OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2023-05-21 Thread Forest Sweeney via agora-official
I expunge 1 blot from nix.

 (Referee's Weekly Report)
Date of this report: 22 May 2023
Date of last report: 15 May 2023
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS(self-ratifies)
Blots  Person
-  -
0  4st
1  nix

INFRACTION HISTORY(does not self-ratify)
Reporter  Infracter  DateIn. Fg.  Crime
  -  --  --- --- -

In. - Investigated
Fg. - Forgiven

BLOT HISTORY  (does not self-ratify)
PersonChange   DateReason
  ---  --  ---
nix-1  2023-05-22  4st expunged a blot.
nix-1  2023-05-15  4st expunged a blot.
nix+1  2023-05-15  Rule 103 violation
nix+1  2023-05-15  Rule 2143 violation
nix 0  2023-05-15  Rule 2143 violation
nix-1  2023-05-08  4st expunged a blot.
4st 0  2023-05-08  Self Expungement (DIDN'T HAPPEN)
4st 0  2023-04-29  (FALSE) Violation of No Faking
nix+2  2023-04-25  Created willingly
snail  -1  2023-04-25  4st expunged a blot.
snail  -1  2023-04-29  Self-expungement
Snail  +2  2023-04-14  Prime Minister Dive Order
Janet  -1  2023-04-14  Self-Expungement
nix 0  2023-04-05  Weekly Tardiness
Snail  -1  2023-04-04  Self-Expungement
Janet  -1  2023-04-03  Self-Expungement
Janet  -1  2023-04-02  Self-Expungement
Snail  -1  2023-03-27  Self-Expungement
Snail  +2  2023-03-16  Violating R591
Janet  +1  2023-03-16  Weekly Tardiness
Janet  +2  2023-03-06  Prime Minister Dive Order
cuddlybanana   -1  2022-08-08  Expunged by Madrid
cuddlybanana   +1  2022-08-04  Monthly Tardiness
secretsnail-2  2022-07-18  Apology received and accepted
secretsnail+2 (f)  2022-07-11  Violation of Rule 879
ais523 -1  2022-06-19  Weekly self-expungement
ais523 -1  2022-06-13  Weekly self-expungement
ais523 +2  2022-06-12  Cabinet Order of Dive
Shy Owl-1  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (1 BBG in fees)
R. Lee -2  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (2 BBGs in fees)
nix-2  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (2 BBGs in fees)
Jason  -2  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (2 BBGs in fees)
Cuddlybanana   -3  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (3 BBGs in fees)
Madrid -3  2022-06-06  Self-expunged (3 BBGs in fees)
Juan   -1  2022-06-06  Self-expunged (1 BBG in fees)
G. -2  2022-05-15  Expunged for 2 BBGs in fees
Madrid +2  2022-05-15  Cabinet Order of Dive
Jason  -1  2022-05-15  Expunged for 1 BBG in fees
nix-3  2022-05-14  Expunged for 3 BBGs in fees
Aspen  -1  2022-05-02  Expunged by G. for 1 BBG in fees
Trigon -7  2022-05-02  Expunged by G. for 7 BBGs in fees
R. Lee +2  2022-04-24  CHoJ: Failure to judge CFJ 3956
secretsnail+0 (W)  2022-04-24  Unjustified Gesticulation
nix+1 (f)  2022-04-10  CHoJ: Unjustified Gesticulation
nix+0 (W)  2022-04-10  Unjustified Gesticulation
secretsnail-3  2022-04-06  Expunged by G. for 3 BBGs in fees
Trigon +1  2022-04-04  Levied via 2BBG fee via ais523
secretsnail-2  2022-04-04  Apology for no registrar monthly
secretsnail+2 (f)  2022-04-03  CHoJ: No registrar monthly in March
Madrid +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Juan   +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Madrid -7  2022-04-01  expunged by Madrid for 7BBG fees
Aspen  -2  2022-04-01  expunged by Aspen for 2BBG fees
G. +1  2022-04-01  by announcement by G.
Jason  +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
secretsnail+1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Aspen  +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Aspen  +1 (f)  2022-03-30  CHoJ: distributing unpended
Trigon +2  2022-03-30  CHoJ: No Treasuror wkly 3/7 wk
nix+2  2022-03-30  CHoJ: No Herald's weekly 3/7 wk
Jason  +2  2022-03-27  CHoJ: No Rulekeepor Report 3/7 wk
secretsnail+2  2022-03-18  Cabinet order of Dive
nix-2  2022-03-16  Expunged with 2 BBGs
ATMunn -6  2022

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2023-05-21 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2023-05-14
Date of this report: 2023-05-21


Filled offices: 18/18 (100.00%)
Total officers: 9
Consolidation[1]: 2
Late reports: 0/13 (0.00%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP   ~ Murphy   2020-07-032022-10-091
Arbitor  G.   2022-10-092023-01-152
Assessor Janet2019-07-092023-05-073
Collector   *snail2023-04-25(never)   1
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Dream Keeper snail2022-12-11(never)   1
Herald   nix  2022-10-172023-05-072
Notary   snail2022-03-142023-01-152
Prime Minister   nix  2023-02-022023-02-260
Promotor snail2022-05-012023-01-153
Referee  4st  2023-04-092023-04-142
Registrar  ~ juan 2022-08-292022-10-021
Ricemastor   Yachay   2023-05-19(never)   1
Rulekeepor ~ Janet2019-12-062022-10-093
Speaker  Yachay   2023-05-152019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason   Janet2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor ~ Murphy   2021-02-282022-10-091
Webmastornix  2023-04-232023-04-231

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP Offices   2023-05-14[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2023-05-21
Dream Keeper Dreams2023-05-15
Herald   Radiance  2023-05-16
Promotor Proposal pool 2023-05-19
Referee  Rule violations   2023-05-15
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2023-05-15
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2023-05-21
Stonemason   Stones2023-05-21

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
  (does not take succumbing into account)
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

Herald   Patent titles 2023-05-16
Notary   Contracts 2023-04-29
RegistrarPlayer history2023-05-02
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2023-05-21
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2023-05-07
WebmastorWeb resources 2023-04-02


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office   Days Until  Last Election

Registrar00 Days 2022-10-02
ADoP 00 Days 2022-10-09
Rulekeepor   00 Days 2022-10-09
Tailor   00 Days 2022-10-09
Arbitor  00 Days 2023-01-15

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

Once a quarter, the ADoP SHALL start an election for 2 to 4 offices
that haven't had one for at least 180 days (90 for Prime Minister),
and SHOULD prioritize those that have gone the longest without one.

ADoP Associate Director of 

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2023-05-21 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
Agoran Court Gazette (Arbitor's Weekly Report)
Sun 21 May 2023

DEADLINES (details below)
4029 Assigned to Murphy  Due Sun 28 May 2023 14:05:04
4030 Assigned to Yachay  Due Sun 28 May 2023 14:06:53
4031 Assigned to ais523  Due Sun 28 May 2023 14:07:37

4022 nix
4023 4st
4024 snail
4025 Janet
4028 G.
4029 Murphy
4030 Yachay
4031 ais523

4031 Assigned to ais523 [Due Sun 28 May 2023 14:07:37]
 This violates Rule 2029 ("Town Fountain").

4030 Assigned to Yachay [Due Sun 28 May 2023 14:06:53]
 Per Rule 2680, a player can anoint a ritual number multiple times
 for a single instance of a ritual act.

4029 Assigned to Murphy [Due Sun 28 May 2023 14:05:04]
 There was an infraction noted in this message.

4028 Judged FALSE by G. [Fri 12 May 2023]
 There was an infraction noted in this message.

4027 Judged FALSE by Murphy [Sun 14 May 2023]
 This proposal introduces "any ambiguity" into all rule changes.

4026 Judged IRRELEVANT by ais523 [Fri 12 May 2023]
 In Rule 2125, the phrase 'The Rules SHALL NOT be interpreted so as
 to proscribe unregulated actions' proscribes unregulated actions.

4025 Judged FALSE by Janet [Sat 13 May 2023]
 In G's investigation, G violated Rule 2125 and interpreted the
 rules as proscribing an unregulated action.

4024 Judged TRUE by snail [Thu 18 May 2023]
 This means the same thing as "each and every".

4023 Judged TRUE by 4st [Fri 19 May 2023]
 Rule 879, "Quorum", has power 3.0.

4022 Judged TRUE by nix [Mon 08 May 2023]
 I am not guilty of violating No Faking by collecting taxes.

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4031 Assigned to ais523

2023-05-21 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 4031.  I assign it to ais523.


===  CFJ 4031  ===

  This violates Rule 2029 ("Town Fountain").



Judge: ais523



Called by 4st:18 May 2023 19:43:07
Assigned to ais523:   [now]


Caller's Evidence:

On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 12:31 PM Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> I submit the following proposal:
> Title: Sacrilege
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Janet
> Coauthors:
> {
> Repeal Rule 2680 ("Ritual Paper Dance").
> }

Caller's Arguments:

Arguments FOR: Ritual Paper Dance enables dancing. Rule 2029 asks us to
always dance a powerful dance. Thus, if it were repealed, we could no
longer dance. Thus, proposing to repeal it is a crime.


Gratuitous Arguments by Jason:

CFJ 1881.

CFJ 2589.


Gratuitous Arguments by G.:

On Thu, May 18, 2023 at 1:32 PM ais523 via agora-discussion
> On Thu, 2023-05-18 at 13:16 -0700, Kerim Aydin via agora-business
> wrote:
> > I informally risk being guilty of favoritism 7 days from now, by
> > saying that the combination of CFJ calling and parenthetical reminder
> > that it may fail is enough disclaimer to avoid no faking.  I'll also
> > note that Janet pointed out CFJ 1881 which asked if R2029 created a
> > duty to dance, and in fact Judge omd of that case found that R2029
> > *does* apply penalties to the Marvy (if there were any Marvy), and
> > CFJ 2589 which raised the matter again/independently. So it's not
> > 100% cut-and-dried that R2029's exhortation to dance has no legal
> > effect. And I'd forgotten at least one of those cases myself, so I
> > wouldn't expect 4st to know about them.
> Are there any Marvy at the moment? IIRC the definition was something
> along the lines of "a player who has increased voting power but is not
> an officer", but I can't properly remember it (it was over a decade ago
> at this point).
> That said, I suspect the word in R2029 is currently undefined: I don't
> think "a definition that was in place at the time the rule was adopted"
> is one of the things that we can legally use to interpret the rules.
> (In fact, given that rules of lower power can't outright define terms
> in higher-power rules – just clarify them – it may be very hard to
> define a term in a power-4 rule at all if it has no common meaning, and
> after this much time, I doubt it has a common meaning.)

It was CFJ 2585, and you (Judge ais523) found the exact opposite of
what you just said above. In, Judge ais523

> However, by the implicit mention in CFJ 1881,
> and the explicit precedent of CFJ 1534 (that in a rule of historical
> significance such as 104 or 2029, terms used in the rule have the
> meaning they had when the rule was created), not to mention rule 1586, I
> can only conclude that "marvy" in rule 2029 has the meaning it did when
> the Fountain was created.

Recently, Judge 4st found, in CFJ 3989, that there just wasn't
sufficient evidence to find anyone guilty of this, explicitly refuting
CFJ 2585 (unfortunately the evidence/context was left out of this case
record):  In
refuting CFJ 2585, Judge 4st also specifically refuted CFJ 1534, which
dealt with continuity of the "First Speaker" term, which you
cited/upheld in CFJ 2585:

Those 4 cases form the complete set of relevant cases that turn up
search the CFJ github for Marvy/Marvies (1881, 2585, 2589 and 3989)
plus CFJ 1534 for the more general finding that concerned old terms of
art like "First Speaker".


Gratiutous Arguments by ais523:

On Tue, 2023-05-16 at 15:21 -0500, nix via agora-official wrote:
> Marvy:4st, ais523, CreateSource,
>   cuddlybanana, duck, G., Janet,
>   juan, Murphy, R. Lee, snail,
>   Trigon, Vitor Gonçalves

Marvy is a patent title that's currently in use. I suspect that this
has no impact on rule 2029 for much the same reason that a player named
"Marvy" wouldn't, but it feels like a relevant data point.


OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4030 Assigned to Yachay

2023-05-21 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 4030.  I assign it to Yachay.


===  CFJ 4030  ===

  Per Rule 2680, a player can anoint a ritual number multiple times
  for a single instance of a ritual act.



Judge: Yachay



Called by nix:17 May 2023 23:14:29
Assigned to Yachay:   [now]


Caller's Evidence:

On 5/17/23 16:45, ais523 via agora-business wrote:
> Previous versions of rule 2680 said "CAN once" (e.g.
> - isn't archiving old rulesets so I had to link the
> private archive).
> However, proposal 8943
> (
> changed it to a version without the "once". We generally say "CAN once"
> if an action is only intended to be possible once, and the "once", once
> present, is now repealed. This means that it should be possible to
> anoint multiple ritual numbers using the same ritual act.

Caller's Arguments:

To me, the intuitive reading of "When [event] happens, a player CAN
[verb]" is that a player can do the verb one time per event. This is the
way I would mean this is plain speech, and it's the way the rules of
pretty much any board game are written. "When [event] happens, draw a
card" doesn't usually mean you can draw more than one card. Nothing in
the rules (that I see) seems to suggest any reason that Agora would
interpret this differently than plain speech or analogous situations in
other games.


Gratuitous Arguments by G.:

In any board game, if a rule said "When you place your meeple, you can
draw a card", I don't think any board game group in the world would
interpret it as meaning you can empty the deck.  I wholly agree that
the "whole deck" interpretation is Agoran current custom and that,
barring minor technical issues, this win was obtained totally fairly
under that assumption.  But I sure am interested in how the assumption
came to be - so I might ask the judge to look into details or first
principles if e's willing to pursue it a bit, instead of just saying
"it's our common custom" (which is a totally fair reason to uphold the

For example, tabled actions are written continuously - a player can
perform the tabled action "if e is [currently] a sponsor" of an
appropriate intent.  Some of the "multiple wins from one trigger"
successes were based on Apathy intents.  If the precedent was written
originally for the tabled action case, and depended on the continuity
of the condition, it might have been an error to extend it to "When X
happens, a player CAN Y" language.


OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4029 Assigned to Murphy

2023-05-21 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 4029.  I assign it to Murphy.


===  CFJ 4029  ===

  There was an infraction noted in this message.



Judge: Murphy



Called by Yachay: 12 May 2023 13:24:04
Assigned to Murphy:   [now]


Caller's Evidence:

Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-business wrote:
> I note the infraction of Invisibilitating performed by 4st for jaywalking
> without a license, compounded by having dangerous levels of swagger.

Caller's Arguments:

So, after the silence, finding that a couple other players actually don't
know what "Invisibilitating" is either, and some simple searches in the
mail archives, apparently "Invisibilitating" relies on gamestate that
supposedly still exists after 10+ years. I thought we didn't dig into the
past that far to consider how many turtles down the current gamestate was
held up by, but if we do, then:

- Why would we make a special case just for Invisibilitating specifically?
What about other ancient things that may affect how other *current* things
of the game work too?
- Are we even sure that the secret Invisibilitating instrument still exists
or works as intended?
- It takes agency away from newer players and puts more into older ones
which are more familiar with this obscure ancient arcana which has now
supposedly been made relevant, which feels terrible.

Thankfully, I'm far from a win so I have a margin to endure risking some
blots, which I'll spend to try to uncover more about this.


Gratuitous Arguments by G:

>> Re-enact Rule 2056 (Invisibilitating) with the following text:
>>   Invisibilitating is a Class 1 infraction.

Proposal 4513[0] - clearly cited in the proposal just adopted - made
the following 'pronouncement' when it took effect, and the
pronouncement was not 'rescinded' when the rule was repealed[1].  I'm
under no illusion that the pronouncement is still "taking effect" in
any legal way, but it is a unique case because (as Yachay found)
there's no common-sense definition or term findable on an internet
search, so this text - which was just voted into the rules, so must be
interpreted as the text of the rules - is the only thing I know that
potentially "clarifies" the text of the rules in a R217 definitional
sense.  Further it is clear from the text itself that it was intended
that this definition be "hidden" and continue to provide definitional
guidance (that's unique afaik when thinking of other old gamestate):

> Proposal 4513 by Steve, AI=1, Ordinary
> Invisibilitating
> Be it resolved, that the proposer of an adopted proposal (besides this
> proposal) that includes a provision that proposes to make changes to
> parts of the gamestate, where no player is required to report those
> changes in an official report, with the exception of the publication of
> that proposal by the Promotor and the Assessor, shall be guilty of the
> Class 0 Infraction of Invisibilitating.


ais523 wrote:
> It can't provide definitional guidance. Rule 217 contains a complete
> list of things that can be used to interpret and apply the rules where
> their text is silent, and "the text of adopted proposals" isn't on the
> list. (So neither the text of proposal 4513, nor the text of proposal
> 8961 which references it, is relevant in the interpretation.)
> Do you have a past judgement to reference for the definition? (There's
> no game custom remaining at this point – I remembered that
> Invisibilitating had once been defined, which is why I voted AGAINST,
> but couldn't remember the details – and common sense and the best
> interests of the game may argue towards leaving the term defined or
> undefined but don't provide a definition.)

G. wrote:
 I grepped the full BUS and OFF mboxes, and searched the CFJ archive,
and I believe that there were never any legal proceedings accusing
anyone of Invisibilitating, either while it existed in the previous
iteration or afterwards.  The only references I found were the
enactment, the repeal, and the appearances in the ruleset or the
proposal.  This vaguely matched my memory that it was rarely if ever

In this special case, I disagree that we are limited to the R217
definitional sources - in particular, because there are *no* R217
definitional sources, and the "text of the rules" says