OFF: [Herald] High Scores

2023-06-13 Thread Forest Sweeney via agora-official
Radiances as of 13 June 2023:

IN FIRST, we have murphy with 51 Radiance.
IN SECOND, we have snail with 42 Radiance.

TIED FOR THIRD, we have these players with 29 radiance:
4st, Aspen, G., Janet, Murphy, Yachay
Wayllukuq, ais523, beokirby, blob, cuddlybanana,
inalienableWright, juan, Anneke-Constantine.

IN LAST PLACE, we have everyone else, who all have 0 radiance.

Events since last report:

snail/murphy Dream of Sharing (+7)
snail wielded the Radiance stone. (+3)
murphy Dream of Sharing (+15) (week of June 5th was missed, sorry)

Deputy (AKA FAKE) Herald
Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 4032 Assigned to ais523

2023-06-13 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
I assign CFJ 4032 to ais523.

[Full disclosure:  I've added gratuitous arguments to cover the
specific facts in this case,
limited to the first week of Rice Harvests based on the timing of the CFJ call].


===  CFJ 4032  ===

  There are some persons right now who have more than 0 Rice.



Judge: ais523



Called by Yachay: 25 May 2023 19:17:23
Assigned to 4st:  25 May 2023 23:36:45
Judged TRUE by 4st:   27 May 2023 17:40:02
Motion to reconsider group-filed: 28 May 2023 03:15:50
4st recused:  08 Jun 2023 22:59:57
Assigned to ais523:   [now]


Caller's Arguments:

[none provided so far]


Gratuitous Arguments by G.

This CFJ was called on 25-May-23, when only one Rice Harvest had occurred,
and Rule 2682/0 was in effect.

The report in question is here:

No factual errors have been noted in this report, in terms of who sent
messages attempting to either make Rice Plans or to sign rice plans
either via direct consent or contract.

The question is wholly interpretive, in that all signatures allegedly
applied to the Rice Plans were governed by this clause of R2682/0:
>  A Rice
>  Plan has an active player's Signature as long as that player is
>  consenting to it.

This clause is written passively, without our general standards like
"CAN sign by announcement" etc.  And R2519/2 covers consent for "actions"
not continuous states so it's unclear how that applies.

Basically, if signing Rice Plans works as generally intended by the
rule's author, then this CFJ is true, with the persons with more than
0 rice indicated in that report.

Judge 4st initially judged this CFJ and eir original judgement is
included below, but a Motion to Reconsider was filed for that judgement,
and 4st was later recused.  The players supporting the motion to
reconsider generally gave the reason that Judge 4st's arguments called
"having a signature on a plan" a kind of "continuous action" that
players were "continually agreeing to" which didn't generally match
Agoran conceptions of actions as instantaneous events (sorry if this
is a very coarse summary of the objections).

Rule 2682/0 (Power=1)
The Rice Game

  The Ricemastor is an office, in charge of tracking Rice, Rice
  Plans and Signatures. Rice is a fixed asset, ownable only by
  players. Any active player can create a Rice Plan by announcement,
  if e hasn't done so yet in the current week. Rice Plans can have
  Signatures, and each Signature must be of an active player. A Rice
  Plan has an active player's Signature as long as that player is
  consenting to it. An active player can destroy a Rice Plan that e
  has created by announcement.

  A Harvest occurs at the beginning of each week. When this occurs:
  - If there is only one Rice Plan with the most Signatures, that
Rice Plan is Harvested.
  - If there is more than one Rice Plan with the most Signatures,
the one that was created earliest is Harvested.
  - In all other cases, nothing happens.
  And then all Rice Plans are destroyed and the Harvest ends.

  Rice Plans consist of two lists of players, with each list having
  no repeated players, and the lists can be empty. One of these
  lists is its Rice Up list, and the other is its Rice Down list.
  When a Rice Plan is Harvested, for each player listed in its Rice
  Up list, if that player is active, e gains 1 Rice; and for each
  player listed in its Rice Down list, if e has at least 1 Rice then
  e lose 1 Rice.

  If after a Harvest there is a single active player with at least 2
  Rice and more Rice than any other player, then that player wins
  the game, and all Rice is destroyed. When the game has been won in
  this manner three times, this rule repeals itself.

Judge 4st's Arguments:

Rule 2682/0 (Power=1)
The Rice Game

  The Ricemastor is an office, in charge of tracking Rice, Rice
  Plans and Signatures. Rice is a fixed asset, ownable only by
  players. Any active player can create a Rice Plan by announcement,
  if e hasn't done so ye

OFF: (@ADoP) [Referee] Resignation

2023-06-13 Thread Forest Sweeney via agora-official
"As it seems I am more than temporarily the herald, this is going to be my
last referee report. Y'all are goodie two shoes, so I'm not really
recording anything anyways. The actual resignation will be after the report
itself so there's no shenanigans on that front.
Let it be known! It is an easy office, I recommend it for anyone seeking to
increase voting strength. (this literally took me like ... 2 minutes to
copy paste and update a date.)"

 (Referee's Weekly Report)
Date of this report: 13 June 2023
Date of last report: 8 June 2023
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS(self-ratifies)
Blots  Person
-  -

INFRACTION HISTORY(does not self-ratify)
Reporter  Infracter  DateIn. Fg.  Crime
  -  --  --- --- -

In. - Investigated
Fg. - Forgiven

BLOT HISTORY  (does not self-ratify)
PersonChange   DateReason
  ---  --  ---
nix-1  2023-06-01  4st expunged a blot.
nix-1  2023-05-22  4st expunged a blot.
nix-1  2023-05-15  4st expunged a blot.
nix+1  2023-05-15  Rule 103 violation
nix+1  2023-05-15  Rule 2143 violation
nix 0  2023-05-15  Rule 2143 violation
nix-1  2023-05-08  4st expunged a blot.
4st 0  2023-05-08  Self Expungement (DIDN'T HAPPEN)
4st 0  2023-04-29  (FALSE) Violation of No Faking
nix+2  2023-04-25  Created willingly
snail  -1  2023-04-25  4st expunged a blot.
snail  -1  2023-04-29  Self-expungement
Snail  +2  2023-04-14  Prime Minister Dive Order
Janet  -1  2023-04-14  Self-Expungement
nix 0  2023-04-05  Weekly Tardiness
Snail  -1  2023-04-04  Self-Expungement
Janet  -1  2023-04-03  Self-Expungement
Janet  -1  2023-04-02  Self-Expungement
Snail  -1  2023-03-27  Self-Expungement
Snail  +2  2023-03-16  Violating R591
Janet  +1  2023-03-16  Weekly Tardiness
Janet  +2  2023-03-06  Prime Minister Dive Order
cuddlybanana   -1  2022-08-08  Expunged by Madrid
cuddlybanana   +1  2022-08-04  Monthly Tardiness
secretsnail-2  2022-07-18  Apology received and accepted
secretsnail+2 (f)  2022-07-11  Violation of Rule 879
ais523 -1  2022-06-19  Weekly self-expungement
ais523 -1  2022-06-13  Weekly self-expungement
ais523 +2  2022-06-12  Cabinet Order of Dive
Shy Owl-1  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (1 BBG in fees)
R. Lee -2  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (2 BBGs in fees)
nix-2  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (2 BBGs in fees)
Jason  -2  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (2 BBGs in fees)
Cuddlybanana   -3  2022-06-08  Expunged by G. (3 BBGs in fees)
Madrid -3  2022-06-06  Self-expunged (3 BBGs in fees)
Juan   -1  2022-06-06  Self-expunged (1 BBG in fees)
G. -2  2022-05-15  Expunged for 2 BBGs in fees
Madrid +2  2022-05-15  Cabinet Order of Dive
Jason  -1  2022-05-15  Expunged for 1 BBG in fees
nix-3  2022-05-14  Expunged for 3 BBGs in fees
Aspen  -1  2022-05-02  Expunged by G. for 1 BBG in fees
Trigon -7  2022-05-02  Expunged by G. for 7 BBGs in fees
R. Lee +2  2022-04-24  CHoJ: Failure to judge CFJ 3956
secretsnail+0 (W)  2022-04-24  Unjustified Gesticulation
nix+1 (f)  2022-04-10  CHoJ: Unjustified Gesticulation
nix+0 (W)  2022-04-10  Unjustified Gesticulation
secretsnail-3  2022-04-06  Expunged by G. for 3 BBGs in fees
Trigon +1  2022-04-04  Levied via 2BBG fee via ais523
secretsnail-2  2022-04-04  Apology for no registrar monthly
secretsnail+2 (f)  2022-04-03  CHoJ: No registrar monthly in March
Madrid +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Juan   +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
Madrid -7  2022-04-01  expunged by Madrid for 7BBG fees
Aspen  -2  2022-04-01  expunged by Aspen for 2BBG fees
G. +1  2022-04-01  by announcement by G.
Jason  +1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.
secretsnail+1  2022-04-01  Levied via 2BBG fee by G.