I've been having problems with certain software's (openal, artsd) ALSA output being transposed up ~1 tone.  Today I figured out that it had to do with the dxs support, and eventually settled on dxs_support=5, which works perfectly.  However, I think it's likely that the issue with transposition is a bug related to resampling of output to 48000, since it went away when dxs_support was set to 1,2, or 5 (I didn't try 4, and I really don't know what VRA is).  So, two things:
1 - my soundcard works best with dxs_support=5, in my opinion
2 - there are wierd issues either with resampling, or with the way openal and artsd output to alsa.

Another issue is that while trying to fix the problem, I played with the rate plugin in /etc/asound.conf, and it didn't work at all with any of the offending apps.  However,  as I'm writing this, I just briefly tested the rate plugin with amarok-xine, and it works fine with slave.rate at both 44100 and 48000, assuming I didn't make a mistake configuring it.

lspci -v
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)
        Subsystem: Rioworks Unknown device 2032
        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 9
        I/O ports at 1000 [size=256]
        Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2

lspci -nv
00:11.5 0401: 1106:3059 (rev 50)
        Subsystem: 161f:2032
        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 9
        I/O ports at 1000 [size=256]
        Capabilities: [c0] Power Management version 2
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