hi, this is the logentry:
compiles again with alsa-current.
USB_ISO_ASAP not used anymore (most of the time),
urb->start_frame is calculated here now, some calls
inside usb-driver don't need to happen anymore.

To get the best out of this:
Disable APM-support in the kernel as APM-BIOS calls
(once each second) hard disable interrupt for many
precious milliseconds.
This helped me much on my slowish PII 400 & PIII 500.
ACPI yet untested but might cause the same bad
Use a kernel with lowlatency and preemptiv patches
To autoload snd-usb-midi append a line 
        post-install snd-usb-us428 modprobe snd-usb-midi
to /etc/modules.conf.

known problems:
(1) interrupts > 1000 every 1 s.
(2)sliders, knobs, lights not yet handled except
MASTER Volume slider.
(3)"pcm -c 2" doesn't work. "pcm -c 2 -m
direct_interleaved" does.
(4)KDE3.03: "Enable full duplex operation" deadlocks.

tascams (still unauthorized) firmware is not included
but can be optained off

thanks for your support ! 
aaand   does anybody have some clue(s) about the known
problem (3)?

best regards,


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Attachment: us428_0.0.4_alsa0.9_gpl.tar.bz2
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