Error with barcode reader Email Message

2002-11-08 Thread Owain Pritchard

I'm having a little trouble understanding why everytime I run 
amcheck or amdump I receive a large email with the subject "Error 
with barcode reader on Fri ..." and contains a list full of enties like:-

Fri Nov  8 10:38:05 GMT 2002 Invoked with args '-info'
STATUS -> currently loaded slot = -1
INFO -> current slot -1, last slot 9, can go backwards 1
Fri Nov  8 10:38:05 GMT 2002 Invoked with args '-search 
SEARCH -> WARNING!!!  BacypMis12 not found in current ADIC-
barcodes database.
   -> WARNING!!!  Check your typing, and/or update the 

>From my point of view, the barcode reader is working perfectly.  I 
can still run inventory commands etc.  Even when amcheck is 
running the autoloader still looks for and locates the correct tapes 
but when either amcheck or amdump begin, amanda sends out the 

Any ideas would be most welcome

Thank you!

Adding new clients

2002-11-04 Thread Owain Pritchard
Hi, I am reletively new to Amanda but I have taken over 
responsibility of doing the backups.

I have just created a new configuration to run monthly backups and 
the folder contains copies of the files such as amanda.conf from 
the other config folder for daily backups.

I have added a new client into the disklist and it's access password 
in the amandapass file.

When I run amcheck on the new configuration, amcheck throws up 
the following error appears:-

"ERROR: info file 
/var/lib/amanda/BackupMonth/curinfo/Neli/__nlserver_d$/info: not 

This only happens when the new client is in the disklist.

Have I forgotten to do other things with setting up new clients?

Thank you

Errors with amrecover

2002-11-01 Thread Owain Pritchard
After the help I received yesterday I continued to try to get 
amrecover to work.

I set the host and disk correctly and specified the correct tape drive 
using the amrecover -d command.

The problem I am now having is that when I type in the extract 
command the following message appears:-

amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive /dev/st0 on host Neli.
The following tapes are needed: BacypDydd21

Restoring files into directory /root
Continue? [Y/n]: y

Load tape BacypDydd21 now
Continue? [Y/n]: y
EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on Neli.
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Continue? [Y/n]: y

While this appears on the screen there is no activity from the tape 
drive at all so it does not check to see if the tape is there.

Any help with this problem would be greatly welcomed.