Re: no index records

2007-09-17 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

McGraw, Robert P wrote:

Thanks for your reply.

Sorry I did not indicate that I had the following in my tapelist.

20060701 071012 no-reuse
20060701 071011 no-reuse
20060701 071010 no-reuse
20060701 071009 no-reuse

This is a grep of my log file.

##R##-zorn-[90] ## grep 0710 log.20060701.0

START taper datestamp 20060701 label archive:071012 tape 0
INFO taper tape archive:071012 kb 186554848 fm 19 writing file: short write
START taper datestamp 20060701 label archive:071009 tape 1
INFO taper tape archive:071009 kb 160484512 fm 10 writing file: short write
START taper datestamp 20060701 label archive:071010 tape 2
INFO taper tape archive:071010 kb 137568928 fm 8 writing file: short write
START taper datestamp 20060701 label archive:071011 tape 3
INFO taper tape archive:071011 kb 146858624 fm 7 writing file: short write

Labels are archive:071012, archive:071009, archive:071010 and archive:071011
That's what you must have in the tapelist file:

20060701 archive:071012 no-reuse
20060701 archive:071011 no-reuse
20060701 archive:071010 no-reuse
20060701 archive:071009 no-reuse

The labelstr must also match it.


Re: no index records

2007-09-14 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The tapelist file must list the label from the log.20060701.0 file.


McGraw, Robert P wrote:

I am trying to manually merge some old amanda index data into my present
date. When I run amrecover I get the following message. 

200 Working date set to 2006-07-02.
amrecover listdisk
200- List of disk for host zorn
201- /export/users-q
201- /export/users-r
201- /export/users-s
201- /export/users-t
amrecover setdisk /export/users-r
200 Disk set to /export/users-r.
No index records for disk for specified date
If date correct, notify system administrator

I have the log.20060701.0  in my /var/amanda/archive and the following is an
ls of my index files.
	##R##-zorn-[675] ## ls -al _export_users-r/

total 14692
drwxr-sr-x   2 amanda   operator 512 Sep 14 17:02 ./
drwxr-sr-x  35 amanda   operator1024 Sep 14 16:44 ../
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  314390 May  6  2006 20060506_0.gz
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  312220 Jun  3  2006 20060603_0.gz
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  317825 Jul  1  2006 20060701_0.gz
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  340959 Sep  5  2006 20060905_0.gz
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  364639 Oct  8  2006
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  406334 Nov  5  2006
-rw---   1 amanda   operator  443114 Jan  7  2007

What am I missing that would cause this error.



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University ROOM: MATH-807
Department of MathematicsPHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street   FAX: (419) 821-0540
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067


Re: Expected completion of an add * for a DLE with 378k files (2.4.4p3)?

2007-09-13 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
2.4.? and early 2.5.? can become extremely slow because in some case, 
the index are not sorted correctly.

A 'add .' might be faster than a 'add *', but I'm not sure.


Francis Galiegue wrote:

Hello again!

I have a DLE with more than 378k files in it (that's not a joke), I'm trying 
to restore it using (again) amrecover. The DLE is found without a hitch, 
however, it's been now 30 minutes that I've issued the add * command, and I 
still don't have the prompt. OUCH.

On a previous DLE with 170k files, this command barely took more than 2 
minutes, so there's something mysterious to me...

Out of curiosity, I ran an strace on the running amindexd process on the 
server side. I see that it reads from the uncompressed index file 4k at a 
time, but not very fast, as witnessed by this command (Linux RHEL 4.x, the 
amanda package comes from RH):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # strace -r -p 4033
Process 4033 attached - interrupt to quit
 0.00 read(3, 04-14/xml/TEST-com.one2team.sear..., 4096) = 4096
 0.415061 read(3, T-com.one2team.webkit.bean.lock, 4096) = 4096
 1.291776 read(3, t\n/junit/2007-04-19/html/com/one..., 4096) = 4096
 1.706153 read(3, ing/editor/package-frame.html\n/j..., 4096) = 4096
 1.628976 read(3, tabase/bean/TestPackageEditor05, 4096) = 4096
 1.568277 read(3, nit/2007-04-19/html/com/one2team..., 4096) = 4096

[you'll have guessed that this share contains junit test results]

Is this expected? No, I haven't had a peek at the source yet, but I find 
surprising that it takes so long to complete. Is this another reason why I 
should go 2.5.x, at least on the server side?

Have fun,

Re: Restoring from a holding disk?

2007-09-07 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Josh Kelley wrote:

I checked the wiki and Google and couldn't find an answer.  How do I
restore from files on a holding disk if the dump has been split across
multiple chunks on the holding disk?

I have the following files:
alva._home.4alva._home.4.2  alva._home.4.4
alva._home.4.1  alva._home.4.3  alva._home.4.5

I can restore from alva._home.4 using amrestore as normal:

amrestore -p alva._home.4 | tar xvf -
It should works, try 'amrestore alva._home.4' and feed the resulting 
file to tar.

But that's obviously only part of the backup.

If I try to concatenate all of the files together, as the wiki
suggests when using amrestore to restore from a tape:

for i in `ls -1 alva._home.4*`; do dd if=$i  wholedump.0; done

You must remove the first 32k bytes of each files

for i in `ls -1 alva._home.4*`; do dd if=$i bs=32k skip=1  wholedump.0; done

and run tar directly on wholedump.0, may need to be uncompressed.

then run amrestore on wholedump.0, amrestore successfully processes
the data corresponding to alva._home.4 then gives the following

tar: Skipping to next header
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error

What's the correct procedure for restoring from holding disk files in this case?

Thank you.

Josh Kelley

Re: Anyone using Kerberos in 2.5.2 and having trouble with performance due to encryption?

2007-08-21 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Try amanda-2.5.3alpha-kencrypt.tar.gz from

It add support for the DLE kencrypt option with krb5.

I don't know how to changer the encryption method.


Klas Heggemann wrote:

20 aug 2007 kl. 19.13 skrev Jean-Louis Martineau:

Klas Heggemann wrote:


We are inte transition from amanda 2.4.2 to 2.5.2. We seem to have a 
build and configuration. We've also switched from Solaris 9 to 10, 
and newer


However, with 2.5.2 encryption is no longer an option, when using 
Kerberos 5 authentication.
The backup server seems to have problems with the backup of nearly 
200 filesystems on 80 hosts.
With 2.5.2, krb5 must encrypt nothing or encrypt everything, it is 
set at compile time with AMANDA_KRB5_ENCRYPT,

it must be the same for all clients and server.

Yes we are aware of that. Since Kerbers encryption seems very slow 
(about 2 or 3 times slower
backus then with ssh). We will not be able to use encryption for all 

If we stick to Amanda, we need to find s a solution. What i have in 
mind is two different
backup sets, one for encryption and one for non encrypted transfers. 
Perhaps this could be
a amanda.conf option, so you could use the same binary. The client, 
unfortunatly need to listen

on different ports.

We will do some  tests with this approach and report bac

Another solution could be to use another encryption method. I guess 
3DES is used, but
I do not know where the encrytion method is choosen. Ayone who knows? 
Perhaps AES is faster?



Re: Anyone using Kerberos in 2.5.2 and having trouble with performance due to encryption?

2007-08-20 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Klas Heggemann wrote:


We are inte transition from amanda 2.4.2 to 2.5.2. We seem to have a 
build and configuration. We've also switched from Solaris 9 to 10, and 


However, with 2.5.2 encryption is no longer an option, when using 
Kerberos 5 authentication.
The backup server seems to have problems with the backup of nearly 200 
filesystems on 80 hosts.
With 2.5.2, krb5 must encrypt nothing or encrypt everything, it is set 
at compile time with AMANDA_KRB5_ENCRYPT,

it must be the same for all clients and server.


Re: Restoring from virtual tapes

2007-07-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

What's in the amrecover.*.debug file?
Any amandad.*.debug file on
What is your xinetd configure on for the amandaidx and 
amidxtaped services?

Check your system log for firewall



I've restored amanda file systems in the past from tape using amrestore.
However, I switched from tapes to vtapes several months ago and am trying
to restore a file system.

According to the FAQs and posts I saw searching various archives, one
wants to use amrecover intead of amrestore for vtapes.

Trying to run as user amanda, I am told it has to be run as root.  When I
run it as root, I get this error:

su-2.05b# amrecover -C colos
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.0p2. Contacting server on ...
amrecover: cannot connect to Connection refused

I then add the user root to ~amanda/.amandahosts, but it doesn't make a

(Partial) cat ~amanda/.amandahosts amanda amanda root root

I also tried adding to this config's amanda.conf the following:

amrecover_changer file:/path/to/tapedev

And it didn't help.  What am I missing?


James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor


Re: Firewall, amanda client and ports

2007-07-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Marc Muehlfeld wrote:


Jean-Louis Martineau schrieb:

Yes you only need to allow connection to port 10080.

This isn't added to the wiki right now, isn't it? At least I didn't 
saw it there.

Just some more questions about that:

* destination-port is 10080 udp, thats clear. But from with source 
ports is the server connecting? (1024 ?)

With bsdtcp auth, destination-port is 10080 TCP, source ports  1024
See docs/howto-auth.txt in the distribution

* The data connection is still handled over tcp, I think. Will this be 
handled over the iptables_conntrack module? Or do I need 
ip_conntrack_amanda/ip_nat_amanda for that?

No others port needed with bsdtcp auth. No firewall rules needed.

* Could this be done only with 2.5.2p1 (and later) server and clients? 
Or can I have older clients too?

Require 2.5.1 or above for client and server.

Older client or server can only use bsd auth, with destination-port 
10080 UDP, firewall rules are needed to allow the tcp connection.


Re: Firewall, amanda client and ports

2007-07-18 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Since you are using amanda-2.5.2p1, I suggest you use the bsdtcp auth.
It will require no firewall rules.
Port 10082 and 10083 are not use in 2.5.2 and above, your server need 
them only if you have older client (amrecover).

To use bsdtcp auth:
 - change your dumptype to have: auth bsdtcp
 - change your amanda xinetd configuration:
   socket_type = stream
   protocol= tcp
   wait= no
   server_args = -auth=bsdtcp amdump amindexd amidxtaped


Marc Muehlfeld wrote:


Charles Stroom schrieb:
 amcheck reports no problem.

amcheck doesn't use the full source/destination portrange like amdump.

 On the client, I have opened TCP/UDP port 10080, and TCP
 ports 10082 and 10083, because I seem to have seen something like that
 when googling.

You need only 10080 on the client. 10082 (amandaidx) and 10083 
(amidxtape) you have on your index-/tapeserver.

But also the server connects do different ports. You can limit this 
for a better and more tight firewall-configuration when you set 
--with-portrange and  --with-udpportrange at configure. I used

./configure .  --with-portrange=5,50150 

And at a iptables protected machine you have to set it like this:

$IPTABLES -A INPUT --match state --state NEW --in-interface $LAN_DEV \
   --source $BAKSERV --destination $LAN_IP --protocol udp --sport 
850:900 \

   --dport 10080 --jump ACCEPT

$IPTABLES -A INPUT --match state --state NEW --in-interface $LAN_DEV \
   --source $BAKSERV --destination $LAN_IP --protocol tcp --syn \
   --sport 5:50150 --dport $PORTS_UNPRIV --jump ACCEPT

$IPTABLES -A INPUT --match state --state NEW --in-interface $LAN_DEV \
   --source $BAKSERV --destination $LAN_IP --protocol tcp --syn \
   --sport $PORTS_UNPRIV --dport 5:50150 --jump ACCEPT

Just replace the variables with your settings/variables.

A different way is to use the specific netfilter modules for handling 
amanda's connections (ip_conntrack_amanda, ip_nat_amanda).


Re: Firewall, amanda client and ports

2007-07-18 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Marc Muehlfeld wrote:

Jean-Louis Martineau schrieb:

Since you are using amanda-2.5.2p1, I suggest you use the bsdtcp auth.
It will require no firewall rules.

Where do I don't need firewall rules? I guess, I at least need to 
allow connecting the server to the clients. But did the other required 
rules can be removed then?

Yes you only need to allow connection to port 10080.


Re: amrestore does not work NAK: amindexd: invalid service

2007-07-12 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Can you upgrade to 2.5.2p1?


Bjoern B wrote:


Jean-Louis Martineau schrieb:
The only way to get this error is if amandad doesn't get amindexd 
as argument.

But it is listed in the server_args of /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
You should recheck that file, verify that it doesn't have character 
you don't see.

I have retyped the server_args in /etc/xinetd.d/amanda, i had copied 
them before.

Did a server restart after this, to be really sure that xinitd was 

Verify that you doesn't have an amandad process already running.

Made a ps ax | grep amandad

And then tried amrecover again.

marconi:~# ps ax | grep amandad
 2420 pts/0D+ 0:00 grep amandad
marconi:~# amrecover -s marconi.domain.tld
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.1p1. Contacting server on marconi.domain.tld ...
NAK: amindexd: invalid service
marconi:~# ps ax | grep amandad
 2422 ?Ss 0:00 amandad
 2424 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep amandad

The process 2422 is there for a few seconds after the Error message.

Same message. For me it is the same in the amandad.*.debug file like 

More idears?




Bjoern B wrote:


you are right i mean amrecover. sorry

Jean-Louis Martineau schrieb:

Your config looks good, are you sure you restarted xinetd?

I did a /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

To be sure, i have done a server restart and tested it again.
Same message.

amrecover in 2.4.* will use the amandaidx and amandaidx services
amrecover in 2.5.* will only use the amanda services.

Send the amandad.*.debug file

/var/log/amanda/amandad# more amandad.20070711180648.debug
amandad: debug 1 pid 2992 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Wed Jul 11 
18:06:48 2007

security_getdriver(name=BSD) returns 0xb7f470e0
amandad: version 2.5.1p1
amandad: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.1p1
amandad:BUILT_DATE=Wed Nov 29 02:15:07 CET 2006
amandad:BUILT_MACH=Linux intrepid 2.6.18-1-686 #1 SMP Fri 
Sep 29 16:25:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

amandad:CONFIGURE_COMMAND='./configure' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--bindir=/usr/sbin' '--mandir=/usr/share/man
' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda' '--enable-shared' 
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var/lib' '--with-gnut
'--with-index-server=localhost' '--with-user=backup' '--with-group=ba
ckup' '--with-bsd-security' '--with-amandahosts' 
'--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient' '--with-debugging=/var/
log/amanda' '--with-dumperdir=/usr/lib/amanda/dumper.d' 
'--with-tcpportrange=5,50100' '--with-udpportrange

=840,860' '--with-maxtapeblocksize=256' '--with-ssh-security'
amandad: paths: bindir=/usr/sbin sbindir=/usr/sbin
amandad:libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda mandir=/usr/share/man
amandad:DEV_PREFIX=/dev/ RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/ 

amandad:XFSDUMP=/sbin/xfsdump XFSRESTORE=/sbin/xfsrestore
amandad:SAMBA_CLIENT=/usr/bin/smbclient GNUTAR=/bin/tar
amandad:COMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip UNCOMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip
amandad:LPRCMD=/usr/bin/lpr MAILER=/usr/bin/mail
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=localhost DEFAULT_CONFIG=DailySet1

amandad: time 0.000: dgram_recv(dgram=0xb7f48084, timeout=0, 
amandad: time 0.000: (sockaddr_in *)0xb7f58070 = { 2, 849, }

security_handleinit(handle=0x804f5d8, driver=0xb7f470e0 (BSD))
amandad: time 0.000: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE amindexd
OPTIONS features=feff9ffeff7f;auth=bsd;

amandad: time 0.000: amindexd: invalid service
amandad: time 0.000: sending NAK pkt:

ERROR amindexd: invalid service

amandad: dgram_send_addr(addr=0xbffbeef0, dgram=0xb7f48084)
amandad: time 0.000: (sockaddr_in *)0xbffbeef0 = { 2, 849, }

amandad: dgram_send_addr: 0xb7f48084-socket = 0
security_close(handle=0x804f5d8, driver=0xb7f470e0 (BSD))
amandad: time 29.996: pid 2992 finish time Wed Jul 11 18:07:18 2007

Re: Changing the label of an Amanda tape

2007-07-12 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Before you try to label a tape, you should fix the changer configuration.

Which changer script are you using?
If it's chg-zd-mtx, can you use mtx to move tape in the library?
What is your config?
What is in the changer debug file?

Use the amtape command to move tape.

Once that will work, you will be able to try to label a tape.


Craig Dewick wrote:

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:

It's best to maintain consistency in all the information amanda has 
about tapes and backups.

Agreed. When I used to have a DAT array (quite a number of years back) 
it worked very well.

I have about twice as many tapes in my regular rotation as my tape 
library holds. I periodically swap out a batch of tapes from the 
library and cycle in the ones that will be coming up soon. I do all 
that from the console of the library. Then I run `amtape daily 
update`, which both tells me what I have in the library now and also 
updates amanda's information.

Ok I just tried that command ('amtape ORBnet update' for my setup) and 
it reported 'Changer problem: no slots available'. I know the first 8 
of the 9 slots have tapes with valid Amanda labels (they were labelled 
on an older DLT array than the Sun L9 array I have here now).

If you have tapes from another configuration of amanda that has been 
decommissioned and is obsolete, then relabel the tapes. It takes a 
bit of effort, but it is best that you do it yourself and know 
exactly what has been done. I don't like the idea of some other 
backup software that automatically relabels tapes.

If I can work out a way to get Amanda to relabel the tapes and work 
around tape changer errors, etc. that are occuring I will try that. 
One thing I'm going to do is build and install the 2.5.2 version of 
the software and check if the behaviour of amtape, etc. is the same as 
it is at present.

I've just shifted my manually-created 'tapelist' file aside (to 
'tapelist.test), and tried 'amlabel -f ORBnet ORBnet00 slot 0' which 
reported back with 'amlabel: could not load slot 0: no slots 
available'. The L9 self-tests fine and 'learns' which slots have tapes 
without any problems at all. The problem could be in the way the L9 
array is set up but I've just left it set with all defaults at the 


Re: amrestore does not work NAK: amindexd: invalid service

2007-07-11 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
amrestore doesn't use the network and can't fail with NAK: amindexd: 
invalid service.
amrestore and amrecover are two distinct commands, don't say amrestore 
when you talk about amrecover, it's really confusing.

Your config looks good, are you sure you restarted xinetd?

amrecover in 2.4.* will use the amandaidx and amandaidx services
amrecover in 2.5.* will only use the amanda services.

Send the amandad.*.debug file


Bjoern B wrote:


here i go again.

Backup works now, but i can´t recover.

Seems to be a problem, because of the bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication.

We have 3 Amandaserver running.
And a couple of clients.

Amandaserver1 = Version 2.4.2p2
Amandaserver2 = Version 2.4.4p3

Amandaserver3 = Version 2.5.1p1

There is no Problem with Backup to and restore from Amandaserver1 and 
2 and the long time ago configured clients.

With Amandaserver3 i could backup different clients, mostly Linux and 
one Windows.

Amcheck and amdump are successfull.

We could make a successfully amrestore from Amandaserver3 OS CENTOS 
with AMRECOVER Version 2.4.4p3.

But we can´t do an amrestore from Debian boxes with AMRECOVER Version 
2.5.1p1 to Amandaserver3.

I have read about changings in 2.5.1.

For example here 

I get the following message when trying:

amrecover -s Amandaserver3.fqdn

Error Message:

AMRECOVER Version 2.5.1p1. Contacting server on localhost ...
NAK: amindexd: invalid service

Yes i would like to recover from and to localhost.

Because of the successfully amrestore from the Centos with 2.4.4p3 i 
think that there is no

bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication configured.


So i´m looking for a solution of my Problem.

Have tried the indicated solution from 

but it does not work.

I will put The configfiles to the end.

I think there are 2 possible ways for solving this Problem:

1. Get bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication working
- with the problem, that the Centos Client cant´t recover the data 
himself(old amrestore version)

2. Tell amrestore 2.5.1p1 not to use bsd/bsdudp/bsdtcp authentication


The debian amanda package is configured with --with-bsd-seurity


more /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
service amanda
   socket_type = dgram
   protocol= udp
   wait= yes
   user= backup
   group   = backup
   groups  = yes
   server  = /usr/lib/amanda/amandad
   server_args = -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped
   disable = no


more /etc/xinetd.d/amandaidx
#default: on
# description: The amanda index service
service amandaidx
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= backup
group   = backup
server  = /usr/lib/amanda/amindexd


more /etc/xinetd.d/amidxtape
#default: on
# description: The amanda tape service
service amidxtape
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= backup
group   = backup
server  = /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped


:~# grep -v '#' /etc/inetd.conf

amandaidx stream tcp nowait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd 
amidxtape stream tcp nowait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd 
amanda dgram udp wait backup /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/lib/amanda/amandad 
-auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped


Configure Options

./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/sbin --mandir=/usr/share/man \
--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda --enable-shared\
--sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib \
--with-gnutar-listdir=/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists \
--with-index-server=localhost \
--with-user=backup --with-group=backup  \
--with-bsd-security --with-amandahosts \
--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient \
--with-debugging=/var/log/amanda \
--with-dumperdir=/usr/lib/amanda/dumper.d \
--with-udpportrange=840,860 \

--with-maxtapeblocksize=256 \


snapits from netstat -tupln:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address 
State   PID/Program name
tcp0  0* LISTEN 
tcp0  0* LISTEN 

udp0  0*2358/xinetd
udp0  0*2358/xinetd
udp0  0*2246/inetd


Hope that someone could help 

Re: amrestore does not work NAK: amindexd: invalid service

2007-07-11 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
The only way to get this error is if amandad doesn't get amindexd as 

But it is listed in the server_args of /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
You should recheck that file, verify that it doesn't have character you 
don't see.

Verify that you doesn't have an amandad process already running.


Bjoern B wrote:


you are right i mean amrecover. sorry

Jean-Louis Martineau schrieb:

Your config looks good, are you sure you restarted xinetd?

I did a /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

To be sure, i have done a server restart and tested it again.
Same message.

amrecover in 2.4.* will use the amandaidx and amandaidx services
amrecover in 2.5.* will only use the amanda services.

Send the amandad.*.debug file

/var/log/amanda/amandad# more amandad.20070711180648.debug
amandad: debug 1 pid 2992 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Wed Jul 11 
18:06:48 2007

security_getdriver(name=BSD) returns 0xb7f470e0
amandad: version 2.5.1p1
amandad: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.1p1
amandad:BUILT_DATE=Wed Nov 29 02:15:07 CET 2006
amandad:BUILT_MACH=Linux intrepid 2.6.18-1-686 #1 SMP Fri Sep 
29 16:25:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

amandad:CONFIGURE_COMMAND='./configure' '--prefix=/usr' 
'--bindir=/usr/sbin' '--mandir=/usr/share/man
' '--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda' '--enable-shared' '--sysconfdir=/etc' 
'--localstatedir=/var/lib' '--with-gnut
'--with-index-server=localhost' '--with-user=backup' '--with-group=ba
ckup' '--with-bsd-security' '--with-amandahosts' 
'--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient' '--with-debugging=/var/
log/amanda' '--with-dumperdir=/usr/lib/amanda/dumper.d' 
'--with-tcpportrange=5,50100' '--with-udpportrange

=840,860' '--with-maxtapeblocksize=256' '--with-ssh-security'
amandad: paths: bindir=/usr/sbin sbindir=/usr/sbin
amandad:libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda mandir=/usr/share/man
amandad:AMANDA_DBGDIR=/var/log/amanda CONFIG_DIR=/etc/amanda
amandad:DEV_PREFIX=/dev/ RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/ DUMP=/sbin/dump
amandad:XFSDUMP=/sbin/xfsdump XFSRESTORE=/sbin/xfsrestore
amandad:SAMBA_CLIENT=/usr/bin/smbclient GNUTAR=/bin/tar
amandad:COMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip UNCOMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip
amandad:LPRCMD=/usr/bin/lpr MAILER=/usr/bin/mail
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=localhost DEFAULT_CONFIG=DailySet1

amandad: time 0.000: dgram_recv(dgram=0xb7f48084, timeout=0, 
amandad: time 0.000: (sockaddr_in *)0xb7f58070 = { 2, 849, }

security_handleinit(handle=0x804f5d8, driver=0xb7f470e0 (BSD))
amandad: time 0.000: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE amindexd
OPTIONS features=feff9ffeff7f;auth=bsd;

amandad: time 0.000: amindexd: invalid service
amandad: time 0.000: sending NAK pkt:

ERROR amindexd: invalid service

amandad: dgram_send_addr(addr=0xbffbeef0, dgram=0xb7f48084)
amandad: time 0.000: (sockaddr_in *)0xbffbeef0 = { 2, 849, }

amandad: dgram_send_addr: 0xb7f48084-socket = 0
security_close(handle=0x804f5d8, driver=0xb7f470e0 (BSD))
amandad: time 29.996: pid 2992 finish time Wed Jul 11 18:07:18 2007

Re: amrestore does not work NAK: amindexd: invalid service

2007-07-11 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Frank Smith wrote:

amandad: time 0.000: amindexd: invalid service
amandad: time 0.000: sending NAK pkt:

ERROR amindexd: invalid service

My interpretation of this error is that it couldn't find the service
named amindexd.  Is this something new in 2.5, as in 2.4 it was named
amandaidx, which is what is in your xinetd config and probably in
your /etc/services as well.

If you don't get a more definitive answer, try changing the name in
/etc/services and see what happens (I think that is the name that
matters on lookups, not the name in your xinetd config, but I could
be wrong and you might want to change both and try again).
amindexd is not a system services, it is an amanda service, it should 
not be listed in /etc/services


Re: more restore problems with tape spanning...

2007-07-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Try the attached patch with amfetchdump, it included the previous patch.


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

* Jean-Francois Malouin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20070705 16:05]:

Hold on to answer this one Jean-Louis.
I think I've found the problem and I'm 
doing a amfetchdump run and it went 
through the first tape and resumed the

restore with the second tape.
I'll post later when it completes.

OK here it goes: I had somehow 2 config recompiled most probably
without doing a 'make distclean' between the configure. The hint 
was that the debug files for this one were not located in 
the right place and once I found them I realized that amfetchdump 
could not find the chg-zd-mtx script.

The amfetchdump debug file (in /tmp/amanda-spantest/server/stk_80-conf2
it should have been /tmp/amanda-conf2/server/stk_80-conf2):

search_tapes(prompt_out=2, prompt_in=0,  use_changer=1, tapelist=100873f8, 
match_list=10025758, flags=10016550, features=0)
error could not exec /opt/amanda/spantest/libexec/chg-zd-mtx: No such file 
or directory
changer: got exit: 1 str: error could not read result from 
error could not exec /opt/amanda/spantest/libexec/chg-zd-mtx: No such file 
o r directory
changer: got exit: 1 str: error could not read result from 

So I recompiled making sure to start with a clean slate and now I get:

# /opt/amanda/amanda2/sbin/amfetchdump -p -a stk_80-conf2 \
yorick /data/ipl/ipl10 20070630 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -xpf -
7 tape(s) needed for restoration
dd (null)
The following tapes are needed: stk_40-conf2-17 stk_40-conf2-18
stk_40-conf2-19 stk_40-conf2-20 stk_40-conf2-14
stk_40-conf2-15 stk_40-conf2-01
ee (null)
ff /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
gg /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
Label mismatch, got stk_40-conf2-18 and expected stk_40-conf2-17
hh /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-17...
amfetchdump: slot 26: date 20070630 label stk_40-conf2-17 (exact label 
ii /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
Scanning stk_40-conf2-17 (slot 26)
amfetchdump: 14: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 1/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 15: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 2/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: Search of stk_40-conf2-17 complete
gg /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
Label mismatch, got stk_40-conf2-17 and expected stk_40-conf2-18
hh /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-18...
amfetchdump: slot 28: date 20070630 label stk_40-conf2-18 (exact label 
ii /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv
Scanning stk_40-conf2-18 (slot 28)
amfetchdump: 1: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 3/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 2: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 4/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 3: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 5/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 4: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 6/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 5: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 7/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 6: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 8/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 7: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 9/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 8: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 10/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 9: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 11/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 10: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 12/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: 11: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070630 host yorick disk 
/data/ipl/ipl10 part 13/UNKNOWN lev 0 comp N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
amfetchdump: error reading file header: No space left on device
amfetchdump: Search of stk_40-conf2-18 complete

/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive

/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

amfetchdump.*.debug attached.



amfetchdump: debug 1 pid 55243191 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Thu Jul  5 16:53:09 
amfetchdump: debug 1 pid 55243191 ruid 666 euid 666: rename at Thu Jul  5 
16:53:09 2007

Re: more restore problems with tape spanning...

2007-07-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

Following on my previous post: here's what I get

/opt/amanda/amanda2/sbin/amfetchdump -p -l stk_80-conf2 yorick
20070630 -o stk_80-conf2 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -xvGpf -
(null), line 0: Must specify a value for stk_80-conf2.

You can remove the '-o stk_80-conf2' argument.

amfetchdump: time 2425.149: could not fsf /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv: No space left 
on device

I don't understand the 'No space left on device' error.

Can you put the stk_40-conf2-17 tape in the drive and run:
 mt -f /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv rewind
 amrestore /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv nohost

Re: Use multiple drives in tape robot

2007-06-27 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
--with-testing was needed with amanda 2.4.* if a client could be 
accessed by 2 different config at the same time.

--with-testing is not needed with amanda-2.5.*, the amandad deamon allow 
multiple request simultaneously.


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

I'll just add that you must also configure amanda such that both
configs use different ports with '--with-testing=config1' and
'--with-testing=config2' and add those to /etc/services like


Depending on the authentication scheme you decide to use you might
have to specify the udp and tcp port range so that both config  don't
Look for '--with-tcpportrange=' and '--with-udpportrange='

There is no provision for the access of the robotic device. At some
point I had 7 config on the same robot and I had surprisingly little
contention between the different amanda configs accessing the robot


Re: 2.5.2p1 make install oddity

2007-06-21 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The static library *.a are not needed at execution time.
All executable link with the version numbered dynamic library, the 
symlink is not use by amanda.

Can you give more detail of your problem?
an `ldd` of your executable
an `ls -l` of the library.


Frank Smith wrote:

While building 2.5.2p1 to upgrade a 2.4.5 version, I ran across an
oddity running 'make install'.  I had built both versions with the
'--with suffixes' option.  Evidently that option doesn't work on
the static libraries that are built, as it just creates the .a files
without a suffix and the install happily overwrites the previous
versions of the libraries with a new one.
  Also, the .so files are created with the version suffix, but the
install creates symlinks pointing to the new version, which seems wrong
since the executables are not automatically symlinked when installed,
causing a seemingly broken installation by default, as the old .a
libraries are no longer there to support the old version.
  Or have I missed something?



Re: 2.5.2p1 make install oddity

2007-06-21 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Frank Smith wrote:

It wasn't a problem, just a comment about something that looked
odd. If the .a is not needed by the executables, then to avoid
cluttering the filesystem it shouldn't be installed.  Same thing
with the library symlinks, if they aren't used, why create them?

In case a user want to link its own program with amanda library.

   It's probably just historical cruft, but it is confusing to
those of us that aren't familiar enough with the code to know
what's needed and what isn't.
We get this installation for free with automake, it's a standard way to 
install library.


Thanks for the clarification,

Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The static library *.a are not needed at execution time.
All executable link with the version numbered dynamic library, the 
symlink is not use by amanda.

Can you give more detail of your problem?
an `ldd` of your executable
an `ls -l` of the library.


Frank Smith wrote:

While building 2.5.2p1 to upgrade a 2.4.5 version, I ran across an
oddity running 'make install'.  I had built both versions with the
'--with suffixes' option.  Evidently that option doesn't work on
the static libraries that are built, as it just creates the .a files
without a suffix and the install happily overwrites the previous
versions of the libraries with a new one.
  Also, the .so files are created with the version suffix, but the
install creates symlinks pointing to the new version, which seems wrong
since the executables are not automatically symlinked when installed,
causing a seemingly broken installation by default, as the old .a
libraries are no longer there to support the old version.
  Or have I missed something?




Re: I'm lost

2007-06-21 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Maybe localhost resolv to an IPv6 address and that network is not 

grep localhost /etc/hosts
netstat -nr
Add 'debug_auth 1' to amanda.conf and retry.
Post the taper.*.debug and dumper.*.debug files.


Paul Crittenden wrote:

I have set up amanda-2.5.2p1 on Solaris 9, with it being the server 
and client. I have run amcheck with no errors. I can label tapes but 
when I run an amdump It fails. Here is the email I get.

Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:54:16 -0500 (CDT)




Subject: DailySet1 AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR June 21, 2007

Content-Length: 1971

Hostname: maple

Org : DailySet1

Config : maple

Date : June 21, 2007

These dumps were to tape DailySet1-1.

The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY: /export/home/pdc lev 0 FAILED [port open: Network is 
unreachable] /export/home/pdc lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]


Total Full Incr.


Estimate Time (hrs:min) 0:00

Run Time (hrs:min) 0:02

Dump Time (hrs:min) 0:00 0:00 0:00

Output Size (meg) 0.0 0.0 0.0

Original Size (meg) 0.0 0.0 0.0

Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --

Filesystems Dumped 0 0 0

Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- --

Tape Time (hrs:min) 0:00 0:00 0:00

Tape Size (meg) 0.0 0.0 0.0

Tape Used (%) 0.0 0.0 0.0

Filesystems Taped 0 0 0

Chunks Taped 0 0 0

Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- --


Label Time Size % Nb Nc

DailySet1-1 0:00 0K 0.0 0 0


/-- /export/home/pdc lev 0 FAILED [port open: 
Network is unreachable]



planner: Forcing full dump of as 

taper: tape DailySet1-1 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]




-- - 

maple.simpso -t/home/pdc 0 FAILED 

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.5.2p1)

Since this is the same machine why does it care about the network? 
Obviously I don’t understand something.

Paul Crittenden

Computer Systems Manager

Simpson College

Phone: 515-961-1680


Re: more restore problems with tape spanning...

2007-06-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The '-d' option is ignored if you use a changer.

What is your tapedev? `amgetconf stk_80-conf2 tapedev`
Is it valid?
What's in the amfetchdump.*.debug?


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

with amanda-2.5.2p1 trying to pull the last full of a DLE
using amfetchdump. All needed tapes are loaded in the library and I used
amtape to load the first one. Same thing happens if I specify the tape
device to amfetchdump '-d /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv' with or without '-a'.

# /opt/amanda/amanda2/sbin/amfetchdump -p -a stk_80-conf2 \
yorick /data/ipl/ipl10 20070616 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -xvpf -
6 tape(s) needed for restoration
The following tapes are needed: stk_40-conf2-28
stk_40-conf2-29 stk_40-conf2-30 stk_40-conf2-21
stk_40-conf2-32 stk_40-conf2-22
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-28...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-28...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-28...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-28...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-28...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape stk_40-conf2-28...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Insert tape labeled stk_40-conf2-28 in device (null) 
and press enter, ^D to finish reading tapes


Re: amfetchdump - inventory mode

2007-06-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Can you try the attached patch.


Jon LaBadie wrote:

I haven't used amfetchdump before and thought I'd try its
inventory mode, option -i.  As I understand it, with this
option amfetchdump will examine the tapes (vtapes in my
case) and generate output showing the contents in a
syntax similar to logfile entries.

If I enter   amfetchdump -i mylog tstvt

It gets to the virtual tape changer, slot 1 and seems to
try to start an inventory.  But after a few seconds I
get the message:

  Scanning vtape01 (slot 1)
  amfetchdump: error reading file header: Input/output error

If I actually try to recover a dump from a specific host/date,
things seem to work properly.

When I looked at the tape in slot 1, due to wrap-around the
tape list, it was the second tape of an amdump run.  It contained
only the last couple of chunks of a dump started on the last
tape in the changer.

So I wonder if this scenario, first tape in the changer starts
in the middle of a split file sequence, was considered in the
logic of amfetchdump's -i option.  Have others gotten a successful
inventory under these conditions?


diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2p1/restore-src/restore.c amanda-2.5.2p1.inventory/restore-src/restore.c
--- amanda-2.5.2p1/restore-src/restore.c	2007-06-06 19:19:20.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2p1.inventory/restore-src/restore.c	2007-06-19 15:42:41.0 -0400
@@ -1451,6 +1451,16 @@ search_a_tape(
 dbprintf((current tapefile_idx = %d\n, tapefile_idx));
+/* if given a log file, print an inventory of stuff found */
+if(flags-inventory_log) {
+	if(!strcmp(flags-inventory_log, -)) logstream = stdout;
+	else if((logstream = fopen(flags-inventory_log, w+)) == NULL) {
+	error(Couldn't open log file %s for writing: %s,
+		  flags-inventory_log, strerror(errno));
+	}
 /* if we know where we're going, fastforward there */
 if(flags-fsf  !isafile){
 	/* If we have a tapelist entry, filenums will be store there */
@@ -1501,7 +1511,7 @@ search_a_tape(
 	tempdump = alloc(SIZEOF(dumplist_t));
 	tempdump-file = alloc(SIZEOF(dumpfile_t));
 	tempdump-next = NULL;
-	memcpy(tempdump-file, file, SIZEOF(dumpfile_t));
+	memcpy(tempdump-file, file, SIZEOF(dumpfile_t));
 	fileentry = tape_seen-files;
 	while (fileentry-next != NULL)
@@ -1660,6 +1670,9 @@ search_a_tape(
+	if (logstream != stderr  logstream != stdout) {
+	fclose(logstream);
+	}
@@ -1684,7 +1697,6 @@ search_tapes(
 int have_changer = 1;
 int slot_num = -1;
 int slots = -1;
-FILE *logstream = NULL;
 tapelist_t *desired_tape = NULL;
 struct sigaction act, oact;
 ssize_t read_result;
@@ -1720,16 +1732,6 @@ search_tapes(
 if(flags-delay_assemble || flags-inline_assemble) exitassemble = 1;
 else exitassemble = 0;
-/* if given a log file, print an inventory of stuff found */
-if(flags-inventory_log) {
-	if(!strcmp(flags-inventory_log, -)) logstream = stdout;
-	else if((logstream = fopen(flags-inventory_log, w+)) == NULL) {
-	error(Couldn't open log file %s for writing: %s,
-		  flags-inventory_log, strerror(errno));
-	}
 /* Suss what tape device we're using, whether there's a changer, etc. */
 if(!use_changer || (have_changer = changer_init()) == 0) {
 	if (flags-alt_tapedev) {
@@ -1945,9 +1947,6 @@ search_tapes(
-if(logstream  logstream != stderr  logstream != stdout){
-	fclose(logstream);
 if(flags-delay_assemble || flags-inline_assemble){
 	flush_open_outputs(1, NULL);

Re: estimate timeouts at 6hrs?

2007-06-11 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

amandad have a hard limit of 6h (see REP_TIMEOUT in amandad-src/amandad.c)
in waiting for the reply from sendsize.

Try the attached patch, it reset the timeout after each estimates.


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:


A new problem that has me stumped: all the amdumps from client to server
(same host runing 2.5.2-20070623) have failed due to estimate timing
out after 6:00h. This happened in all the multiple config that I run,
even though the etimeout in each of the amanda config is set to
ridiculous value: in one case etimeout=5600 and I have 77 DLEs which
should not timeout for ~120h! Anything else could cause this:

  yorick  /data/bigml/bigml1  lev 0  FAILED [disk
/data/bigml/bigml1, all estimate timed out]
  yorick  /data/nih/nih1/ lev 0  FAILED [disk
/data/nih/nih1/, all estimate timed out]
 planner: ERROR Request to yorick failed: EOF on read from yorick

  Total   Full  Incr.
Estimate Time (hrs:min)6:00
Run Time (hrs:min)15:07
Dump Time (hrs:min)   15:14  14:59   0:15


diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2p1/amandad-src/amandad.c amanda-2.5.2p1.amandad/amandad-src/amandad.c
--- amanda-2.5.2p1/amandad-src/amandad.c	2007-05-04 07:39:06.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2p1.amandad/amandad-src/amandad.c	2007-06-11 09:56:32.0 -0400
@@ -901,8 +901,13 @@ s_repwait(
 	do_sendpkt(as-security_handle, as-rep_pkt);
 	pkt_init_empty(as-rep_pkt, P_REP);
-	}
+	assert(as-ev_reptimeout != NULL);
+	event_release(as-ev_reptimeout);
+	as-ev_reptimeout = event_register(REP_TIMEOUT, EV_TIME,
+		timeout_repfd, as);
+	}
 	return (A_PENDING);

Re: Amanda 2.5.1p3 gnutar permissions trouble

2007-06-08 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The amanda users also need rx on the directory.


Jordan Desroches wrote:
I would love to run AMANDA directly on our Netapp filer, but can't :( 
Root is not being squashed, and I'm able to successfully backup 
/tfs/common/thayer-images when thayer-images is the NFS mount-point 
(report attached below). However, when /tfs/common is the mount point, 
I can backup  /tfs/common, but if I specify the subdirectory 
/tfs/common/thayer-images Amcheck (and amdump) throws the permissions 
error. I'm able to tar this directory manually as root.

Any ideas? Perhaps this is a NFS/NETAPP problem more than a AMANDA 
problem? Or is AMANDA executing tar in such a way as would throw this 
kind of error?



These dumps were to tape archival-001.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  Total   Full  Incr.
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:00
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:20
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:12   0:12   0:00
Output Size (meg)   28940.628940.60.0
Original Size (meg) 28940.628940.60.0
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --
Filesystems Dumped1  1  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) 39557.739557.7--

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:06   0:06   0:00
Tape Size (meg) 28940.628940.60.0
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 1  1  0

Chunks Taped  0  0  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) 76518.776518.7--

  Label  Time  Size  %NbNc
  archival-001   0:0628941M7.2 1 0

  planner: Adding new disk ts:/tfs/common/thayer-images.
  taper: tape archival-001 kb 29635200 fm 1 [OK]

-- - 
ts   -yer-images 0   28941   28941--12:29 39557.7   6:27 

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.5.1p3)

Olivier Nicole wrote:
I'm running into a problem with permissions when backing up a nfs 

I'm using gnutar, and while I can backup the entire mount just fine, if
I try to put just a subdirectory of the mount in the disklist, I get
Permission Denied errors from amcheck and amdump. Any ideas as to 

I'm doing wrong? The OS is Ubuntu Linux 7.04. Thanks all!

Eventually, consider backuping directly from the NFS server. I am
afraid that backup though NFS is pretty unefficient.

I try to have my DLE corresponding to machines where the physical
disks are.



Re: Another Configure error

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Chris is right,

The test program configure execute doesn't find the library in 

You need some of before you run configure:

CFLAGS='-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib'
LDFLAGS='-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib'


Chris Hoogendyk wrote:

Paul Crittenden wrote:

I am trying to install amanda backup software on my Sun server running
Solaris 9.0. At the end of the configuration I get:


checking whether posix fcntl locking works... no

checking whether flock locking works... no

checking whether lockf locking works... no

checking whether lnlock locking works... no

configure: WARNING: *** No working file locking capability found!

configure: WARNING: *** Be VERY VERY careful.


I have looked and looked but can find nothing to help, any ideas?




Paul Crittenden

Computer Systems Manager

Simpson College

That's weird.

Are you sure you have your environment set up properly for building
software? Perhaps you have a security stripped setup that makes it
purposefully difficult to do anything?

I did a `man fcntl`, a `man flock`, and a `man lockf` on my E250 running
Solaris 9. They are all there. One of them was the SunOS/BSD variant,
and so was in /usr/ucb/

Try doing a man on those. Try `set` and see what you get. I typically
set up a bunch of environment stuff (using a script) before doing
builds. If I do a `set` in my build environment, I get

CFLAGS='-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib'

LDFLAGS='-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib'
PS1='mormyrid:${PWD}:${LOGNAME}# '
PS2=' '
PS3='#? '
PS4='+ '

But that's only part of the story, since, if it is a locked down system,
there are so many ways things can be made difficult. I also use all gnu
utilities and have the /usr/local variants of paths first so that they
will be found first (rather than, for example, Sun's various versions of

Once you've built something, ldd sets up runtime linking, and so on.

Anyway, I'd be interested to see what the story is.


Re: amanda-20070530 amrecover problem with restoring from older amanda version.

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Did you configure with --with-maxtapeblocksize? What is the value?
What is your blocksize setting in the tapetype?
Did the tape labeled D5 was written with the same blocksize?

Can you try the attached patch.


McGraw, Robert P. wrote:



Here is the amidxtaped that you requested.



amidxtaped: short file header block: 32768 bytes

Not an amanda tape

diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/restore-src/restore.c amanda-2.5.2.restore/restore-src/restore.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/restore-src/restore.c	2007-05-04 07:39:06.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.restore/restore-src/restore.c	2007-06-06 10:31:55.0 -0400
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ read_file_header(
 	fprintf(stderr, %s: error reading file header: %s\n,
 		get_pname(), strerror(errno));
 	file-type = F_UNKNOWN;
-} else if((size_t)bytes_read  blocksize) {
+} else if((size_t)bytes_read  DISK_BLOCK_BYTES) {
 	if(bytes_read == 0) {
 	fprintf(stderr, %s: missing file header block\n, get_pname());
 	} else {

Re: old server 2.4.2p2 fails to backup newer client 2.5.1p1

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

It looks like a sendsize crash.
We haven't tested compatibility with older release like 2.4.2p2.
A compatibility bug was fixed on 2007-05-15.
Can you try latest 2.5.1p3 or 2.5.2 snapshot from


Carl D. Blake wrote:

I am running a 2.4.2p2 amanda server which is attempting to backup a
machine with 2.5.1p1 amanda client (Debian Etch).  The server is backing
up several machines, but it seems to have trouble with the machines
which are running 2.5.1p1 client.  The symptom is that the server
reports that the sendsize failed.  The messages in the amdump log file

setting up estimates for
setup_estimate: command 0, options:
last_level 0 next_level0 7 level_days 0
getting estimates 0 (666580) 1 (0) -1 (-1)

and later in the file:

error result for host disk /: missing

the planner later reports:

planner: FAILED / 0 [missing result for / in response]

The amandad debug file on the client says:

amandad: debug 1 pid 19080 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Fri Jun  1 19:00:01
security_getdriver(name=bsd) returns 0xb7f330e0
amandad: version 2.5.1p1
amandad: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.1p1
amandad:BUILT_DATE=Wed Nov 29 02:15:07 CET 2006
amandad:BUILT_MACH=Linux intrepid 2.6.18-1-686 #1 SMP Fri Sep
29 16:25:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux
amandad:CONFIGURE_COMMAND='./configure' '--prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/sbin' '--mandir=/usr/share/man'
'--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda' '--enable-shared' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--with-index-server=localhost' '--with-user=backup'
'--with-group=backup' '--with-bsd-security' '--with-amandahosts'
'--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient' '--with-debugging=/var/log/amanda'
'--with-tcpportrange=5,50100' '--with-udpportrange=840,860'
'--with-maxtapeblocksize=256' '--with-ssh-security'
amandad: paths: bindir=/usr/sbin sbindir=/usr/sbin
amandad:libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda mandir=/usr/share/man
amandad:AMANDA_DBGDIR=/var/log/amanda CONFIG_DIR=/etc/amanda
amandad:DEV_PREFIX=/dev/ RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/ DUMP=/sbin/dump
amandad:XFSDUMP=/sbin/xfsdump XFSRESTORE=/sbin/xfsrestore
amandad:SAMBA_CLIENT=/usr/bin/smbclient GNUTAR=/bin/tar
amandad:COMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip UNCOMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip
amandad:LPRCMD=/usr/bin/lpr MAILER=/usr/bin/mail
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=localhost DEFAULT_CONFIG=DailySet1
amandad: time 0.000: dgram_recv(dgram=0xb7f34084, timeout=0,
amandad: time 0.000: (sockaddr_in *)0xb7f44070 = { 2, 632, }
security_handleinit(handle=0x8050140, driver=0xb7f330e0 (BSD))
amandad: time 0.008: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE sendsize
OPTIONS maxdumps=1;;
GNUTAR / 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 -1
GNUTAR / 1 2007:5:26:4:53:46 -1
amandad: time 0.009: creating new service: sendsize

OPTIONS maxdumps=1;;
GNUTAR / 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 -1
GNUTAR / 1 2007:5:26:4:53:46 -1

amandad: time 0.020: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: dgram_send_addr(addr=0xbfd16bb0, dgram=0xb7f34084)

amandad: time 0.020: (sockaddr_in *)0xbfd16bb0 = { 2, 632, }
amandad: dgram_send_addr: 0xb7f34084-socket = 0
amandad: time 0.027: sending REP pkt:

amandad: dgram_send_addr(addr=0xbfd16cf0, dgram=0xb7f34084)

amandad: time 0.027: (sockaddr_in *)0xbfd16cf0 = { 2, 632, }
amandad: dgram_send_addr: 0xb7f34084-socket = 0
amandad: time 0.027: dgram_recv(dgram=0xb7f34084, timeout=0,
amandad: time 0.028: (sockaddr_in *)0xb7f44070 = { 2, 632, }
amandad: time 0.028: received ACK pkt:

security_close(handle=0x8050140, driver=0xb7f330e0 (BSD))

amandad: time 30.031: pid 19080 finish time Fri Jun  1 19:00:31 2007

and the sendsize debug file on the client machine says:

sendsize: debug 1 pid 19081 ruid 34 euid 34: start at Fri Jun  1
19:00:01 2007
sendsize: version 2.5.1p1
Could not open 

Re: tape spanning problem with 2.5.2-20070523

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

* Jean-Francois Malouin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20070604 15:58]:

* Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20070601 09:55]:

You can't retrieve the split_file separately, you must concatenate them 
before untaring.

You can use amfetchdump:
amfetchdump -p -d /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv config yorick 
/data/narsad/narsad1 20070530 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -

mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv rewind
mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv fsf 1
dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1  part1
dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1  part2
cat part1 part2 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -

Thanks Jean­Louis for the explanation. I tried and it worked.

Is amrecover useless to restore files from spanning tape DLEs? I just
did another test trying to restore a file that's 'split' across 2
chunks and it fails with:

could not fsf /hw/tape/tps22d2nrnsv: No space left on device
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Extractor child exited with status 2

The file got partly extracted from tape but differs in size and
perm/ownner from the original as tar didn't complete normally.
I read from the wiki

that amrecover is 'span-aware'...
How can I restore that file without pulling the whole DLE from tape?

Another problem I get in amrecover is that I can't 'add' a file
directly from the root directory, I have to cd to the subdir and then
'add' it:

amrecover add 
File jenkai/McGill/data-minc/football/MF030/20050902_140405_9_mri.mnc.gz 
doesn't exist in directory
amrecover cd jenkai/McGill/data-minc/football/MF030-/
amrecover add 20050902_140405_9_mri.mnc.gz
Added file /jenkai/McGill/data-minc/football/MF030/20050902_140405_9_mri.mnc.gz

Never noticed that before but is this the normal behaviour?

The add never worked with a patch, you must 'cd' to the dir before 
'add'. This is not a change.

The amfetchdump debug file must be in /tmp/amanda/server/spantest,
can you send it?

No one seems to be answering this one so let me continue with some
more problems. Just completed a spanning tape DLE on a testing
system and now I get:

wart 217# /opt/amanda/spantest/sbin/amfetchdump -p -d \
/hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv spantest wart /bigdisk 20070605 | \
/usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -
2 tape(s) needed for restoration
The following tapes are needed: spantest-10 spantest-11
Press enter when ready

no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape spantest-10...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Looking for tape spantest-10...
no tapedev specified
amfetchdump: error reading file header: Bad file number
Not an amanda tape
Insert tape labeled spantest-10 in device (null)
and press enter, ^D to finish reading tapes

Can't tell more than that as no debug files seem to be generated.
Got the same error with 2.5.2-20070523 and 2.5.2-20070606.
tapedev is defined in both amanda.conf and amanda-client.conf 
and set to /hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv...

Looking at the tape headers:

 dd if=/hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv bs=32k count=1
AMANDA: TAPESTART DATE 20070605160209 TAPE spantest-10
1+0 records in
1+0 records out

mt -f /hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv rewind
mt -f /hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv fsf 1
dd if=/hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv bs=32k count=1
AMANDA: SPLIT_FILE 20070605160209 wart /bigdisk  part 1/-1  lev 0 comp
N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
To restore, position tape at start of file and run:
dd if=tape bs=32k skip=1 |  /usr/freeware/bin/tar -xpGf - ...

1+0 records in
1+0 records out

Notice the extra '014' which is extra-stuff that got put there when
I first labeled the tapes with a amanda version that had an option to
od incompatible with the irix version.

I'm inclined to say from my 'experiments' over the last few weeks that
tape spanning is still not a 'matured' feature and I would be very
nervous to have that in my production environment. 



Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:


Looks like tape spanning is failing. I can't recover
the DLE and looking at the actual content of the tape:

AMANDA: SPLIT_FILE 20070530 yorick /data/narsad/narsad1  part 1/2  lev 1 

N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
AMANDA: SPLIT_FILE 20070530 yorick /data/narsad/narsad1  part 2/2  lev 1 

N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar

# mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv fsf 1
# dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -
327679+0 records in
327679+0 records out
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF

Re: tape spanning problem with 2.5.2-20070523

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Try the attached patch, it will gives more debug output on stderr.
Which changer script are you using? what is its config?


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

The amfetchdump debug file must be in /tmp/amanda/server/spantest,
can you send it?

no such file:
find . /tmp/amanda-spantest -name '*fetch*'
returns nothing.

Re: tape spanning problem with 2.5.2-20070523

2007-06-06 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Patch attached.


Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

Try the attached patch, it will gives more debug output on stderr.
Which changer script are you using? what is its config?


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

The amfetchdump debug file must be in /tmp/amanda/server/spantest,
can you send it?

no such file:
find . /tmp/amanda-spantest -name '*fetch*'
returns nothing.

diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/restore-src/restore.c amanda-2.5.2.tapedev/restore-src/restore.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/restore-src/restore.c	2007-05-04 07:39:06.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.tapedev/restore-src/restore.c	2007-06-06 15:04:36.0 -0400
@@ -1732,6 +1732,7 @@ search_tapes(
 /* Suss what tape device we're using, whether there's a changer, etc. */
 if(!use_changer || (have_changer = changer_init()) == 0) {
 	if (flags-alt_tapedev) {
 	cur_tapedev = stralloc(flags-alt_tapedev);
 	} else if(!cur_tapedev) {
@@ -1744,13 +1745,16 @@ search_tapes(
 	fprintf(stderr, %s: Using tapedev %s\n, get_pname(), cur_tapedev);
  	have_changer = 0;
 } else if (have_changer != 1) {
 	error(changer initialization failed: %s, strerror(errno));
 else{ /* good, the changer works, see what it can do */
 	changer_info(slots, curslot, backwards);
+fprintf(stderr,dd %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 if(tapelist  !flags-amidxtaped){
   slots = num_entries(tapelist);
@@ -1778,8 +1782,10 @@ search_tapes(
 desired_tape = tapelist;
 if(use_changer  !cur_tapedev) { /* load current slot */
+fprintf(stderr,ee %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 	changer_loadslot(current, curslot, cur_tapedev);
+fprintf(stderr,ff %s\n, cur_tapedev);
@@ -1819,6 +1825,7 @@ search_tapes(
 	label = stralloc(desired_tape-label);
 	} else {
 	/* check current_slot */
+fprintf(stderr,gg %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 	label = label_of_current_slot(cur_tapedev, prompt_out,
 	  tapefd, file, flags,
 	  their_features, read_result,
@@ -1830,6 +1837,7 @@ search_tapes(
 		 * the right one
 		 * (or just see what the next available one is).
+fprintf(stderr,hh %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 		slot = load_next_tape(cur_tapedev, prompt_out,
   backwards, flags,
   their_features, desired_tape);
@@ -1843,6 +1851,7 @@ search_tapes(
 			slot_num += slot;
 		/* check current_slot */
+fprintf(stderr,ii %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 		label = label_of_current_slot(cur_tapedev, prompt_out,
 	  tapefd, file, flags,
 	  their_features, read_result,
@@ -1851,10 +1860,12 @@ search_tapes(
 	if (label == NULL) {
+fprintf(stderr,jj %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 		ret = load_manual_tape(cur_tapedev, prompt_out, prompt_in,
    their_features, desired_tape);
 		if (ret == 0) {
+fprintf(stderr,hh %s\n, cur_tapedev);
 		label = label_of_current_slot(cur_tapedev, prompt_out,
 	  tapefd, file, flags,
 	  their_features, read_result,
Binary files amanda-2.5.2/restore-src/.restore.c.swp and amanda-2.5.2.tapedev/restore-src/.restore.c.swp differ

Re: Another Configure error

2007-06-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Do you have a /tmp/conftest.lock file ? remove this file before running 


Paul Crittenden wrote:

I am trying to install amanda backup software on my Sun server running 
Solaris 9.0. At the end of the configuration I get:


checking whether posix fcntl locking works... no

checking whether flock locking works... no

checking whether lockf locking works... no

checking whether lnlock locking works... no

configure: WARNING: *** No working file locking capability found!

configure: WARNING: *** Be VERY VERY careful.


I have looked and looked but can find nothing to help, any ideas?




Paul Crittenden

Computer Systems Manager

Simpson College

Phone: 515-961-1680



Re: Another Configure error

2007-06-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Send me your config.log


Jon LaBadie wrote:

I've encountered the same error with configure on Solaris since my
earliest days with amanda.  I don't know why the configure script
tests don't detect the locking facilities properly.  At the time I
was looking into it Solaris had all the facilities that were tested
for.  I finally went into the config/config.h file and set all the
defines that were wrong and set the USE_xxx macro to the one I
wanted amanda to use.  I think it was the POSIX version

Re: amtapetype - silly thing I tried

2007-06-01 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


amtapetype should terminate once it fill the disk.


Jon LaBadie wrote:

Back to back posts to the list on amtapetype and the file:driver
made me wonder, will amtapetype work with virtual tapes?  Not
that it would be of any benefit, just wondered if it would.

Well, to my surprise, amtapetype does seem to work with vtapes.
But ...

It recognized the slot and amanda tape in the slot,
refusing to go on.
It could be forced to overwrite the amanda tape in the slot
with the -f option.
It did its compression test.
It wrote its files to the virtual tape slot.
And wrote and wrote and wrote.

I.e. unlike amdump/amflush that appear to see a pseudo EOF
when their writing reached the 14GB size listed in the
tapetype definition (and the estimate, -e option),
amtapetype never sees the EOF.  Of course it is trying
to figure out what that size limit is supposed to be,
so maybe it is reasonable that it never got an EOF ;)

Not sure which surprised me most, that it started and worked
well, or that it did not end normally.


Re: tape spanning problem with 2.5.2-20070523

2007-06-01 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
You can't retrieve the split_file separately, you must concatenate them 
before untaring.

You can use amfetchdump:
amfetchdump -p -d /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv config yorick 
/data/narsad/narsad1 20070530 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -

mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv rewind
mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv fsf 1
dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1  part1
dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1  part2
cat part1 part2 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -

Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:


Looks like tape spanning is failing. I can't recover
the DLE and looking at the actual content of the tape:

AMANDA: SPLIT_FILE 20070530 yorick /data/narsad/narsad1  part 1/2  lev 1 comp
N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar
AMANDA: SPLIT_FILE 20070530 yorick /data/narsad/narsad1  part 2/2  lev 1 comp
N program /usr/freeware/bin/tar

# mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv fsf 1
# dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -
327679+0 records in
327679+0 records out
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

# mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv rewind
# mt -f /hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv fsf 2
# dd if=/hw/tape/tps21d1nrnsv bs=32k skip=1 | /usr/freeware/bin/tar -tf -
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: This does not look like a tar archive
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Skipping to next header
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
253158+0 records in
253158+0 records out
/usr/freeware/bin/tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

Any ideas?

Re: Amanda always flushes holding-disk

2007-06-01 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

I'm always happy to see that amanda do what it should do.

amanda always write up to runtapes tapes if it has data to write.
Why do you configure a tapedev if you don't what to use it?

Try the following command if you don't want to use a tape:
amdump conf -o tapdev=/no/such/device -o tpchanger=


Harald Schioeberg wrote:


i have the problem, that amanda always flushes its holding-disk, no
matter what i do. I tried 2.5.2 and 2.5.2-flush-1.
I tried with different reserves and holdingdisk set to auto and required

Re: amanda-20070530 amrecover problem with restoring from older amanda version.

2007-06-01 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

What's in the amidxtaped.*.debug on the server?


McGraw, Robert P. wrote:

My configuration:

build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.2-20070530

BUILT_DATE=Thu May 31 09:14:26 EDT 2007

BUILT_MACH=SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-03 sun4u 
sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R


CONFIGURE_COMMAND='./configure' 'CC=/pkgs/gcc-3.4.3/bin/gcc' 
'MT=/opt/csw/bin/mt' 'MTF=-f' 'MTX=/opt/csw/sbin/mtx' 
'--prefix=/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2-20070530' '--with-user=amanda' 
'--with-group=operator' '--with-gnutar=/opt/csw/bin/gtar' 
'--with-includes=/opt/csw/include' '--with-libraries=/opt/csw/lib' 
'--with-changer-device=/dev/changer/1' '--with-maxtapeblocksize=2048'

paths: bindir=/local/Amanda/amanda-2.5.2-20070530/bin




AMANDA_TMPDIR=/tmp/amanda AMANDA_DBGDIR=/tmp/amanda


DEV_PREFIX=/dev/dsk/ RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/rdsk/

DUMP=/usr/sbin/ufsdump RESTORE=/usr/sbin/ufsrestore




GNUTAR=/opt/csw/bin/gtar COMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip

UNCOMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip LPRCMD=/local/bin/lpr











I tested amrecover on a file that was backed up with amanda-20070530 
and had no problem.

Today I tried to do a amrecover on a file the was backed up with 
amanda-2.5.1p2 and get the following:

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/rmt/1bn on host zorn.

Load tape D5 now

Continue [?/Y/n/s/t]? y

Not an amanda tape

Looking for tape D5...

Not an amanda tape

Load tape D5 now

Continue [?/Y/n/t]? y

Not an amanda tape

Not an amanda tape

Looking for tape D5...

^[[ANot an amanda tape

Load tape D5 now

Continue [?/Y/n/t]? y

Continue [?/Y/n/t]?

Not an amanda tape

Not an amanda tape

Looking for tape D5...

Not an amanda tape

Load tape D5 now

Continue [?/Y/n/t]? n

The following is from amrecover.20070601151822.debug:

amidxtaped_streams[0].fd = 810a0

amrecover: time 353.630: security_streaminit(stream=8bf88, 
driver=ff2d8f6c (BSD))

amrecover: time 353.635: connect_port: Try port 0: Available -

amrecover: time 353.635: connected to

amrecover: time 353.635: our side is

amrecover: time 353.635: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536

amrecover: time 353.635: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536

amidxtaped_streams[1].fd = 8bf88

amrecover: time 353.635: security_close(handle=7d2f8, driver=ff2d8f6c 

amrecover: time 581.477: security_stream_close(8bf88)

amrecover: time 581.478: Can't read file header

amrecover: time 581.479: pid 2521 finish time Fri Jun 1 15:28:03 2007

amrecover: time 581.484: security_stream_close(810a0)

amrecover: time 822.433: security_stream_close(732d8)

amrecover: time 822.434: pid 1863 finish time Fri Jun 1 15:32:04 2007

which seems to fit “Not an amanda tape” message from the amrecover script.

I do not remember seeing anything about this any of the amanda-users 
forum but could have over looked.



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.

Manager, Computer System EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Purdue University ROOM: MATH-807

Department of Mathematics PHONE: (765) 494-6055

150 N. University Street FAX: (419) 821-0540

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

Re: FW: amrecover problem

2007-05-30 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The regex library you use is more strict than mine.

Try the attached patch.


McGraw, Robert P. wrote:

I am forwarding this from my partner SA.  Is this a know problem with a fix
or something newly discovered?




-Original Message-
From: Chapman Flack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 12:03 PM
To: Robert McGraw
Subject: amrecover


Heads up - the cd command seems broken in the latest amrecover. The
cdx command still works though, in case you need to recover something.

Could you forward this to whoever was working with you on patching
other problems in amanda recently? I'm not sure this isn't something
only we are seeing, so I don't know if it's in the exact distributed
sources or it's connected somehow to modifications here.

Here's what happens:

AMRECOVER Version 2.5.2-20070523. Contacting server on zorn ...
220 zorn AMANDA index server (2.5.2-20070523) ready.
Setting restore date to today (2007-05-30)
200 Working date set to 2007-05-30.
200 Config set to daily.
Trying host zorn.math ...
501 Host zorn.math is not in your disklist.
Trying host zorn ...
200 Dump host set to zorn.
Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover
amrecover setdisk /export/users-j
200 Disk set to /export/users-j.
amrecover setdate 2007-05-29
200 Working date set to 2007-05-29.
amrecover cd jflack
amrecover: regex /jflack/$/: unknown regex error

... and amrecover exits out to the shell.

The trouble seems to be in set_commands.c where cd_glob()
appends a /$ to the target directory, and then calls
cd_dir() which appends another / so the result is a regex
where $ is not the last character, and that's invalid.

Browsing the CVS shows that some of this stuff was changed
in set_commands.c in the last few months. It's kind of
surprising though to have something as noticeable as cd not
working go unnoticed, so I am not sure why I haven't found it

The reason cdx still works is it treats the argument you give
as a regex already, so doesn't break it by adding extra


diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/recover-src/set_commands.c amanda-2.5.2.regex/recover-src/set_commands.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/recover-src/set_commands.c	2007-05-30 15:02:45.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.regex/recover-src/set_commands.c	2007-05-30 15:02:16.0 -0400
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ cd_dir(
 char *path_on_disk_slash = NULL;
 char *dir = NULL;
+char *s;
 int nb_found;
 size_t i;
@@ -420,14 +421,21 @@ cd_dir(
 DIR_ITEM *ditem;
 path_on_disk_slash = stralloc2(path_on_disk, /);
+if ((s = validate_regexp(path_on_disk_slash)) != NULL) {
+	amfree(path_on_disk_slash);
+if ((s = validate_regexp(path_on_disk)) != NULL) {
+	path_on_disk = NULL;
 nb_found = 0;
 for (ditem=get_dir_list(); ditem!=NULL  nb_found = 1; 
-	if (match(path_on_disk, ditem-path)
-	|| match(path_on_disk_slash, ditem-path))
+	if ((path_on_disk  match(path_on_disk, ditem-path))
+	|| (path_on_disk_slash  match(path_on_disk_slash, ditem-path)))
 	i = strlen(ditem-path);
 	if((i  0  ditem-path[i-1] == '/')

Re: autoflush and amstatus

2007-05-30 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

I still don't understand what you want?
You should be a lot more descriptive about your setup how you expect 
amanda to behave.

How many DLE? total size?

You said you ask only for full dump? how do you configured amanda?
You want a full dump done at which interval? every days? week? ...

autoflush will not change the schedule amanda generate, unless you run 
amdump more often.

attach you config file and all useful information.

remember, amdump will always ask for estimate of level 0 dump, but it 
will not necessarily do it.

autoflush do exactly the right things, it will flush what is already on 
the holding disk and it will dump all dle?

What is strange is why you don't want a backup of all dle?


James Brown wrote:

I have 500GB of data from a single dump to flush that
barely overflows a single tape.  I'd prefer not to
flush and waste all that space on the second tape. 
What I have been doing in these cases is to fill the

rest of our terabyte holdingdisk, and then flush to
two tapes.  It would be nice if the autoflush could
take away a step for me.

BTW, we have reserve set to 0.  


--- Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Why run amdump if you don't want new dump? Why not
use amflush?

If the answer is: Because amdump only dump a few
Then you should set the reserve to a value below

With reserve==100, amdump record full dump only once
they are put on 
tape, that's why it retry it.

With reserve  100, amdump record full dump once
they are on holding disk.


James Brown wrote:

--- Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED]



James Brown wrote:


After enabling 'autoflush' in amanda.conf, and
starting new amdump, I saw two entries for a


job that was already on holding disk.  One was


to be flushed, the other was getting estimates. 


had to kill the job
since I didn't want to run the 500GB backup


With autoflush enabled, will Amanda attempt to


another backup of the DLE that needs to be



Yes, amdump always do a dump of all dle.
autoflush allow amdump to also flush to tape the
dump that are already 
on holding disk.

autoflush doesn't change what will be dumped.


This is a problem for me.  The particular
configuration I am using does FULL backups only.
In this case, I don't need the extra backup and I
can't remove the job from the disklist since


won't flush otherwise.




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Re: autoflush and amstatus

2007-05-29 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Why run amdump if you don't want new dump? Why not use amflush?

If the answer is: Because amdump only dump a few dle.
Then you should set the reserve to a value below 100.

With reserve==100, amdump record full dump only once they are put on 
tape, that's why it retry it.

With reserve  100, amdump record full dump once they are on holding disk.


James Brown wrote:

--- Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


James Brown wrote:


After enabling 'autoflush' in amanda.conf, and
starting new amdump, I saw two entries for a


job that was already on holding disk.  One was


to be flushed, the other was getting estimates. 


had to kill the job
since I didn't want to run the 500GB backup


With autoflush enabled, will Amanda attempt to run
another backup of the DLE that needs to be



Yes, amdump always do a dump of all dle.
autoflush allow amdump to also flush to tape the
dump that are already 
on holding disk.

autoflush doesn't change what will be dumped.


This is a problem for me.  The particular
configuration I am using does FULL backups only.
In this case, I don't need the extra backup and I
can't remove the job from the disklist since Amanda
won't flush otherwise.



Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles. Visit the 
Yahoo! Auto Green Center. 

Re: Amanda-2.5.2-20070523 amstatus

2007-05-28 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Try the attached patch.


McGraw, Robert P. wrote:



When I run amstatus --config daily --date


zorn-[13]  amstatus --config daily --date

Using /var/amanda/daily/amdump from Fri May 25 07:51:23 EDT 2007


20070525075123 bers:/   0  
4649m finished (9:20:41)

20070525075123 bessel:/ 0  
4621m finished (9:28:22)

20070525075123 bohr:/   0  
4967m finished (9:13:19)


taper writing, tapeq: 0

network free kps:   2090751

holding space   :  8733m (  2.13%)

chunker1 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker2 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker3 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker4 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker5 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker6 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker7 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker8 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

chunker9 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

 dumper0 busy   :  7:05:09  ( 87.98%)

 dumper1 busy   :  6:16:22  ( 77.88%)

 dumper2 busy   :  6:47:01  ( 84.22%)



My chunkers shows zero, but I have chunkers running.


My build is



zorn-[15]  amadmin daily version

build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.2-20070523

   BUILT_DATE=Thu May 24 10:07:47 EDT 2007

   BUILT_MACH=SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-03 
sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R









Robert P. McGraw, Jr.

Manager, Computer System EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Purdue University ROOM: MATH-807

Department of MathematicsPHONE: (765) 494-6055

150 N. University Street   FAX: (419) 821-0540

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067   



diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/ amanda-2.5.2.amstatus.chunker/server-src/
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/	2007-05-23 08:04:53.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.amstatus.chunker/server-src/	2007-05-28 07:59:31.0 -0400
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ while(AMDUMP) {
-		#$chunk_time{$hostpart}=$1;
+		$chunk_time{$hostpart}=$1;
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ while(AMDUMP) {
-		#$chunk_time{$hostpart}=$1;
+		$chunk_time{$hostpart}=$1;
@@ -552,9 +552,9 @@ while(AMDUMP) {
-		$busy_time{$2}+=($1-$dump_time{$hostpart});
+		$busy_time{$2}+=($1-$chunk_time{$hostpart});
 		$running_dumper{$2} = 0;
-		$dump_time{$hostpart}=$1;
+		$chunk_time{$hostpart}=$1;
 		if ($3 eq PARTIAL) {
 			$partial{$hostpart} = 1;

Re: amanda-2.5.2

2007-05-28 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Try the attached patch, it remove the '-w10' flags because the irix od 
doesn't accept it.


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

Not sure if this is relevant (first time I label a tape with
2.5.2-20070508 onward) but I got this from amlabel on a test server
running irix 6.5.57m compiled 64bit (CFLAG='-64 -mips4') with the
native sgi C compiler from the 2.5.2-20070523 snapshot:

# su amanda -c /opt/amanda/spantest/sbin/amlabel spantest spantest-10 slot 
labeling tape in slot 10 (/hw/tape/tps6d4nrnsv):
rewinding, reading labelamlabel: Empty amanda header: buflen=32768 lsize=32768
Illegal option -- w
Usage:  od [-bcdDfFhoOsSvxX] [file] [[+]offset[.][b]]
od [-v] [-A addr_base] [-j skip] [-N count] [-t type_str] ...
amlabel: strange amanda header: 
amlabel: Expected: Non-empty line  Actual: null , not an amanda tape
rewinding, writing label spantest-10, checking label, done.


* Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] [20070524 09:26]:


It's time for everyone to test the latest 2.5.2 snapshot before we 
release 2.5.2p1.

Some bugs were found in amanda-2.5.2, most of them because of the new 
IPv6 code and incompatibility with some platform:

   * Many IPv6 bugs
 o missing sockaddr_storage
 o missing AI_V4MAPPED and AI_ALL
 o compare of IPv4 and IPv6 v4mapped address.
 o (bsd/bsdudp): server use two sockets, one for IPv4 and one
   for IPv6
   * amflush/autoflush
   * chown/chmod
   * amstatus
   * compilation on some platform
   * others small bugs

All of these bugs are fixed in the latest snapshot. We plan to release 
amanda-2.5.2p1 next week.
I'm asking the help of all users to test it before we release 2.5.2p1, 
don't wait the release to test it.

Latest snapshot can be found at



diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/util.c amanda-2.5.2.popen/common-src/util.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/util.c	2007-05-23 08:06:36.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.popen/common-src/util.c	2007-05-28 07:20:03.0 -0400
@@ -590,14 +590,14 @@ hexdump(
 ssize_t rc = -1;
-FILE *stream = popen(od -w10 -c -x -, w);
+FILE *stream = popen(od -c -x -, w);
 if (stream != NULL) {
 	rc = (ssize_t)fwrite(buffer, len, 1, stream);
 	if (ferror(stream))
 	rc = -1;
-	fclose(stream);
+	pclose(stream);
 return rc;

Re: autoflush and amstatus

2007-05-28 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

James Brown wrote:


After enabling 'autoflush' in amanda.conf, and
starting new amdump, I saw two entries for a backup
job that was already on holding disk.  One was waiting
to be flushed, the other was getting estimates.  (I
had to kill the job
since I didn't want to run the 500GB backup again!).

With autoflush enabled, will Amanda attempt to run
another backup of the DLE that needs to be flushed?

Yes, amdump always do a dump of all dle.
autoflush allow amdump to also flush to tape the dump that are already 
on holding disk.

autoflush doesn't change what will be dumped.


Re: Amanda 2.5.2 bug report

2007-05-25 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Can you try latest 2.5.2 snapshot from

before you configure
Add the following lines to amanda.conf:
 debug_auth 1
 debug_protocol 1
 debug_dumper 1

Send me the Backtrace and the dumper.*.debug if it still crash.


Bruce Thompson wrote:

Hi all,

I've been having troubles with Amanda on my new box (an eMachines 
desktop running Fedora Core 6).

I have four machines being backed up to vdisks with about 500Gb total 
being backed up with two clients active at the time of the crash. All 
three are running builds of 2.5.2.

I keep getting these strange crashes. I run amdump manually using 
screen to multiplex a status dump (amstatus every 30 seconds) in one 
virtual terminal with amdump running in the other. What happens is 
that amdump crashes so hard that it wipes out both virtual terminals 
and the screen process! I never saw anything substantial in the logs, 
just the dump went away very suddenly.

Yesterday I ran amdump inside script and captured at lest part of what 
was going on:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ amdump daily
*** glibc detected *** dumper2: double free or corruption (!prev): 
0x085888c0 ***

=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
00309000-00325000 r-xp  03:45 7048297
00325000-00326000 rwxp 0001c000 03:45 7048297

00326000-00327000 rwxp 00326000 00:00 0
00404000-00405000 r-xp 00404000 00:00 0  [vdso]
00578000-005aa000 r-xp  03:45 7048299
005aa000-005ad000 rwxp 00031000 03:45 7048299

005ad000-005d3000 rwxp 005ad000 00:00 0
00666000-00679000 r-xp  03:03 58532  /lib/
00679000-0067a000 r-xp 00012000 03:03 58532  /lib/
0067a000-0067b000 rwxp 00013000 03:03 58532  /lib/
0067b000-0067d000 rwxp 0067b000 00:00 0
00684000-00693000 r-xp  03:03 58550  /lib/
00693000-00694000 r-xp e000 03:03 58550  /lib/
00694000-00695000 rwxp f000 03:03 58550  /lib/
00695000-00697000 rwxp 00695000 00:00 0
0091f000-00938000 r-xp  03:03 58499  /lib/
00938000-00939000 r-xp 00018000 03:03 58499  /lib/
00939000-0093a000 rwxp 00019000 03:03 58499  /lib/
0093c000-00a73000 r-xp  03:03 58515  /lib/
00a73000-00a75000 r-xp 00137000 03:03 58515  /lib/
00a75000-00a76000 rwxp 00139000 03:03 58515  /lib/
00a76000-00a79000 rwxp 00a76000 00:00 0
00a7b000-00aa r-xp  03:03 58548  /lib/
00aa-00aa1000 r-xp 00024000 03:03 58548  /lib/
00aa1000-00aa2000 rwxp 00025000 03:03 58548  /lib/
00bd6000-00bdf000 r-xp  03:03 58537  /lib/
00bdf000-00be r-xp 8000 03:03 58537  /lib/
00be-00be1000 rwxp 9000 03:03 58537  /lib/
00d7-00d74000 r-xp  03:03 58535  /lib/
00d74000-00d75000 r-xp 3000 03:03 58535  /lib/
00d75000-00d76000 rwxp 4000 03:03 58535  /lib/
00ee3000-00eee000 r-xp  03:45 7048295
00eee000-00eef000 rwxp b000 03:45 7048295
029e3000-029ee000 r-xp  03:03 58568  
029ee000-029ef000 rwxp a000 03:03 58568  

02fcb000-02fce000 r-xp  03:03 58579  /lib/
02fce000-02fcf000 rwxp 2000 03:03 58579  /lib/
02fd1000-0300 r-xp  03:06 1760450
0300-03004000 rwxp 0002f000 03:06 1760450

03004000-03005000 rwxp 03004000 00:00 0
08048000-0805 r-xp  03:45 917531 
0805-08051000 rw-p 8000 03:45 917531 


Re: amflush problem with 2.5.2-20070508

2007-05-24 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Bug fixed 2007-05-15. Try latest snapshot.


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:
My first attempt at flushing the holdding disk 
with Amanda-2.5.2-20070508 fails:

su amanda -c /opt/amanda/amanda4/sbin/amflush stk_80-conf4Scanning
  20070408091512: found Amanda directory.
  20070507221512: found Amanda directory.
  20070509221513: found Amanda directory.
  2007051514: found Amanda directory.

Multiple Amanda directories, please pick one by letter:
  A. 20070408091512
  B. 20070507221512
  C. 20070509221513
  D. 2007051514
Select directories to flush [A..D]: [ALL] 
Could not find any valid dump image, check directory.

Looking at the content of the holdding disk:

drwx--2 amanda   sys   4096 May 24 02:12 ./
drwxr-xr-x6 amanda   sys 90 May 24 09:51 ../
-rw---1 amanda   sys  63488 May 23 09:56 
-rw---1 amanda   sys  0 May 23 17:00 
-rw---1 amanda   sys  0 May 23 20:07 yorick.ado1.1
-rw---1 amanda   sys2480128 May 23 11:08 yorick.ado1_slsj.1
-rw---1 amanda   sys  0 May 24 01:17 yorick.mril4_2.1
-rw---1 amanda   sys 135168 May 23 09:17 yorick.mril4_3.1
-rw---1 amanda   sys 7268272128 May 23 07:11 yorick.mril4_4.0


Any thoughts?

Re: report status of amanda-2.5.2-20070523 which fixed chuncker port problem

2007-05-24 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

McGraw, Robert P. wrote:

zorn-[41]  ./amstatus --config daily
-t is on the #! line, it must also be used on the command line at
./amstatus line 1.

If I removed the -t -T from the #! line amstatus worked ok.

What your perl version? `perl --version`


Re: report status of amanda-2.5.2-20070523 which fixed chuncker port problem

2007-05-24 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Can you try different ordering in perl argument on the first line?

Try: #!/opt/csw/bin/perl -t -T -w -W
Try: #!/opt/csw/bin/perl -T -t -w -W
Try: #!/opt/csw/bin/perl -t -w -W
Try: #!/opt/csw/bin/perl -T -w -W
Try: #!/opt/csw/bin/perl -tTwW
Try: #!/opt/csw/bin/perl -wWtT


McGraw, Robert P. wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Dustin J. Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 6:12 PM
To: McGraw, Robert P.
Subject: Re: chunker error

On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 04:55:27PM -0400, McGraw, Robert P. wrote:

I looked in the amanda group searching for could not bind to any port


did not fine any helpful hits.

There were a few errors on Solaris builds in the 2.5.2 release.  Could
you try the latest snapshot from

And see if that works better?


Dustin J. Mitchell
Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.

I compiled amanda-2.5.2-20070523 on our Solaris 10 SPARC amanda server. No
problems with the compile and install.

I did a test backup to several OS clients which are running amanda-2.5.1p1.
No problems with the backup.

S using amanda-2.5.2-20070523 resolved my chuncker port problem that I
reported earlier.

The only problem that I did find in this release was the following:
zorn-[41]  ./amstatus --config daily

-t is on the #! line, it must also be used on the command line at
./amstatus line 1.

If I removed the -t -T from the #! line amstatus worked ok.


Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University ROOM: MATH-807
Department of MathematicsPHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street   FAX: (419) 821-0540
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067


Re: Amflush Slow in 2.5.2

2007-05-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Is it amflush or amdump?
Send me the amflush.* or amdump.* log, so that I can understand what's 
going on.


Steven Backus wrote:

Friday night I was somewhat more successful with autoflush in that
my disks were emptied correctly, albeit very slowly.  The new
amflush took ~24 hours to complete, a factor of 3 times more slowly
than 2.5.1p3.  Further, my tape usage was very poor, in 2.5.2 I

  Label   Time  Size  %NbNc
  genepi042   5:03 37759264k   57.819 0
  genepi043   9:35 71714592k  109.723 0
  genepi044   8:13 61836128k   94.747 0
  genepi045   3:17 24587904k   37.6 1 0

Note the first tape was only half used.  As far as I can tell,
autoflush in 2.5.2 uses a new tape for the old dumps, not filling
up the first.  I never had this problem with previous versions:

  Label   Time  Size  %NbNc
  genepi035   2:33 54701152k   83.840 0
  genepi036   3:29 74139808k  113.428 0
  genepi051   2:36 55659520k   85.122 0

In short, amflush, although working now, seems to have performance


Re: changerfile

2007-05-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

configure should find mt and mtx binaries if they are in your PATH.
You can override it by setting mtx_binary in the changerfile.
changerfile is defined in your amanda.conf file.


McGraw, Robert P. wrote:

The following is from the file. What file is the changerfile
that is mentioned below.

# These are the defaults discovered by configure when Amanda was installed.
# They can be overridden here, or by by 'mt_binary' and 'mtx_binary',
# respectively, in the changerfile (currently only for and

I want to set mt_binary and mtx_binary at compile time but I cannot find
where thisis located.



Robert P. McGraw, Jr.
Manager, Computer System EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University ROOM: MATH-807
Department of MathematicsPHONE: (765) 494-6055
150 N. University Street   FAX: (419) 821-0540
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067


Re: Amflush Slow in 2.5.2

2007-05-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
The tape usage is normal, amanda always put the dump in datestamp order 
to the tape, it tried a big DLE on tape genepi042, it didn't fit and 
retried it on next tape. It's the normal behavior.

For the performance issue, amanda is waiting in write system call to the 
tape drive (wrwait is large).

Maybe the system is overloaded, scsi problem, 


Steven Backus wrote:

Friday night I was somewhat more successful with autoflush in that
my disks were emptied correctly, albeit very slowly.  The new
amflush took ~24 hours to complete, a factor of 3 times more slowly
than 2.5.1p3.  Further, my tape usage was very poor, in 2.5.2 I

  Label   Time  Size  %NbNc
  genepi042   5:03 37759264k   57.819 0
  genepi043   9:35 71714592k  109.723 0
  genepi044   8:13 61836128k   94.747 0
  genepi045   3:17 24587904k   37.6 1 0

Note the first tape was only half used.  As far as I can tell,
autoflush in 2.5.2 uses a new tape for the old dumps, not filling
up the first.  I never had this problem with previous versions:

  Label   Time  Size  %NbNc
  genepi035   2:33 54701152k   83.840 0
  genepi036   3:29 74139808k  113.428 0
  genepi051   2:36 55659520k   85.122 0

In short, amflush, although working now, seems to have performance


Re: Amflush Slow in 2.5.2

2007-05-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Both 2.5.1p3 and 2.5.2 have wrwait close the the time use (sec) which is 
the good behavior.

Nothing changed between 2.5.1p3 and 2.5.2 in this area of amanda.
I suggest you check system log message and monitor the server during the 
next time you write on tape.


Steven Backus wrote:
The tape usage is normal, amanda always put the dump in datestamp order 
to the tape, it tried a big DLE on tape genepi042, it didn't fit and 
retried it on next tape. It's the normal behavior.

Indeed, although I've never seen it blow off 40% of a tape before,
but maybe this is a worst case scenario.

For the performance issue, amanda is waiting in write system call to the 
tape drive (wrwait is large).

Maybe the system is overloaded, scsi problem, 

Nothing's changed on the system between 2.5.1p3 and 2.5.2 except
the new version of amanda.  I guess it's possible there was a
hardware failure at the same time but that's too co-incidental.
Here's a log from 2.5.1p3 and we see shorter wrwait times, is there
a chance something new in 2.5.2 caused these?


Re: amanda 2.4.4, compression issue

2007-05-22 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

index are always compressed on the server with --best.
Why do you think your data is compressed?


Brian Cuttler wrote:

Good morning amanda users,

I'm running amanda 2.4.4 on solaris 9, just built it on solaris 8.

Finding that my TAR dumptypes seem to be running compression though
I believe I've configured it not to.

The (ufs)DUMP DLEs properly perform compression none.

Not only that, but the default, I believe is client fast and
we seem be be compressing best.

I'm undoubtedly overlooked something simple... but I can't find it.

Suggestions on what I've missed ?

thank you,


From disklist

wcnotes   /maildb2/five {

from amanda.conf

define dumptype user-tar {
program GNUTAR
comment user partitions dumped with tar
#options no-compress
compress none
# exclude list
priority medium

from amadmin disklist

line 45:
host wcnotes:
interface default
disk /maildb2/five:
program GNUTAR
priority 1
dumpcycle 7
maxdumps 4
maxpromoteday 1
strategy STANDARD
compress NONE
auth BSD
kencrypt NO
holdingdisk YES
record YES
index YES
skip-incr NO
skip-full NO

from ps output

ps -ef | grep amanda | grep zip
  amanda 27548 26272  0 10:44:57 ?0:00 /usr/local/bin/gzip --best
  amanda 27776 21135  0 11:18:06 pts/30:00 grep zip
  amanda 27670 26273  0 11:01:44 ?0:00 /usr/local/bin/gzip --best
  amanda 27531 26274  0 10:43:55 ?0:00 /usr/local/bin/gzip --best

   Brian R Cuttler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773


Improving community participation in Amanda release process

2007-05-22 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


There has been much recent discussion in amanda-hackers, and -users 
about testing and support for the wide variety of platforms and 
architectures on which Amanda runs, and the wide variety of 
configurations in which folks use it.  Amanda's ability to compile and 
run on a wide variety of operating systems and platforms is one of its 
key strengths, and the amanda hacker community is of course committed to 
Amanda's heterogeneous support.

Several people have expressed an interest in helping to test and/or 
support the environments in which they are knowledgeable.  After 
discussion with some other developers and Zmanda folks, We would like to 
formalize this process a bit.  Here's the proposal:

The community keeps a centralized list of platform experts for each 
environment, perhaps on the Amanda wiki.  Experts will be a point of 
contact for questions regarding that environment, both from users and 
from developers.  Programming experience isn't be required, but a 
healthy familiarity with the environment is important.  Hopefully, we 
will have enough people for each environment that this will not be a burden.

When the time for a release comes around, the experts will build and 
thoroughly test each beta release, and report any problems back to the 
amanda-hackers list.  The final release will be made when the experts 
agree that it is ready.

Of course, the core Amanda team will continue to support all available 
architectures, as has been the case since the beginning.

What are your thoughts?  Will you pitch in?


Re: estimates display wrong?

2007-05-18 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The bug is present since 2006/05/12, so it is in all 2.5.1 release.

Try the attached patch.


Christopher McCrory wrote:


Since upgrading amanda, I'm seeing estimates ( via amstatus) way larger than they should 
be.  I went from something before 2.5.1p3 , to 2.5.2, to 2.5.1p3, 2.5.2, 2.5.1p3, and now 
2.5.1p3-20070516 ( on rhel4 x86_86 ).  The wrong estimates could be a result of going 
back and forth between versions, but I doubt it.  The estimates seem to be consistantly 
about twice what they should be.  The how many tapes do I need part of amdump 
seems to work correctly, so this might be a pure amstatus display issue.  On the DLEs 
that I can see individually and are relatively stable in size, the real dump size is 
about 50% of the estimate and the compression is also about 50%.  So I suspect something 
is using the original size instead of the compressed size.

in amanda.conf:
compress client
estimate server
encrypt server
server_encrypt /usr/sbin/amcrypt-ossl-asym

and a number of DLEs with:

from amstatus:
(something like)
wait for writing:  xx  8301m 16420m ( 50.56%) ( xx.xx%)

from amadmin info client
compressed size, Full:  54.1%, 54.1%, 54.1%
compressed size, Full:  54.7%, 54.7%, 54.7%

since the difference for me is twice as large, or half as large, depending of 
how you look at it ;) the problem could also be a division/multiplication error 
somewhere.  e.g. (total/4) vs (total/3) vs. (total/2)


diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/ amanda-2.5.2.amstatus/server-src/
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/	2007-05-04 07:39:04.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.amstatus/server-src/	2007-05-18 13:07:20.0 -0400
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ while(AMDUMP) {
-	elsif(/^DUMP (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\d+) (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ (\d+) \d+/) {
+	elsif(/^DUMP (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\d+) (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ \d+ (\d+) \d+/) {
 		if($generating_schedule == 1 ) {
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ while(AMDUMP) {
 			$degr_size{$hostpart}=32 if ($7  32);
-	elsif(/^DUMP (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\d+) (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ (\d+) \d+ (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ ([-]*\d+) \d+/) {
+	elsif(/^DUMP (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\d+) (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ \d+ (\d+) \d+ (\d+) \d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+:\d+ [-]*\d+ ([-]*\d+) \d+/) {
 		if($generating_schedule == 1 ) {

Re: amanda-2.5.1p3-20070516 amfetchdump broken

2007-05-17 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Christopher McCrory wrote:


I am testing amanda-2.5.1p3-20070516 to get over the flush issues and crypt+span issues.  

amfetchdump -ap DailySet1 server /data 20070513 | /sbin/restore -iovf -
Verify tape and initialize maps
Input is from a local file/pipe
Checksum error 34765635674, inode 0 file (null)
/sbin/restore: Tape is not a dump tape
1 tape(s) needed for restoration
The following tapes are needed: 00S
Label mismatch, got 00S and expected 00S
Looking for tape 00S...
amfetchdump: slot 5: date 20070513000503 label 00S (exact label match)
Scanning 00S (slot 5)
amfetchdump: 5: restoring FILE: date 20070513000503 host server disk /data lev 
0 comp .gz program /sbin/dump crypt enc server_encrypt 
/usr/sbin/amcrypt-ossl-asym server_decrypt_option -d
amcrypt-ossl-asym: /usr/bin/openssl is version 0.9.7a
amcrypt-ossl-asym: Using pass phrase kluge for OpenSSL version =0.9.7d

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
error writing output file

# end

it looks like amfetchdump is sending misc info to /sbin/restore instead of the 
terminal.  ( stdout vs. stderr ?)

Are you sure, I can't reproduce the error?
Can you try the following:

amfetchdump -ap DailySet1 server /data 20070513  foobar
grep -i warning foobar
/sbin/restore -iovf -  foobar


amfetchdump -a DailySet1 server /data 20070513
Warning: no log files found for tape 00XXXS written 2005-11-05
# plus more
# these warning are probably from old retired tapes with no-reuse in tapelist
# I think the Warning: ... output is passed to | /sbin/restore 

extracting to a file, then using /sbin/restore on the file did work.


Re: amrecover problems

2007-05-16 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Your inetd.conf must be:
amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup  /usr/sbin/tcpd 
/usr/lib/amanda/amandad -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped

Martin Marcher wrote:


i tried to set up a mix of and

now i can run backups but amrecover tells me about an invalid service
(this is debian/etch if it matters in some way)

if i add the -auth=bsd  stuff to my /etc/inetd.conf I just get a
timeout. so I really don't have any idea what to do...

any help is appreciated, you can find a session below

$ su -l -c amdump data backup
runs without any errors...

$ amrecover data
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.1p1. Contacting server on localhost ...
NAK: amindexd: invalid service

$ su -l -c amcheck data backup
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /imports/holdingdisk/data/: 5232384 kB disk space
available, using 4720384 kB
slot 12: read label `DataDump-12', date `X'
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape DataDump-12 label ok
Server check took 0.193 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.107 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.5.1p1)

$ egrep '(^am)' /etc/inetd.conf
amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup  /usr/sbin/tcpd
amindexdstream  tcp nowait  backup  /usr/sbin/tcpd
amidxtape   stream  tcp nowait  backup  /usr/sbin/tcpd

$ egrep -v '(^#)|(^$)' /etc/amandahosts
localhost root amdump amindexd amidxtaped
localhost backup amdump amindexd amidxtaped root amdump amindexd amidxtaped backup amdump amindexd amidxtaped

$ egrep '(^am)' /etc/services
amanda  10080/tcp   # amanda backup services
amanda  10080/udp
amindexd10082/tcp   # amanda backup
services # amandaidx
amidxtaped  10083/tcp   # amanda backup
services # amidxtape

$ egrep -v '(^#)|(^$)' /etc/amanda/data/amanda.conf
org My Company
dumpcycle 4 weeks
runspercycle 28
tapecycle 30
dumpuser backup
tpchanger chg-disk
tapedev file:/imports/backup/data/slots
changerfile /var/lib/amanda/data/changerfile
labelstr DataDump-.*
logdir /var/log/amanda/data
infofile /var/lib/amanda/data/curinfo
indexdir /var/lib/amanda/data/index
tapelist /var/lib/amanda/data/tapelist
holdingdisk HD-DATA {
   directory /imports/holdingdisk/data/
   use -500 Mb
   chunksize 500 Mb
define dumptype comp-tar {
   program GNUTAR
   compress fast
   index yes
   record no
define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
   filemark 4 KB
   length 4482 MB

Re: invalid ai_flags error with 2.5.2

2007-05-16 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Use latest 2.5.2 snapshot from
All patches are included in it.

The 2.5.2 tree is not on cvs, it is on svn, check


Chris Cameron wrote:
I read the thread involving this error, and applied the two patches 
that came out of that.

This didn't work and I get the same error.

I'm running Solaris 8. I've tried the 2.5.2b1 from Sourceforge 
thinking it might have these patches in it, but I get the same error.

CVS seems down right now.

Anyone know what I need to do to get this going?

I haven't been able to get any 2.5 version working 100% correctly in 
our Solaris environment, and with this error it seems I'm another step 
back from that.


Re: span + amcrypt-ossl-asym == not able to recover data

2007-05-15 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

This bug is already fixed in latest 2.5.1p3 snapshot.

Patch attached.


Christopher McCrory wrote:



amfetchdump -a DailySet1 server /data 20070513


amfetchdump: 23: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070513000503 host
server disk /data part 1/24 lev 0 comp .gz program /sbin/dump crypt enc
server_encrypt /usr/sbin/amcrypt-ossl-asym server_decrypt_option -d
amcrypt-ossl-asym: /usr/bin/openssl is version 0.9.7a
amcrypt-ossl-asym: Using pass phrase kluge for OpenSSL version =0.9.7d
amfetchdump: 24: restoring split dumpfile: date 20070513000503 host
server disk /data part 2/24 lev 0 comp .gz program /sbin/dump crypt enc
server_encrypt /usr/sbin/amcrypt-ossl-asym server_decrypt_option -d
amcrypt-ossl-asym: /usr/bin/openssl is version 0.9.7a
amcrypt-ossl-asym: Using pass phrase kluge for OpenSSL version =0.9.7d
amcrypt-ossl-asym: bad magic
amcrypt-ossl-asym: decryption failed
amfetchdump: restore: wrote 4110 of 32768 bytes: Broken pipe

The decrypt works on the first chunk, but fails on the second.  I get a
good server._data.$date.0.01 and a zero length


Any ideas?


diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' restore-src/restore.c.orig restore-src/restore.c
--- restore-src/restore.c.orig	2007-02-22 13:27:28.0 -0500
+++ restore-src/restore.c	2007-04-16 08:57:34.0 -0400
@@ -902,7 +902,8 @@ restore(
 	  || file-type != F_SPLIT_DUMPFILE))
-if(!flags-raw  file-encrypted)
+if(!flags-raw  file-encrypted  !is_continuation
+	   (flags-inline_assemble || file-type != F_SPLIT_DUMPFILE))

 /* Setup pipes for decryption / compression / uncompression  */

Re: Autoflush not working in 2.5.2

2007-05-15 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The patch is already in the latest 2.5.2 snapshot.
That snapshot have a lot of bug fixed.


Christopher McCrory wrote:


On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 19:39 -0400, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The information was useful, I found a problem.


that tarball had a lot of other changes in it also.  Is it possible to
get a patch or a svn patch reference?



diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/amadmin.c amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/amadmin.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/amadmin.c	2007-05-04 07:39:04.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/amadmin.c	2007-05-15 06:57:12.0 -0400
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ get_file_list(
 } else if (allow_empty) {
 /* just list all of them */
-file_list = holding_get_files(NULL, 1);
+file_list = holding_get_files(NULL, NULL, 1);
 return file_list;
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/cmdline.c amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/cmdline.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/cmdline.c	2007-05-04 07:39:04.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/cmdline.c	2007-05-15 06:57:36.0 -0400
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ cmdline_match_holding(
 sl_t *matching_files = new_sl();
-holding_files = holding_get_files(NULL, 1);
+holding_files = holding_get_files(NULL, NULL, 1);
 for (he = holding_files-first; he != NULL; he = he-next) {
 filetype = holding_file_read_header(he-name, host, disk, NULL, datestamp);
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/find.c amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/find.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/find.c	2007-05-04 07:39:04.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/find.c	2007-05-15 06:57:25.0 -0400
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ search_holding_disk(
 disk_t *dp;
 dumpfile_t file;
-holding_file_list = holding_get_files(NULL, 1);
+holding_file_list = holding_get_files(NULL, NULL, 1);
 for(e = holding_file_list-first; e != NULL; e = e-next) {
 	holding_file = e-name;
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/holding.c amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/holding.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/holding.c	2007-05-04 07:39:04.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.holding/server-src/holding.c	2007-05-15 09:04:13.0 -0400
@@ -148,12 +148,15 @@ holding_set_verbosity(int v)
 static void
 char *hdisk,
+sl_t *date_list,
 int fullpaths,
 sl_t *rv)
 DIR *dir;
 struct dirent *workdir;
 char *hdir = NULL;
+sle_t *dl;
+int date_found;
 if ((dir = opendir(hdisk)) == NULL) {
 if (verbose  errno != ENOENT)
@@ -188,13 +191,26 @@ holding_get_directories_per_disk(
 puts(_(skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.));
 } else {
 /* found a holding directory -- keep it */
-if (fullpaths)
-rv = insert_sort_sl(rv, hdir);
-rv = insert_sort_sl(rv, workdir-d_name);
-if (verbose) {
-puts(_(found Amanda directory.));
+	if (date_list) {
+		date_found = 0;
+		for (dl= date_list-first; dl != NULL; dl = dl-next) {
+		if (strcmp(dl-name, workdir-d_name)) {
+			date_found = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		}
+	} else {
+		date_found = 1;
+	}
+	if (date_found == 1) {
+		if (fullpaths)
+rv = insert_sort_sl(rv, hdir);
+		else
+rv = insert_sort_sl(rv, workdir-d_name);
+		if (verbose) {
+puts(_(found Amanda directory.));
+		}
+	}
@@ -205,6 +221,7 @@ holding_get_directories_per_disk(
 sl_t *
 char *hdisk,
+sl_t *date_list,
 int fullpaths)
 holdingdisk_t *hdisk_conf;
@@ -218,13 +235,13 @@ holding_get_directories(
 /* call _per_disk for the hdisk we were given, or for all
  * hdisks if we were given NULL */
 if (hdisk) {
-holding_get_directories_per_disk(hdisk, fullpaths, rv);
+holding_get_directories_per_disk(hdisk, date_list, fullpaths, rv);
 } else {
 for (hdisk_conf = getconf_holdingdisks(); 
 hdisk_conf != NULL;
 hdisk_conf = hdisk_conf-next) {
 hdisk = holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdisk_conf);
-holding_get_directories_per_disk(hdisk, fullpaths, rv);
+holding_get_directories_per_disk(hdisk, date_list

Re: Autoflush not working in 2.5.2

2007-05-14 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The log file doesn't help.


it add a lot of debugging statement.

Send me the output of:
 ls -altr /home1/dumps/amanda/
 ls -altr /home2/dumps/amanda/
 amadmin genepi holding list

run: amflush genepi -o tapedev=/no/tapedev -o tpchanger=
This command will flush nothing, you can try it many times.
Send me the amflush.*.debug and the amflush.1 files


Steven Backus wrote:

I have returned from last week's trip and am ready to tackle this.
Once again on Friday night, autoflush failed and when I tried to
use amflush from 2.5.2 I received the error:

Could not find any valid dump image, check directory.

however, the amflush from 2.5.1p3 seemed to work.


Send me the amdump log file, it is in `amgetconf genepi logdir`

Re: Autoflush not working in 2.5.2

2007-05-14 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The information was useful, I found a problem.



Steven Backus wrote:

it add a lot of debugging statement.

Got it.


Send me the output of:


  ls -altr /home1/dumps/amanda/

total 24
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Jun 24  2006 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 May 13 11:00 .
drwx--  2 root root 4096 May 13 14:49 20070513110001


  ls -altr /home2/dumps/amanda/

total 16
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Oct 21  2004 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 May 13 11:00 .
drwx--  2 root root 4096 May 13 15:02 20070513110001


  amadmin genepi holding list

Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda...
  20070513110001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda...
  20070513110001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda/20070513110001...
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001... sdc1 20070513 c0t10d0s0 20070513 c0t11d0s1 20070513 c0t12d0s0 20070513 / 20070513 sdb5 20070513 sdb1 20070513 c0t0d0s0 20070513 c0t10d0s1 20070513 c0t11d0s0 20070513 c0t1d0s0 20070513 c0t2d0s0 20070513 c0t3d0s0 20070513 c0t3d0s3 20070513 / 20070513


run: amflush genepi -o tapedev=/no/tapedev -o tpchanger=

[EMAIL PROTECTED] amanda-2.5.2]# cd server-src/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] server-src]# ./amflush genepi -o tapedev=/no/tapedev -o 
Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda...
  20070513110001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda...
  20070513110001: found Amanda directory.
Could not find any valid dump image, check directory.


Send me the amflush.*.debug and the amflush.1 files

Here's amflush.20070514152218.debug, there was no amflush.1 created:

amflush: debug 1 pid 12177 ruid 0 euid 0: start at Mon May 14 15:22:18 2007
amflush: debug 1 pid 12177 ruid 0 euid 0: rename at Mon May 14 15:22:18 2007
date_list: 20070513110001
file_elt: /home1/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home1/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home1/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home1/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513
file_elt: /home2/dumps/amanda/20070513110001/
date 20070513110001 20070513


Re: amanda upgrade questions

2007-05-10 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau
Upgrading amanda is always easy if you keep the same config,  we always 
maintains compatibility.
Only the new features (amrecover use security-api, auth (ssh),  ...) 
require config change. If you use the 2.4 amrecover, no config change is 

2.5.2 is stable on linux, all problem seen on other OS (irix, OSF/1, 
solaris8, ...) are already fixed in the latest snapshot.


Guy Dallaire wrote:

Replying to myself:

It's my second attempt at trying to get any input as to how difficult 
it may be to upgrade amanda. I have not received any reply on both 

Are my questions too dumb ?   I would like to read some sort of 
upgrade guide, but I can't find anything useful in the doc or in the 
amanda wiki.

2.5 seems pretty scary. I see a lot of problems on the list. Is it 
stable, or is it experimental ?


2007/5/7, Guy Dallaire  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I understand that amanda 2.5 is compatible with amanda 2.4
clients. This means I could upgrade my server and do the clients
later ? I would like to upgrade to 2.5.2 for security reason
(ability to encrypt backups, ssh)

I compiled my server and client with restriction on the tcp and
udp ports used for ease of firewall configuration:

--with-tcpportrange=5,50100' '--with-udpportrange=850,859

Do these options still apply to the new amanda version ?

Will the new version be able to restore old tapes that were
written by the amanda 2.4 tapeserver ?

Will amrecover on a 2.4 client be able to use the 2.5 amanda server ?

Are the new encryption and ssh features easy to use ?

Thanks !

Re: no backups since a week ago (data write: Connection reset by peer)

2007-05-10 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Steven Settlemyre wrote:

From amdump log:

This similar flow happens every time it fails. At first I was worried 
about the not enough diskspace message, but this is just because my 
holding disk filled up. I see the same thing happening in successful 

In some case, this error is fatal, this bug is fixed in newer release.

driver: state time 8459.717 free kps: 37761 space: 55584 taper: idle 
idle-dumpers: 7 qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 18 roomq: 2 wakeup: 0 d

river-idle: no-diskspace
driver: interface-state time 8459.717 if : free 37761
driver: hdisk-state time 8459.717 hdisk 0: free 55584 dumpers 1
driver: result time 8459.727 from chunker3: RQ-MORE-DISK 03-4
find diskspace: not enough diskspace. Left with 508960 K
find diskspace: not enough diskspace. Left with 71872 K
find diskspace: not enough diskspace. Left with 17664 K
find diskspace: not enough diskspace. Left with 508960 K
driver: Don't know how to send ABORT command to chunker
taper: DONE [idle wait: 7182.514 secs]
chunker: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: QUIT]
chunker: time 7311.263: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: QUIT]
chunker: time 7311.263: pid 1129 finish time Thu May 10 02:06:02 2007
chunker: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: QUIT]
chunker: time 7888.517: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: QUIT]
chunker: time 7888.517: pid 31879 finish time Thu May 10 02:06:02 2007
chunker: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: QUIT]
chunker: time 7888.485: error [bad command after RQ-MORE-DISK: QUIT]
chunker: time 7888.485: pid 31880 finish time Thu May 10 02:06:02 2007
taper: writing end marker. [VOL14 OK kb 2300352 fm 28]
dumper: kill index command
dumper: kill index command
dumper: kill index command
amdump: end at Thu May 10 02:06:02 EDT 2007
Scanning /holding/amanda...
 20070509234502: found Amanda directory.

Re: Ooops

2007-05-10 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

I build a new snapshot with the compilation problem fixed.

Thanks for reporting the problem.


Gene Heskett wrote:


I just tried to build 2.5.2-20070510  got this

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../config -I../gnulib -Wall -Wextra -Wparentheses -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wformat -Wsign-compare -Wfloat-equal -Wold-style-definition -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -MT 
util.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/util.Tpo -c util.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/util.o

util.c: In function 'cmp_sockaddr':
util.c:701: error: 'ss_in' undeclared (first use in this function)
util.c:701: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
util.c:701: error: for each function it appears in.)
util.c:706: error: 'struct sockaddr_in' has no member named 'ss_family'
util.c:707: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
util.c:717: error: 'struct sockaddr_in' has no member named 'ss_family'
util.c:718: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
make[1]: *** [util.lo] Error 1

Not quite ready :)


Re: first attempt with tape spanning...nogo.

2007-05-10 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

You can't mmap a 10 Gb  and alloc a 2GB buffer.
I don't know what are the limit on irix.
Compile in 64 bits mode and/or use lower value for tape_splitsize and 

split_diskbuffer is on the server.


Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

My first attempt at using  tape spanning just failed.
Anyone can offer some guidance?

Server is an sgi with 28 cpus 28G of ram and
client is a debian Xeon quad-core with 4GB of ram.
I've setup an amanda test config for a DLE of ~200GB
supposed to be stuffed in 100GB LTO1 tapes. The dumptype
for the DLE reads:

define dumptype tar-span {
program GNUTAR
priority high
auth bsdtcp
tape_splitsize 10 Gb
compress none
record no  
strategy noinc

fallback_splitsize 2 Gb
split_diskbuffer /holddisk/conf9/split_diskbuffer
comment tape-spanning with tar

Makes sense or am I using crazy values? Not sure where
split_diskbuffer lives: on the client or on the server?
The amdump reports say:

  gaspar  concussion2-span  lev 0  FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  taper: FATAL [EMAIL PROTECTED]: memory allocation failed (2147483648 bytes 
  taper: FATAL writer: Syncpipe failure before start

  Total   Full  Incr.
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:02
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:07
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Output Size (meg)
Original Size (meg)
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- -- 
Filesystems Dumped0  0  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s) -- -- -- 

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 0  0  0

Chunks Taped  0  0  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) -- -- -- 

  Label  Time  Size  %NbNc
  span-test-09   0:000M0.0 0 0

  planner: Adding new disk gaspar:concussion2-span.
  taper: mmap failed (No such device or address): using fallback split size of 
2097152kb to buffer gaspar:concussion2-span.0 in-memory
  driver: taper pid 13744170 exited with signal 6


- -- --
gaspar   -cussion2-span 0 FAILED --

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.5.1p2)


Re: RegEx not working?

2007-05-10 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

It was a bug if it worked before.
The regex works correctly.
[14]  is 1 or 4
You want ^VOL14[0-9].


Richard Stockton wrote:

Hi there,

I have 3 separate configs running on one server (bak13, bak14, bak15).
In the past I have made sure that they did not use each other's tapes
by use of the label regex.  Here is the regex for bak14;

labelstr ^VOL[14][0-9] # label constraint regex: all tapes must match

The other 2 are similar, replacing only the 14 with 13 or 15.
However, when I run amcheck bak14 with the wrong tape in the drive,
I get this message;

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
read label `VOL132', date `20070510005900'
label VOL132 match labelstr but it not listed in the tapelist file.
   (expecting a new tape)
Server check took 61.588 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.183 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.5.1p3)

Why is the above regex matching the label for bak14 which should only
accept VOL140 through Vol149?  This exact same regex appears to
work properly in earlier versions of amanda.

TIA for any enlightenment.
 - Richard

Re: 2.5.2 compilation failure on irix-6.5.x

2007-05-09 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Pieter Bowman wrote:

This is the case on both IRIX and OSF/1.  These compilers can't

#define vstrallocf(...) debug_vstrallocf(__FILE__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)

I fix it in the 2.5.2 tree, but the next release will require that 
syntax, which is in the C99 standard.

Do you have a C99 compiler on IRIX and OSF/1 ?


Re: Autoflush not working in 2.5.2

2007-05-08 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

What's the output of: amadmin genepi holding list
It should be done with the amadmin of 2.5.2 when you have something on 
holding disk.


Steven Backus wrote:

  My solaris machine seems to have backed up fine last night,
however, none of my holding disks were drained.  I do nightly
backups to the holding disk Monday - Thursday then put in the tape
on Friday, autoflush used to take care of the rest, not so last

  So this morning I run amflush config and  select ALL for the 
directories I want to flush.  As in the man page, I expect:

  Are you sure you want to do this? yes
  Running in background, you can log off now.
  You'll get mail when amflush is finished.

But that never comes up, eventually I log off and amflush dies, now
when I try to use it I get:

Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda...
  20070428150002: found Amanda directory.
  20070430190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070501190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070502190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070503190001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda...
  20070428150002: found Amanda directory.
  20070430190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070501190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070502190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070503190001: found Amanda directory.

Multiple Amanda directories, please pick one by letter:
  A. 20070428150002
  B. 20070430190001
  C. 20070501190001
  D. 20070502190001
  E. 20070503190001
Select directories to flush [A..E]: [ALL] 
Could not find any valid dump image, check directory.

How can I flush these?


Re: Autoflush not working in 2.5.2

2007-05-08 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Then I don't understand why amflush doesn't work.
Send me the amdump log file, it is in `amgetconf genepi logdir`

I tried to send you email but it always fail:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: conversation with[] timed out while sending MAIL FROM


Steven Backus wrote:

What's the output of: amadmin genepi holding list
It should be done with the amadmin of 2.5.2 when you have something on 
holding disk.

amadmin genepi version:
build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.2

amadmin genepi holding list:

Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda...
  20070506185001: found Amanda directory.
  20070507190001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda...
  20070506185001: found Amanda directory.
  20070507190001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda/20070506185001...
Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda/20070507190001...
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda/20070506185001...
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda/20070507190001... sdc1 20070506 c0t10d0s1 20070506 c0t11d0s0 20070506 c0t2d0s0 20070506 / 20070507 sdb5 20070507 sdb1 20070507 c0t0d0s0 20070507 c0t10d0s1 20070507 c0t11d0s0 20070507 c0t12d0s0 20070507 c0t1d0s0 20070507 c0t2d0s0 20070507 c0t3d0s0 20070507 c0t3d0s3 20070507 / 20070507 / 20070506 sdb5 20070506 sdb1 20070506 c0t0d0s0 20070506 c0t10d0s0 20070506 c0t11d0s1 20070506 c0t12d0s0 20070506 c0t1d0s0 20070506 c0t3d0s0 20070506 c0t3d0s3 20070506 / 20070506 sdc1 20070507 c0t10d0s0 20070507 c0t11d0s1 20070507


Re: Autoflush not working in 2.5.2

2007-05-07 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Can you post:
 amflush.1 or amflush.2 log file, the one with the error
 amflush.datestamp.debug file with the error.


Steven Backus wrote:

  My solaris machine seems to have backed up fine last night,
however, none of my holding disks were drained.  I do nightly
backups to the holding disk Monday - Thursday then put in the tape
on Friday, autoflush used to take care of the rest, not so last

  So this morning I run amflush config and  select ALL for the 
directories I want to flush.  As in the man page, I expect:

  Are you sure you want to do this? yes
  Running in background, you can log off now.
  You'll get mail when amflush is finished.

But that never comes up, eventually I log off and amflush dies, now
when I try to use it I get:

Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda...
  20070428150002: found Amanda directory.
  20070430190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070501190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070502190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070503190001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda...
  20070428150002: found Amanda directory.
  20070430190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070501190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070502190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070503190001: found Amanda directory.

Multiple Amanda directories, please pick one by letter:
  A. 20070428150002
  B. 20070430190001
  C. 20070501190001
  D. 20070502190001
  E. 20070503190001
Select directories to flush [A..E]: [ALL] 
Could not find any valid dump image, check directory.

How can I flush these?


Re: amstatus returns uninitialized value!

2007-05-07 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Can you post the amdump.X log file that show this error in amstatus.


FL wrote:

I'm using amanda version 2.5.1p3
amstatus Daily works for a while, then returns the following:
MP line 3238.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
681, AMDUMP line 3238.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
685, AMDUMP line 3238.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
691, AMDUMP line 3238.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
534, AMDUMP line 3391.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
535, AMDUMP line 3391.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
536, AMDUMP line 3391.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
538, AMDUMP line 3391.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
539, AMDUMP line 3391.
Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /usr/sbin/amstatus line 
545, AMDUMP line 3391.
Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -3 at 
/usr/sbin/amstatus line 751, AMDUMP line 3394.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/amanda$ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/amanda$
Could this be due to an error in a configuration file?

Re: 2.5.2 compilation failure on irix-6.5.x

2007-05-07 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Pieter, Jean-Francois,

Can you try the attached patch for the vstrallocf problem.


Pieter Bowman wrote:

First go at amanda-2.5.2 on a system running irix-6.5.x
and compile fails with the error:

This is the case on both IRIX and OSF/1.  These compilers can't

#define vstrallocf(...) debug_vstrallocf(__FILE__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)

The patch for sockaddr_storage seems to work with the addition of
these two definitions in amanda.h:

/* Needed on SGI IRIX 6.5 */
#define INET6



diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/alloc.c amanda-2.5.2.vstralloc/common-src/alloc.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/alloc.c	2007-05-04 07:39:08.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.vstrallocf/common-src/alloc.c	2007-05-07 14:27:57.0 -0400
@@ -389,8 +389,6 @@ arglist_function1(
 char *
-const char *file,
-int line,
 const char *fmt,
@@ -398,9 +396,10 @@ debug_vstrallocf(
 size_t  size;
 va_list argp;
-malloc_enter(debug_caller_loc(file, line));
+malloc_enter(debug_caller_loc(saved_file, saved_line));
-result = debug_alloc(file, line, MIN_ALLOC);
+result = debug_alloc(saved_file, saved_line, MIN_ALLOC);
 if (result != NULL) {
 	arglist_start(argp, fmt);
@@ -409,7 +408,7 @@ debug_vstrallocf(
 	if (size = (size_t)MIN_ALLOC) {
-	result = debug_alloc(file, line, size + 1);
+	result = debug_alloc(saved_file, saved_line, size + 1);
 	arglist_start(argp, fmt);
 	(void)vsnprintf(result, size + 1, fmt, argp);
@@ -417,7 +416,7 @@ debug_vstrallocf(
-malloc_leave(debug_caller_loc(file, line));
+malloc_leave(debug_caller_loc(saved_file, saved_line));
 return result;
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/amanda.h amanda-2.5.2.vstralloc/common-src/amanda.h
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/amanda.h	2007-05-04 07:39:08.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.vstrallocf/common-src/amanda.h	2007-05-07 14:22:45.0 -0400
@@ -577,8 +577,6 @@ extern void *debug_newalloc   (const cha
 extern char *debug_stralloc   (const char *c, int l, const char *str);
 extern char *debug_newstralloc(const char *c, int l, char *oldstr,
 			   const char *newstr);
-extern char *debug_vstrallocf(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt,
-			  ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
 extern const char *debug_caller_loc (const char *file, int line);
 extern int debug_alloc_push (char *file, int line);
 extern void debug_alloc_pop (void);
@@ -620,10 +618,12 @@ extern void debug_alloc_pop (void);
 #define vstralloc debug_alloc_push(__FILE__,__LINE__)?0:debug_vstralloc
 #define newvstralloc debug_alloc_push(__FILE__,__LINE__)?0:debug_newvstralloc
-#define vstrallocf(...) debug_vstrallocf(__FILE__,__LINE__,__VA_ARGS__)
+#define vstrallocf debug_alloc_push(__FILE__,__LINE__)?0:debug_vstrallocf
 extern char  *debug_vstralloc(const char *str, ...);
 extern char  *debug_newvstralloc(char *oldstr, const char *newstr, ...);
+extern char  *debug_vstrallocf(const char *fmt, ...)
+			   __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
 #define	stralloc2(s1,s2)  vstralloc((s1),(s2),NULL)
 #define	newstralloc2(p,s1,s2) newvstralloc((p),(s1),(s2),NULL)

Re: Problem With Solaris 2.5.2

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Could you post the amanda.*.debug from
and the sendbackup.*.debug if one is created.


Steven Backus wrote:

I run my server on Red Hat AS4 Linux 4.x and back up 5 clients, one
of which is a Solaris 2.8.  After upgrading to 2.5.2 yesterday,
last night I got:

FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY:  c0t11d0s0  lev 1  FAILED [cannot read header: got 0 
instead of 32768]  c0t1d0s0   lev 1  FAILED [cannot read header: got 0 
instead of 32768]  c0t11d0s0  lev 1  FAILED [cannot read header: got 0 
instead of 32768]  c0t11d0s0  lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper retry: [request 
failed: timeout waiting for ACK]]  c0t1d0s0   lev 1  FAILED [too many dumper retry: [request 
failed: timeout waiting for ACK]]

this repeated about 20 time.  The logs say:

dumper.20070503190001000.debug:dumper: time 3597.701: 
security_seterror(handle=0x8e23158, driver=0xe
77a20 (BSD) error=timeout waiting for ACK)

Any ideas?


Re: GNUTAR hanging

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

amanda version?
tar version?
Any other amanda process running?
Send the complete debug files:
 sendbackup.*.debug and amandad.*.debug from the client
 dumper.*.debug from the server.

anthonyh wrote:

Hi guys,

Any solution to the GNUTAR hanging issue yet? I'm having the same problem as
the tar problem runs indefinitely for some time until i killed it.

top - 10:31:19 up 5 days, 12:01,  1 user,  load average: 1.11, 1.03, 1.01
Tasks:  44 total,   2 running,  41 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 30.6% us, 69.4% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:125064k total,   122244k used, 2820k free,77304k buffers
Swap:   262072k total,0k used,   262072k free,14384k cached

17812 root  25   0  1920  652  568 R 99.7  0.5   4732:18 tar   
 4546 root  16   0  2888  868  724 R  0.3  0.7   0:00.03 top   
1 root  16   0  1952  460  392 S  0.0  0.4   0:01.09 init

# ps aux |grep tar
root 17812 99.5  0.5  1920  652 ?RMay01 4732:26 gtar
--create --
file - --directory /boot --one-file-system --listed-incremental
manda/gnutar-lists/ --sparse
--totals .

root  4548  0.0  0.4  4820  572 pts/1D10:31   0:00 grep tar

Any workaround?



Re: Problem With Solaris 2.5.2

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Could you try the attached patch?
You should not get a Could not bind to any port: Invalid argument 
error in the debug file.


Steven Backus wrote:

Could you post the amanda.*.debug from
and the sendbackup.*.debug if one is created.

amandad: time 0.376: stream_server: Could not bind to any port: Invalid argument
amandad: time 0.377: stream_server: Retrying entire range after 10 second delay.
amandad: time 6.207: stream_server: Could not bind to any port: Invalid argument
amandad: time 6.207: stream_server: Retrying entire range after 10 second delay.

diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/stream.c amanda-2.5.2.bind/common-src/stream.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/stream.c	2007-04-20 12:54:17.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.bind/common-src/stream.c	2007-05-04 13:42:46.0 -0400
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ stream_server(
 	dbprintf((%s: stream_server: Could not bind to port in range: %d - %d.\n,
 		  debug_prefix_time(NULL), portrange[0], portrange[1]));
 	} else {
-	socklen = sizeof(server);
+	socklen = SS_LEN(server);
 	if (bind(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *)server, socklen) == 0)
 		goto out;
 	dbprintf((%s: stream_server: Could not bind to any port: %s\n,

Re: Invalid value for ai_flags

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Could you try this simpler patch instead of the previous one?


Richard Stockton wrote:

OS: FreeBSD 6.2

amcheck displays this;

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
ERROR: Cannot resolve `localhost': Invalid value for ai_flags
read label `VOL130', date `20070504193456'
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape VOL130 label ok
NOTE: conf info dir /work/amanda/bak13/curinfo does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
NOTE: index dir /work/amanda/bak13/index does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
Server check took 0.081 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: bak-05: selfcheck request failed: getaddrinfo(bak-05): 
Invalid value for ai_flags

Client check: 1 host checked in 10.003 seconds, 1 problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.5.2)

My /etc/hosts file looks like this;
::1 localhost localhost bak-05

So why is amanda unable to resolve localhost?

 - Richard

diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/bsd-security.c amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/bsd-security.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/bsd-security.c	2007-04-28 16:37:55.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/bsd-security.c	2007-05-04 14:02:46.0 -0400
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ bsd_connect(
 result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
 #ifdef WORKING_IPV6
 if (result != 0) {
+	hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
 	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
 	result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/bsdtcp-security.c amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/bsdtcp-security.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/bsdtcp-security.c	2007-04-03 09:08:41.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/bsdtcp-security.c	2007-05-04 14:02:34.0 -0400
@@ -139,6 +139,13 @@ bsdtcp_connect(
 hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
 hints.ai_next = NULL;
 result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
+#ifdef WORKING_IPV6
+if (result != 0) {
+	hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
+	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+	result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
 if(result != 0) {
 dbprintf((getaddrinfo(%s): %s\n, hostname, gai_strerror(result)));
 	security_seterror(rh-sech, getaddrinfo(%s): %s\n, hostname,
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/bsdudp-security.c amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/bsdudp-security.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/bsdudp-security.c	2007-04-28 16:37:55.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/bsdudp-security.c	2007-05-04 14:02:52.0 -0400
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ bsdudp_connect(
 result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
 #ifdef WORKING_IPV6
 if (result != 0) {
+   hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/krb5-security.c amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/krb5-security.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/krb5-security.c	2007-04-10 09:06:11.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/krb5-security.c	2007-05-04 14:03:08.0 -0400
@@ -273,6 +273,13 @@ krb5_connect(
 hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
 hints.ai_next = NULL;
 result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
+#ifdef WORKING_IPV6
+if (result != 0) {
+	hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
+	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+	result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
 if(result != 0) {
 	dbprintf((krb5_connect: getaddrinfo(%s): %s\n, hostname, gai_strerror(result)));
 	security_seterror(rh-sech, getaddrinfo(%s): %s\n, hostname,
diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/server-src/amcheck.c amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/server-src/amcheck.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/server-src/amcheck.c	2007-04-27 07:04:00.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/server-src/amcheck.c	2007-05-04 14:06:52.0 -0400
@@ -685,7 +685,15 @@ start_server_check(
 	hints.ai_addr = NULL;
 	hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
 	hints.ai_next = NULL;
-	if ((res = 

Re: Invalid value for ai_flags

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Richard Stockton wrote:

Hi Jean-Louis,

At 11:10 AM 5/4/2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:


Could you try this simpler patch instead of the previous one?

It failed for 3 hunks, bsd-security.c, amcheck.c, and dumper.c.
I edited these 3 files by hand with your changes, and re-compiled.
Running amcheck now no longer shows that error.

However, amdump now seems to fail because planner fails...

 more /work/amanda/bak13/log.20070505123838.0
DISK planner bak-05 da2s1d
DISK planner bak-05 da3s1d
START planner date 20070505123838
INFO planner Adding new disk bak-05:da2s1d.
INFO planner Adding new disk bak-05:da3s1d.
START driver date 20070505123838
STATS driver hostname
STATS driver startup time 0.050
FAIL planner bak-05 da3s1d 20070505123838 0 [missing result for da3s1d 
in bak-05

FAIL planner bak-05 da2s1d 20070505123838 0 [missing result for da2s1d 
in bak-05

response] oved your patch and most of my original
message from below.

I feel like I'm very close to making this work.  Any ideas about what 
to try

or change next?  Again, TIA.
 - Richard

Re: Invalid value for ai_flags

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Post the amandad and sendsize debug files from bak-05


Richard Stockton wrote:

Hi Jean-Louis,

At 11:10 AM 5/4/2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:


Could you try this simpler patch instead of the previous one?

It failed for 3 hunks, bsd-security.c, amcheck.c, and dumper.c.
I edited these 3 files by hand with your changes, and re-compiled.
Running amcheck now no longer shows that error.

However, amdump now seems to fail because planner fails...

 more /work/amanda/bak13/log.20070505123838.0
DISK planner bak-05 da2s1d
DISK planner bak-05 da3s1d
START planner date 20070505123838
INFO planner Adding new disk bak-05:da2s1d.
INFO planner Adding new disk bak-05:da3s1d.
START driver date 20070505123838
STATS driver hostname
STATS driver startup time 0.050
FAIL planner bak-05 da3s1d 20070505123838 0 [missing result for da3s1d 
in bak-05

FAIL planner bak-05 da2s1d 20070505123838 0 [missing result for da2s1d 
in bak-05

FINISH planner date 20070505123838 time 0.216
START taper datestamp 20070505123838 label VOL130 tape 0
WARNING driver WARNING: got empty schedule from planner
INFO taper tape VOL130 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20070505123838 time 15.311

 more /tmp/amanda/server/bak13/planner.20070505123838.debug
planner: debug 1 pid 41331 ruid 1001 euid 0: start at Sat May  5 
12:38:38 2007
planner: debug 1 pid 41331 ruid 1001 euid 1001: rename at Sat May  5 
12:38:38 200

planner: time 0.047: security_getdriver(name=BSD) returns 0x280df020
planner: time 0.048: security_handleinit(handle=0x805ef00, 
driver=0x280df020 (BSD

planner: time 0.052: bind_portrange2: Try  port 689: Available   - 

planner: time 0.052: dgram_bind: socket 3 bound to
planner: time 0.056: dgram_send_addr(addr=0x805ef20, dgram=0x280e0fc4)
planner: time 0.056: (sockaddr_in *)0x805ef20 = { 2, 10080, }

planner: time 0.056: dgram_send_addr: 0x280e0fc4-socket = 3
planner: time 0.156: dgram_recv(dgram=0x280e0fc4, timeout=0, 
planner: time 0.156: (sockaddr_in *)0x280f0fb0 = { 2, 10080, }
planner: time 0.167: dgram_recv(dgram=0x280e0fc4, timeout=0, 
planner: time 0.167: (sockaddr_in *)0x280f0fb0 = { 2, 10080, }

planner: time 0.167: dgram_send_addr(addr=0x805ef20, dgram=0x280e0fc4)
planner: time 0.167: (sockaddr_in *)0x805ef20 = { 2, 10080, }

planner: time 0.167: dgram_send_addr: 0x280e0fc4-socket = 3
planner: time 0.168: security_getdriver(name=BSD) returns 0x280df020
planner: time 0.168: security_handleinit(handle=0x806b000, 
driver=0x280df020 (BSD

planner: time 0.172: dgram_send_addr(addr=0x806b020, dgram=0x280e0fc4)
planner: time 0.172: (sockaddr_in *)0x806b020 = { 2, 10080, }

planner: time 0.172: dgram_send_addr: 0x280e0fc4-socket = 3
planner: time 0.172: security_close(handle=0x805ef00, 
driver=0x280df020 (BSD))
planner: time 0.181: dgram_recv(dgram=0x280e0fc4, timeout=0, 
planner: time 0.181: (sockaddr_in *)0x280f0fb0 = { 2, 10080, }
planner: time 0.204: dgram_recv(dgram=0x280e0fc4, timeout=0, 
planner: time 0.204: (sockaddr_in *)0x280f0fb0 = { 2, 10080, }
planner: time 0.228: dgram_recv(dgram=0x280e0fc4, timeout=0, 
planner: time 0.228: (sockaddr_in *)0x280f0fb0 = { 2, 10080, }

planner: time 0.228: dgram_send_addr(addr=0x806b020, dgram=0x280e0fc4)
planner: time 0.228: (sockaddr_in *)0x806b020 = { 2, 10080, }

planner: time 0.228: dgram_send_addr: 0x280e0fc4-socket = 3
planner: time 0.229: security_close(handle=0x806b000, 
driver=0x280df020 (BSD))

planner: time 0.230: pid 41331 finish time Sat May  5 12:38:38 2007

In the interest of saving space, I removed your patch and most of my 

message from below.

I feel like I'm very close to making this work.  Any ideas about what 
to try

or change next?  Again, TIA.
 - Richard

Re: question about error message

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

This failure is due to a change in tar behavior (in tar 1.16)
Amanda was updated for this new behavior in amanda-2.5.1p3.
You need amanda-2.5.1p3 or 2.5.2.


Freels, James D. wrote:

Hello, I am running amanda-server 2.5.1p1-2.1 on several clients of the
same version; all under linux/debian/stable (etch).  This new version
(from debian/sarge of v2.4.x vintage, have been using AMANDA for years)
has a few new features, including different messages, so I need help
interpreting it.

In the FAILURE AND STRANGE DUMP SUMMARY: section, I now often the
messages FAILED [/bin/tar returned 1]  Below this message in the
FAILED AND STRANGE DUMP DETAILS: the failed filesystem indicates file
changed as we read it.  In almost every instance, it seems that this
error message in the previous version would not have shown up as a
failure, but perhaps a strange error was the wording that used to be
used.  For example, the AMANDA dump messages themselves will change
during a backup, so sure it will change, but is this an failure ?

What can be done to remove these error messages if they are not really a
failure ?

James D. Freels, Ph.D.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Re: Invalid value for ai_flags

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Richard Stockton wrote:

Is this the same problem that Steven was having with Solaris?? Will 
the same

patch work for me? Or is this something different?

It's the same problem, patch attached.

diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file --exclude-from=/home/martinea/src.orig/amanda.diff --ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/stream.c amanda-2.5.2.bind/common-src/stream.c
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/stream.c	2007-04-20 12:54:17.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.bind/common-src/stream.c	2007-05-04 13:42:46.0 -0400
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ stream_server(
 	dbprintf((%s: stream_server: Could not bind to port in range: %d - %d.\n,
 		  debug_prefix_time(NULL), portrange[0], portrange[1]));
 	} else {
-	socklen = sizeof(server);
+	socklen = SS_LEN(server);
 	if (bind(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *)server, socklen) == 0)
 		goto out;
 	dbprintf((%s: stream_server: Could not bind to any port: %s\n,

Re: Invalid value for ai_flags

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Can you post the dumper.*.debug file?

amanda-2.5.1p3 doesn't have the IPV6 code, it should not have theses 


Richard Stockton wrote:

Hi Jean-Louis,

At 02:05 PM 5/4/2007, you wrote:

Richard Stockton wrote:

Is this the same problem that Steven was having with Solaris?? Will 
the same

patch work for me? Or is this something different?

It's the same problem, patch attached.

Applied patch, now fails like this;

FINISH planner date 20070505143046 time 9.760
FAIL dumper bak-05 da3s1d 20070505143046 0 [port open: Bad address]
FAIL driver bak-05 da2s1d 20070505143046 0 [can't switch to 
incremental dump]

FAIL driver bak-05 da3s1d 20070505143046 0 [dump to tape failed]

Would all this continue to happen if I went back to 2.5.1p3? Or even 

I really need to get this working soon.
- Richard

Re: Invalid value for ai_flags

2007-05-04 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

I forgot this chunk in the first patch.


Richard Stockton wrote:

Hi Jean-Louis,

At 03:19 PM 5/4/2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

Can you post the dumper.*.debug file?

bak-05:root: more 
dumper: debug 1 pid 79452 ruid 1001 euid 0: start at Sat May 5 
14:30:46 2007
dumper: debug 1 pid 79452 ruid 1001 euid 0: rename at Sat May 5 
14:30:46 2007

getaddrinfo: Invalid value for ai_flags
dumper: time 129.694: pid 79452 finish time Sat May 5 14:32:56 2007

Actually there are 4 of these dumper.*.debug files all dated at almost
exactly the same time. The above is the last one. the others all look
like below with the only change to the time number and pid. The pids
are 79452, 79453, 79454 and 79455, so I assume they are the 4 dumpers
that are set by default. Only the last one has the ai_flags line.

dumper: debug 1 pid 79453 ruid 1001 euid 0: start at Sat May 5 
14:30:46 2007
dumper: debug 1 pid 79453 ruid 1001 euid 0: rename at Sat May 5 
14:30:46 2007

dumper: time 129.699: pid 79453 finish time Sat May 5 14:32:56 2007

amanda-2.5.1p3 doesn't have the IPV6 code, it should not have theses 

I reverted back to the older 2.5.1p3, and did an amdump and restore.
It works!!

Thank you so much for all your help. I will update once 2.5.2 has all
it's patches in place.
Thanks again.
- Richard


Richard Stockton wrote:

Hi Jean-Louis,

At 02:05 PM 5/4/2007, you wrote:

Richard Stockton wrote:

Is this the same problem that Steven was having with Solaris?? 
Will the same

patch work for me? Or is this something different?

It's the same problem, patch attached.

Applied patch, now fails like this;

FINISH planner date 20070505143046 time 9.760
FAIL dumper bak-05 da3s1d 20070505143046 0 [port open: Bad address]
FAIL driver bak-05 da2s1d 20070505143046 0 [can't switch to 
incremental dump]

FAIL driver bak-05 da3s1d 20070505143046 0 [dump to tape failed]

Would all this continue to happen if I went back to 2.5.1p3? Or even 

I really need to get this working soon.
- Richard

diff -u -r --show-c-function --new-file 
--ignore-matching-lines='$Id:' amanda-2.5.2/common-src/stream.c 
--- amanda-2.5.2/common-src/stream.c2007-04-20 12:54:17.0 -0400
+++ amanda-2.5.2.ai_flags/common-src/stream.c   2007-05-04 20:24:07.0 
@@ -227,6 +227,13 @@ stream_client_internal(
 hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
 hints.ai_next = NULL;
 result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
+#ifdef WORKING_IPV6
+if(result != 0) {
+   hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME;
+   hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+   result = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, hints, res);
 if(result != 0) {
 dbprintf((getaddrinfo: %s\n, gai_strerror(result)));
return -1;

Re: amrecover issue

2007-05-02 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Check amrecover and amandad debug files.

anthonyh wrote:

The following are some of my config files
service amanda
   only_from   =
   socket_type = dgram
   protocol= udp
   wait= yes
   user= amanda
   group   = disk
   groups  = yes
   server  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
   server_args = -auth=bsd amdump amindexd
   disable = no 

You forgot amidxtaped
server_args = -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped
You must also add an entry in .amandahosts

The following 2 services are not needed if all your client are 2.5.1.

service amandaidx
only_from   =

socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= amanda
group   = disk
groups  = yes
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amindexd 
server_args = -auth=bsd amdump amindexd

disable = no

service amidxtape
only_from   =

socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= amanda
group   = disk
groups  = yes
server  = /usr/local/libexec/amidxtaped 
server_args = -auth=bsd amdump amidxtaped

disable = no

Any good Solution Guys? Thanks!

Also you tape device /backup/amanda/dumps/tape01 is not correct,
it should be file:/backup/amanda/dumps/tape01

use: setape


Re: port xxx not secure errors

2007-05-01 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The problem is:
dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Operation 
timed out
dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed: 
Operation timed out

dumper: stream_client: Could not bind to port in range 512-1023.

Could you try the attached patch?


Charles Sprickman wrote:

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

Amanda try to use proviledged port in the range 512-1023.
It will not use port reserved for other services, as listed in 

There appear to be very few ports available in that range.

There is less port available for tcp than udp.

In my /etc/services, both tcp and udp are pretty crowded.

This is an /etc/services for 4.11:;content-type=text%2Fx-cvsweb-markup;only_with_tag=RELENG_4_11 

And on a slight tangent, I had them reserve a tcp port for amanda as 

Which amanda version are you using?


What is your OS?

FreeBSD 4.11

Did it list all port from 512 to 1026 or it jump from 603 to 1026?

There seems to be a big jump.  It also tends to go back and try 585 
and 601 quite a bit.

How many lines have the Address already in use failed message?

In just this one debug file (there are 5), 16 times.  In all 5, 258.  
This is for 20 hosts with about 5-6 DLEs per host.

How many DLE do you have for


What is the maxdumps setting?

Currently it's set to 1.

Do you configure with --without-reuseaddr? You should probably not.
What is the output of: grep USE_REUSEADDR config/config.h

[devel2]/tmp/amanda/server/DailySet1 # grep REUSEADDR 

/* Define to set SO_REUSEADDR on network connections. */

Next time, attach the complete debug file.

bzipped and attached, but it's kind of big unzipped.  Trouble is seen 
round line 143.

You can try to remove some service from /etc/services.

I've been meaning to look at ssh auth at some point.  I'm assuming 
that would get rid of this problem or no?

Thanks so much,



Charles Sprickman wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The dumper must be installed suid root.

[devel2]/tmp/amanda/server/DailySet1 # ls -l 
-r-sr-x---  1 root  operator  30344 Mar 14 01:54 

What's in the dumper.timestamps.debug file?

I've got the following.  It looks like it steps through all services 
in /etc/services and decides that they are used by other services.  
I don't have the same log left around, but in short the sequence of 
events in the dumper debug log is this:

-searches through all services in /etc/services, decides most are 

 assigned to another service -

 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 597: Owned by ptcnameservice.
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 598: Owned by sco-websrvrmg3.
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 599: Owned by acp.
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 600: Owned by ipcserver.
 dumper: connect_port: Try  port 601: Available

 note that these aren't actually in use, just defined in /etc/services

-it seems to do this on each connect and quite often will try a port 

 it's already using on another dump job -

 dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Address
 already in use
 dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed:
 Address already in use

-this goes on and on, with the port number increasing until it reaches
 something outside the privileged port range -

 security_stream_seterr(0x8086000, EOF)
 security_stream_seterr(0x806d000, EOF)
 security_stream_seterr(0x807d000, EOF)
 dumper: connect_port: Try  port 1026: Available   -
 dumper: connected to
 dumper: our side is
 dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is zu
 security_getdriver(name=bsdtcp) returns 0x480c1380
 security_handleinit(handle=0x805d100, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
 security_streaminit(stream=0x8064000, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
 dumper: connect_port: Try  port 585: Available   -
 dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Address
 already in use
 dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed:
 Address already in use
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 512: Owned by exec.
 (repeat - eventually it finds a low port that works)

This process repeats in the debug files, it works it's way down to a 
lower port, sees it's in use already, increments up until it gets to 
1026 again.

Keep in mind I'm using bsdtcp-auth, which I suppose is somewhat 
new.  If I had to guess I'd say that there's either some odd problem 
in parsing /etc/services as there's always this huge jump from port 

Re: port xxx not secure errors

2007-04-30 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Amanda try to use proviledged port in the range 512-1023.
It will not use port reserved for other services, as listed in 

There is less port available for tcp than udp.

Which amanda version are you using?
What is your OS?

Did it list all port from 512 to 1026 or it jump from 603 to 1026?
How many lines have the Address already in use failed message?
How many DLE do you have for
What is the maxdumps setting?

Do you configure with --without-reuseaddr? You should probably not.
What is the output of: grep USE_REUSEADDR config/config.h

Next time, attach the complete debug file.

You can try to remove some service from /etc/services.


Charles Sprickman wrote:

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The dumper must be installed suid root.

[devel2]/tmp/amanda/server/DailySet1 # ls -l 
-r-sr-x---  1 root  operator  30344 Mar 14 01:54 

What's in the dumper.timestamps.debug file?

I've got the following.  It looks like it steps through all services 
in /etc/services and decides that they are used by other services.  I 
don't have the same log left around, but in short the sequence of 
events in the dumper debug log is this:

-searches through all services in /etc/services, decides most are already
 assigned to another service -

 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 597: Owned by ptcnameservice.
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 598: Owned by sco-websrvrmg3.
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 599: Owned by acp.
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 600: Owned by ipcserver.
 dumper: connect_port: Try  port 601: Available

 note that these aren't actually in use, just defined in /etc/services

-it seems to do this on each connect and quite often will try a port that
 it's already using on another dump job -

 dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Address
 already in use
 dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed:
 Address already in use

-this goes on and on, with the port number increasing until it reaches
 something outside the privileged port range -

 security_stream_seterr(0x8086000, EOF)
 security_stream_seterr(0x806d000, EOF)
 security_stream_seterr(0x807d000, EOF)
 dumper: connect_port: Try  port 1026: Available   -
 dumper: connected to
 dumper: our side is
 dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is zu
 security_getdriver(name=bsdtcp) returns 0x480c1380
 security_handleinit(handle=0x805d100, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
 security_streaminit(stream=0x8064000, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
 dumper: connect_port: Try  port 585: Available   -
 dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: Address
 already in use
 dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed:
 Address already in use
 dumper: connect_port: Skip port 512: Owned by exec.
 (repeat - eventually it finds a low port that works)

This process repeats in the debug files, it works it's way down to a 
lower port, sees it's in use already, increments up until it gets to 
1026 again.

Keep in mind I'm using bsdtcp-auth, which I suppose is somewhat new.  
If I had to guess I'd say that there's either some odd problem in 
parsing /etc/services as there's always this huge jump from port 603 
or so right to 1026 or higher.

What do you folks think?



Re: which report do I believe?

2007-04-30 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

You should believe everything.

Steven Settlemyre wrote:
I am looking to restore a disk from one of my machines and am having a 
little trouble understanding which report to believe. Using amadmin 
find, I see there was a level 0 on 4/12 and again on 4/19.

When I look at the daily reports I see on 4/12:

pop:/files1.0 in-memory
 taper: no split_diskbuffer specified: using fallback split size of 
10240kb to buffer


-- --- 
pop /files1 0   170241929961504   58.5  178:38  926.5 
178:39  929.4

Then on 4/19 i see:

 planner: Incremental of pop:/files1 bumped to level 3.
If it was an increment it would be a level 3, but amanda choose to do a 
full (level 0).


-- --- 
pop /files1 0   170891209965664   58.3  148:35 1117.9  30:39 

So is 4/19 a level 3 or level 0?

Also, in the amadmin find, I see that 4/12 has 973 parts, whereas 4/19 
only has 2 parts.

4/12 has 973 parts of 10240kb
4/19 has 2 parts of a bigger size. What is your tape_splitsize?

4/12 goes directly to tape, without using the holding disk, it use part 
of size fallback_splitsize,

4/19 go through the holding disk and use part of size tape_splitsize.

Why the big difference? What could cause such things? and what steps 
should i take to restore this disk?

As usual, amrecover or amfetchdump.


Re: amrecover using ssh-auth

2007-04-30 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Because the host key is not known.

Try: ssh ng.oops.intern -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -l amanda
and accept the host key.

ssh doesn't use xinetd.


Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

This doesn't work for me since I tried it first with 2.5.1p2 on client
and server :

Followed the zmanda-howto
(, could
be a bit more explicit in some points IMO ...

-- Can't use amrecover via ssh-auth here.

I always get:

# amrecover dds -s ng -t ng
Host key verification failed.
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.2b1. Contacting server on ng ...
[request failed: EOF on read from ng.oops.intern]

ng is the server, running 2.5.2b1.

The client runs 2.5.1p3 and has

# cat /etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf
auth ssh
ssh_keys /root/.ssh/id_rsa is in the authorized_keys of the amanda-user on the server.


amdump via ssh-auth works fine.

Any hints on this?

Doesn't auth=ssh have to be in the xinetd-entry on the server as well?
I can't find clear infos on how to edit the xinetd.d-file for ssh-only.

Thanks, Stefan.


Re: port xxx not secure errors

2007-04-29 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The dumper must be installed suid root.
What's in the dumper.timestamps.debug file?


Charles Sprickman wrote:

Any ideas on this one?  Should I just consider it a bug?

I'm not clear at all on why the server is picking a port over 1024, 
but that does seem to be clearly happening, and then the client is 
rejecting it (which does seem to be by design).  FWIW, I *cannot* 
reproduce it when firing off one host at a time - only during an 
actual full run where all hosts are backed up.  Perhaps it's trying to 
do too much in parallel?  The server box is not doing anything odd 
that would eat up priv ports. Additionally the problem did not exist 
in the old version of amanda we used.



On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Charles Sprickman wrote:

Hi all,

This is my last problem for the time being...

Server side reports this (amdump.1):

driver: result time 2126.498 from dumper2: TRY-AGAIN 02-9 NAK: 
host port 1026 not secure

The IP address there is the amanda server.

Client side reports this (amandad.debug):

security_handleinit(handle=0x8052000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP))
security_streaminit(stream=0x8058000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP))
security_seterror(handle=0x8052000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP) 
error=host port 1026 not secure)
amandad: time 0.002: accept error: host port 1026 not secure

amandad: time 0.002: sending NAK pkt:

ERROR host port 1026 not secure

If I'm reading this right, the client is listening via inetd, it 
accepts a connection FROM the server, but it does not like that the 
server is connecting to it from a port above 1024.

The check appears to be in common-src/security-util.c:

* Request packets must come from a reserved port
   if (ntohs(rh-peer.sin_port) = IPPORT_RESERVED) {
   host %s: port %d not secure, rh-hostname,
   return (-1);

But that doesn't tell me much about what controls what port the 
server decides to bind to when contacting the client.

I saw a FAQ entry about this error when running amcheck without the 
suid root bit, but this happens during amdump and amcheck.  It seems 
fairly random.

Any ideas?



Re: solaris, zfs, holding disk

2007-04-26 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

This problem was fixed a few days after 2.5.1p3 release.

You can use the latest 2.5.1p3 snapshot from

The scale function should be:
   off_t r,
   off_t s)
   if (r == (off_t)-1)
   return (off_t)-1;
   if (s % 1024 == 0)
   return r*(s/(off_t)1024);
   return (off_t)(r*((double)s/1024.0));


Peter Kunst wrote:

On 04/25/2007 10:06 PM, Mike Gallant wrote:

Hi all,

I am having difficultly with amanda 2.5.1p3 recognizing the solaris 
10, zfs, holding disk.

WARNING: holding disk /amanda: only 0 MB free (2000 MB requested)

I get the same message with amdump (which is the bigger issue).

Any thoughts?


bash-3.00# su amanda -c /opt/slis/sbin/amcheck -l mwf
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
WARNING: holding disk /amanda: only 0 MB free (2000 MB requested)
NOTE: skipping tape checks
Server check took 0.013 seconds

Havn't tried 2.5.1p3 yet, the attached patch works for me with 2.5.1p2 
and zfs holding disks. A simple change of a line back to an earlier 
version made it work again.

 Cheers, Peter

*** common-src/statfs.c Thu Apr 26 08:20:35 2007
--- common-src/statfs.c-2.5.1p2 Thu Aug 24 19:05:35 2006
*** 128,131 
--- 128,132 
  off_t scale(off_t r, off_t s);

*** 137,141 
  if (r == (off_t)-1)
return (off_t)-1;
! return r*((double)s/(off_t)1024);
--- 138,142 

  if (r == (off_t)-1)
return (off_t)-1;
! return r*(s/(off_t)1024);


Re: amrestore with disk with spaces in name

2007-04-26 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


This bug is already fix in the latest 2.5.1p3 snapshot.
You can download it from

The snapshot have many bugs fixed since the release of 2.5.1p3.


Michael Keightley wrote:

I am trying to use amrecover with with directory names in the disklist
file which
contain spaces.  Having no joy, e.g. with a test setup:

% cat disklist
myhost   /opt/test directorycomp-user-tar

% amrecover testset
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.1p3. Contacting server on myhost ...
220 myhost AMANDA index server (2.5.1p3) ready.
Setting restore date to today (2007-04-26)
200 Working date set to 2007-04-26.
200 Config set to testset.
200 Dump host set to myhost.
Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover

amrecover listdisk
200- List of disk for host myhost
201- /opt/test directory

mrecover setdisk /opt/test directory
501 Disk myhost:\/opt/test directory\ is not in your disklist.

Any idea how to fix this?  Problem is lots of Windows folders that we 

to add to the disklist contain spaces.


Re: Q: amanda mail report

2007-04-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Because someone ran amreport or amcleanup.


Sebastian Kösters wrote:


I have a question about the amanda mail report.

Amanda sends the report while the backup is still running.

I thought this report only comes when the Backup is finished?

How is this possible?

Amanda version 2.4.5p1

Kind regards 


Re: restore not finding all incremental levels

2007-04-19 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Paul Yeatman wrote:

So, as I continue to look at the problem, I haven't seen before
that an amflush is require for the directories on holding disk to
be included in a recovery yet . . . this kinda of seems to be the
case now (that is as much a question as it is a statement).  I see
in the amindexd.###.debug log that it is trying to gzip -dc ... 
files in the amanda index directory for the disk being restored
yet these files don't exist.  For instance, the log says this is
being executed

	 /bin/gzip -dc '/etc/amanda/cass/index/cass246/_/20070331_6.gz' 2/dev/null | sort  '/etc/amanda/cass/index/cass246/_/20070331_6' 

yet /etc/amanda/cass/index/cass246/_/20070331_6.gz does not exist;
It is instead on the holding disk.  Does it not exist because I have
never run amflush?  I swear I've performed tens of recoveries that
included files on the holding disk that were (obviously) never
amflushed.  I'm so confused!

amanda will never remove the compressed index files (.gz) while the dump 
are still on tape or holding disk.
You said that you removed some dump from holding disk to debug your 
previous problem, if you ran amdump while dump was missing, amanda has 
removed the index file.

I hope you have a backup of your index files.


Re: amcheck fails but backup works

2007-04-18 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


Always look in the log and debug files if you have a problem.

What's in the amcheck.*.debug, amandad.*.debug and selfcheck.*.debug files?


Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:


We use Amanda 2.5.0p2 in our backup setup. The setup
was working fine for last 2 months. I have started
observing a strange problem from yesterday. I observe
that the amcheck config_name command which is
scheduled to run some 4 hours before the backup
begins, fails with the error email given below, but
the backup seems to work properly:

WARNING: Client_Name: selfcheck request failed:
timeout waiting for REP
Client check: 1 host checked in 90.059 seconds, 1
problem found.

In our setup the same host acts as a backup server and
client. No configuration changes have been made
recently. The exact error message is as follows:

Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /var/tmp/amanda: 66730388 KB disk space
available, that's plenty
read label `tape-label', date `20070313'

NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Tape tape-label label ok
Server check took 0.147 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: client_host: selfcheck request failed:
timeout waiting for REP
Client check: 1 host checked in 90.059 seconds, 1
problem found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.5.0p2)

The xinetd configuration file for the Amanda backup
server/client is as follows:
service amanda
disable = no
socket_type = dgram
protocol= udp
wait= yes
user= amandabackup
group   = disk
groups  = yes
server  = /usr/lib/amanda/amandad
service amandaidx
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= amandabackup
group   = disk
groups  = yes
server  = /usr/lib/amanda/amindexd
service amidxtape
disable = no
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= amandabackup
group   = disk
groups  = yes
server  = /usr/lib/amanda/amidxtaped

Can anybody provide some suggestions to resolve this

Thanks in advance.


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: amcheck fails but backup works

2007-04-18 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

The selfcheck process is hang.
Could you strace it and attach a debugger to it and get a backtrace.

It's often because of a stale mount point.
Did 'df' succeed?


Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:

Hello Jean-Louis,

Thanks for the reply.

The amcheck*.debug reads as follows:

amcheck: debug 1 pid 21824 ruid 30318 euid 0: start at
Wed Apr 18 17:00:00 2007
amcheck-clients: time 0.036: bind_portrange2: trying
amcheck-clients: time 0.041: dgram_bind: socket bound
amcheck: spawning /usr/bin/Mail in pipeline
amcheck: argument list: /usr/bin/Mail -s AMANDA
amcheck: pid 21824 finish time Wed Apr 18 17:01:32
amcheck.2007041817.debug (END)

amandad*.debug reads as below:
amandad: debug 1 pid 21832 ruid 30318 euid 30318:
start at Wed Apr 18 17:00:00 2007
amandad: version 2.5.0p2
amandad: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.0p2
amandad:BUILT_DATE=Thu May 18 13:30:21 PDT
amandad:BUILT_MACH=Linux rhel3 2.4.21-40.EL
#1 Thu Feb 2 22:32:00 EST 2006 i686 athlon i386
'--build=i386-redhat-linux' '--prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin'
'--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda' '--datadir=/usr/share'
'--sysconfdir=/etc' '--sharedstatedir=/var/lib/amanda'
'--localstatedir=/var/lib/amanda' '--libdir=/usr/lib'
'--includedir=/usr/include' '--infodir=/usr/info'
'--with-user=amandabackup' '--with-group=disk'
'--with-owner=paddy' '--with-fqdn'
amandad: paths: bindir=/usr/bin sbindir=/usr/sbin
amandad:RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/ DUMP=/sbin/dump
amandad:RESTORE=/sbin/restore VDUMP=UNDEF

amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=localhost
amandad: time 0.037: accept recv REQ pkt:

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;
amandad: time 0.037: creating new service:

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;

amandad: time 0.129: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 0.129: sending REP pkt:

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;
amandad: time 0.130: received ACK pkt:

amandad: time 0.131: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE selfcheck
amandad: time 0.131: creating new service:

amandad: time 0.132: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 30.126: received REQ pkt:

SERVICE selfcheck
amandad: time 30.126: received dup P_REQ packet,

ACKing it
amandad: time 30.126: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 60.128: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE selfcheck
amandad: time 60.128: /usr/lib/amanda/selfcheck

: already running, acking req
amandad: time 60.128: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 89.128: pid 21832 finish time Wed Apr 18

17:01:30 2007

selfcheck*.debug file reads as follows:
selfcheck: debug 1 pid 21837 ruid 30318 euid 30318:
start at Wed Apr 18 17:00:01 2007
selfcheck: version 2.5.0p2
selfcheck: time 0.000: checking disk volume_name
selfcheck.20070418170001.debug (END)

Thanks a lot!


--- Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



Always look in the log and debug files if you have a

What's in the amcheck.*.debug, amandad.*.debug and

Re: amcheck fails but backup works

2007-04-18 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:

Yes, I observe that the df command doesn't respond for
quite some time.
 Do you mean that I should run strace
/usr/sbin/amcheck config_name command?

no, run 'strace -p pid of selfcheck'

But don't it if 'df' hang.
You must fix your mount problem:
 - umount not responding partition.
 - reboot




--- Jean-Louis Martineau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The selfcheck process is hang.
Could you strace it and attach a debugger to it and
get a backtrace.

It's often because of a stale mount point.
Did 'df' succeed?


Yogesh Hasabnis wrote:

Hello Jean-Louis,

Thanks for the reply.

The amcheck*.debug reads as follows:

amcheck: debug 1 pid 21824 ruid 30318 euid 0:

start at

Wed Apr 18 17:00:00 2007
amcheck-clients: time 0.036: bind_portrange2:


amcheck-clients: time 0.041: dgram_bind: socket


amcheck: spawning /usr/bin/Mail in pipeline
amcheck: argument list: /usr/bin/Mail -s AMANDA


amcheck: pid 21824 finish time Wed Apr 18 17:01:32
amcheck.2007041817.debug (END)

amandad*.debug reads as below:
amandad: debug 1 pid 21832 ruid 30318 euid 30318:
start at Wed Apr 18 17:00:00 2007
amandad: version 2.5.0p2
amandad: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.5.0p2
amandad:BUILT_DATE=Thu May 18 13:30:21


amandad:BUILT_MACH=Linux rhel3


#1 Thu Feb 2 22:32:00 EST 2006 i686 athlon i386
'--build=i386-redhat-linux' '--prefix=/usr'
'--bindir=/usr/bin' '--sbindir=/usr/sbin'






'--includedir=/usr/include' '--infodir=/usr/info'



'--with-user=amandabackup' '--with-group=disk'
'--with-owner=paddy' '--with-fqdn'
amandad: paths: bindir=/usr/bin







amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER=localhost


amandad: time 0.037: accept recv REQ pkt:

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;
amandad: time 0.037: creating new service:

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;

amandad: time 0.129: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 0.129: sending REP pkt:

OPTIONS features=feff9ffe07;
amandad: time 0.130: received ACK pkt:

amandad: time 0.131: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE selfcheck



amandad: time 0.131: creating new service:




amandad: time 0.132: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 30.126: received REQ pkt:

SERVICE selfcheck



amandad: time 30.126: received dup P_REQ packet,

ACKing it
amandad: time 30.126: sending ACK pkt:

amandad: time 60.128: accept recv REQ pkt:

SERVICE selfcheck



amandad: time 60.128: /usr/lib/amanda/selfcheck




Re: Compression again

2007-04-16 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

From the debug file:
 sendbackup: time 2612.878:  62:size(|):   DUMP: 17753400 blocks 

amanda parse the number of block but it think they are blocks of 512 bytes.

This problem is fixed only in amanda-2.5.2b1 (The MB value is used).


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

My OS is openSUSE 10.1.

server:~ # tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1

server:~ # dump
dump 0.4b41 (using libext2fs 1.38 of 30-Jun-2005)

The last dendbackup.*.debug is attached.



At 13:50 13.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The orig-kb is the size reported by the backup tool (tar, dump, ...)

It's possible that amanda doesn't parse the output correctly.

What's your OS? backup tool?

Could you post a sendbackup.*.debug file?

It's probably already fixed in a newer version.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Here is the result after deleting full-comp und incr-comp.


server   /home   0 2229585  2833801 127.1  10:58 4307.9  
15:19 3083.2
server   /profile0 4557175  4541611  99.7  21:07 3583.6  
24:46 3055.3
server   /daten  0 1221325  1796309 147.1   4:44 6321.5   
9:46 3065.4
server   /intorg 0  188995   199786 105.7   1:22 2427.2   
1:07 2971.2
server   /literatur  0  662255  1051091 158.7   2:36 6737.3   
5:39 3097.9
server   /projekte   0 8876700 11223553 126.4  43:33 4295.4  
60:48 3076.9

Once again the data seems to grow while it's written to the tape. 
But I think I figured out the problem. During the calculation of the 
estimates everything seems to be ok and all sizes are like the real 
ones on the disk. The problems start with the dumper. The dumper 
doesn't compare his result with the real sizes but with the real 
sizes divided by two because of the default compression set to 0.50. 
A compression to 50% isn't possible on all the disks and that why 
the data seems to grow.

My question is now, is this a bug of version 2.4.5? At the moment I 
don't get packages for openSUSE 10.1 from SuSE or the amanda 
homepage with the newest version. Perhaps I should try this next?

Thanks again


At 22:20 12.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

I don't understand.

Did you set a 'comprate' in your dumptype? You should remove it.
Amanda will learn the compresion ratio after a few run.

For all 'info' file, you can remove the value in the 'full-comp' 
and 'incr-comp' line.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Here is the log.


Re: got partial result and seek failed: Illegal seek

2007-04-16 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

That's your problem:
dumper: connect_port: Try  port 585: Available   -
--dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: 
Operation timed out
--dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed: 
Operation timed out


You must find why the client (h10) timeout:
- check client system log message
- client overloaded
- network problem
- ...


Charles Sprickman wrote:

On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

When it say was successfully retried, that's because the dump 
succeeded on the second try.


It still give the error of the first try FAILED [cannot read header: 
got 0 instead of 32768]

You should be able to find more about it in the amdump.1 log file and 
the dumper.*.debug and chunker.*.debug on the server and 
amandad.*.debug and sendbackup.*.debug in the client.

Relevant logs from the server side:


This looks like the successful dump of /spool on h10.

dumper: connected to
dumper: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is zu
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is zu
security_streaminit(stream=0x806b000, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
security_streaminit(stream=0x807b000, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
security_streaminit(stream=0x8084000, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
security_close(handle=0x805d100, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
dumper: Building type 4 (FILE) header of size 32768 using:
dumper: Contents of *(dumpfile_t *)0x8050200:
dumper: type = 4 (FILE)
dumper: datestamp= '20070413031001'
dumper: dumplevel= 5
dumper: compressed   = 1
dumper: encrypted= 0
dumper: comp_suffix  = '.gz'
dumper: encrypt_suffix   = 'N'
dumper: name = ''
dumper: disk = '/spool'
dumper: program  = '/sbin/dump'
dumper: srvcompprog  = ''
dumper: clntcompprog = ''
dumper: srv_encrypt  = ''
dumper: clnt_encrypt = ''
dumper: recover_cmd  = '/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/sbin/restore -f - 

dumper: uncompress_cmd   = ''
dumper: encrypt_cmd  = ''
dumper: decrypt_cmd  = ''
dumper: srv_decrypt_opt  = ''
dumper: clnt_decrypt_opt = ''
dumper: cont_filename= ''
dumper: is_partial   = 0
dumper: partnum  = 0
dumper: totalparts   = 0
dumper: blocksize= 32768
security_stream_seterr(0x8084000, EOF)
security_stream_seterr(0x807b000, EOF)
security_stream_seterr(0x806b000, EOF)

I poked around a bit more in that file and found this snippet:

security_getdriver(name=bsdtcp) returns 0x480c1380
security_handleinit(handle=0x805d100, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
security_streaminit(stream=0x806, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))
dumper: connect_port: Skip port 512: Owned by exec.
dumper: connect_port: Skip port 513: Owned by login.
dumper: connect_port: Skip port 514: Owned by shell.
dumper: connect_port: Try  port 585: Available   -
--dumper: connect_portrange: connect from failed: 
Operation timed out
--dumper: connect_portrange: connect to failed: 
Operation timed out

dumper: stream_client: Could not bind to port in range 512-1023.
dumper: connect_port: Try  port 1026: Available   -
dumper: connected to
dumper: our side is
dumper: try_socksize: send buffer size is zu
dumper: try_socksize: receive buffer size is zu
--security_seterror(handle=0x805d100, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP) 
error=did not get a reserved port: 1026)

security_close(handle=0x805d100, driver=0x480c1380 (BSDTCP))

I'm guessing that's the problem, although nothing in the log 
necessarily confirms that's h10:/spool.

So what is that telling me?  It looks like it steps through 
/etc/services and finds most stuff used and then uses an unpriviliged 
port even though it can't use an unprivileged port.

Why does just this one host have that problem?

On the client, amandad has this:

security_handleinit(handle=0x8052000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP))
security_streaminit(stream=0x8058000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP))
security_seterror(handle=0x8052000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP) 
error=host port 1026 not secure)
amandad: time 0.012: accept error: host port 1026 not secure

amandad: time 0.013: sending NAK pkt:

ERROR host port 1026 not secure

security_close(handle=0x8052000, driver=0x28094900 (BSDTCP))

No errors in the sendbackup debugs.

So that's it?  Some problem with the range of ports being used.

What are the rules

Re: Compression again

2007-04-16 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Because most user use tar on linux, and it's new that the blocksize is 1024.

You can change client-src/sendbackup-dump.c:
  AM_SIZE_RE(DUMP: [0-9][0-9]* blocks, 512)
 AM_SIZE_RE(DUMP: [0-9][0-9]* blocks, 1024)

I also fixed the bug in the latest 2.5.1p3 snapshot available from


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Mmh, why I'm the only person who ran into these problems?

What should I do now? amanda-2.5.2b1 is in beta phase and I thinks it's no good 
idea to use it in a productional environment. Is there a possible workaround?

Thank for helping me



 From the debug file:
  sendbackup: time 2612.878:  62:size(|):   DUMP: 17753400 blocks 

amanda parse the number of block but it think they are blocks of 512

This problem is fixed only in amanda-2.5.2b1 (The MB value is used).


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

My OS is openSUSE 10.1.

server:~ # tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1

server:~ # dump
dump 0.4b41 (using libext2fs 1.38 of 30-Jun-2005)

The last dendbackup.*.debug is attached.



At 13:50 13.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The orig-kb is the size reported by the backup tool (tar, dump, ...)

It's possible that amanda doesn't parse the output correctly.

What's your OS? backup tool?

Could you post a sendbackup.*.debug file?

It's probably already fixed in a newer version.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Here is the result after deleting full-comp und incr-comp.


server   /home   0 2229585  2833801 127.1  10:58 4307.9  
15:19 3083.2
server   /profile0 4557175  4541611  99.7  21:07 3583.6  
24:46 3055.3
server   /daten  0 1221325  1796309 147.1   4:44 6321.5   
9:46 3065.4
server   /intorg 0  188995   199786 105.7   1:22 2427.2   
1:07 2971.2
server   /literatur  0  662255  1051091 158.7   2:36 6737.3   
5:39 3097.9
server   /projekte   0 8876700 11223553 126.4  43:33 4295.4  
60:48 3076.9

Once again the data seems to grow while it's written to the tape. 
But I think I figured out the problem. During the calculation of the 
estimates everything seems to be ok and all sizes are like the real 
ones on the disk. The problems start with the dumper. The dumper 
doesn't compare his result with the real sizes but with the real 
sizes divided by two because of the default compression set to 0.50. 
A compression to 50% isn't possible on all the disks and that why 
the data seems to grow.

My question is now, is this a bug of version 2.4.5? At the moment I 
don't get packages for openSUSE 10.1 from SuSE or the amanda 
homepage with the newest version. Perhaps I should try this next?

Thanks again


At 22:20 12.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

I don't understand.

Did you set a 'comprate' in your dumptype? You should remove it.
Amanda will learn the compresion ratio after a few run.

For all 'info' file, you can remove the value in the 'full-comp' 
and 'incr-comp' line.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Here is the log.



Release of amanda-2.5.2b1

2007-04-14 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau


The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the first beta release
of Amanda 2.5.2, the 2.5.2b1 release.

It can be dowloaded from (not yet available) or

Here's a list of the changes for release 2.5.2b1 (from the NEWS file):
Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.

* Many bugs fixed and code cleanup
* krb5 auth is working
* Works with IPv6 address
* Amanda configuration file changes
 o amanda.conf changes
   + debugging is enabled in the config file
 see all debug_* config option
   + tapetype 'readblocksize', if maxtapeblocksize is set too
 larger for your hardware

If you find bug in this release, please submit a bug report on sourceforge


Re: Compression again

2007-04-12 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Post the amdump.1 log file.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Hello again,

I still try find the cause of my problems with amanda. When the backup 
finishes, I get the following dump summary:

server   /home   0 2229570  2833775 127.1  11:01 4287.6  15:21 
server   /profiles   0 4553900  4539435  99.7  21:12 3569.5  24:46 
server   /data   0 1221335  1796306 147.1   4:43 6347.3   9:52 
server   /org13520 1109  31.5   0:08  135.0   
0:03  344.0
server   /lit1  402   5.0   0:011.4   
server   /projects   0 8876515 11223308 126.4  43:35 4292.3  60:48 

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.5)

and the following notes

  planner: server /srv/samba/share/org 20070412 0 [dumps too big, 
397003 KB, full dump delayed]
  planner: server /srv/samba/share/lit 20070412 0 [dumps too big, 
1433505 KB, full dump delayed]

  taper: tape Tape05 kb 20394240 fm 6 [OK]

The original data has the following sizes:

/home  4452664 kB
/profiles  8996864 kB
/data  2437400 kB
/org376376 kB
/lit   1316660 kB
/projects 17768808 kB

So first I don't understand why ORIG-kB is half of the size. I use 
software compression (compress server best). Hardware compression ist 
turned off (amtapetype -c proofs this).

Next I don't understand why the data grows during it's written to tape.

The third thing I don't understand why amanda delayes two disk. If I 
summarize the sizes I get 21,19 GB to store. The tape length is 36 GB 
uncompressed. So it should fit on the tape.

Hope that somebody can help me

Thanks for helping me


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