--- On Fri, 11/14/08, Colin Hales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Try running yourself with empirical results instead of metabelief
(belief about belief). You'll get someplace .i.e. you'll resolve the
inconsistencies. When inconsistencies are testably absent, no
matter how weird the answer, it will deliver maximally informed
choices. Not facts. Facts will only ever appear differently after
choices are made. This too is a fact...which I have chosen to make
choices about. :-) If you fail to resolve your inconsistency then you
are guaranteeing that your choices are minimally informed.

Fine. By your definition of consciousness, I must be conscious because I can 
see and because I can apply the scientific method, which you didn't precisely 
define, but I assume that means I can do experiments and learn from them.

But by your definition, a simple modification to autobliss ( 
http://www.mattmahoney.net/autobliss.txt ) would make it conscious. It already 
applies the scientific method. It outputs 3 bits (2 randomly picked inputs to 
an unknown logic gate and a proposed output) and learns the logic function. The 
missing component is vision. But suppose I replace the logic function (a 4 bit 
value specified by the teacher) with a black box with 3 switches and a light 
bulb to indicate whether the proposed output (one of the switches) is right or 
wrong. You also didn't precisely define what constitutes vision, so I assume a 
1 pixel system qualifies.

Of course I don't expect anyone to precisely define consciousness (as a 
property of Turing machines). There is no algorithmically simple definition 
that agrees with intuition, i.e. that living humans and nothing else are 
conscious. This goes beyond Rice's theorem, which would make any nontrivial 
definition not computable. Even allowing non computable definitions (the output 
can be "yes", "no", or "maybe"), you still have the problem that any 
specification with algorithmic complexity K can be expressed as a program with 
complexity K. Given any simple specification (meaning K is small) I can write a 
simple program that satisfies it (my program has complexity at most K). 
However, for humans, K is about 10^9 bits. That means any specification smaller 
than a 1 GB file or 1000 books would allow a counter intuitive example of a 
simple program that meets your test for consciousness.

Try it if you don't believe me. Give me a simple definition of consciousness 
without pointing to a human (like the Turing test does). I am looking for a 
program is_conscious(x) shorter than 10^9 bits that inputs a Turing machine x 
and outputs yes, no, or maybe.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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