I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my family and I came down here
to England  for a short vacation and i was mugged at gun point last
night at the park of the hotel where we lodged,all cash and credit
card were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports
with us.

I've been to the Embassy and the Police here but they're not helping
issues at all they asked us to wait for 3weeks but we can't wait till
then and our flight leaves in few hours from now but we're having
problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us
leave until we settle the hotel bills,you can speak with him through
this number  +447024058752 OR +447024032708 we are freaked out at the
moment ... Well I really need your financially assistance Please  let
me know if you can help us out?

you can wire the money to me through westernunion all you need is Name
on my passport and location below.

Receiver's Name:John Blinka
Location:10 Fish Street Hill London, EC3R 6DB, United Kingdom

I'll def refund your cash as soon as i get home.


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