Re: BUS: Re: OFF: CFJ 3931 Assigned to ais523 [@Arbitor + Glitter]

2021-09-26 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-business

ais523 wrote:

I award myself Blue Glitter for the judgement.

I award 6 BoCs (156 coins) to ais523.

BUS: Re: OFF: CFJ 3931 Assigned to ais523 [@Arbitor + Glitter]

2021-09-19 Thread ais523 via agora-business
On Fri, 2021-09-17 at 12:59 +1000, Telna via agora-official wrote:
> The below CFJ is 3931. I assign it to ais523.
> =
> In this message I have won the game.

There are a few relevant questions surrounding this CFJ:
a) What "subject to modification" means in rule 2577.
b) Whether there were issues with Cuddlebeam's wording which prevent
   the scam working, even if the relevant rules supported it.
c) Whether there are precedence issues that prevent Cuddlebeam winning
   even if the text injection was successful.

Starting with b), because it gives a simple (if unsatisfying)
resolution to the CFJ. Cuddlebeam phrased eir attempted modifications
to the asset transfer action as "when". To me, this implies that the
asset transfer goes through first, and then the contract attempts to
cause something to happen as a consequence of that. I don't think that
sufficient to count as a modification to the asset transfer action (in
particular, if it failed, it wouldn't cause the transfer to fail, which
implies that it's something separate rather than the whole). So I judge

Looking at point c) also brings us to the same conclusion. Rule 2449
starts "When the Rules state that a person or persons win the game,"
implying that only a Rule can make the statement that a player wins. We
used to have an explicit rule that allowed players to win by proposal –
wins as a consequence of a proposal passing wouldn't have been valid
without that rule. It's since been repealed, and to win the game by
proposal nowadays, you need to create a rule that gives you the win
(rather than trying to have the proposal give you a win directly).

This implies that any sort of ruletext injection that awarded wins
would have to cause the rule itself to state that a player won the
game. With a "subject to modification by a contract" clause, it's the
*contract* that's stating that a player won the game. And because rule
2140 bans a power-0 contract from setting or modifying any aspect of a 
positive-power rule that affects its operation, there's no way for the
contract to cause a rule to state that Cuddlebeam wins the game either.
So, still FALSE.

These are both unsatisfying lines of reasoning, though – although they
let us answer the question asked in the CFJ, they don't solve the
underlying problem of whether the underlying scam is workable (for,
e.g., doing unsecured things). So let's look at point a) now; what do
the rules mean when they say something "subject to modification by [a]
backing document"?

R2577 uses the phrasing "generally CAN … by announcement … subject to
modification". By far the most sensible reading of the rule (which I
think may be the only reading supported by the text, but even if
not, it's surely the reading supported by game custom and common
sense) is that the "subject to modification" applies to the "generally
CAN … by announcement"; in other words, this is something you can
normally do by announcement, but that can be modified, and the "that"
here seems to be the "you can do it by announcement". So in other
words, the modifications suggested by the rules are modifications to
the mechanism via which the destruction or transfer happens.

Even if the text of the rules is considered to be "silent" or "unclear"
on the matter, and I'm not sure they are, R217 is in agreement with my
interpretation of what the text says. Game custom is definitely on its
side; the modifications that we typically see in practice are things
like "you can't do this" or "you can do this by paying a fee" or "you
can do this without objection", etc.. The best interests of the game,
and common sense, also suggest that the modifications should be things
that the backing document "can do anyway"; preventing an asset being
transferred is effectively the same as automatically moving it back,
and preventing it being destroyed is effectively the same as recreating

Also potentially relevant, but pointing to the same conclusion, is
R2166: "An asset's backing document can generally specify when and how
that asset is created, destroyed, and transferred". "When and how"
sounds a lot like "the backing document controls the mechanism, but doesn't 
have influence over the effects on other parts of the gamestate when the 
mechanism is successfully used".

And of course, if what the backing document controls is the mechanism,
this means that you can't leverage it into winning the game as a
consequence of a successful transfer. "Attempts to transfer no assets
are successful"; but that doesn't mean you get to choose what those
attempts do (they simply just transfer no assets, it says that right in
the rule). It just means that a contract gets to choose what counts as
an attempt to transfer none of its assets, and what doesn't.

Anyway, this CFJ is FALSE, as I judged earlier in the message; there
are three grounds on which the win could reasonably have failed, and it
in fact failed on all three of them.

I award myself Blue Glitter for the