Hi Tristan,

2017-06-26 19:36 GMT+08:00 Tristan Williams <h...@tjnw.co.uk>:
> Thank you.
> The small project I had in mind needs little in terms of resources. In
> my perfect world there would be an 8 pin DIP microprocessor capable of
> running AmForth :) I was hoping that, despite my failure to find it,
> there existed a 14 pin DIP MSP430 with the necessary resources to run
> AmForth. I am not sure that 20 pins is sufficiently fewer than the 28
> of a 328p to make a difference for my case.
> You are 100% correct to point out that there is a wealth of available
> boards. I forget this all too often in my enthusiasm to make something.

I think you should give SMD a try.

The QFN AVR's are really very small.
On soldering, you first tin the pads for the IC, then apply some flux
and use hot air to solder the IC. The surface tension of the tin will
pull the IC to its correct position.
There are lots of youtube videos about how to solder SMDs.
If you want to order custom PCBs,you can oder them from China, they are cheap.

Best regards,

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