OFF: [Treasuror] Targeting the Buoys 391

2022-06-05 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
I flip the Buoyancy Target to the total number of coins given in the
Treasuror's report of 05 Jun 2022, that number being:

Buoyancy Target: 368,367

OFF: [Treasuror] [Weekly Report] Forbes 391

2022-06-05 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official


Reports available online at: 

DATES OF PUBLICATION  (contains no data)

(all times and dates in UTC)

Date of previous original report: 28 May 2022
Date of first report this week:   05 Jun 2022

NOTES ON REPORT   (contains no data)

* Find my report drafts on Discord or IRC.
* As always, please check the general accuracy of this report.


Total Buoyancy:318970
Buoyancy Target:   318970
Unit of Flotation: 128.


   Player(+a)  cn wcjclcvcwsbgpdvt
 ==  ==                
 ais[0]   19872 1 9 1 3 3 1 5 6
 banana [1]   10195 2 1 1 2 2 0 4 1
 Create [2]2320 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
 duck  4140 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 0
 G.   23580 2 2 3 26610 5 0
 Gaelan   10608 2 1 2 1 0 2 3 2
 Jason55881 0 4 1 130 0 3 6
 juan  4586 2 1 2 2 4 0 0 0
 Madrid6806 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 0
 Murphy   30179 1 1 2 2 1 1 116
 nix  42700 1 2 5 1 0 3 2 4
 R. Lee   11627 1 2 3 2 0 0 0 0
 snail  [3]   38494 3 1 4 1 0 6 7 8
 Trigon   36321 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 0

0. ais523
1. cuddlybanana
2. CreateSource
3. secretsnail

   Player(-a)  cn wcjclcvcwsbgpdvt
 ==  ==                
 dahuman   2040 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
 omd   6037 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 2
 Telna 2860 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0

  Contract(00) cn wcjclcvcwsbgpdvt
 ==  ==                
 AspenX [0]   10307 1 4 0 0 0 3 9 0
 ATMStash   [1]   17038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 D. Corp.   [2]3156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 G.ravity99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Geocache   [3]   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
 Hoard  [4]4914 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 IBTWWBG[5]  50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Lever  [6]   0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Nim 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 PlunderPS  [7] 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Pooling[8]   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
 SEAMSTRESS [9] 246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0. Aspen's Executor
1. ATMunn's Stash
2. Dragon Corporation
3. Growing Endlessly Operation: Cache
4. Dragon's Hoard
5. I Bet This Was Written By G.
6. The Useless Lever
7. Plunder Partnership
8. Obstructive Pooling
9. Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
   Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions

  Contract(25) cn wcjclcvcwsbgpdvt
 ==  ==                
 Press  [0]5196 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0. Agoran Press

 Entitycn wcjclcvcwsbgpdvt
 ==  ==                
 Agora0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 L Dept.18956 6 6 6 7 2 1 2 0


*** Sun 5 June 2022
[23:42] Murphy: + 640cn (Reward: Tailor monthly)
[23:42] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Ministor monthly)
[23:42] snail:  +1920cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[23:42] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[23:42] snail:  +1280cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:42] G.: +1280cn (Reward: Referee 

OFF: [ADoP Metareport

2022-06-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2022-05-29
Date of this report: 2022-06-05


Filled offices: 20/20 (100.00%)
Total officers: 9
Consolidation[1]: 2.22
Late reports: 1/16 (6.25%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP Murphy   2020-07-032022-04-101
Arbitor  Jason2022-05-162022-05-162
Assessor   ~ Jason2019-07-092021-10-173
Avicultorsecretsnail  2022-04-03(never)   1
Collectornix  2022-04-03(never)   1
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Herald ~ nix  2021-08-092021-10-242
Mad Engineer   ~ ais523   2021-09-192021-09-191
Ministor   ~*secretsnail  2022-06-052021-09-241
Notary   secretsnail  2022-03-142022-05-082
Prime Minister  *G.   2022-05-292022-05-160
Promotor secretsnail  2022-05-012022-05-083
Referee *G.   2021-10-062022-04-102
Registrarnix  2022-05-162022-05-161
Rulekeepor   Jason2019-12-062022-01-093
Speaker  Trigon   2022-05-292019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason   Jason2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor   Murphy   2021-02-282022-04-101
Treasurorsecretsnail  2022-05-012022-05-083
Webmastor  ~ cuddlybanana 2021-07-212021-10-141

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP Offices   2022-05-29[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2022-06-05
AvicultorBirds, Beast Permits  2022-06-05
Herald   Scores2022-06-04
Mad Engineer The Device2022-06-05
Notary   Contracts 2022-06-05
Promotor Proposal pool 2022-06-05
Referee  Rule violations   2022-06-05
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2022-06-04
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2022-06-05
Stonemason   Stones2022-06-05
TreasurorCoins, other currencies   2022-05-28

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

AvicultorMigration 2022-05-08
Herald   Patent titles 2022-05-28
Ministor Foci  2022-06-05
RegistrarPlayer history2022-05-28
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2022-05-29
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2022-06-05
WebmastorWeb resources 2022-04-30 !


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office   Days Until  Last Election

Mad Engineer 00 Days 2021-09-19
Ministor 00 Days 2021-09-24
Webmastor00 Days 2021-10-14
Assessor 00 Days 2021-10-17
Herald   00 Days 2021-10-24

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the

OFF: [ADoP] Floating salaries (attn Treasuror)

2022-06-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

I grant boatloads of coins to players as follows:


 5 BoC - Sun, May 29 2022 (21:32:23) - Murphy published the ADoP's 
weekly report
 5 BoC - Sat, Jun 04 2022 (23:27:16) - nix published the Collector's 
weekly report
 5 BoC - Sat, Jun 04 2022 (23:43:41) - nix published the Registrar's 
weekly report
10 BoC - Sat, Jun 04 2022 (23:46:29) - nix published the Herald's weekly 
 5 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (14:09:10) - ais523 published the Mad 
Engineer's weekly report
15 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (17:00:10) - Jason published the Short Logical 
10 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (17:33:18) - Jason published the Arbitor's 
weekly report
 5 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (17:54:55) - Jason published the Stonemason's 
weekly report
10 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (18:26:10) - G. published the Referee's weekly 
10 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (22:09:07) - secretsnail published the 
Notary's weekly report
 5 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (23:27:33) - secretsnail published the 
Avicultor's weekly report
15 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (23:36:39) - secretsnail published the 
proposal pool


 5 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (21:08:37) - secretsnail published the 
Ministor's monthly report
 5 BoC - Sun, Jun 05 2022 (23:40:36) - Murphy published the Tailor's 
monthly report

The Unit of Flotation is currently 104, thus these expand to:
  *  5 boatloads of coins ->  520 coins
  * 10 boatloads of coins -> 1040 coins
  * 15 boatloads of coins -> 1560 coins

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbon Bar

2022-06-05 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

The Ribbon Bar (Tailor's Monthly Report) as of Sunday 2022-06-05

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at


No Festival is ongoing; that is, Agora's Festivity is 0.

RIBBON OWNERSHIP (self-ratifies)

Aenet 0
CreateSource  0
cuddlybanana   VKA3
dahuman   0
duck  0
Gaelan CBMUV A6
juan  0
Madrid CBMUVIP WKA   10
Murphy R G CBMUVKAT  16
omdC  UVKA5
secretsnailROGECB  V   W AT  10
Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme   0
Ubercrow  0

aranea ROG CBM V PLW A   11
Aspen  V 16
babelian  U   1
Baron von Vaderham   A1
Bayushi  MU   2
Bede M W  2
Bernie ROM3
Bögtil   A1
Corona   M VK 3
Falsifian  ROGECBMUV PL KAT  14
grokO   BMUV P   A7
K  W  1
Kenyon   A1
Lucidiot A1
o  ROG  BMUV   WKAT  11
ØrjanM V A3
pokes   K 1
Quazie  O  C MUVKA7
Rance  C  1
redtara   UV  2
Roujo  V  1
Sgeo   V  1
Shy OwlC  1
SprocklemMUV   W A5
stadjerW  1
Tekneek  M1
TenhigitsuneO UV A4
Tiger   BM2
tris  UV  2
twg O EC  U IP WKAT  16
Veggiekeks C  UV  3
Walker   M1
Warrigal   C M2
Zachary Watterson U   1

RULES SUMMARY (does not self-ratify)

The rules for Ribbons are set out in detail in Rule 2438, but to
summarise, you can be awarded each different colour of Ribbon for
different achievements within Agora, usually within 7 days after the
chievement. If you come to qualify for a Ribbon that you already have,
you can instead award yourself Glitter, which provides you a small coin
bonus based on the Ribbon's rarity.

When you have collected all 16 Ribbons, you can use them to win the game
by Renaissance. After winning by Renaissance, you can't collect any more
Ribbons (or Glitter) for 7 days.

Approximate summary of how to collect each type of Ribbon:

Red  Successfully propose a rule change at Power 3 or higher
Orange   Your proposal is unanimously adopted
GreenHold an elected office for 30 days, without Tardiness
Emerald  Win an election
Cyan Deputise for an officer

OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposal 8682

2022-06-05 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official

I distribute each pending listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
is the Assessor, the quorum is 4, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8682&   secretsnail 1.0   Temptation

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

Author(s)   AITitle
Murphy, ais523  3.0   Weekly privileges
nix 2.0   Score Gameplay Expansion
G.  1.0   auto-birthday

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
& : Ordinary proposal.
~ : Unsponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8682
Title: Temptation
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: secretsnail

Enact a new rule, with the title "Succumbing to Time" and the following

  Once per month, a player CAN Succumb by announcement. When a player
Succumbs, each of eir deadlines to perform an Officer's duty or judge a
Call for Judgement is extended by 1 day if it would otherwise expire within
the next week.

Title: Weekly privileges
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy
Co-author(s): ais523

Proposal: Weekly privileges
(AI = 3, co-author = ais523)

[Loosely based on the old Ergs system, basically a currency that was
reset weekly. Repeals or otherwise cleans up some loose ends overlooked
by R2658. Change from proto: Keeps proposal distribution limited.]

Create a rule titled "Proposal Sponsorship" with this text:

  Sponsorship is an untracked proposal switch with values
  unsponsored (default), sponsored, and disinterested.

  The Promotor CAN, with 2+X support, flip a proposal in the
  Proposal Pool from unsponsored to disinterested. For this, X is
  equal to the number of times e has done so in the past 7 days.

  Any player CAN, without objection, flip a proposal in the Proposal
  Pool from unsponsored to disinterested.

Create a rule titled "Weekly Privileges" with Power 2 and this text:

  Each player CAN do one of the following by announcement, provided
  that e has not already done any of them during the same week.

* Cause a specified person (or emself if no one is specified) to
  Stuff the Ballot Box. A player's Voting Strength on a
  referendum on an ordinary proposal is 1 greater for each time
  e Stuffed the Ballot Box during that decision's voting period.

* Expunge a blot from a specified person (or emself if no one is

* Cause a specified proposal to become sponsored.

* Gain an Iridium Star. Iridium Stars are a fixed currency with
  ownership restricted to players. If a player has at least 10
  more Iridium Stars than each other player, and no person has
  won the game this way in the past 30 days, then e CAN Buy the
  Town by announcement. When a player Buys the Town, e wins the
  game, then all Iridium Stars are destroyed.

The winds die down, as defined by Rule 2658 (The Winds Die Down).

R2658 then repeals, in this order:
* 2620 (Cards and Sets)
* 2623 (Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege)
* 2629 (Victory Auctions)
* 2624 (Card Administration)
* 2622 (Pending Proposals)
* 2651 (Proposal Recycling)
* 2653 (Buying Strength)
* All clauses delimited ~>like this<~, in rule number order
* itself

Repeal these rules, in this order:
* 2621 (VP Wins)
* 2636 (The Ministor)
* 2638 (Player Focuses)

Amend Rule 1607 (Distribution) by replacing this text:

  The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal
  Pool at any time.

with this text:

  The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal
  Pool at any time, but SHALL NOT do so if it is unsponsored.

[replacing the ~> <~ clause removed by R2658]

Amend Rule 2645 (The Stones) by removing the definition of the
Concentration Stone.

Amend Rule 2654 (The Device) by removing each bullet point containing
"Ministry Focus".

Amend Rule 2665 (The Birds) by replacing the definitions of the Owl,
Pigeon, Penguin, and Jay with the following:

  - Owl: A specified person (or emself if no one is specified)
Stuffs the Ballot Box, as defined by other rules.

  - Pigeon: A specified person (or emself if no one is specified)
has one blot expunged.

  - Penguin: The playmate gains an Iridium Star.


OFF: [Avicultor] The Bird Log (05 Jun 2022)

2022-06-05 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Avicultor's Weekly Report
The Bird Log
05 Jun 2022

Bird   Owner
Goldfinch  Murphy
Raven  Agora
Magpie secretsnail
Pigeon Agora
Cockatiel  Agora
Bowerbird  Agora

BEAST PERMITS   (self-ratifies, excluding dates)
Person Date last Bought/Renewed
secretsnail  30 Apr 2022 23:56:34
Murphy   03 Apr 2022 21:53:35

All persons in the above list are Beast Permitted. All others are not.

BIRD FOOD BOUGHT   (does not ratify)
Person Bird food bought last month   this month
-- ---   --
nix4 0
Murphy 3 0
juan   3 0

All persons not in the above list have bought no bird food last month
or this month.

RECENT HISTORY (does not ratify)

28 May 2022: nix bought bird food 4 times
14 May 2022: The Bowerbird joined the game
09 May 2022: juan bought bird food 3 times
09 May 2022: juan played with the Raven, sending the Emu to Agora
08 May 2022: Murphy played with the Seagull, buying 3 bird food
08 May 2022: ais523 played with the Penguin, sending it to Agora
08 May 2022: ais523 played with the Owl, sending it to Agora

08 May 2022: A Bird Migration with the following choices occured:
Goldfinch  Murphy
Raven  juan
Magpie secretsnail
Pigeon juan*
Cockatiel  juan*
* Went to Agora

02 May 2022: Murphy played with the Penguin, sending it to Agora
02 May 2022: Murphy transferred the Penguin to emself
01 May 2022: secretsnail played with the Penguin, sending it to Agora
01 May 2022: secretsnail transferred the Penguin to emself

30 Apr 2022: ais523 bought bird food 3 times
30 Apr 2022: secretsnail bought bird food 5 times
17 Apr 2022: ais523 bought bird food 2 times
04 Apr 2022: juan bought bird food
03 Apr 2022: Murphy bought bird food 4 times
03 Apr 2022: Murphy bought a Beast Permit


OFF: [Notary] The Notes (05 Jun 2022)

2022-06-05 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
   ██   ██ ███   ███   ██  █   ███  ██
 ████   ██ ██  ██ ██   ██████  ██
 █████ █ ██ ██ ██ ██   ██████
 ████   ██ ████   ██   ██████   ██
 ████   ██ ███   ██   ███  █ █████ ██

 -~= Notary's weekly report =~-

  ~~ Some promises got cashed, wowie ~~

All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).

Date of last report: 29 May 2022
Date of this report: 05 Jun 2022

If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
displayed in this report.


Contracts marked with an asterisk (*) are charities.

 Title   Parties
"The Dragon Corporation"Aspen, Jason
"TPP"[1]   Madrid, G., Aspen
"LoAFER"[2]Trigon, Jason, ATMunn
"Cuddlebeam's Locker" Madrid
"SEAMSTRESS"[3]Trigon, Jason
"SNOCS"[4]  omd, Gaelan, nix
"Dragon Political Outreach"Jason
"The Platonic Parrot"omd, Madrid
"I bet that was written by G."   omd, ATMunn
* "Agoran Press"   Murphy, Telna, Jason, secretsnail
"The Splat Market"Gaelan
"Humble Agoran Farming"  Madrid, Gaelan, ... [5]
"The Orchard"   Madrid, Jason, Gaelan, Murphy, Lucidiot, ... [6]
"FIAA"[7]Jason, nix, secretsnail
"Boatloans"   Gaelan
"Obstructive Pooling" Jason, ais523, G., secretsnail
"Nathan's Locker" Nathan
"Lee's Card Shop" R. Lee
"Dragon's Hoard"Telna, Jason
"The Useless Lever"  Shy Owl, secretsnail, Jason
"The Duck Fund" duck
"ATMunn's Stash"  ATMunn
"Snailtrap"  secretsnail
"What's the point?"secretsnail, juan
"Vote Proxies"nix, Madrid, Jason
"Private Enforcement" ais523
"Stamp Servitude"secretsnail, Madrid
"Aspen's Executor"  Aspen, Jason

[1] The Plunder Partnership
[2] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
[3] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
[4] Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets
[5] also Aspen, Murphy, Lucidiot, secretsnail
[6] also G., Telna, cuddlybanana, secretsnail
[7] Food Industry Association of Agora
[8] NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely
[9] Growing Endlessly Operation: Cache


-- time of last report --
-- 2 reports ago --
02 May 2022: Jason joined "Aspen's Executor"
02 May 2022: Aspen created and joined "Aspen's Executor"
-- 3 reports ago --
25 Apr 2022: juan amended and then terminated "Minesweeper"
-- 4 reports ago --
22 Apr 2022: "The Useless Lever" terminated and reformed
18 Apr 2022: secretsnail joined "Obstructive Pooling"
18 Apr 2022: secretsnail left "SNOCS"
18 Apr 2022: nix joined "SNOCS"


All contracts which do not have a Donation Level 

OFF: [Ministor] Foci

2022-06-05 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
I deputize as Ministor to publish the following report.

Ministor's Monthly Report

Focus Switches (self-ratifies)

   Madrid, ais523, G., Trigon, Jason

cuddlybanana, duck, secretsnail

   Gaelan, R. Lee, nix


Unfocused (default): All other active players
[Inactive/nonplayers do not have this switch]

Planning History (does not self-ratify)
01-Jan-22  December plans set
23-Jan-22  ais523   Legislation -> Compliance
31-Jan-22  secretsnail  Unfocused -> Legacy
31-Jan-22  G.   Legislation -> Compliance
01-Feb-22  January plans set
22-Feb-22  Falsifian deregisters (previously Legacy)
22-Feb-22  tris becomes inactive (previously Participation)
01-Mar-22  Feburary plans set
09-Mar-22  nix   Legacy -> Legislation
14-Mar-22  ATMunn deregisters (Legacy)
27-Mar-22  Jason Legacy -> Compliance
27-Mar-22  secretsnail   Legacy -> Compliance
27-Mar-22  TrigonLegacy -> Compliance
27-Mar-22  Duck  Unfocused -> Legacy
01-Apr-22  March plans set
30-Apr-22  secretsnail   Compliance -> Legacy
01-May-22  April plans set

[Time of Last Report]

08-May-22  Aspen deregisters (previously Legislation)
01-Jun-22  May plans set


OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2022-06-05 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
 (Referee's Weekly Report)
Date of this report: 05 June 2022
Date of last report: 22 May 2022
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS   (self-ratifies)
 Blots  Person
 -  -
 3  Cuddlybanana
 3  Madrid
 2  Jason
 2  nix
 2  R. Lee
 1  Juan
 1  Shy Owl (fugitive)

UNRESOLVED FINGER-POINTS (does not self-ratify)

BLOT HISTORY   (does not self-ratify)
PersonChange   DateReason
  ---  --  
G. -2  2022-05-15  Expunged for 2 BBGs in fees
Madrid +2  2022-05-15  Cabinet Order of Dive
Jason  -1  2022-05-15  Expunged for 1 BBG in fees
nix-3  2022-05-14  Expunged for 3 BBGs in fees
Aspen  -1  2022-05-02  Expunged by G. for 1 BBG in fees
Trigon -7  2022-05-02  Expunged by G. for 7 BBGs in fees
R. Lee +2  2022-04-24  CHoJ: Failure to judge CFJ 3956
secretsnail+0 (W)  2022-04-24  Unjustified Gesticulation
nix+1 (f)  2022-04-10  CHoJ: Unjustified Gesticulation
nix+0 (W)  2022-04-10  Unjustified Gesticulation
secretsnail-3  2022-04-06  Expunged by G. for 3 BBGs in fees
Trigon +1  2022-04-04  Levied via 2BBG fee via ais523
secretsnail-2  2022-04-04  Apology for no registrar monthly
secretsnail+2 (f)  2022-04-03  CHoJ: No registrar monthly in March
Madrid +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Juan   +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Madrid -7  2022-04-01  expunged by Madrid for 7BBG fees
Aspen  -2  2022-04-01  expunged by Aspen for 2BBG fees
G. +1  2022-04-01  by announcement by G.
Jason  +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
secretsnail+1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Aspen  +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Aspen  +1 (f)  2022-03-30  CHoJ: distributing unpended
Trigon +2  2022-03-30  CHoJ: No Treasuror wkly 3/7 wk
nix+2  2022-03-30  CHoJ: No Herald's weekly 3/7 wk
Jason  +2  2022-03-27  CHoJ: No Rulekeepor Report 3/7 wk
secretsnail+2  2022-03-18  Cabinet order of Dive
nix-2  2022-03-16  Expunged with 2 BBGs
ATMunn -6  2022-03-14  Expunged with 6 BBGs
Aspen  +1 (f)  2022-02-11  CHoJ: No Promotor Report 2/28 wk
ATMunn +2  2022-02-11  CHoJ: No Notary Report 2/28 wk
ATMunn +2  2022-02-11  CHoJ: No Notary Report 2/21 wk
Jason  -2  2022-02-05  Expunged with 2 BBGs
Jason  +2  2022-02-28  Cabinet Order of Dive
Murphy -1  2022-02-21  Apology
Murphy +1 (f)  2022-02-18  CHOJ for late judgement (CFJ 3940)
Cuddlybanana   +2  2022-02-18  CHoJ for late judgement (CFJ 3941)
ATMunn +2 (f)  2022-02-07  CHoJ for late Notary Rep (Feb 24 week)
nix+2  2022-02-02  CHoJ for late Herald's monthly (Jan)
Trigon +1  2022-01-23  Blotted by G. via 2 BBG fee
Trigon +1  2022-01-23  Blotted by G. via 2 BBG fee
G. +1  2022-01-23  CHoJ late on appointing a Speaker
Madrid +1  2022-01-23  CHoJ for failing to judge CFJ 3938
nix+1  2022-01-23  CHoJ - late on naming a Champion
Shy Owl-1  2022-01-01  Quarterly fugitive halving
Trigon +1 (f)  2021-11-28  CHoJ - no auction resolution msg
nix+1 (f)  2021-11-28  CHoJ - no timely response to CoE
Madrid +4  2021-11-08  CHoJ for violating Jumblebeam contract.
Shy Owl 0  2021-11-04  Becomes a fugitive (deregisters)
R. Lee -2  2021-10-17  Proposal 8617 (see CFJ 3936)
Shy Owl+2  2021-10-05  "For breaking above pledge"
Telna  -1  2021-09-19  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Telna  +1  2021-09-19  Telna using Unofficial Injustice
Trigon -1  2021-09-19  Expunged by Telna w/ 1 Blot-B-Gone
Madrid +2  2021-09-19  Telna using Unofficial Injustice
Trigon +2  2021-09-19  Telna using Unofficial Injustice
G. -2  2021-09-18  Expunged with 2 Blot-B-Gones
R. Lee +2  2021-09-18  Trigon using Unofficial Injustice
G. +2  2021-09-18  R. Lee using Unofficial Injustice
Aspen  -2  2021-09-01  Expunged with 2 Blot-B-Gones
Trigon -1  2021-09-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
R. Lee 

OFF: [Stonemason] June Stone Auction

2022-06-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Pursuant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
lots: [Power Stone], [Wealth Stone].

The method to be used for this auction is a Selective-bid Auction,
defined jointly by regulations AM0 and AM5. In case of contradiction
between either the latest published ACORN or the platonic set of auction
regulations and the below text, the below text shall control.

Regulation AM0/5
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying an amount of that auction's currency. Players CAN
  withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  EXCLUSIVITY: Bids in an auction are grouped into classes of that
  auction. Unless otherwise specified, all bids in a given auction
  are in a single class. A bid CANNOT be made if, in the class it
  would be in, another bid already exists with the bid amount of the
  hypothetical bid.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's bidding period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: To distribute lots in an auction is to:
* publish a reasonably accurate full history of bids on the
  auction and withdrawals from the auction, and
* for each awardee in that auction, revoke the amount to be paid
  from that awardee and transfer to that player (or grant em if
  the item is new) the set of assets associated with the lot e
  The Auctioneer for an auction CAN, by announcement within fourteen
  days after the bidding period for an auction ends, and SHALL, in a
  timely fashion after that same point, distribute lots. The message
  in which e does so is the "resolution message" for that auction.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021
Amended(3) by Trigon, 02 Aug 2021
Amended(4) by Trigon, 30 Aug 2021
Amended(5) by Trigon, 05 Mar 2022


Regulation AM5/3
Selective-bid Auctions

  Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
lot that is preferred.
  * One bid class exists for each lot of a given auction, with bids
falling into the class for the specified lot.
  * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the player who
placed the highest bid in the set of bids made by funded, non
withdrawn players whose preferred bid is the Nth lot.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 05 May 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 02 Aug 2021
Amended(3) by Trigon, 02 Aug 2021


OFF: [Stonemason] Billboard Rock Chart - 5 Jun 2022

2022-06-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

Stone  OwnerLast Wielded  Immune?
-  ---    ---
Power  Agora2022-05-03Agora
Wealth Agora2022-05-03Agora
Soul   Agora2021-02-14Agora
Sabotage   Agora2021-10-04Agora
Concentration  Agora2021-01-04Agora
Protection G.   2021-06-02
Recursion  Agora2022-03-02Agora
Hot Potato Agora2022-03-16Agora
Blank  Trigon

Summary of stone functions:

Power  a specified player's strength is increased by 3 on a
   specified Agoran decision. Escape risk: 40%.

Wealth a specified player earns 5 boatloads of coins. Escape
   risk: 50%.

Soul   a specified non-immune stone is stolen by the
   wielder, then the Soul Stone is transferred to the
   robbed player. Escape risk: 50%.

Sabotage   the AI of a specified AI-majority decision is
   increased by 1. Escape risk: 80%.

Concentration  a specified player earns an extra Grant for eir
   Focus. Escape risk: 60%.

Protection a specified stone becomes immune (until the next
   Collection Notice). Escape risk: 70%.

Recursion  can be wielded as any other stone. Escape risk: 70%.

Hot Potato gain 8 boatloads of coins if transferred to a player who
   has not owned the stone since the last time Agora owned
   it.  Escape risk: immune if wielded 3 or more times since
   the last collection notice, else 100%.

Blank  does nothing. Escape risk: 5%.

Alchemypay four of your own cards to gain 7 products of
   your choice. Escape risk: 70%.

2022-06-05 17:46:42  Protection Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2022-06-02 17:03:32  G. wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection Stone.
2022-05-03 23:25:04  Protection Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2022-05-03 23:25:04  Wealth Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2022-05-03 23:25:04  Power Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2022-05-03 23:23:06  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2022-05-03 00:08:13  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-05-01 15:51:23  G. wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection Stone.
2022-05-01 00:16:02  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-04-24 23:44:23  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-04-23 21:36:05  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2022-04-10 07:03:31  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-04-03 05:21:28  Protection Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2022-04-03 05:21:28  Alchemy stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2022-04-03 05:21:28  Hot Potato stone is transferred from Gaelan to Agora per 
collection notice.
2022-04-01 00:25:34  G. wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection Stone.
2022-03-31 16:28:50  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-28 20:08:21  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-27 01:46:56  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-27 01:39:29  Jason wields Alchemy Stone, specifying 1 win card, 3 
legislative cards, and 7 winsomes.
2022-03-24 22:22:46  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-18 03:34:21  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-16 22:08:10  Jason transfers Hot Potato stone to Gaelan.
2022-03-16 22:08:10  Jason wields Hot Potato stone.
2022-03-16 22:03:17  Alchemy Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2022-03-16 22:03:17  Hot Potato Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2022-03-12 01:58:38  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-08 23:15:29  Jason wields Power Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-04 17:59:58  Protection Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2022-03-04 17:59:58  Power Stone ceases being immune after collection notice.
2022-03-04 17:59:58  Recursion Stone is transferred from Jason to Agora per 
collection notice.
2022-03-02 16:55:45  G. wields Protection Stone, specifying Protection Stone
2022-03-02 01:12:07  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-03-02 00:17:12  Jason wields Recursion Stone as Protection Stone, 
specifying Power Stone.
2022-02-21 15:23:28  Secretsnail9 wields Wealth Stone, specifying self.
2022-02-20 23:42:37  Power Stone is transferred to Jason from Agora in auction 
2022-02-20 23:42:37  Wealth Stone is transferred to Secretsnail9 from Agora in 
auction resolution.
2022-02-07 01:53:16  Recursion Stone ceases being immune after collection 
2022-02-07 01:53:16  Protection Stone ceases 

OFF: [Stonemason] June Collection Notice

2022-06-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the unofficial 
Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the best of my knowledge, 
the choices listed below had the probabilities listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Stone  Owner Escape Risk  Choices  Escapes?
-  -----  ---  
Power  Agora  40% [Immune: Agora]
Wealth Agora  50% [Immune: Agora]
Soul   Agora  50% [Immune: Agora]
Sabotage   Agora  80% [Immune: Agora]
Concentration  Agora  60% [Immune: Agora]
Protection G. 70% [Immune: Protection]
Recursion  Agora  80% [Immune: Agora]
Hot Potato Agora 100% [Immune: Agora]
Blank  Trigon  5% NE/NE
AlchemyAgora  70% [Immune: Agora]

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette - 5 Jun 2022

2022-06-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
Agoran Court Gazette (Arbitor's Weekly Report)
Sun 5 June 2022

DEADLINES (details below)

Regular Judges:
3959 G.
3961 Murphy
3962 ais523
3963 Jason
3964 Secretsnail9

Occasional Judges:
[None currently]

Overflow Judges:
3888 nix


3956 R. Lee
3941 Cuddlybanana
3926 Gaelan
3924 Madrid


3964 Judged FALSE by Secretsnail9 [Thu 2 Jun 2022 17:44:03]
 I won the game by Taking Over The Economy today.

 HELD: "the Device changes" by default refers to the Device switch being 
 HELD: Assigning the Device to a player also assigns that player as the 
judge of the Device.
 HELD: ais523 did not Take Over the Economy in the relevant attempt.
 HELD: G. is the initiator of the Device.

OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 5 Jun 2022

2022-06-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 5 Jun 2022

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA1: Tardiness
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/5
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying an amount of that auction's currency. Players CAN
  withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  EXCLUSIVITY: Bids in an auction are grouped into classes of that
  auction. Unless otherwise specified, all bids in a given auction
  are in a single class. A bid CANNOT be made if, in the class it
  would be in, another bid already exists with the bid amount of the
  hypothetical bid.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's bidding period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: To distribute lots in an auction is to:
* publish a reasonably accurate full history of bids on the
  auction and withdrawals from the auction, and
* for each awardee in that auction, revoke the amount to be paid
  from that awardee and transfer to that player (or grant em if
  the item is new) the set of assets associated with the lot e
  The Auctioneer for an auction CAN, by announcement within fourteen
  days after the bidding period for an auction ends, and SHALL, in a
  timely fashion after that same point, distribute lots. The message
  in which e does so is the "resolution message" for that auction.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021
Amended(3) by Trigon, 02 Aug 2021
Amended(4) by Trigon, 30 Aug 2021
Amended(5) by Trigon, 05 Mar 2022


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the 

Re: OFF: [Mad Engineer] Intent to Invent

2022-06-05 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
On 6/5/22 10:09, ais523 via agora-official wrote:
> The Device is off.
> I intend, with Agoran Consent, to cause rule 2655 to amend the rule
> "The Device" by appending the following as a list item to the "When the
> device is on:" list:
> {{{
>If POSSIBLE per the following paragraph, end the Device
> }}}
> [My favourite of secretsnail's suggestions.]

This is Experiment 39.

I object.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Mad Engineer] Intent to Invent

2022-06-05 Thread ais523 via agora-official
The Device is off.

I intend, with Agoran Consent, to cause rule 2655 to amend the rule
"The Device" by appending the following as a list item to the "When the
device is on:" list:
   If POSSIBLE per the following paragraph, end the Device
[My favourite of secretsnail's suggestions.]

Mad Engineer