Re: Getting column names/types from select query?

2021-01-20 Thread Wesley Aptekar-Cassels
> Where do you need this information?

I'm writing some code that takes a given query, and generates type-safe 
bindings for it, so people can write SQL queries and get structs (or vectors of 
structs) out the other end. So I'm pretty flexible about where I get it, given 
that it'll be part of my build/codegen process. I hadn't seen libpq yet, I'll 
look into that — thanks!

Getting column names/types from select query?

2021-01-20 Thread Wesley Aptekar-Cassels
Hi all,

I am interested in figuring out how to get the names and types of the columns 
from an arbitrary query. Essentially, I want to be able to take a query like:

bar bigserial,
baz varchar(256)

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = 42;

and figure out programmatically that the select will return a column "bar" of 
type bigserial, and a column "foo" of type varchar(256). I would like this to 
work for more complex queries as well (joins, CTEs, etc).

I've found, which talks about 
related ways to hook into postgres, but that seems to only talk about the parse 
tree — a lot more detail and processing seems to be required in order to figure 
out the output types. It seems like there should be somewhere I can hook into 
in postgres that will get me this information, but I have no familiarity with 
the codebase, so I don't know the best way to get this.

How would you recommend that I approach this? I'm comfortable patching postgres 
if needed, although if there's a solution that doesn't require that, I'd prefer 

