggest, but this 
is the basic character of what the nonlinear Importance Updating Function 

  Let's take the hardest case first. 
  Let's take the most arcane abstract concept that you can think of or the one 
  that has the most intricate and complex implications/shades of meaning for 
  Lets label the 
  concept B31-58-DFT. We create a register in the AGI machinery to store 
  important ethical concepts. We load in the label B31- 58-DFT and we give 
  it a high importance value. We also load in a set of words in quite a 
  few major languages into two other registers - one set of words are considered 
  to have meaning very close to the concept that we have prelabelled as 
  B31-58-DFT. We also load in words that are not the descriptive *meaning* 
  of the B31-58-DFT concept but are often associated with it. We then set 
  the truth value of B31-58-DFT to, say, zero. We also create a GoalNode 
  associated to B31-58-DFT that indicates whether the AGI should link B31-58-DFT 
  to its positive goal structure or to its negative goal structure ie. is 
  B31-58-DFT more of an attractor or a repeller concept?
  (BTW, most 
  likely there would need to be some system for ensuring that the urge to 
  contemplate concept B31-58-DFT didn't get so strong that the AGI was incapable 
  of doing anything else.)
  We could also 
  load in some body-language patterns often observed in association with the 
  concept if there are such things in this case eg. smiles on human faces, 
  wagging tails on dogs, purring in cats, etc. (or some other pattern, eg. (1) 
  bared teeth, growling hissing, frowns, red faces; (2) pricked ears, lifted eye 
  brows, quite alterness; and so on).
  We make sure 
  that the words we load in to the language registers include words that the AGI 
  in the infantile stages of development might most likely associate with 
  concept B31-58-DFT - so that the assocation between the prebuilt info about 
  B31-58-DFT and what the AGI learns early in its life can be linked early and 
  With this 
  structure in place the itch to understand and elaborate B31-58- DFT should be 
  pretty strong and the AGI would probably get a real kick about thinking about 
  In the earliest 
  of stages the AGI will scan its register of preloaded ethically important 
  concepts and find that it has no learned information to understand or link the 
  words and body language patterns to B31-58-DFT because it has not learned to 
  recognise these words and body language patterns in the real world. ie. there 
  is no bridge yet between what it truly has learned for itself and the 
  preloaded linked words/body language patterns. So the itch will still be 
  strong to learn more (from experience and taught learning) until the bridge 
  can be created. Once one or bridges are created then the AGI should 
  engage in accellerated self-directed learning to create more bridges to 
  concept B31-58-DFT. From there on the AGI will probably work on several 
  fronts - filling out the concept, working out what it means for action, 
  improving the truth value of the concept and retuning the importance 
  How would this 
  system work if B31-58-DFT was the code for "compassion 

RE: [agi] Symbols in search of meaning - what is the meaning of B31-58-DFT?

2003-02-27 Thread Philip Sutton


 One question 
is whether it's enough to create general
functionality, and let it deal with seeking
 meaning for symbols 
as a subcase of its general behavior. Or does
 one need to create 
special heuristics/algorithms/structures just for
 guiding this 
particular process? 

Bit of both I think. Its a bit 
like there's a search for 'meaning' and a search 
for 'Meaning'.

I think all AGIs need to search for 
meaning behind patterns to be able to 
work out useful cause/effect webs. And when AGIs work with symbols this 
general 'seeking the meaning of patterns' process can be applied as the first 
level of contemplation.

But in the ethical context I think 
we are after 'Meaning' where this relates to 
to some notion of the importance of 
the pattern or symbol for some 
significant entity - for the AGI, the AGIs mentors, other sentient beings and 
other life.

At the moment you have truth and attention 
values attached to nodes and 
links. I'm wondering whether you need to have a third numerical value type 
relating to 'importance'. Attention has a temporal implication - it's intended 
to focus significant mental resources on a key issue in the here and now. 
And truth values indicate the reliability of the data. Neither of these 
concepts capture the notion of importance.

I guess the next question is, what 
would an AGI do with data on importance. 
I'm just thinking off the top of my head, but my guess is that if the nodes 
and links had high importance values but low truth values that this should 
set up an 'itch' in the system driving the AGI to engage in learning and 
contemplation that would lift the truth values. Maybe the higher the 
dissonance between the importance values and the truth values, the more 
this would stimulate high attention values for the related nodes and links.

Then there's the question of what 
would generate the importance values. I 
think these values would ultimately be derived from the perceived 
importance values conveyed by 'significant others' for the AGI and by the 
AGIs own ethical goal structure.

 I don't think 
that preloading symbols and behavior models for
 something as 
complex as *ethical issues* is really going to be
 possible. I think 
ethical issues and associated behavior models are
 full of nuances 
that really need to be learned. 

Of course ethical issues and 
associated behavior models are full of 
nuances that really need to be learned to make much deep sense. Even 
NGIs like us, with presumably loads of hardwired predisposition to ethical 
behaviour, can spend their whole life in ethical learning and contemplation! 

So I guess the issues are (a) whether 
it's worth preload ethical concepts and 
(b) whether it's possible to do it.

I'll start with (b) first and then 
cosider (a) (since lots of people have a 
pragmatic tendency not to bother about issues till the means for acting on 
them are available).

(Please bear in mind that I'm not 
experienced or expert in any of the 
domains I'm riding rough shod over.everything I say will be intuitive 
generalist ideas...)

Let's take the hardest case first. 
Let's take the most arcane abstract 
concept that you can think of or the one that has the most intricate and 
complex implications/shades of meaning for living.

Lets label the concept B31-58-DFT. 
We create a register in the AGI 
machinery to store important ethical concepts. We load in the label B31-
58-DFT and we give it a high importance value. We also load in a set of 
words in quite a few major languages into two other registers - one set of 
words are considered to have meaning very close to the concept that we 
have prelabelled as B31-58-DFT. We also load in words that are not the 
descriptive *meaning* of the B31-58-DFT concept but are often associated 
with it. We then set the truth value of B31-58-DFT to, say, zero. We also 
create a GoalNode associated to B31-58-DFT that indicates whether the 
AGI should link B31-58-DFT to its positive goal structure or to its negative 
goal structure ie. is B31-58-DFT more of an attractor or a repeller concept?

(BTW, most likely there would need 
to be some system for ensuring that the 
urge to contemplate concept B31-58-DFT didn't get so strong that the AGI 
was incapable of doing anything else.)

We could also load in some body-language 
patterns often observed in 
association with the concept if there are such things in this case eg. smiles 
on human faces, wagging tails on dogs, purring in cats, etc. (or some other 
pattern, eg. (1) bared teeth, growling hissing, frowns, red faces; (2) pricked 
ears, lifted eye brows, quite alterness; and so on).

We make sure that the words we load 
in to the language registers include 
words that the AGI in the infantile stages of development might most likely 
associate with concept B31-58-DFT - so that the assocation between the 
prebuilt info about B31-58-DFT and what the AGI learns early in its life can