ehird wrote:
> On 25 Jan 2009, at 14:58, Alexander Smith wrote:
> > I support. (Who would have guessed that a simple milking rule would be
> > so controversial?)
> Could you stop responding to things that are already resolved?
Could you please take email reading lag into account? It certainly used
to be good manners on the Internet to allow for the possibility of lag in
online communications. Although email is a lot faster nowadays, crossed
messages still happen; and in my case, although the messages weren't
crossed, replying to earlier messages before reading later ones is still
a habit that should be allowed by other users.

If you're impatient, move to a fast medium like a message board or IRC,
rather than a slow medium like email or Usenet. (It's also worth noteing
that emails to me occasionally get held up several days due to
maintenance of the networks, although this isn't happening
right now, and things I send tend to get rather out of order and
apparently irrelevant when that happens.)


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