(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

==============================  CFJ 3543  ==============================

       No rule other than rule 2166 can be a backing document.


Caller:                       CuddleBeam

Judge:                        Aris
Judgement:                    FALSE



Called by CuddleBeam:         09 Jul 2017                    
Assigned to Aris:             24 Jul 2017 
Judged FALSE by Aris:         31 Jul 2017


Caller's Arguments:

- CFJ 3532 ("Assets with multiple backing documents can't exist")
- R2166 states "An asset is an entity defined as such by a rule", however,
this is in itself a definition of what an asset is - it is an entity
defined as such by a rule. So R2166 is a backing document.
- Given that "Assets with multiple backing docs can't exist", and R2166
itself is a backing document (applicable to *all* assets), no other backing
document can exist in the ruleset.


Judge Aris's Arguments:

This case is similar to CFJ 3532. The assets rule does not create or 
attempt to create any specific class of assets. Although it is necessary
for an asset defined by another rule to be an asset, the sine qua non
(without which not) standard was rejected in CFJ 3532 as being against
both the intent and the clear textual meaning of the rule. FALSE.


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