All: The shepherd writeup for CDNI is below.  Jan and I will be moving the
CNDI draft, path-vector, and unified-props as a cluster.  Please let me
know if you have any questions on the shepherd writeup.  Thanks.

1. Summary

Vijay K. Gurbani is the document shepherd for
draft-ietf-alto-cdni-request-routing-alto. Martin Duke is the responsible
Area Director.

RFC 8008 defines the semantics for the CDNI Footprint & Capabilities
Advertisement Interface (FCI). This document specifies a concrete protocol
for the CDNI FCI using the ALTO protocol. A new ALTO service called the
"CDNI Advertisement Service" which conveys JSON objects of media type
"application/alto-cdni+json" is defined. This service can convey CDNI FCI
Base Advertisement Objects as defined in RFC8008 to ALTO clients via the
ALTO protocol.

This document is targeted as a Standards Track document (Proposed
Standard). This designation is appropriate as the document contains
normative behaviour and message formats that should be adhered to by the
communicating entities in order to realize the extension.

2. Review and Consensus
The “ALTO Service for CDNI FCI” had been added as a new ALTO WG milestone
in 2017, following an agreement between the CDNI WG and the ALTO WG to
finalise the ALTO service for conveying (i.e. transporting) CDNI FCI
objects in the ALTO WG. draft-ietf-alto-cdni-request-routing-alto has a
long history and had been iterated and presented multiple times in the CDNI
WG prior to 2017 (see draft-seedorf-cdni-request-routing-alto).

The document is well-known in the ALTO working group and has been presented
many times. The approach is agreed upon and no objections have been raised
during the WGLC on draft-ietf-alto-cdni-request-routing-alto-09 in February
2020. All comments from the individual reviews during the WGLC have since
been addressed and the document has been polished further multiple times
since the WGLC (now in draft-ietf-alto-cdni-request-routing-alto-13).

In summary, there is clear consensus for
draft-ietf-alto-cdni-request-routing-alto in the ALTO WG, and it provides a
very useful extension needed also by the CDNI WG to convey CDNI FCI objects
defined in RFC8008. A WGLC has successfully been passed, and extensive
reviews were provided by various members of the WG and have all been

3. Intellectual Property
The shepherd confirms that each author has stated to him that to the best
of his/her (i.e. the author’s) knowledge, all IPR related to this document
has been disclosed.

4. Other Points
Note any downward references (see RFC 3967) and whether they appear in the
DOWNREF Registry (, as these
need to be announced during Last Call.

All normative references are ok (with respect to RFC 3967) as they are all
towards documents with standards-level “Proposed Standards”, “Internet
Standard”, or “BCP”.
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