DIS: Election Proto

2011-06-29 Thread Charles Walker

{{ Unfortunately, babies will die (AI 3)

Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by replacing the final paragraph with:

  A valid vote in an election consists of an ordered list of valid
  votes (possibly only one). The voter is initially considered to
  have chosen the first vote in the list.

  Upon the resolution of this decision, its outcome (if a
  candidate) is installed into the office, and the election ends.

Amend Rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) by replacing

  (c) Otherwise, the outcome is the option with the most votes.
  In case of a tie, the vote collector SHALL select one of the
  leaders as the outcome. If there are no options, the outcome
  is null.


  (c) If the decision is an election for an office, the outcome is
  decided as follows:
  - Each voter is considered to have voted for the
  highest-ranked option (or PRESENT) in eir vote which has not
  been eliminated as described below.
  - If any option receives a majority of valid, non-PRESENT
  votes, then this option is the outcome.
  - Otherwise, the option with the least votes is eliminated
  until an option has a majority of valid, non-PRESENT votes,
  at which point this option is selected by Agora as the

  (d) Otherwise, the outcome is the option with the most votes. In
  case of a tie, the vote collector SHALL select one of the
  leaders as the outcome. If there are no options, the outcome
  is null.


Charles Walker

Re: DIS: Election Proto

2011-06-29 Thread Eric Stucky
 {{ Unfortunately, babies will die (AI 3)
 Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by replacing the final paragraph with:
  A valid vote in an election consists of an ordered list of valid
  votes (possibly only one).

This is problematic. I'm basing the rest of this on what I think you intended 
to do with this, which is create the idea of a way to vote 1st place, 2nd 
place, etc. I'll call the list a (valid) Votelist, to distinguish it from the 

 The voter is initially considered to
  have chosen the first vote in the list.

And I'll call this vote the Active Vote. I would rewrite: The voter's Active 
Vote is initially considered to be the first vote on their Votelist.

  Upon the resolution of this decision, its outcome (if a
  candidate) is installed into the office, and the election ends.

I haven't looked at the ruleset, but, if its outcome is not a candidate, is 
there some rule that handles that situation?

 - Each voter is considered to have voted for the
  highest-ranked option (or PRESENT) in eir vote which has not
  been eliminated as described below.

Each voter is considered to have voted their Active Vote. It seems awkward to 
say 'voted for their Active Vote,' but I'm not entirely happy with what I came 
up with either.

  - Otherwise, the option with the least votes is eliminated
  until an option has a majority of valid, non-PRESENT votes,
  at which point this option is selected by Agora as the

Aaaand this is where I get lost. This should be the mechanism that changes the 
Active Votes, to lower-ranked votes in the Votelist, but I'm not sure what you 
were trying to do here. In your second votes did you mean, votes in every 
Votelist, regardless of their Activeness? If so, you should probably add a 
uniqueness clause to the definition of a Votelist. It might suffice to say 
set instead of list, since I don't think set is ruleset-defined. 

But as it is written now, it doesn't seem to consider other votes as Active 
Votes, and it doesn't seem to change any outcome, so I'm confused. (This is all 
assuming your votes is my votes and not my Votelists, because you said 
non-PRESENT, and it's very unclear what would comprise a PRESENT Votelist)
