[akka-user] Persistent query view implementation

2017-04-20 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Guys,
I have been working for a replacement to the deprecated PersistentView. At 
the moment for the newcomers is very complex to build a view that wants to 
replay messages from different persistence ids. I have written a library 
that allows creating a view that is not bound to a specific persistent id 
but is built on top of a persistent query supported by the journal plugin.

The code and documentation are available here:

The binary library is here:

Please give it a try, any feedback is welcome.

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Re: [akka-user] Akka - Accessing cache using Actor .tell() and make decision based on the cache value

2016-06-18 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Vinaj,
To use tell you have to keep the status in the caller to conciliate request
and response or passing a context/status along the exchanged messages as it
happen on the ddata protocol.
On 17 Jun 2016 22:20, "Vinay Gajjala"  wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to write actors to encapsulate the cache access by the code.
> In one of the use case I need to make a decision based on the value in the
> cache.
> I am trying not to use the ask() instead I want to use tell().
> I like to know is it possible to use tell() if so how ?
> If you can provide me with examples that would greatly help.
> Thanks
> Vinay
> --
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Re: [akka-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: New Remoting Milestone 1

2016-05-20 Thread Filippo De Luca
Very good news indeed

On 20 May 2016 at 18:02, Vitor Vieira <vitorsv.vie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's awesome! Can't wait to see the final benchmarks!
> Cheers!
> Vitor Vieira
> Em sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2016 11:29:04 UTC-3, Patrik Nordwall
> escreveu:
>> Dear hakkers,
>> We’re excited to announce that we have released the first development
>> milestone of the new Akka Remoting, which has the code named Artery. It’s
>> an early development preview and we encourage you to try it out and give us
>> feedback, but it’s not intended for production usage yet.
>> The version number is 2.4-ARTERY-M1 with same artifacts as usual.
>> It is enabled with the following configuration:
>> akka.remote.artery {
>>  enabled = on
>>  # The hostname or ip clients should connect to.
>>  hostname = localhost
>>  # use 0 if you want a random available port
>>  port = 20200
>> }
>> The protocol part of the actor system address is artery (*), so you need
>> to change previous akka.tcp to artery in for example configuration of
>> cluster seed-nodes.
>> The key features of Artery compared to current implementation will be:
>>support high throughput and low latency, such as 1,000,000 msg/s and
>>sub-millisecond latency (more details in the design document
>><https://github.com/akka/akka-meta/issues/16>, and no hard promises
>>improved cluster stability by using isolated streams for control
>>messages, this means less false failure detection in case of heavy message
>>reduce message envelope overhead by smart compression of actor
>>references and other header information
>>make it possible to use efficient serialization with ByteBuffers
>>protocol stability between major Akka versions to support for example
>>rolling upgrade deployments (the protocol is however incompatible with
>>current TCP based protocol)
>>internal design that is easier to maintain
>> We are using Aeron <https://github.com/real-logic/Aeron> as the
>> underlying transport and are implementing the layers on top using Akka
>> Streams. You find more details in the design document
>> <https://github.com/akka/akka-meta/issues/16>.
>> The development branch is artery-dev
>> <https://github.com/akka/akka/tree/artery-dev>, in case you want to take
>> a look or contribute. Issues are labeled with t:remoting:artery
>> <https://github.com/akka/akka/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3At%3Aremoting%3Aartery>
>> .
>> Cheers,
>> Akka Team
>> (*) The protocol name is not final and may change before the new
>> remoting infrastructure goes stable.
>> --
>> Patrik Nordwall
>> Akka Tech Lead
>> Lightbend <http://www.lightbend.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
>> Twitter: @patriknw
>> --
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Re: [akka-user] Akka Persistence + Cassandra as a journal, is it really CP?

2016-05-17 Thread Filippo De Luca
I have already had this discussion in the akka gitter channel. The actor
will recover its status after the next restart if no snapshots are involved.

On 16 May 2016 at 17:45, Денис Михайлов <notxc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible that insert sent from PersistentActor to C* has stuck
> somewhere in a network, and during this period shard rebalancing occured.
> So that the new instance of actor will read events from the journal, and
> after that insert will reach C*, and gonna be acknowledged by a quorum of
> nodes.
> At this point fresh actor instance and Cassandra gonna be in inconsistent
> state.
> Probability of these conditions is very low, but what would happen after
> that?
> It would be great if journal could discard events with same sequenceNr,
> but it's not the case for Cassandra.
> --
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Re: [akka-user] Akka Persistence - Use only Snapshots

2016-05-09 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Peter,
Assuming the actor has a status represented by a case class MyActorStatus.
You need a way to write this status out and be able to reload.

The akka-persistence uses the akka-serialization mechanism. It is an
extension of Akka that you can use like this:

private[this] var myStatus: MyActorStatus = _

val serialization = SerializationExtension(actorSystem)

def preStart(){
  myStatus = (for {
bytes <- readStatus()
status <- serialization.deserialize(bytes, classOf[MyActorStatus]
  } yield status).getOrElse(throw new Exception("Error recovering status"))

def postStop() {

  // I would save the satus async once in while as the backend could be
  //unavailable sometime.
  for {
bytes <- serialization.serialize(myStatus)
ok <- writeStatus(bytes)
  } yield ok


You can use this or another serialization depending on your persistence
backend. It is a Sql DB you can use slick instead. If you are going to use
something like s3 instead I think the akka serialization fit your needs.


On 9 May 2016 at 13:53, 'Peter' via Akka User List <
akka-user@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Hi Filippo,
> thanks for your answer. As also Patrick stated out, it seems to be the
> better way to not go with akka persistence. But what I don't see, is an
> very easy way with Serialisation. Can you probably give me a bit more about
> what you have in mind?
> In general, I need to make a snapshot of the actors state if this changes.
> If the actor dies, this state needs to be recovered.
> Thanks, Peter
> On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 1:27:30 PM UTC+2, Filippo De Luca wrote:
>> In my opinion you don't need akka-persistence at all. You just want to
>> save the current actor state. It could be done very easily without
>> akka-persistence using the Serialisation to serialize the status.
>> On 9 May 2016 at 10:31, 'Peter Schrott' via Akka User List <
>> akka...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Pros,
>>> From my Akka application it makes more sense to only use the snapshots.
>>> I don't want to use the journal at all.
>>> Do you see any problems with doing that which I might not have
>>> considered?
>>> My second problem with that is, that I wanted to delete old snapshots.
>>> I.e. keep only the current one. The deletion should take place on the
>>> SaveSnapshotSuccess. Initially I did not expect that the sequence
>>> number is only updated at a journal logs. This of course makes sense after
>>> thinking about it. But my problem remains, I can not identify my latest
>>> snapshot as the sequence number stays at 0. I will always delete all
>>> snapshots.
>>> Thanks for helping, Peter
>>> --
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>> --
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>> Filippo De Luca
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> --
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Re: [akka-user] Akka Persistence - Use only Snapshots

2016-05-09 Thread Filippo De Luca
In my opinion you don't need akka-persistence at all. You just want to save
the current actor state. It could be done very easily without
akka-persistence using the Serialisation to serialize the status.

On 9 May 2016 at 10:31, 'Peter Schrott' via Akka User List <
akka-user@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Dear Pros,
> From my Akka application it makes more sense to only use the snapshots. I
> don't want to use the journal at all.
> Do you see any problems with doing that which I might not have considered?
> My second problem with that is, that I wanted to delete old snapshots.
> I.e. keep only the current one. The deletion should take place on the
> SaveSnapshotSuccess. Initially I did not expect that the sequence number
> is only updated at a journal logs. This of course makes sense after
> thinking about it. But my problem remains, I can not identify my latest
> snapshot as the sequence number stays at 0. I will always delete all
> snapshots.
> Thanks for helping, Peter
> --
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[akka-user] Split stream in arbitrary number of sinks

2016-05-04 Thread Filippo De Luca
I was looking at the reactive tweets stream example when the stream is
broadcasted to two downstream sinks.

I need to do something similar: I have a Source of rows and I want to
distribute these row across several substreams based on a column value. The
issue is that I don't know the number of the substream in advance. I also
have to store the substream in separate files one for each substream.

Anyone has some suggestion how to achieve that and if it is possible at all?


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Re: [akka-user] ANNOUNCE: Akka 2.4.3 released!

2016-04-03 Thread Filippo De Luca
>>> Binary compatibility is not maintained for the following:
>>>   akka-testkit
>>>   -
>>>   akka-multi-node-testkit
>>>   -
>>>   akka-persistence-tck
>>>   -
>>>   akka-stream-testkit
>>>   -
>>>   akka-http-testkit
>>>   -
>>>experimental modules:
>>>   akka-persistence-query-experimental
>>>   -
>>>   akka-distributed-data-experimental
>>>   -
>>>   akka-typed-experimental
>>>   -
>>>   akka-http-experimental  (please note that akka-http-core is
>>>   stable)
>>>   -
>>>   akka-http-spray-json-experimental
>>>   -
>>>   akka-http-xml-experimental
>>>   -
>>>   akka-http-jackson-experimental
>>>   -
>>>everything marked as INTERNAL API in the JavaDoc / ScalaDoc.
>>> Migration Guide
>>> When migrating a code base to 2.4 please refer to the migration guide
>>> <http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.4.3/project/migration-guide-2.3.x-2.4.x.html>
>>> in order to profit from some of the improvements.
>>> Credits
>>> A total 148 issues were closed since 2.4.2.
>>> The complete list of closed issues can be found on the 2.4.3
>>> <https://github.com/akka/akka/issues?q=milestone%3A2.4.3> milestone on
>>> github.
>>> For this release we had the help of 47 committers – thank you!
>>> For the full stats see the announcement on the website
>>> <http://akka.io/news/2016/04/01/akka-2.4.3-released.html>.
>>> Happy hakking!
>>> -- Akka Team
>>> --
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Re: [akka-user] Re: Scheduling long term processes in cluster

2016-03-19 Thread Filippo De Luca
Thanks Guido,
I had in mind something very similar.

A alternative solution I am thinking of, because I don't want more than one
process running at the same time on the same node, is using a cluster aware
router with one routee per node.

When some actor send something like:

the sender will be notified every now and then with the process progress
and with the final result.

So I will have one Actor instance for each execution, lets call it
ProcessMonitor and one Actor instance for each node as executor. These will
be reused.

I think I may work as I want.

On 17 March 2016 at 21:20, Guido Medina <oxyg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Filippo,
> One idea (of many I guess):
>1. Have a dispatcher for long running futures.
>2. For each task create an actor and within that actor create a future
>that each time such task status changes it sends a message to its actor.
>3. Query such actor to get statuses.
> The reason that you need an actor and a future is because an actor can do
> one thing at the time so you wouldn't be able to execute the job and query
> status at the same time,
> HTH,
> Guido.
> On Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 10:02:25 PM UTC, Filippo De Luca wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I have a task to schedule a long term task on the cluster. I am thinking
>> to model this task as an Actor that got deployed remotely. What is the best
>> approach to do that?
>> I want to have a way to control the amount of concurrent process I run in
>> the cluster.
>> Also the Actor that run the process, run it in a Future, and it only
>> monitor it by receiving update on the progress from the future. Should I
>> use a child actor instead? The idea is that, the actor should be query-able
>> to ask the progress status.
>> Any help will be very welcome.
>> --
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Re: [akka-user] Akka remote communication roadmap?

2016-03-19 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Patrick, what is the advantage of the UPD over TCP if we have to develop
the order and delivery reliability on top of that?

The only scenario I see is the multicast, is it needed for akka-remoting?


On 18 March 2016 at 09:46, Patrik Nordwall <patrik.nordw...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> A quick update of the roadmap for Akka Remoting. Lightbend's core Akka
> team will be able to start working on a new implementation for Akka
> Remoting next sprint, which starts April 4. We will then start with
> describing the goals and overall design ideas and share with you.
> We are interested in something based on UDP, and Aeron
> <https://github.com/real-logic/Aeron> looks promising, but we have not
> decided anything yet.
> Do you think UDP is acceptable in most production environments? Of course
> we would implement the message ordering and "reliable" delivery on top.
> When is TCP required from an infrastructure perspective?
> Regarding the current Netty based implementation we would like to touch it
> as little as possible to avoid risks of introducing new bugs. Therefore we
> will not update to Netty 3. When we have a stable replacement the old
> implementation will be removed.
> We are looking forward to working on this important area, and community
> involvement is very much welcome.
> Cheers,
> Patrik
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 6:29 PM, Guido Medina <oxyg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In the meantime I can't stay idle so I started digging inside Netty 3 and
>> at the moment I'm using my own Netty 3.10.6.Final (Not release yet) which
>> replaces the Netty internal CHM (Was the one from JDK 5)
>> There is a PR which most likely will be on 3.10.6.Final so be watching, I
>> didn't bother to measure it, it should be slightly faster for JDK 7 or 8
>> but if anyone is curious just take Netty branch 3.10 and add my PR:
>> https://github.com/netty/netty/pull/4905
>> I wish I was a Scala expert, maybe in few months ;-)
>> HTH,
>> Guido.
>> --
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[akka-user] Scheduling long term processes in cluster

2016-03-19 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Guys,
I have a task to schedule a long term task on the cluster. I am thinking to 
model this task as an Actor that got deployed remotely. What is the best 
approach to do that? 
I want to have a way to control the amount of concurrent process I run in 
the cluster. 

Also the Actor that run the process, run it in a Future, and it only 
monitor it by receiving update on the progress from the future. Should I 
use a child actor instead? The idea is that, the actor should be query-able 
to ask the progress status.

Any help will be very welcome.

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Re: [akka-user] Akka remote communication roadmap?

2016-03-18 Thread Filippo De Luca
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> Patrik Nordwall
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> Twitter: @patriknw
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Re: [akka-user] Monitoring Akka Streaming

2016-03-10 Thread Filippo De Luca
I suppose you can use map and call a external service for each message at
defined stage.

Even better you can build your own stage.

On 10 March 2016 at 17:28, Arun Sethia <sethia.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a requirement where we would like to know how many incoming
> messages are processed by flow. We can use Materializer with AtomicLong
> with Flow to do the same.
> Any other alternative or in-built functionality in akka-stream API?
> Thanks
> Arun
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Re: [akka-user] change of Tech Lead

2016-03-08 Thread Filippo De Luca
Congratulations to both of you, good luck with your new adventure Roland.

On 7 March 2016 at 17:37, Roland Kuhn <goo...@rkuhn.info> wrote:

> Dear fellow hakkers,
> as of today I am passing on the baton of Akka Tech Lead @ Lightbend to
> Patrik Nordwall. Don’t worry, I will stay around and keep working on Akka,
> but it will no longer be my day job come April: I am co-founding actyx
> <https://www.actyx.io/en/>—a new start-up in Munich that aims at bringing
> reactive design principles to the IT behind industrial manufacturing—where
> I will build and lead the engineering organization. It was always my plan
> to solve concrete customer challenges once I have collected enough
> experience with building the tools, and while I had not yet started looking
> for an opportunity I could also not pass this one up when it presented
> itself.
> Akka will be in good hands with Patrik and the rest of the team, he is as
> passionate about distributed systems as I am and he is a much more
> disciplined coder—not to mention that he joined the Akka team before any
> other current member including myself. I am very grateful that I had the
> chance to be part of this amazing team for the past 4.5 years and I have no
> desire to leave this awesome community anytime soon.
> Regards,
> Roland
> Lightbend – Reactive apps on the JVM.
> twitter: @rolandkuhn
> <http://twitter.com/#!/rolandkuhn>
> --
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Re: [akka-user] [akka-stream-2.0.3] how to force terminate a stream?

2016-02-25 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Ramin,
You can shutdown the materializer. ATM seems the only way.

On 24 February 2016 at 20:22, Ramin Alidousti <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to akka-stream. I have a bidiflow that has been materialized. Now
> in certain cases I need to terminate the stream on demand and maybe
> recreate it later. The way I'm doing that now is to call terminate() on the
> implicit system. But I was wondering if there was a more appropriate way of
> "stopping/terminating" the flow since the call to terminate() is too
> intrusive as the system is also serving other actor related functionalities.
> Best,
> Ramin
> --
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Re: [akka-user] Akka remote communication roadmap?

2016-02-21 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Marek,​
It seems a good starting point for a huge community contribution​.

Good stuff

On 20 February 2016 at 19:53, Marek Żebrowski <marek.zebrow...@gmail.com>

> I wondered how hard could it be to write akka-remote transport using
> akka.io only.
> It turned out that it is not that hard to start:
> https://github.com/marekzebrowski/akka-remote-io
> roughly ~ 200 lines for proof of concept tcp implementation
> probably I'm doing something wrong as simple test case, included in
> repository randomly loses messages in Echo client-server scenario - example:
> Echo actor replies to :
> Replying with message 1 0
> Replying with message 2 1
> Replying with message 3 2
> Replying with message 4 3
> Replying with message 7 4
> Replying with message 8 5
> Replying with message 9 6
> Replying with message 10 7
> Some messages are lost... But in principle it seems that akka.io based
> implementation might be much shorter than netty.
> --
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Re: [akka-user] How to detect sharding start failures and Singleon start failures?

2016-02-18 Thread Filippo De Luca
Thanks Marek.

On 18 February 2016 at 10:27, Marek Żebrowski <marek.zebrow...@gmail.com>

> Probably yes - we didn't investigate very thoroughly what conditions are
> ok.
> --
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Re: [akka-user] How to detect sharding start failures and Singleon start failures?

2016-02-18 Thread Filippo De Luca
I see,
so if you scale down one node at time, it should work correctly or am I

On 18 February 2016 at 09:50, Marek Żebrowski <marek.zebrow...@gmail.com>

> In our situation of small cluster it does not allow to scale down
> gracefully - it requires majority read for shard allocations. If cluster
> scales down from 4 to 2 for example, or is in rolling-restart that
> requirement can't be met, and sharding is stuck.
> W dniu czwartek, 18 lutego 2016 10:42:17 UTC+1 użytkownik Filippo De Luca
> napisał:
>> I agree with you. I think a message on eventBus will solve it.
>> What about ddata? You say it does not allow to scale up or down, is that
>> correct?
>> On 18 February 2016 at 09:33, Marek Żebrowski <marek.z...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I implemented exactly the same mechanism - Identify message to a place
>>> where I expect to find shard coordinator - which is a cluster singleton. I
>>> don't like that approach tough, as it is rewriting parts of
>>> akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager  and
>>> akka.cluster.sharding.ShardCoordinator  internals into application
>>> code.
>>> There is ideological reason for such requirement also - akka and actor
>>> model is about resilience, failure handling and so on - and this particular
>>> area is needs improvement in singletons and cluster sharding :)
>>> 2016-02-18 10:24 GMT+01:00 Filippo De Luca <m...@filippodeluca.com>:
>>>> Hi Marek,
>>>> What I do in my scenario is sending a Identify message to one of the
>>>> sharded actor (Using a properly message wrapper) and wait for reply. I do
>>>> that when the node start and at fixed interval of time to understand if the
>>>> Shard is up and running.
>>>> I do the same for singleton proxy. It is little bit hackyish but works
>>>> for now.
>>>> On 18 February 2016 at 09:17, Patrik Nordwall <patrik@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Sounds good to publish this on the event bus. It's a fatal error that
>>>>> will not repair itself, so one could claim that we should stop the actor
>>>>> system, but that might be too harsh.
>>>>> Please open an issue, and a pull request would also be very welcome.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Patrik
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Marek Żebrowski <marek.z...@gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> We observe problems with both cluster sharding and cluster singletons.
>>>>>> With sharders - usually problem is corrupted journal that prevents
>>>>>> sharding coordinator from starting. In our situation easiest thing to do 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> to delete all data from journal and restart it - problem is that I can't
>>>>>> find a way to detect that situation in a different way than observe logs 
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> I can't find any way to detect such failure from the code. It should be
>>>>>> pretty easy - as usually `akka.cluster.sharding.ShardCoordinator.State`
>>>>>> throws exception with requirementFailed, but there is no way I can find a
>>>>>> way to react on that - no easy way to put `supervisorStrategy` for shard
>>>>>> coordinator or no other way to detect its state.
>>>>>> We can't use `ddata` mode - as current implementation does not work
>>>>>> in our environment, when we need to scale nodes up and down - as it
>>>>>> requires majority of nodes to respond, it fails to work even on simplest
>>>>>> cases of scaling down in a small cluster.
>>>>>> Similar situation applies to cluster singleton - if cluster singleton
>>>>>> is stuck, there is no way to detect that situation from the code - only 
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> observing logs.
>>>>>> Does anybody have experience in handling such situations?
>>>>>> I'm trying to implement some external monitoring for both things,
>>>>>> with basically sending `Identity` message to actors that are supposed to
>>>>>> exist - singletons - but it looks like rewriting already existing code
>>>>>> inside akka.
>>>>>> Maybe add

Re: [akka-user] How to detect sharding start failures and Singleon start failures?

2016-02-18 Thread Filippo De Luca
I agree with you. I think a message on eventBus will solve it.

What about ddata? You say it does not allow to scale up or down, is that

On 18 February 2016 at 09:33, Marek Żebrowski <marek.zebrow...@gmail.com>

> I implemented exactly the same mechanism - Identify message to a place
> where I expect to find shard coordinator - which is a cluster singleton. I
> don't like that approach tough, as it is rewriting parts of
> akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager  and
> akka.cluster.sharding.ShardCoordinator  internals into application code.
> There is ideological reason for such requirement also - akka and actor
> model is about resilience, failure handling and so on - and this particular
> area is needs improvement in singletons and cluster sharding :)
> 2016-02-18 10:24 GMT+01:00 Filippo De Luca <m...@filippodeluca.com>:
>> Hi Marek,
>> What I do in my scenario is sending a Identify message to one of the
>> sharded actor (Using a properly message wrapper) and wait for reply. I do
>> that when the node start and at fixed interval of time to understand if the
>> Shard is up and running.
>> I do the same for singleton proxy. It is little bit hackyish but works
>> for now.
>> On 18 February 2016 at 09:17, Patrik Nordwall <patrik.nordw...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Sounds good to publish this on the event bus. It's a fatal error that
>>> will not repair itself, so one could claim that we should stop the actor
>>> system, but that might be too harsh.
>>> Please open an issue, and a pull request would also be very welcome.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Patrik
>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Marek Żebrowski <
>>> marek.zebrow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> We observe problems with both cluster sharding and cluster singletons.
>>>> With sharders - usually problem is corrupted journal that prevents
>>>> sharding coordinator from starting. In our situation easiest thing to do is
>>>> to delete all data from journal and restart it - problem is that I can't
>>>> find a way to detect that situation in a different way than observe logs -
>>>> I can't find any way to detect such failure from the code. It should be
>>>> pretty easy - as usually `akka.cluster.sharding.ShardCoordinator.State`
>>>> throws exception with requirementFailed, but there is no way I can find a
>>>> way to react on that - no easy way to put `supervisorStrategy` for shard
>>>> coordinator or no other way to detect its state.
>>>> We can't use `ddata` mode - as current implementation does not work in
>>>> our environment, when we need to scale nodes up and down - as it requires
>>>> majority of nodes to respond, it fails to work even on simplest cases of
>>>> scaling down in a small cluster.
>>>> Similar situation applies to cluster singleton - if cluster singleton
>>>> is stuck, there is no way to detect that situation from the code - only by
>>>> observing logs.
>>>> Does anybody have experience in handling such situations?
>>>> I'm trying to implement some external monitoring for both things, with
>>>> basically sending `Identity` message to actors that are supposed to exist -
>>>> singletons - but it looks like rewriting already existing code inside akka.
>>>> Maybe adding such failure detection capabilities to akka (publish event
>>>> bus, adding ability to set supervisor strategy ) is a better approach?
>>>> --
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>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:
>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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>>>> https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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>>> --

Re: [akka-user] Akka HTTP 2 cpu scaling

2016-02-06 Thread Filippo De Luca
This is a very great news!

On 6 February 2016 at 15:13, Roland Kuhn <goo...@rkuhn.info> wrote:

> Great, thanks for sharing!
> 6 feb 2016 kl. 01:37 skrev Sebastian Jastrzebski <sebb...@gmail.com>:
> As the week is wrapping up, I wanted to share a quick update on my
> testing. With the latest RC2 I am happy to report that I can get over 80k
> req/s, which matches or even exceeds numbers I had previously gotten from
> Spray. Congratulations to the team for these incredible numbers!
> =Sebastian
> ## Bench Results
> Server Software:akka-http/2.4.2-RC2
> Server Hostname:localhost
> Server Port:8000
> Document Path:  /v1/tweets
> Document Length:96 bytes
> Concurrency Level:  100
> Time taken for tests:   11.943 seconds
> Complete requests:  100
> Failed requests:0
> Keep-Alive requests:100
> Total transferred:  25700 bytes
> HTML transferred:   9600 bytes
> Requests per second:83733.13 [#/sec] (mean)
> Time per request:   1.194 [ms] (mean)
> Time per request:   0.012 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
> Transfer rate:  21015.05 [Kbytes/sec] received
> On Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 10:56:30 AM UTC-5, drewhk wrote:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 4:50 PM, Sebastian Jastrzebski <seb...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Endre,
>>> Congrats on tracking down the memory leak, you guys work fast.
>> 2.4.2-RC2 is going to be released very soon (today or tomorrow) so you
>> can try it soon.
>>> You have certainly provided me with enough ideas to pursue further work
>>> down this path. The new connection issue may not be a significant roadblock
>>> since I can do connection pooling or put something like nginx in front of
>>> the backend.
>>> I will play around with dispatcher settings though to see how that
>>> affects the performance and scaling and report back to this post.
>> Thank you!
>> -Endre
>>> Thanks for all the great work you and the rest of community are doing.
>>> -Sebastian
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> twitter: @rolandkuhn
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Re: [akka-user] Microservice architecture with akka

2015-12-23 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi ash.ta,
Akka is not only about Actors, but about Actors and Messages, as the Actors
communicate each other only by exchange of Messages.

In an Akka Cluster, because of the Location Transparency, the Actors can
collaborate each other without the need to be aware of were the other Actor
is running (locally or remote).

Each of my service expose a "module-protocol" module which expose the
service API in term of domain classes and Messages (Sometime also a Trait
that encapsulate the Actor communication).

This module protocol provides also the way to locating the remote actor,
using the SingletonProxy or ClusterShardingProxy for example.

Hope it will help you.

On 23 December 2015 at 19:47, ash.ta <ata...@gmail.com> wrote:

> cunicaommtion = communication.
> On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 9:46:04 PM UTC+2, ash.ta wrote:
>> filippo, can you elaborate a bit more for a newbie like myself about the
>> pattern you are using for inter-services cunicaommtion?
>> let me explain you what i am talking about.
>> i clearly understand the model of microservices built around a message
>> bus. there you have a system of services incorporating
>> pub/sub and exchanging messages over that bus.
>> but akka is all about actors, not messages. so, if we are using actors to
>> exchange data between the cluster nodes, they should be provided
>> in runtime in all involved microservices, which makes totally impossible
>> a use of service specific dependencies.
>> thanks!
> --
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Re: [akka-user] Microservice architecture with akka

2015-12-23 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Yaakov,
I will not take this statement "microservices should communicate with each
other using language agnostics API like REST" as a dogma written on stone.
I am developing a microservice architecture using Akka-cluster, so that
each microservice join the same cluster. Then I have some actor that as the
entrypoints for that service.

You can customize the serialisation format of the exchanged message, making
them forward-compatible. The JSON serialization is a bottleneck both for
performance that for back-and-forward-compatibility.

My 2cents.

On 22 December 2015 at 17:30, Yaakov Berkovitch <yaakov.berkovi...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> we are currently in phase of evaluating akka as our microservice
> architecture implementation.
> According to basic Microservice architecture rules, microservices should
> communicate with each other using language agnostics API like REST.
> My question is:
>1. are we missing something by using REST API between microservices
>instead of defining remote-actor?
>2. what about performance ? Should we expect major performance
>degradation ?
>3. is akka-http actor based ? In case of "storm", can we use
>backpressure ?
> I really thank you for your help.
> Regards,
> Yaakov
> --
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Re: [akka-user] Akka remote communication roadmap?

2015-10-20 Thread Filippo De Luca
> *Akka Tech Lead*
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Re: [akka-user] dynamodb snapshot plugin

2015-09-29 Thread Filippo De Luca
The dynamodb object are limited to 400K, implementing a snapshot plugin on
that, maybe pointless. My 2cents.

On 28 September 2015 at 22:48, Paul Cleary <pclear...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Konrad, yes, I am using that plugin for my journal.
> Akka Clustering stores cluster state (singletons, shards) as snapshots,
> that is why I need the snapshot plugin.
> Not a high throughput system, but failure recovery is important.
> On Monday, September 28, 2015 at 5:06:32 PM UTC-4, Konrad Malawski wrote:
>> Hi Paul!
>> I'm aware of this journal implementation:
>> https://github.com/sclasen/akka-persistence-dynamodb/
>> however it has not been updated to 2.4 SPIs yet.
>> I'm not sure if it has also implemented a snapshot-store, I think not (by
>> skimming it for 10seconds).
>> You may want to reach out to that plugin's author to see if you could
>> collaborate on updating the plugin to 2.4.x (we're expecting the 2.4.0 to
>> be released this or next week).
>> Thanks in advance and don't hesitate to ask for help if in trouble while
>> implementing a journal.
>> On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Paul Cleary <pcle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Before I go and create a dynamodb snapshot plugin of my own, I wanted to
>>> see if anyone else had done this and maybe it is open sourced someplace (or
>>> is planned on being open sourced).
>>> Seems simple enough to write, but this question is much faster ;)
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
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>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
>> Akka <http://akka.io/> @ Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/>
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Re: [akka-user] akka-streams example for accessing a database or similar?

2015-08-14 Thread Filippo De Luca
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Re: [akka-user] Re: ANNOUNCE: Akka Streams HTTP 1.0

2015-07-16 Thread Filippo De Luca
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[akka-user] Run servlet inside Akka-Http

2015-07-02 Thread Filippo De Luca
I am working on a project that has some legacy code based on the Servlet 
API. I would like to transition to an akka-http based project. My idea was 
to define a route like this:

   val route = newRoute ~ legacyRoute

In wich legacy route will wrap the servlets in some way. Is it a doable 
approach and is there anyone has done something like that, maybe with a 
different approach? A route is a RequestContext = RouteResult at the end 
of the day, so I think will be not difficult to wrap the servlet service 
inside that. The complex part I think is to pass an implementation of 
ServletContext, ServletHttpRequest, and ServletHttpResponse.

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Re: [akka-user] Run servlet inside Akka-Http

2015-07-02 Thread Filippo De Luca
Hi Konrad,
Thanks for the Help. The current application is based on scalatra and a
custom framework that was supposed to be Servlet-not-aware but actually
depends on that interface. The good thing is that it does not use any
Servlet fancy feature, but it has just an embedded Jetty run on it.

My initial thought was to wrap the servlet behind Akka, but it is not
trivial, and the amount of effort, overcome the effort to rewrite all the
services using Akka-Http. The Approach suggested by you it is something was
thinking too, but I think I can use akka-http as a proxy in front of the
existing jetty, or redirecting the request (assuming the Javascript client
can handle that).

The external approach does not work because there is shared state at the
moment between services,that is a shame. Thanks

On 2 July 2015 at 11:22, Konrad Malawski kt...@typesafe.com wrote:

 I'd suggest two ways of dealing with a legacy app like that, one more
 external and the later less:
 - run both apps, and as you migrate old services to the new app, simply
 redirect (using a load balancer) traffic to a given API to one or the other
 application. Once the old one does not serve any traffic, you can stop
 running it.
   This has the downside of less code work - if the old APIs just work, no
 need to touch them. It does not allow shared state between the apps - which
 can be a good thing actually (or it may complicate things it the service
 relied on shared state a lot - bad idea, but this happens of course).
 - extract the logic from the servlet code into methods that take well
 defined parameters. Reimplement the routing in akka-http and all into those
 methods from the new routing layer.
   This way you don't need to change any logic, except the parameter
 extracting and routing, so it may be a viable option for medium sized apps.

 Hope this helps!

 On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Konrad Malawski kt...@typesafe.com

 Hi Filippo,
 In order to run servlets you'd have to implement a proper servlet
 container. Akka Http does not aim to implement servlet spec.
 The reason is that the servlet specification has very strict requirements
 on threading etc. which does not fit reactive systems very well.
 For example servlets heavily rely on the 1-thread-per-request model, and
 even given the new spec version 3.1 in which async servlets are introduced
 it is still rather rough and very simple to get wrong (as user),
 so it is not something we aim to support (unless there is significant
 commercial interest).

 Perhaps it would be possible to hack something together that works most
 of the time quickly, but at some point you'd bump into that the servlet
 code expected something as in accordance to the spec,
 yet the bridge is just a simple hack and things would go wrong...

 PS: Spray was able to run *inside* a servlet container, but not *host*
 servlets. In that scenario you basically lost all good what spray would
 have given you. It is also not something we aim to implement in akka-http -
 why lose all the goodies?

 On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com

 I am working on a project that has some legacy code based on the Servlet
 API. I would like to transition to an akka-http based project. My idea
 was to define a route like this:

val route = newRoute ~ legacyRoute

 In wich legacy route will wrap the servlets in some way. Is it a doable
 approach and is there anyone has done something like that, maybe with a
 different approach? A route is a RequestContext = RouteResult at the end
 of the day, so I think will be not difficult to wrap the servlet service
 inside that. The complex part I think is to pass an implementation of
 ServletContext, ServletHttpRequest, and ServletHttpResponse.

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 Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
 Akka http://akka.io/ @ Typesafe http://typesafe.com/

 Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
 Akka http://akka.io/ @ Typesafe http://typesafe.com/

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Re: [akka-user] Akka 2.3.11 Released!

2015-05-12 Thread Filippo De Luca
Cool thanks

On 12 May 2015 at 09:01, Giovanni pino.o...@gmail.com wrote:


 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Martynas Mickevičius 
 martynas.mickevic...@typesafe.com wrote:

 *Dear hAkkers,*

 We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the
 availability of Akka 2.3.11. This is the eleventh maintenance release of
 the 2.3 branch. This release contains a few important fixes:

- a fix for BatchingExecutor (#16327
https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/16327; symptom is a requirement
failure when using blocking{} in Future callbacks)
- a fix for a performance regression caused by a previous bugfix in
IO (#17391 https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17391)
- a revert of a performance optimization in 2.3.9 that caused actor
starvation when multiple dispatchers were involved (#17341
https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17341; critical)

 This release also adds an additional configuration parameter
 https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17274 for ForkJoinPool as well as a
 fix for a wrong setting path https://github.com/akka/akka/issues/17316 in
 Pinned Dispatcher configuration.

 Akka 2.3.11 is released for Scala 2.10.4 and 2.11.5. This release is
 backwards binary compatible with all previous 2.3.x versions which means
 that the new JARs are a drop-in replacement for the old one (but not the
 other way around) as long as your build does not enable the inliner
 (Scala-only restriction). Always make sure to use at least the latest
 version required by any of your project’s dependencies.
 Migrating from Older Relases

 When migrating an existing project from Akka 2.2.x please have a look at
 the migration guide
 Additional Release Details

 The artifacts comprising this release have been published to
 https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/ and also to
 Maven Central. In addition, we adopted the sbt standard of encoding the
 Scala binary version in the artifact name, i.e. the core actor package’s
 artifactId is “akka-actor_2.10” or “akka-actor_2.11”, respectively.

 The complete list of closed tickets can be found in the 2.3.11 github
 issues milestone

 commits added removed
   581  73 Patrik Nordwall
   2   175 133 Endre Sándor Varga
   1 1   1 Konrad Malawski
   143  22 hepin
   133   6 Roland Kuhn

 *Happy hAkking!*

 Martynas Mickevičius
 Typesafe http://typesafe.com/ – Reactive
 http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/ Apps on the JVM

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 -- Phathotep, 24th Century B.C.

 Anyone can become angry -- that is easy; but to be angry with the right
 person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose
 and in the right way -- that is not easy.
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Re: [akka-user] Congrats to the Akka team and community for the JAX Award

2015-04-26 Thread Filippo De Luca
Congrats guys, love you!

On 26 April 2015 at 18:35, Patrik Nordwall patrik.nordw...@gmail.com

 Thanks, and thank you awesome community!

 On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 7:16 PM, Soumya Simanta soumya.sima...@gmail.com


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Re: [akka-user] Re: AKKA 2.0-Message Delivery Gurantee-1 million SMS need to be sent

2014-06-26 Thread Filippo De Luca
I believe that exactly one is something very difficult to achieve anyway.
But with Akka and ack messages you can achieve at-least-one that for an SMS
is good enough.

My 2cents
On Jun 26, 2014 6:18 PM, Ryan Tanner ryan.tan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Akka offers only two guarantees:

 * At-most-once delivery.  Each message will be delivered either 0 or 1
 times.  There is no guarantee of exactly-once delivery.
 * Messages will be received in order for a given pair of actors.


 In reality, exactly-once delivery is not easy to achieve.  If you need
 that, you need to handle confirmations and acknowledgements with retries
 until a message is known to have been received and processed (where
 processed depends on the requirements of your business logic).  This is
 not something Akka does for you.

 Akka embraces the let it crash philosophy.  Things will go wrong,
 especially when you're building a distributed system that interacts with
 external services (such as an SMS gateway).

 Are you sure you need an *absolute guarantee *that your SMS messages will
 be delivered?  Do cell phone providers even offer such a guarantee when it
 comes to SMS?  Cell phones are sort of the ultimate distributed system and
 things go wrong all the time.  I find it hard to believe any SMS gateway
 provider would be willing to sign an SLA guaranteeing 100% delivery with 0

 On Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:48:36 AM UTC-6, Rajesh B N wrote:

 This  is Rajesh, Java Developer  from Bangalore,India. I have a
 requirement of sending 1 million SMS's to the customer's.I was going
 through AKKA framework which I found as very interesting and promising.Can
 I use AKKA framework for my requirement?If yes how will AKKA guarantees a
 message delivery without a single failure ?

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Re: [akka-user] Is ask an anti-pattern in akka actors?

2014-05-29 Thread Filippo De Luca
Thanks it makes perfectly sense, it was my feeling.
On May 28, 2014 4:28 PM, Heiko Seeberger heiko.seeber...@gmail.com

 Actor selection essentially is look up and we all know that look up should
 not be overused. It has it’s purpose though, e.g. when you want to connect
 to a remote system (How would you get an actor ref for a remote actor?).
 Rule of thumb: If you have an actor ref, use it.


 On 28 May 2014, at 16:31, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 ​Hi Heiko,
 So moving forward, is the actor selection a bad practice instead? The
 temptation to don't pass the actorRef and instead let the actor search for
 the dependencies is high, but I see difficulties to test and and heavy
 dependency on the actor system hierarchy.​

 Any thoughts on that? Thanks.

 On 28 May 2014 14:41, Heiko Seeberger heiko.seeber...@gmail.com wrote:

 Then your problem is not related to the ask pattern, but using
 `ActorSelection` instead of `ActorRef`.

 *Filippo De Luca*
 WWW: http://filippodeluca.com
 IM:  filosgang...@gmail.com

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Re: [akka-user] Is ask an anti-pattern in akka actors?

2014-05-28 Thread Filippo De Luca
​Hi Heiko,
So moving forward, is the actor selection a bad practice instead? The
temptation to don't pass the actorRef and instead let the actor search for
the dependencies is high, but I see difficulties to test and and heavy
dependency on the actor system hierarchy.​

Any thoughts on that? Thanks.

On 28 May 2014 14:41, Heiko Seeberger heiko.seeber...@gmail.com wrote:

 Then your problem is not related to the ask pattern, but using
 `ActorSelection` instead of `ActorRef`.

*Filippo De Luca*
WWW: http://filippodeluca.com
IM:  filosgang...@gmail.com

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Re: [akka-user] What is the best way to integrate kafka and akka

2014-04-15 Thread Filippo De Luca
Oh I see,
Of course between one receive and another one, the mailbox could receive
other messages. And it will be process one for each Receive.

Got it, It is cool. Thanks

On 15 April 2014 19:59, Scott Clasen scott.cla...@gmail.com wrote:

 Not necesarily true depending how you model it.  Im not suggesting sending
 all messages received from the stream to the actor, but to send control
 messages to the actor to tell it what to do with the stream.

 For instance, model such that...

 streamActor ! Receive

 will make the actor poll the stream and do something if there is a result,
 for instance.  Once you receive a message, do something with it, then send

 self ! Receive

 to continue processing the stream.

 in the mean time between processing the received message and the `self !
 Receive`, the actor could have received other messages which it will
 process before processing the next Receive message.

 On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:37:54 AM UTC-7, Filippo De Luca wrote:

 The thing is, under the load, the actor will have always messages so it
 will never process other messages. That may fit the user case anyway, but
 may also not.

 Btw it was one of my initial idea.

 On 14 April 2014 22:59, Scott Clasen scott@gmail.com wrote:

 Hey man!

 So far so good, under load you dont have to worry about the timeout ever
 happening really.

 The client is structured as a supervisor actor that is responsible for
 committing the offsets periodically or after N messages, which spins up a
 number of child Stream actors, each of which manage a single

 I have tested with a topic with 32 partitions, in 2 cases. One where all
 topics have a few million messages, and one where only a single partiton of
 the 32 has a few million messages, and both cases are working just fine.


 On Monday, April 14, 2014 2:35:03 PM UTC-7, mighdoll wrote:

 Nice idea with the timeout. I wrote a kafka - rx.observable
 wrapper the other week too (KafkaReader.scala).

 I'll ponder adding your timeout trick to that interface too. Have you
 tried it under loaded conditions? Our ops folks have been in the habit of
 tuning up the kafka consumer timeout - I'm not sure if a short timeout will
 create other problems.

 Hopefully a truly async interface will come around from the kafka core


 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Scott Clasen scott@gmail.comwrote:

 Im actually working on an actor based kafka consumer as we speak

 You will have to configure the consumer to not block indefinitely

 consumer.timeout.ms - 500

 then you can have a non blocking hasNext()

  def hasNext() = try {
   } catch {
 case cte: ConsumerTimeoutException = false

 once you have these its down to modeling how you want the actors to
 react to messages being available (or not). FSMs are great here but not
 knowing what you want to do its harder to offer more advice

 On Monday, April 14, 2014 1:02:11 PM UTC-7, Filippo De Luca wrote

 Yes polling messages and send
 On Apr 14, 2014 7:47 PM, √iktor Ҡlang viktor...@gmail.com wrote:

  Do you want to read  write etc?

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Filippo De Luca 
 m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 I think I will need something very similar to zeromq extension,
 what do you think?
  On Apr 14, 2014 5:54 PM, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com

 Yes, it should.
 On Apr 14, 2014 4:28 PM, √iktor Ҡlang viktor...@gmail.com

  Should it poll if nobody is interested in reading anything?

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Filippo De Luca 
 m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 No one can help or maybe the question is too silly?
 On Apr 12, 2014 10:20 AM, Filippo De Luca 
 m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 I need to have actors reacting to some events arriving from
 some kafka topics. I would like leverage on the akka supervisor 
 to keep the kafka consumer app and running.

 I know that an actor should never block waiting for some IO,
 but the kafka consumer is blocking so having an actor running a 
 consumer doesn't seem a good option, also because it will never 
 release the

 by other hand if I will have a thread, not controlled by akka,
 to run the kafka consumer, it will not leverage on the akka 

 My idea is to use an actor, with a dedicated dispatcher, to run
 the kafka consumer. The problem is: if this actor is blocked by 
 the kafka
 stream, how can I make this actor reacting to some messages? I am 
 using a timeout on kafka consumer and resent a message like 
 Consume when
 the timeout is elapsed, so I can consume other messages. It works 
 if the
 kafka stream doesn't have always data available (in the timeout 
 but doesn't work otherwise.

 Another option may implement a mailbox using kafka.

 What is the best approach in your opinion? Thanks.

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Re: [akka-user] What is the best way to integrate kafka and akka

2014-04-14 Thread Filippo De Luca
No one can help or maybe the question is too silly?
On Apr 12, 2014 10:20 AM, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 I need to have actors reacting to some events arriving from some kafka
 topics. I would like leverage on the akka supervisor mechanism to keep the
 kafka consumer app and running.

 I know that an actor should never block waiting for some IO, but the kafka
 consumer is blocking so having an actor running a kafka consumer doesn't
 seem a good option, also because it will never release the thread.

 by other hand if I will have a thread, not controlled by akka, to run the
 kafka consumer, it will not leverage on the akka supervision.

 My idea is to use an actor, with a dedicated dispatcher, to run the kafka
 consumer. The problem is: if this actor is blocked by the kafka stream, how
 can I make this actor reacting to some messages? I am thinking using a
 timeout on kafka consumer and resent a message like Consume when the
 timeout is elapsed, so I can consume other messages. It works if the kafka
 stream doesn't have always data available (in the timeout window), but
 doesn't work otherwise.

 Another option may implement a mailbox using kafka.

 What is the best approach in your opinion? Thanks.

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Re: [akka-user] What is the best way to integrate kafka and akka

2014-04-14 Thread Filippo De Luca
Yes, it should.
On Apr 14, 2014 4:28 PM, √iktor Ҡlang viktor.kl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Should it poll if nobody is interested in reading anything?

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Filippo De Luca 

 No one can help or maybe the question is too silly?
 On Apr 12, 2014 10:20 AM, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 I need to have actors reacting to some events arriving from some kafka
 topics. I would like leverage on the akka supervisor mechanism to keep the
 kafka consumer app and running.

 I know that an actor should never block waiting for some IO, but the
 kafka consumer is blocking so having an actor running a kafka consumer
 doesn't seem a good option, also because it will never release the thread.

 by other hand if I will have a thread, not controlled by akka, to run
 the kafka consumer, it will not leverage on the akka supervision.

 My idea is to use an actor, with a dedicated dispatcher, to run the
 kafka consumer. The problem is: if this actor is blocked by the kafka
 stream, how can I make this actor reacting to some messages? I am thinking
 using a timeout on kafka consumer and resent a message like Consume when
 the timeout is elapsed, so I can consume other messages. It works if the
 kafka stream doesn't have always data available (in the timeout window),
 but doesn't work otherwise.

 Another option may implement a mailbox using kafka.

 What is the best approach in your opinion? Thanks.

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Re: [akka-user] What is the best way to integrate kafka and akka

2014-04-14 Thread Filippo De Luca
I think I will need something very similar to zeromq extension, what do you
On Apr 14, 2014 5:54 PM, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com wrote:

 Yes, it should.
 On Apr 14, 2014 4:28 PM, √iktor Ҡlang viktor.kl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Should it poll if nobody is interested in reading anything?

 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Filippo De Luca 

 No one can help or maybe the question is too silly?
 On Apr 12, 2014 10:20 AM, Filippo De Luca m...@filippodeluca.com

 I need to have actors reacting to some events arriving from some kafka
 topics. I would like leverage on the akka supervisor mechanism to keep the
 kafka consumer app and running.

 I know that an actor should never block waiting for some IO, but the
 kafka consumer is blocking so having an actor running a kafka consumer
 doesn't seem a good option, also because it will never release the thread.

 by other hand if I will have a thread, not controlled by akka, to run
 the kafka consumer, it will not leverage on the akka supervision.

 My idea is to use an actor, with a dedicated dispatcher, to run the
 kafka consumer. The problem is: if this actor is blocked by the kafka
 stream, how can I make this actor reacting to some messages? I am thinking
 using a timeout on kafka consumer and resent a message like Consume when
 the timeout is elapsed, so I can consume other messages. It works if the
 kafka stream doesn't have always data available (in the timeout window),
 but doesn't work otherwise.

 Another option may implement a mailbox using kafka.

 What is the best approach in your opinion? Thanks.

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