OFF: [Assessor] Humiliating Public Reminder to Vote on Proposal 8089

2018-08-26 Thread Timon Walshe-Grey
This time, Proposal
8089 has three votes;
we need seven, please.

ATMunn, Aris, Corona, CuddleBeam, D. Margaux, Murphy, omd, P.S.S., Trigon,
V.J. Rada, Gaelan, nichdel, o, Ouri, pokes, Quazie, Telnaior and 天火狐.

Above reminder,
as rule 2168 says,
should humiliate.

New voting deadline:
the second of September,
6:19 AM.


Re: OFF: [Assessor] Humiliating Public Reminder to Vote on Proposal 8089

2018-08-26 Thread D Margaux
I vote PRESENT on proposal 8089.
On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 11:04 AM Timon Walshe-Grey  wrote:

> This time, Proposal
> 8089 has three votes;
> we need seven, please.
> Slackers:
> ATMunn, Aris, Corona, CuddleBeam, D. Margaux, Murphy, omd, P.S.S., Trigon,
> V.J. Rada, Gaelan, nichdel, o, Ouri, pokes, Quazie, Telnaior and 天火狐.
> Above reminder,
> as rule 2168 says,
> should humiliate.
> New voting deadline:
> the second of September,
> 6:19 AM.
> -twg

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-08-26 Thread Edward Murphy

COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Disclaimer: Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)
3645 called by Aris 20 June 2018, assigned to V.J. Rada 26 August 2018:
"G. has satisfied eir weekly obligation with regard to the FLR and SLR."

3648 called by G. 24 June 2018, assigned to V.J. Rada 26 August 2018:
"The fine levied on Corona for late Herald Tournament Regulations is
unforgivable for the purposes of R2559."

3652 called by G. 20 July 2018, assigned to Corona 26 August 2018: "If a
person pays the (nonzero) upkeep cost for eir Rank 1 facility and then
upgrades it to Rank 2 in the same month, e must pay the full Rank 2
upkeep cost to prevent its end-of-the-month destruction."

3653 called by G. 20 July 2018, assigned to Aris 26 August 2018: "If a
facility has an upkeep cost of 0 (i.e. null), the owner must announce an
attempt to pay 0 in a month (or otherwise publicly note) the upkeep cost
of 0 to prevent its end-of-the-month destruction."

(13 August 2018: G. submitted a CFJ, then withdrew it)

3655 called by twg 25 August 2018 (barring G.), assigned to Murphy 26
August 2018: "Aris CAN add Proposal 8077 back to the Proposal Pool by

3656 called by D. Margaux 25 August 2018 (barring twg), assigned to
Murphy 26 August 2018: "D. Margaux currently has in eir possession 5

3657 called by twg 26 August 2018, assigned to G. 26 August 2018: "This
message contains a valid Notice of Honour."

Highest numbered case: 3657

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3638 called by Cuddle Beam 23 May 2018, judged FALSE by V.J. Rada 31
July 2018, reconsidered and judged TRUE 1 August 2018: "The above is a
notice of honor."

3654 called by V.J. Rada 23 July 2018, judged FALSE by Murphy 26 August
2018: "Quorum on the Agoran Decisions on whether or not to adopt
Proposals 8066-8076 was 5.0."

Day Court Judge Recent
Corona  3641, 3638, 3645, 3652
   [06/17 07/08 07/31 08/26]
Murphy  3628, 3633, 3654, 3655, 3656
   [03/01 07/08 07/31 08/26 08/26]
V.J. Rada   3649, 3643, 3638, 3648, 3645
   [07/01 07/22 07/31 08/26 08/26]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3648
G.  3657
D. Margaux  

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3638 content of "the above":

This is a notice of honor

-1 Agora

+1 Agora

*** 3638 caller Cuddle Beam's arguments:

- It's not a notice of honor because it causes Agora's Honor to go further
away from 0 and only an individual action happens per instant as per CFJ
2086, so the -1 would need to happen first, but since it would make Agora's
Honor go further than 0, it doesn't happen.
- It's a notice of honor because the notice of honor as a single unit is
the action, not the individual movements it's composed of.
- It's a notice of honor because the above doesn't matter and the player
requirement implicitly only applies when a player is targeted.
- It's not a notice of honor because it doesn't "provide a reason for
specifying that Player" (and I never can, because Agora isn't a player). And
the implicit rule mentioned above doesn't exist.

*** 3638 judge V.J. Rada's original arguments:

I find CFJ 3638 FALSE. The rules require reasons to be stated for a notice
of honour. That clearly means additional text to the score change itself.

*** 3638 judge V.J. Rada's reconsidered arguments:

Rule 2150 states that "A player CAN publish a Notice of Honour" and then
specifies that four conditions must be satisfied for a Notice to be
_valid_. Valid can be defined as "
legally binding due to having been executed in compliance with the law.".
Therefore, the rule contemplates the existence of invalid notices of honour
with no legally binding effect and valid ones (this is supported by the
fact that the rule attaches consequences only to "a valid Notice of Honour"
being "published". The statement of this case is "the above is a notice of
honour". "[T]he above" is text purporting to be a Notice of Honour raising
and lowering Agora's Karma by 1. Whether that Notice is valid is
irrelevant to the statement of this case. The four conditions do not need
to be satisfied. It is, valid or invalid, a Notice of Honour.

This is in accordance with how we otherwise use English. An invalid license
is still a license, an expired passpo

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2018-08-26 Thread Edward Murphy

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2018-08-01
Date of this report: 2018-08-26


Filled offices: 13/14 (92.86%)
Total officers: 8
Consolidation[1]: 1.62
Late reports: 5/10 (50.00%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office Holder[1]  Since Last Election
ADoP   Murphy 2018-01-182018-01-18
ArbitorMurphy 2018-01-282018-01-28
Assessor  *twg2018-07-192018-02-27
Cartographor   Trigon 2018-02-24(never)
Herald PSS2018-07-152018-07-15
Prime Minister Aris   2018-07-052018-07-23
Promotor   Aris   2016-10-212017-09-21
RefereeVJ Rada2018-07-022018-07-02
Registrar *G. 2018-08-232018-07-15
Rulekeepor*(vacant)   2018-07-01[2] 2018-07-08
Treasuror  twg2018-06-242018-06-24

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP   Offices   2018-08-01[2]  !!
ArbitorJudicial matters  2018-08-26
Cartographor   Land of Arcadia   2018-07-31 !!
Herald Matters of Honour 2018-08-16
Promotor   Proposal pool 2018-08-19
RefereeRule violations   2018-07-26 !!!
Registrar  Players, Fora 2018-08-23
Rulekeepor Short Logical Ruleset 2018-06-12 (vacant)
Treasuror  Coins, other currencies   2018-08-25

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office ReportLast Published Late

Herald Patent titles 2018-07-15
Registrar  Player history2018-08-23
Rulekeepor Full Logical Ruleset  2018-06-06 (vacant)
Tailor Ribbons   2018-06-12 !


Office Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office Days Until  Last Election

Promotor   00 Days 2017-09-21
ADoP   00 Days 2018-01-18
Arbitor00 Days 2018-01-28
Assessor   00 Days 2018-02-27
Tailor 00 Days 2018-05-09

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

ADoP Associate Director of Personnel
PSS  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


Sun, Jul 01 2018 (01:43:07) - G. resigned from Registrar
Sun, Jul 01 2018 (01:43:07) - G. resigned from Rulekeepor
Sun, Jul 01 2018 (19:50:55) - Notary repealed by Proposal 8054
Sun, Jul 01 2018 (19:50:55) - Regkeepor repealed by Proposal 8056
Sun, Jul 01 2018 (21:07:02) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Mon, Jul 02 2018 (04:17:43) - Murphy resolved the Referee election, 
electing VJ Rada

Mon, Jul 02 2018 (05:03:56) - Murphy published the Arbitor's weekly report
Mon, Jul 02 2018 (05:05:48) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
Mon, Jul 02 2018 (05:09:37) - Murphy initiated an election for Herald
Mon, Jul 02 2018 (05:09:37) - Murphy initiated an election fo

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-08-26 Thread D Margaux
I believe my prior action successfully installed me as interim
Referee.  If I am already the interim Referee, I hereby submit the
below as the Referee's Weekly Report.  If I am not already the interim
Referee, I hereby deputise for the Referee to submit the below as the
Referee's Weekly Report.

The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of last report: 26 Jul 2018
Date of this report: 27 Aug 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Murphy   3
V.J. Rada2
Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Publius  1
ATMunn   1


PersonChange  Date  Reason
  --  - ---
G. -1 03 Jun 2018   with incense
Corona -4 12 Jun 2018   with incense (overpaid)
ATMunn +2(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Tailor Monthly
Kenyon +2(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Rulekeepor Monthly
Corona +3(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Treasuror Weekly
Kenyon +4(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Rulekeepor Weekly
Corona -3 13 Jun 2018   with incense
ATMunn -2 13 Jun 2018   with incense
Trigon -3 18 Jun 2018   with incense
Corona +2(S)  20 Jun 2018   Late Herald Tournament
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D)15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)  15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)  15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)  26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)  26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1 26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1 31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)  26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses next monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479