OFF: [Registrar] Weekly report

2023-04-10 Thread juan via agora-official
Registrar: juan  The Agoran Directory2023-04-10


* We've had another hit-and-run Cantus Cygneus. jimmy became a player
  and shortly after skiddadled out of the game.


Active players: 11/18

a Player   Registered  Last change Contact
- --   --  --- ---
+ 4st  2023-01-27   "  notorious4st at gmail dot com
+ Aspen2022-11-04   "  thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at 
gmail dot com
+ G.   2017-08-25  2021-02-03  kerim at uw dot edu
+ Janet2019-06-02  2021-02-03  agora at randomcat dot org
+ Murphy   2017-12-17  2021-02-03  murphy.agora at gmail dot com
+ Yachay Wayllukuq 2023-03-16   "  yachaywayllukuq at
+ ais523   2021-06-08   "  callforjudgement at dot 
+ cuddlybanana 2021-03-16  2023-01-16  rose.strong42 at gmail dot com
+ juan 2022-03-14   "  juan at juanmeleiro.mat dot br
+ nix  2022-10-09   "  agora at nullarch dot com
+ snail2022-01-29   "  secretsnail9 at gmail dot com
- Aced72022-10-19  2023-04-03  cadenomic at gmail dot com
- Gaelan   2017-05-15  2023-04-03  gbs at canishe dot com
- Marb 2022-11-27  2023-04-03  marb at shabu dot town
- R. Lee   2023-01-31  2023-04-03  sarahestrange0 at gmail dot com
- Shy Owl  2022-10-07  2023-04-03  iamashyown at proton dot me
- omd  2011-02-03  2022-03-23  comexk at gmail dot com
- tb1482023-02-06  2023-04-03  tb148 at proton dot me

* Player: Latest player name.
* Registered: Date of latest registration.
* Last change: Date of latest change in Activity.
* Contact: URI for eir prefered contact method

Legend for symbols:
a Activity
+ Active
- Inactive
" Same value as cell to the left


PublicityLocation or descriptionTypical use
Public   agora-official at   official reports
Public   agoranomic at *  backup
Public   agora-business at   other business
Public   agora at backup
Foreign  irc:// discussion
Foreign  matrix:r/  discussion
Discussion discussion
Discussion   agora-discussion at discussion

* The forum is specifically just that email list.

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main lists:

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup list:

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server, port 6667, channel ##nomic.

You can subscribe to GIO by messaging the following email

main+subscribe at

There is also a Matrix foreign forum:



(Hopefully one of the links should work)


Person  Date of ban
--  ---
Madrid  2022-09-11


Regarding what information is included in the report and why.

- List of players (R2139)
- List of players' contact information (R2139)
- Date of latest registration (R2139)
- Fora (R2139)
- Date of latest activation (convenience for deregistrations as per R2646)
- Number of players (petition by nix on 2023-02-23)
- Banned people (R2679)


For any corrections,
For any suggestions or complaints of form,
Please contact the Registrar.



OFF: Writ of FAGE

2023-04-10 Thread juan via agora-official

I hereby command the player here refered to as jimmy to be deregistered
in a Writ of Fungiedae Agorae Grandissima Exprobratione (Writ of FAGE).

Let it be known henceforth that player jimmy has been deregistered this way.

Behold jimmy's Cantus Cygneus:

Marfy Marf via agora-business [2023-04-09 01:08]:
> I submit this document ,a Cantus Cygneus, to the registrar
> I come from a distant land. I have heard stories of this place. Terrible
> stories. Of a vile evil. Taxes. These tax report whatever things are cringe
> and have gone on long enough. For your crimes you are all no longer goofy
> goobers. Your goofy status has been revoked, and only returning to not
> paying taxes will begin the healing process. I expect this to be fixed
> swiftly and properly.

Note: a CFJ, promptly judged INSUFFICIENT, put into question if jimmy
was an already registered player. If it were such, e would have failed
to register again, but the Cantus Cygneus would have probably succeeded,
making em deregistered. The next report, then, would ratify their being
registered. However, up to now, there is no evidence this is the case.


OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2023-04-10 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
Agoran Court Gazette (Arbitor's Weekly Report)
Mon 10 Apr 2023 16:05:51 UTC

DEADLINES (details below)
4021 Assigned to G.  Due Mon 17 Apr 2023 16:02:37

4012 snail
4017 ais523
4018 nix
4019 Janet
4021 G.
(timeout:  4018 Murphy)

4021 Assigned to G. [Due Mon 17 Apr 2023 16:02:37]
 Yachay owns the Hot Potato stone.

4020 Judged INSUFFICIENT by G. [Mon 10 Apr 2023]
 jimmy's recent attempt at registering is unambiguously successful.

4019 Judged FALSE by Janet [Mon 10 Apr 2023]
 In this message, I had qualified players lift the First Speaker in
 a powerful dance around the fountain.

4018 Judged TRUE by nix [Fri 31 Mar 2023]
 I currently own the Radiance stone.

4017 Judged TRUE by ais523 [Sat 25 Mar 2023]
 snail gained 1 radiance for being co-author of Proposal 8919.

4016 Judged FALSE by nix [Sun 12 Mar 2023]
 cuddlybanana has voted FOR on the Agoran decision about whether to
 adopt proposal 8911.

4015 Judged FALSE by Janet [Sun 12 Mar 2023]
 This is a valid objection.

4012 Judged TRUE by snail [Tue 14 Mar 2023]
 The text of Rule 2486/1 (The Royal Parade), up to but not
 including "IN CELEBRATION", consists of multiple paragraphs.

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4021 Assigned to G.

2023-04-10 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 4021.  I assign it to G..


===  CFJ 4021  ===

  Yachay owns the Hot Potato stone.



Judge: G.



Called by snail:  09 Apr 2023 20:40:20
Assigned to G.:   [now]


Caller's Arguments:

Arguments for TRUE:
Snail, Janet, and nix all tied for highest modified stone rockiness at the
end of the week, so the following rule text applied:

  In a tie, the stone
  specified by the tied player who reached first is transferred to

snail was the player that "reached first", since e was the first player to
ever reach (though it was for the Score Stone), so the Hot Potato stone is
transferred to em, as e reached for it the previous week, and the previous
week's stone specifications are what are referred to by "stone specified."
Complications may arise if you consider the sentence before this:

  At the beginning of each week, the stone specified by the player
  with the highest Modified Rockiness that reached for a stone in
  the previous week is transferred to em.

but it seems to merely supply the context under which "stone specified",
"in a tie", and "tied player" is to be defined. "Reaching" is defined in a
separate paragraph:

  Once a week each player CAN "reach" for a specified stone owned by
  Agora by announcement.

It is worth determining what "in a tie", "stone specified", and "reached
first" each mean.
Also note that "When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the
rules takes precedence."
It seems pretty clear to me that when the rules say "reached first" it
refers to the player that took the reaching game action first, among the
relevant players, generally, and not specifically "in the previous week"
as others may argue, as that wording isn't present in the text.


Gratuitous Arguments by nix:

First, the text itself is as follows:

   At the beginning of each week, the stone specified by the player
   with the highest Modified Rockiness that reached for a stone in
   the previous week is transferred to em. In a tie, the stone
   specified by the tied player who reached first is transferred to
   em. When a player receives a stone in this way, eir Base Rockiness
   is set to 0.

The immediately relevant sentence is "In a tie, the stone specified by
the tied player who reached first is transferred to em." "In a tie"
specifies a context, and as an adverbial phrase can be moved around.

It seems that snail is interpretting it as "The stone specified by the
tied player who reached first is transferred to em in a tie."

It can also be read as "The stone specified by the tied player who
reached first in a tie is transferred to em."

Now, I'll grant that each reading is equally likely if we have no
context. The first sentence of the paragraph provides the context of a
weekly reach, which favors the second reading.

However, even if we ignore that context, we have two equally textually
supported readings. It'd then come down to our Four Factors. There's no
precedent or previous gameplay that disagrees with either reading.
There's a clear "best interest of the game" to make it play as it is
intended, and not give a player a permanent advantage. "Common sense"
also seems to favor the reading that is more fair.

Thus, while both readings might be plausible, only one is supportable by
our judicial tradition.


Caller's response to gratuitous arguments by nix:

This assertion deserves skepticism. Moving the phrase around changes the
meaning of the sentence. It may be fine for "When X, Y happens." meaning
the same as "Y happens when X." But the sentence is more complicated. When
X happens, the Y specified by Z that is a part of X is W. This is the same
as "The Y specified by Z is W, when X." but not the same as "The Y
specified by (Z when X) is W" or even "The (Y when X) specified by Z is W"
or "The Y specified by Z is (W when X)" . To be clear, the difference here
is that the adverbial phrase (when X) applies to the whole subsequent
clause when it is seperated at the start, or the whole preceding clause
when at the end, but when situated in the middle, it only modifies one part
of the clause, causing a different meaning.

Applying this to the wording of "The stone specified by the tied player who
reached first is transferred to em." we have a lot of candidates for

OFF: [CotC] CFJ 4019 Judged FALSE by Janet

2023-04-10 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

===  CFJ 4019  ===

  In this message, I had qualified players lift the First Speaker in
  a powerful dance around the fountain.



Judge: Janet
Judgement: FALSE



Called by Juan:   27 Mar 2023 18:21:13
Assigned to Janet:02 Apr 2023 17:59:43
Motion to extend filed:   01 Jan 1970 00:00:00
Judged FALSE by Janet:01 Jan 1970 00:00:00


Caller's Evidence:

Juan wrote, to Agora-Business:
> Forest Sweeney via agora-business [2023-03-27 08:56]:
>> Here are some interesting reports you should go and look at. What did these
>> offices do? What was in these reports? Some things have changed!
>> In response to the Sun 24 Feb 2008 Conductor Report, I declare the ritual
>> number as 10.
>> […]
>> In response to
>> I declare the ritual number as 15.
>> I'm done for now. I'll be back later until someone inevitably
>> doesn't like this and fixes the timeframes we can report on.
>> :) It's just 1 point and this is a lot of work to dig up :P

> For each natural number N from 16 to 41, I perform the following action:
> {
> In response to the Nth ritual act ever performed, I declare the ritual
> number to be N.
> }
> I have qualified players lift the First Speaker in a powerful dance
> around the fountain, thereby making it so all of em earn 1 radiance.

Caller's Arguments:

Arguments FOR:

The only issue here is whether the intent is clear and unambiguous, which
ultimately will come down to some criterion of reasonable effort. The only
information that needs to be verified is whether 1) there were at least 41
ritual acts, and that 2) none of those have had a ritual number declared in
response. Well, I posit that those two facts are patently obvious, even
though it might be unreasonably hard to identify specifically which acts
were those. But their identity, alas, is irrelevant.


Judge Janet's Arguments:

Although the caller states that this case turns only on whether eir
attempts were sufficiently clear, it also depends on whether 4st's
purported declarations of the ritual number as 10 to 15 succeeded (at [0]).

I find that these purported declarations were not successful. R2680/1
phrases the definitions of ritual acts as ongoing and present tense.
Similarly, the enabling of declaring the ritual number is phrased as
present and ongoing. Thus, I find that the ENABLING of declaring a
ritual number attaches when the ritual act is performed and does not
apply retrospectively past when R2680 was enacted. Thus, the purported
declarations from 10 to 15 were referencing events that were not ritual

However, the caller raises the argument that R2680 does not require the
declaration of a ritual number to include a reference to a specific
event. I find that this is not correct. R2680's phrasing of "for each
ritual act" suggests that the declaration applies to a specific ritual
act, and thus the specification of the action must include the specific
ritual act. The caller's purported declarations even seem to accept
that, as they attempt to include a reference to a specific ritual act,
rather than just having a raw declaration.

Thus, I find that 4st's purported declarations from 10-15 were invalid
because they failed to specify the required ritual act.

Although this finding means that I do not need to reach the clarity of
caller's purported declarations from 16-41 (sine they are invalid due to
not being at most 1 greater than some previous declaration), I will
continue to resolve the controversy anyway.

Having found that a specific ritual act must be referenced for a
declaration to be valid, the question is now what communication standard
must be met. I find that the standard is equivalent to the normal
"specify" standard. The only clarity standard weaker than that in the
rules is used in R869 registration, which is explicitly and deliberately
weaker than "by announcement" (and includes "reasonably clearly and
reasonably unambiguously"). Given that the only weaker standard has
explicit and clear wording, I find that, under the "game custom" factor,
it is not reasonable to read in a weaker clarity standard than "specify".

Having found that specific ritual acts must be referen

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4020 assigned to G., judged INSUFFICIENT

2023-04-10 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
I am performing the following actions for procedural reasons of the
Arbitor's office.  I pledge not to claim any radiance for the actions

On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 10:59 AM Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-business  wrote:
> I CFJ: "jimmy's recent attempt at registering is unambiguously
> successful"

The above CFJ is CFJ 4020.  I assign it to G.

I judge CFJ 4020 INSUFFICIENT. The Caller has not cleanly presented
the existing evidence such as the alleged registration message, which
is a bit of an issue; more importantly, in what arguments e does
present, e has said e "doesn't have any evidence but e believes..."
It is not the job of the judge to assemble said evidence without
anything to go on; that would place an undue burden on the judge, as
it places em in the position of making potentially intrusive enquiries
into whether someone is "really" a person. If it turns out jimmy
wasn't a person, or was an already-registered person, ratification or
self-ratification will fail retroactively as it would "add
inconsistencies between the gamestate and the rules" (R1551, as
interpreted by CFJ 3455 for registration) so asking a judge to push
the matter further based on the current publicly-available evidence is
not in the best interests of the judicial system or the game.

We don't use INSUFFICIENT too often, as judges often take it on
themselves to dig in past emails to verify or find evidence and so
forth, which is generally part of the game. However, and with no
prejudice or fault placed on the caller or this issue should future
evidence be presented, as an Arbitor's policy it seems appropriate to
draw a line for insufficient on this case.

> On Sunday, April 9, 2023, Janet Cobb via agora-business <
>> wrote:
> > On 4/9/23 10:08, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-business wrote:
> > > I don't have any damning evidence but I believe that "jimmy" is a
> > currently
> > > registered player. As such, they couldn't have registered again (R869,
> > only
> > > the unregistered can register)
> > >
> > > I intend to ratify without objection: {The person who recently went by
> > the
> > > name "jimmy" has not ever registered as the player named "jimmy"}
> >
> >
> > I object.
> >
> > That's unlikely. Most players would know not to do such a thing. Also, I
> > don't think this would work, one doesn't register "as" a specific
> > player. Even if it is the case that this was an existing player, the
> > Cantus Cygneus would still be valid, and the recent registration attempt
> > being unsuccessful wouldn't change that.
> >
> > --
> > Janet Cobb
> >
> > Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason
> >
> >