DIS: Re: [Arbitor] CFJ 3903 Assigned to G.

2021-04-03 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 4/3/2021 9:37 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On 4/3/2021 5:32 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> The below CFJ is 3903.  I assign it to G.
>> status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#3903
>> ===  CFJ 3903  ===
>>   R. Lee's votes on the referendums on proposals 8549 and 8552-8555
>>   were clearly specified.
>> ==
> Proto:
> In the past, we've accepted many complicated conditionals.  In principle,
> I don't see why "does this specified proposal add text to ruleset" is more
> complicated or error-prone than, say "I vote for the candidate who
> transfers me the most coins" in terms of difficulty to the vote collector.
> For the latter, for example, the vote collector would need to track any
> coin transfer, look at recent reports to know if the transfers succeeded,
> and maybe even (if the transfers had previous transfer dependencies) track
> more.  And errors would be made.  Yet I suspect we would accept such a
> conditional without thinking about it too much and the poor officer would
> be on the hook.
> So I don't think we can throw out proposal parsing for conditionals just
> because they're proposals or rule changes, or else if we do, we'd throw
> out many conditionals that we've accepted in the past.
> As an example, looking at one of the proposals in question (8549), the
> proposal is of the form "insert after [text] the following [other text]".
> I looked up the rule, checked the power, and knew that the proposal in
> question would increase the words in any of the rulesets.  3-5 minutes,
> and fewer references to check than the coin thing.  And probably less
> prone to error than the coin thing.
> So in principle, proposals aren't special.  Some are harder to interpret
> than others in the name of interpreting conditionals,  That's evaluated
> case-by-case - it doesn't force evaluation of "arbitrary" text - some
> proposals, just like some conditionals, could be "too hard", but it's
> case-by-case).
> Now, some of the ones in this batch may be too difficult - but the caller
> notes that they're not.  Having looked over them for 5 minutes, I conclude
> similarly - these are not difficult tasks.  TRUE.
> I'll note that what's easy in the individual is often difficult in the
> aggregate, but that's a matter of social restraint.  Doing too many
> blanket conditionals is similar to submitting lots of proposals and not
> pending them, or calling and retracting lots of cfjs, or whatever.  I
> don't think a blanket cfj-ban based on the reasonableness of each one (and
> these in particular are reasonable) is an appropriate way of handling
> that, if it becomes an actual issue.

I think I'd edit this to add a standard, to get the assessor out of all
but the easiest jobs.  Something like "the conditional must be clear and
obvious within a minute or two of checking on facts".  So a proposal that
repeals a rule (requiring a word count), or has more than even one add or
subtract so character count had to be tracked, would be too much.

It's a pity every one of the proposals in this batch was so clear on
whether they added text!

Re: DIS: [Proto] Ratification Rewrite

2021-04-03 Thread Falsifian via agora-discussion
On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 06:14:51PM -0700, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
> This reply is likely longer and more rambly than it needs to be. For
> that, I apologize in advance.
> > I'm tempted to bring out my "self-ratifying events" proto again. Were
> > there any particular objections you had?
> >
> > It wasn't complete, but it is possible to implement in stages.
> >
> > Its benefit is to get rid of the "minimally modified" language. It
> > keeps the (arguably confusing) "what it would be if, ..." part, but I'm
> > not sure it makes sense to get rid of that --- see my criticism below
> > of your proto.
> >
> > ***
> > Summary of self-ratifying events: instead of ratifying "{ At time T,
> > Falsifian has 10 Coins }", you ratify an event: "{ At time T, the Coin
> > balance of Falsifian was set to 10 }".
> >
> > If we found we still needed old-style ratification for some reason, we
> > could invoke it explicitly: ratify that "{ At time T, the gamestate is
> > minimally modified so that ... }".
> >
> > To ratify a ruleset, we could explicitly say something like: "at time
> > T, the all rules are simultaneously amended, repealed or (re-)enacted
> > to match what's listed in this document". This might make it easier to
> > reason about whether, for example, the revision numbers changed. The
> > event we ratified in this example doesn't say anything about revision
> > numbers, so we are free to conclude that the revision numbers were
> > affected in the natural way by any changes to rule text. That's a
> > benefit to saying precisely what happens, rather than vaguely saying
> > "this becomes true".
> > ***
> I disagreed with your design. The problem wasn't a fundamental
> breakage, but I'm not convinced it works well for modifications beyond
> simple state modifications.

Overall comments:

* I'm not really sure my design would be an improvement. You do raise
  some good points! I think I have reasonable counter-arguments to
  them, included below, but I'm by no means convinced we should hop
  right over to my system.

* I want to make sure I understand the reason behind your proto. Is it
  that you think people find the current language of R1551 confusing?

  I think R1551 is cool (although I do like complaining about the
  "minimally modified" concept). Maybe it is confusing, but I wonder if
  rephrasing it would partly solve that? E.g. Murphy's proto would
  improve it a bit.

> Take for instance Rule 2034, "Vote
> Protection and Cutoff for Challenges". It describes at length a series
> of properties about the Agoran decision that we want to ratify. If I
> recall correctly, your solution was to ratify into existence a
> decision that did have the correct properties. I don't really think
> that's what we want. It leaves around another decision that could
> potentially be resolved at some point that does something we don't
> want. If we create a matcher that instead modifies a similar decision
> to have the stated properties, we either have to specify how the match
> is determined (adding to rules bloat) or leave it vague (losing the
> benefit of the specificity your architecture was supposed to give us).

Having just found my draft text, it doesn't look like a big problem to
me. I guess there's a notion of "matching" implicit in my proto, just
in the sense that it's written assuming it's clear "which" decision is
being referred to. But is that "matching" any different in nature from
determining which decision(s) the Assessor is resolving when e
publishes one of eir resolution messages?

The bit about quorum could probably be made more precise.

> More generally, I think moving the specification of what's supposed to
> happen to the rule providing for the application of ratification was a
> mistake. There are a few reasons for this:
> 1. It removes the ability to make anything self-ratifying easily.
> Instead, one has to specify an algorithm for each new type of
> ratification. This makes it more work to add new ratification rules to
> the ruleset. One might argue that this is justified by the additional
> specificity your model introduces. However...

I don't think it's complicated, except maybe for ratifying decisions
into existence.

> 2. The added specificity isn't actually all that helpful.
> 2a. It introduces another point of potential breakage. Let's take your
> example: "at time T, all rules are simultaneously amended, repealed or
> (re-)enacted to match what's listed in this document". You forgot to
> list retitling and changing power.

I did, but at least the effect is easy to determine now that you've
noticed it: clearly, the power and titles of the rules were not

Compare that to a situation where it's unclear what the minimal
modification is, or whether "multiple substantially distinct possible
modifications would be equally appropriate".

> Now, I'm aware that this is an off
> the cuff example, and that we'd be more careful when designing the
> actual text. That being 

DIS: Re: [Arbitor] CFJ 3903 Assigned to G.

2021-04-03 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 4/3/2021 5:32 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> The below CFJ is 3903.  I assign it to G.
> status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#3903
> ===  CFJ 3903  ===
>   R. Lee's votes on the referendums on proposals 8549 and 8552-8555
>   were clearly specified.
> ==


In the past, we've accepted many complicated conditionals.  In principle,
I don't see why "does this specified proposal add text to ruleset" is more
complicated or error-prone than, say "I vote for the candidate who
transfers me the most coins" in terms of difficulty to the vote collector.

For the latter, for example, the vote collector would need to track any
coin transfer, look at recent reports to know if the transfers succeeded,
and maybe even (if the transfers had previous transfer dependencies) track
more.  And errors would be made.  Yet I suspect we would accept such a
conditional without thinking about it too much and the poor officer would
be on the hook.

So I don't think we can throw out proposal parsing for conditionals just
because they're proposals or rule changes, or else if we do, we'd throw
out many conditionals that we've accepted in the past.

As an example, looking at one of the proposals in question (8549), the
proposal is of the form "insert after [text] the following [other text]".
I looked up the rule, checked the power, and knew that the proposal in
question would increase the words in any of the rulesets.  3-5 minutes,
and fewer references to check than the coin thing.  And probably less
prone to error than the coin thing.

So in principle, proposals aren't special.  Some are harder to interpret
than others in the name of interpreting conditionals,  That's evaluated
case-by-case - it doesn't force evaluation of "arbitrary" text - some
proposals, just like some conditionals, could be "too hard", but it's

Now, some of the ones in this batch may be too difficult - but the caller
notes that they're not.  Having looked over them for 5 minutes, I conclude
similarly - these are not difficult tasks.  TRUE.

I'll note that what's easy in the individual is often difficult in the
aggregate, but that's a matter of social restraint.  Doing too many
blanket conditionals is similar to submitting lots of proposals and not
pending them, or calling and retracting lots of cfjs, or whatever.  I
don't think a blanket cfj-ban based on the reasonableness of each one (and
these in particular are reasonable) is an appropriate way of handling
that, if it becomes an actual issue.

DIS: Fwd: [proto] Retroactive Events: a refactor of ratification

2021-04-03 Thread Falsifian via agora-discussion
Here's my old retroactive events proto, for reference. (I brought it up
in the thread "Ratification Rewrite".) I couldn't find it in the
archive for some reason.

-- Forwarded message -
From: James Cook 
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2020 at 16:17
Subject: [proto] Retroactive Events: a refactor of ratification
To: Agora Nomic discussions (DF) 

This is a counter-proto to Alexis's "Ratification by Legal Fiction", in
the sense that I think it also fixes the problem of ratification
failing due to minimal gamestate changes being ambiguous. It is a more
radical change and makes the use of ratification less concise, but in
my opinion the reward is that it greatly increases simplicity and
certainty in what the effect of ratification actually is.

I proposed something like this in July when I was arguing for
"ratification via closed timelike curves". At the time, Aris argued
that this makes complicated (see
--- search for "Also, how is this a rules simplification?"). To be
fair, I had claimed in my that thread that what I was proposing was a
rules simplification, and in this case, I'm not exactly making that
argument. I'm arguing that it makes the rules simpler to understand,
even if it makes the text longer and forces us to describe different
cases explicitly.

I am curious to hear people's opinions. I personally would be much more
comfortable if ratification worked like this, but I'm not sure others
will feel the same way.

The bit added to Rule 2034 about setting the list of voters is rough;
probably it would be better to change the quorum rules to make it
clear that "number of voters" can be a fictional number associated
with a decision, and then in R2034 just say the number of voters is
set to whatever was indicated.

Title: Retroactive Events
AI: 3
Chamber: Efficiency

[Comment: The purpose of this proposal is to replace the "minimally
modified" language of Rule 1551 with something easier to determine. It
accomplishes this by replacing ratification of documents with
ratification of explicitly-specified events, which may be cumbersome to
use, but should be easier to interpret. It also eliminates the use of
ratifying "portions" of documents, which I think is was bit vaguely

Amend Rule 1551 (Ratification) to read in full:

  A "retroactive event" is a change to the gamestate, or other
  hypothetical event (the "event"), together with a time in the
  past (the "event time"). If not otherwise specified, the event
  time defaults to the time at which the retroactive event was
  originally published.

  When a retroactive event is ratified, rules to the contrary
  notwithstanding, the gamestate is modified to what it would be if
  the event had occurred at the event time. Such a modification
  cannot add inconsistencies between the gamestate and the rules,
  and it cannot include rule changes unless the message or rule
  describing the event explicitly and unambiguously recites either
  the changes or the resulting properties of the rule(s).

  If the description of a retroactive event is too ambiguous or
  convoluted for its effect at the event time be reasonably
  determined, or the description internally inconsistent, that
  event cannot be ratified.

  Ratification is secured with power threshold 3.

Amend rule 2201 (Self-Ratification) by replacing the text from "When a
public document" through "contents of the message" inclusive with:

  When a public document is continuously undoubted for one week
  after publication and the rules associate any "self-ratifying"
  retroactive events with that document, those retroactcive events
  are ratified. If the document specifies a time before its own
  publication as the time at which was accurate, that is used as
  the event time; otherwise, it is the time at which the document
  was published.

Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by replacing item 3 in the only list with:

  3. Optionally, exactly one office whose holder tracks instances
 of that switch. That officer's (weekly, if not specified
 otherwise) report includes the value of each instance of that
 switch whose value is not its default value. A public document
 purporting to be that officer's report is associated with the
 following self-ratifying event: flip all instances of the
 switch to the values listed in the report, or to their default
 value if they are not listed in the report.

Amend Rule 1607 (Distribution) by replacing the last sentence with:

A public document purporting to be a Promotor's report is
associated with the following self-ratifying retroactive event:
modify the proposal pool to contain exactly the proposals listed in
the report, with exactly the text and attributes listed in the

Amend Rule 107 

Re: DIS: [Proto] Archimedes' Principle

2021-04-03 Thread Trigon via agora-discussion

On 4/3/21 10:20 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:

Title: Archimedes' Principle
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): Trigon, nix

Speaking officially as Treasuror, I would like to point out that this is 
remarkably similar to a proposal I myself drafted a while ago except 
that it's more focused on this specific change.

I truly do believe that a system like the one described in this proposal 
is better than what we have now. Charities will actually be funded the 
right amount each month, and the entire system just becomes more 
predictable in general. Additionally, despite the fact that the monthly 
message will ideally be automated and sent as soon as possible after the 
beginning of the month, the correct value will even be available beforehand.

TL;DR: This proposal gets Treasuror endorsement.


 ¸¸.•*¨*• Play AGORA QUEST

I’m always happy to become a party to contracts.
transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Re: [Arbitor] Voting on the Indictment of Cuddlebeam

2021-04-03 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion

> On Apr 3, 2021, at 6:31 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business 
>  wrote:
>> On Apr 3, 2021, at 6:29 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-business 
>>  wrote:
>> I find G. guilty of violating Rule 2168/9 by Being Too Polite. I levy a fine 
>> of 1 blot. This fine is forgivable; the specified words are ["cuddle", 
>> "beam", "Cuddlebeam", "humiliate", "humble", "humbug", "humidity"].
> Oops: If the quoted text didn't cause G. to gain a blot, I do the following:
> I find G. guilty of violating Rule 2168/9 by Being Too Polite. I impose the 
> Cold Hand of Justice, levying a fine of 1 blot. This fine is forgivable; the 
> specified words are ["cuddle", "beam", "Cuddlebeam", "humiliate", "humble", 
> "humbug", "humidity"].
> Gaelan

Bah! Turns out, this is actually the crime of Tardiness; 2143/33 makes any 
failure to perform
a duty by a deadline Tardiness. I think my Cold Hand still worked.


Re: DIS: [Proto] Archimedes' Principle

2021-04-03 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion

> On Apr 3, 2021, at 3:20 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
> Title: Archimedes' Principle
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-author(s): Trigon, nix
> [Changes:
>  -The Treasuror sets a target for the Total Buoyancy every week;
>   the most recent target takes effect at the beginning of the month
>  -The Unit of Floatation is now rounded, so people can actually remember
>   it
>  -The Treasuror no longer has a monthly report, and is instead
>   just encouraged to make sure the Total Buoyancy and Unit of Floatation
>   are published
> ]

Read through it; seems sensible to me.


DIS: Re: BUS: Trying Out Judging Again [attn. Arbitor]

2021-04-03 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 4/3/2021 5:05 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:
> I'm interested in judging a case sometime. If possible, I request one
> that isn't incredibly complex.

You're on the "occasional" list and I tapped you last month - not sure how
to fit a request like this in the rotation exactly but I'll keep in in
mind for at least the next few.


DIS: Re: BUS: [CFJ] R. Lee's vote

2021-04-03 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 4/3/2021 4:52 PM, nix via agora-business wrote:
> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 11:08:30 PM CDT Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
>> I CFJ, barring R. Lee: "R. Lee's votes on the referendums on proposals
>> 8549 and 8552-8555 were clearly specified."
> I indicate I'm an interested judge, and I favor this case.

Apologies - I started processing the cases before this last set of emails
and didn't refresh my mail until just now.


Re: DIS: [Proto] Ratification Rewrite

2021-04-03 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 6:14 PM Aris Merchant
> This reply is likely longer and more rambly than it needs to be. For
> that, I apologize in advance.
> > I'm tempted to bring out my "self-ratifying events" proto again. Were
> > there any particular objections you had?
> >
> > It wasn't complete, but it is possible to implement in stages.
> I disagreed with your design. The problem wasn't a fundamental
> breakage, but I'm not convinced it works well for modifications beyond
> simple state modifications. Take for instance Rule 2034, "Vote
> Protection and Cutoff for Challenges". It describes at length a series
> of properties about the Agoran decision that we want to ratify. If I
> recall correctly, your solution was to ratify into existence a
> decision that did have the correct properties. I don't really think
> that's what we want. It leaves around another decision that could
> potentially be resolved at some point that does something we don't
> want. If we create a matcher that instead modifies a similar decision
> to have the stated properties, we either have to specify how the match
> is determined (adding to rules bloat) or leave it vague (losing the
> benefit of the specificity your architecture was supposed to give us).

I'll just add that I'm open to being convinced that something like
yours is better. Right now it feels like mine is better, but I'm not
as sure of that as I'd like to be.


Re: DIS: [Proto] Ratification Rewrite

2021-04-03 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 1:05 PM Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
> Wasn't really planning to publish this so soon, as I'm not really done
> editing it. On the other hand, Murphy has published eirs, so I'm going
> for it.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: Ratification Rewrite
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors: Jason, G.

An updated version that removes the confusing special case for
ratifying public documents. I also incorporated part of Murphy's
proposal (specifically, eir definition of the time of a document's

Title: Ratification Rewrite
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Jason, G., Murphy

[Let's face it, the ratification rules are a mess. They're nearly
unreadable, full of complicated technical language that is painfully
hard to understand. While they deal with an inherently complex
problem, that doesn't mean they need to be impossible to read

A while back people suggested some rewrites that
came at the problem from different angles, but all of them
had their own problems. This proposal maintains the
same basic conceptual approach as the current rules,
but rewrites the text to make it more readable
and adjusts the complex to simplify them. I hope this will
lead to cleaner results than we have at present.]

Enact a new power 3.0 rule entitled "Documents", with the
following text:

  A document is a body of text. A public document is a document that
  is part (possibly all) of a public message.

  A public document's effective date is the time it was published,
  unless the document explicitly specifies a different past time as
  the time it was true, in which case its effective date is that
  past time.

Amend Rule 1551, "Ratification", by changing it to read as follows:

  When a statement is ratified, play proceeds as if the statement has
  become true, and the state of the game is updated accordingly.

  A statement CANNOT be ratified if:
1. it is internally inconsistent;
2. it describes a state of affairs that is impossible for
   reasons outside its scope;
3. its ratification would make the state of the game
   indeterminate or inconsistent with the rules.

  The ratification of a statement does not change the rules,
  unless the statement (or a public document that it references)
  explicitly and unambiguously recites either the changes to
  them or their final properties. Text purportedly about previous
  instances of ratification is excluded from ratification.

  Ratification is secured at power 3.

Amend Rule 2202, "Ratification Without Objection", by changing it to read
in full:

  A player CAN, without objection, ratify a specified statement.

  Ratification without objection CANNOT cause rule changes, rules to the
  contrary notwithstanding.

  A player SHALL NOT ratify or announce intent to ratify
  a statement without objection if e knows it is incorrect or
  indeterminate, unless the general nature of the statement's
  error and reason for ratifying it is plainly described
  in the announcement of intent. Doing so is the Class 8
  Crime of Endorsing Forgery.

Amend Rule 2201, "Self-Ratification", by changing it to read in full:

  When a public document is defined as self-ratifying by the rules
  remains continuously undoubted for one week, it is ratified
  that the statement became true and correct in all respects
  at its effective date.

  Any person CAN by announcement submit a claim of error,
  identifying a document (perhaps implicitly) and explaining the
  nature of a perceived error in it. For so long as a claim
  exists against the document, it is doubted.

  When this happens, the publisher of the original document SHALL
  (if e was required to publish that document) or SHOULD (otherwise)
  do one of the following in a timely fashion, in an announcement
  that clearly cites the claim of error:

 1. Deny the claim (causing it to cease to exist).

 2. Initiate an inquiry case regarding the truth of the claim
(if the subject is actually a matter of law), or cite a
relevant existing inquiry case.

3. Publish a revision. If no claim of error is stated,
   the revision implicitly responds to all claims of error
   against the document being revised.

Amend Rule 107, "Initiating Agoran Decisions", by replacing:

  A public notice purporting to initiate an Agoran decision is a
  self-ratifying attestation of the notice's validity.


  A public notice purporting to initiate an Agoran decision
  contains an implied self-ratifying statement that the
  notice is valid.

Amend Rule 2034, "Vote Protection and Cutoff for Challenges", by

  A public message purporting to resolve an Agoran decision is a
  self-ratifying attestation that


  A public message purporting to resolve an Agoran decision
  contains an implied self-ratifying statement that

DIS: [Proto] Archimedes' Principle

2021-04-03 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
Title: Archimedes' Principle
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-author(s): Trigon, nix

  -The Treasuror sets a target for the Total Buoyancy every week;
   the most recent target takes effect at the beginning of the month
  -The Unit of Floatation is now rounded, so people can actually remember
  -The Treasuror no longer has a monthly report, and is instead
   just encouraged to make sure the Total Buoyancy and Unit of Floatation
   are published

Amend Rule 2634, "Buoyancy Control", by changing it to read in full:

  The Total Buoyancy and Buoyancy Target are singleton
  integer switches, tracked by the Treasuror in eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror CAN, by announcement, set the Buoyancy Target
  to a specified value approximately equal to the sum of all coin
  balances at a specified point within the last week,
  and SHALL do so each time e publishes eir weekly report.

  The Treasuror may exercise reasonable judgement in calculating the
  Buoyancy Target. The Buoyancy Target will be deemed set so long as
  the value chosen by the Treasuror is not obviously and grossly
  incorrect. However, the Treasuror SHALL NOT deliberately introduce
  error into the Buoyancy Target.

  At the beginning of each month, the Total Buoyancy is flipped to
  the Buoyancy Target.

Amend Rule 2635, "Floating Rate Fleet", by changing it to read in full:

  The Unit of Flotation is equal to 1/2500 times the Total Buoyancy,
  rounded to the nearest integer, and is tracked in the Treasuror's
  weekly report. A boatload of something is a quantity of that thing
  equal in count to the Unit of Floatation.

  The Treasuror is ENCOURAGED to arrange for the new Total Buoyancy
  and Unit of Floation to be published as close as possible
  to the beginning of the month.

[No clue why this should be secured — granting assets isn't secured.
The reason I'm amending this is to make the payday happen
after the boatload value update; I'm open to other phrasings.]

Amend Rule 2559, "Paydays", by replacing:

  The occurrence of Paydays is secured. At the beginning of each
  month, a Payday occurs.


  At the beginning of each month, after all other events that
  take place at the beginning of the month, a Payday occurs.

DIS: Re: BUS: [Proposal] The Election Cycle

2021-04-03 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 4/3/2021 6:42 AM, nix via agora-business wrote:
> Also note this removes method A from the original. It doesn't get much
> use, so I don't see much reason to keep it. Plus, impeachment serves
> a similar role.

1.  Keeping it for Prime Ministers is enough use to keep it.

2.  This means that, if an ADoP wants to keep an office interim for some
reason, there's no way to start an election for it short of ADoP impeachment.

I'd actually liberalize it somewhat, and allow starting elections by
announcement by anyone if the office is vacant or (perhaps PM specific)
been held for 90+ days.  But at the very least, keep some level of ability


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Notary] The Notes (pledges & promises)

2021-04-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-discussion

On 4/3/2021 3:32 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:

On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 7:49 AM ATMunn via agora-official

This is a continuation of the Notary's weekly report. Information about
contracts can be found in a separate message.


21 Mar 2021: Jason made the pledge "General objection"
-- time of last report --
11 Mar 2021: The pledge "You can make it happen, R. Lee!" expired
-- 2 reports ago --
09 Mar 2021: Aris cashed the promise e created
09 Mar 2021: Aris created a promise
06 Mar 2021: The pledge "Referee Electoral Pledge" expired
01 Mar 2021: The pledge "CFJ annotations please" expired
28 Feb 2021: G. cashed the promise "Neverending PRESENT"[2]
28 Feb 2021: G. created the promise "Neverending PRESENT"
-- 3 reports ago --
20 Feb 2021: Falsifian destroyed the promise "Hopefully Last Assignment
Fallback" w/o objection
20 Feb 2021: Falsifian destroyed the promise "Another Assginment
Fallback" w/o objection
20 Feb 2021: Falsifian destroyed the promise "Assignment Fallback" w/o
17 Feb 2021: G. cashed an instance of the promise "Two by two"
14 Feb 2021: Falsifian created the promise "Hopefully Last Assignment
14 Feb 2021: Jason cashed the promise created by Falsifian
14 Feb 2021: Falsifian created a promise
14 Feb 2021: Murphy granted nix the promise "Ratification compensation"
11 Feb 2021: Aris cashed the promise "Guess That Agoran"
08 Feb 2021: Trigon cashed the promise created by Jason
08 Feb 2021: Jason created a promise
08 Feb 2021: nix's pledge expired
06 Feb 2021: Jason cashed the promise nix granted em
06 Feb 2021: nix granted Jason a promise
06 Feb 2021: Jason cashed the promise created by Gaelan
04 Feb 2021: ATMunn[1] created the promise "Guess That Agoran"
03 Feb 2021: Falsifian cashed the promise nix granted em
03 Feb 2021: nix granted Falsifian an promise
03 Feb 2021: G. made the pledge "Rational dictatorship"
03 Feb 2021: Gaelan made the pledge "Keeping secrecy"
03 Feb 2021: Gaelan created a promise
02 Feb 2021: nix cashed the promise created by Aris
02 Feb 2021: Aris created a promise
02 Feb 2021: nix made a pledge

[1] Sent from the email address "bunny.voo...@gmail.com"; this player
  was later revealed to be ATMunn.
[2] The promise purports to create another promise upon cashing and then
  immediately cash that new promise; the effectiveness of this is
  PARADOXICAL under CFJ 3901.

CoE: This is a misreading of CFJ 3901. CFJ 3901 stated that the
statement "The cashing of one or more promises created by G. has been
EFFECTIVE at changing the final vote tally and/or number of voters  on
the referendum to adopt Proposal 8543, for the purposes of R208, R879,
and/or R2623." was PARADOXICAL. The PARADOX was in the effect of the
promise, not the cashing; the promise was unambiguously cashed. Unless
I'm mistaken, the promise no longer exists, so the portion of your
report saying it does is in error.


I wasn't really sure how to interpret that - thanks for the heads up. I
don't have time to fix it right now but I will as soon as I can.

friendly neighborhood notary :)