AI-GEOSTATS: Methods for comparing trends in land cover change?

2010-11-19 Thread David Meek
Greetings all,

A questions from a newbie to  spatial statistics:

What if one is interested in the relationship between two areas, one which
is a subset of another, i.e  one has a 100 km2 rectangular area, and the
area of interest is a 10 km2 area within that larger area, but also one is
interested in the relationship between the part and the whole, i.e. if land
cover changes in the part mimic larger trends in the whole. What methods are
there for statistically comparing the two?

Any thoughts are always appreciated,

AI-GEOSTATS: Question about choice of statistical procedures

2012-07-28 Thread David Meek
Good evening to all,

I am somewhat of a newbie to geostatistical analyses, but pretty
familiar with GIS and remote sensing packages. I was wondering if
anyone had suggestions on appropriate geostatistical analyses for a
particular data set. The data set consists of a large-scale survey at
the land plot level consisting of questions related to political
participation (an ordinal scale), and raster data from a binary
landcover classification of forest cover.

The research question is whether political participation (potentially
plus other variables) affects the presence of forest cover. What I´m
imagining is some sort of multivariate linear regression in terms of
the survey data, but when it comes to adding in the values from the
raster I´m somewhat stymied. In doing some background research on
potential approaches, it seems like looking at discrete variation
might be the way to go. Any general advice would be greatly
p.s. I´m using ArcGIS 10 and Erdas 2011

Best to all,

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AI-GEOSTATS: Question re: calculating spatial GINI coefficient

2016-01-20 Thread David Meek
Dear all,

I am interested in calculating an index of agricultural land inequality for
Brazil and have a question about best approaches. I'm thinking that a GINI
coefficient would be a good approach given traditional uses of GINI, but am
open to other suggestions.

I have a data set for all municipalities in Brazil that consists of four
columns for each municipality (rows): 1) number of family farms, 2) area
occupied by small farm land use; 3) number of non-family farms; 4) area
occupied by non-family farms.

What's I'm really hoping to attain is a value that can represent the
relations between percent area occupied by non-family farms in comparison
with family farms.

I can obtain the total area of the municipality from municipality shape
file, but I don't think it makes sense to have a simple ratio of non-family
farm area/municipality area as there will be various other forms of land
Any suggestions on how to calculate a spatial GINI using this data set in
ArcGIS (10.0), or a different statistic that makes more sense would be
greatly appreciated

Anthropology Department
University of Alabama