[arch-projects] [arch-repo-management] 2022-05-04 meeting notes

2022-05-04 Thread Brett Cornwall via arch-projects

Formatted minutes can be viewed here:


Raw Markdown (still hoping for an easy md→text conversion that formats 
links in a citation style...)

# Arch-repo-management 2022-05-04 meeting

Date: 2022-05-04T17:00:00Z
Location: Jitsi
Scribe: Brett (ainola)

## Attendees

* Brett (ainola)
* dvzrv
* Torxed
* wCPO

## Agenda

### Documentation

* dvzrv has [created extensive sphinx documentation about the 


It would be nice to set up e.g. docs.archlinux.org as a central documentation 
platform related to Arch-related tooling/projects with each project having its 
own subdomain. For instance, repod.docs.archlinux.org.

* The wiki is more about configuration/situational help whereas the docs site 
would be more extensive documentation about the project itself: Much of the 
specifics don't belong on the wiki.

GitLab pages used for WKD docs, let's use pages for all of this documentation

* docs.archlinux.org would be a landing page
* CI/CD into a repository's GitLab pages
* foo.docs.archlinux.org would point to that repo's gitlab page.

 Security concerns

The Gitlab page could potentially maliciously set cookies for archlinux.org. 
Since documentation changes can be deployed without DevOps, the accepted 
stewards of infrastructure, it means that non-DevOps members could 
theoretically maliciously attack the main site.

Refer: https://github.com/w3c/webappsec/issues/432

Suggestions for resolution:

1. Change https://archlinux.org to https://www.archlinux.org so that the main 
page is on a separate subdomain
* This would likely cause our search rankings to reset. Cookies would have 
to be reworked to use the new domain
3. Disable JavaScript via CSP
* This would break search functionality for the Sphinx theme
4. Use `` [hash 
 to restrict the JavaScript allowed to run (to be managed by DevOps)
5. Widen the range of trust to include more than DevOps members
* This is the path of least resistance
6. Enhance archlinux.org security to require more than cookies to authenticate
* Not trivial, unlikely to happen

No resolution made, we will revisit in a few weeks' time after the PR has been 

### Next Steps

* next up: [rename the project to 
* start implementing the consumption of package metadata (e.g. 
 (also selection of [.BUILDINFO 

Description: PGP signature

[arch-projects] [arch-repo-management] 2022-04-20 meeting minutes

2022-05-03 Thread Brett Cornwall via arch-projects
I apologize for the horrendous delay; I had forgotten about addressing 
my rejected mail to this list!

Formatted meeting minutes can be viewed at:


A copy of the raw markdown (pandoc does a poor job converting to plain 
text, suggestions for other tools welcome):

Date: 2022-04-20T17:00:00Z - 2022-04-20T18:13:00Z
Location: Jitsi
Scribe: ainola

## Attendees

* ainola
* artafinde
* dvzrv
* heftig
* luna
* Torxed
* wCPO

## Agenda

### CI

[renovate-bot](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/renovate) was implemented 
for automating version bumps

* Thanks to wCPO for setting that up

* [Has a pipeline run on a 
 to e.g. update lock files and scan through the poetry TOML files. It will 
create a Merge Request with that gruntwork already done for us for review. 

* Needs a user to run - we have created a 
"[renovate](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/renovate)" user to run.

### Versioning

(c.f. [previous discussion on the same 

Changes are infrequent but they do happen; we need a way to upgrade the 
database in a sane way.

* dvzrv has been working on [#42 (Implement JSON schema for package and 
 and [#29 (Make pgpsig an optional 

* Torxed is interested in this work due to similar issues in archinstall

### File management

Torxed has been working on package file management via the CLI interface.

Two stages right now (for testing):

* Take a package and move it to a pool (via symlinks or hardlinks so that 
downloads don't need to happen when moving between repos)
* Tag the package for a particular repository

Transactions are a central design around this, so we can all expect to have 
e.g. staging environments still.

 Suggestions for improvement

* prevent package removal from the pool if it's active
* noop on adding identical packages
* Fail if a newer version of the package already exists (Otherwise it's assumed 
to be a version bump and will be accepted)
* Missing debug repositories, needs to be implemented


* Do we want flexibility to have Subrepositories/ephemeral repositories for 
testing groups of packages (see 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-projects] [arch-repo-management] Regular meetings in March

2022-04-06 Thread Brett Cornwall via arch-projects

On 2022-04-06 21:33, Luna Jernberg wrote:

Read the notes now, looks good :) other then the date should be 2022-04-06
at the top

Aha, thanks for the eagle eyes. Fixed.

Description: PGP signature