[amsat-bb] Re: ARISS Contact

2014-03-03 Thread AJ9N
Hi all,
Thanks for the signal reports for today's contact with Central Square  
Middle School.  Here is what I do know at the moment:
The contact scheduled for 14:05 UTC only had about 3 questions get answered 
 and the contact was cut short.
A second attempt was then made at 15:40 UTC and it is my understanding that 
 it failed.  Sorry I was not able to get the word out for the second 
attempt  but as I was just about to do that I had a work related call that took 
precedent  and lasted for about 45 minutes.
It is my understanding that many of you heard the ISS quite loudly, so that 
 is good to know for us as we determine what happened.
Thanks again to all for their reports.
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
In a message dated 3/3/2014 9:34:45 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
wb3...@gmail.com writes:

The  ground station had a problem making it to the ISS. The ISS called the 
ground  multiple times.  The astronaut could barely hear them. He said he 
was  catching a few words and their signal was weak. By the time everything 
was ok,  they had 2 minutes for the contact.  From my location, the astronaut 
only  had time to answer 3 questions. 

I recorded the pass. The ISS was very  strong. 

Rick - WB3CSY

Sent from Rick's iPad2

> On Mar  3, 2014, at 11:07 AM, Raydel Abreu Espinet   
> Thanks Dave,
> Well, so noise or  antenna didn't let me hear it, bad luck. Anyway, is 
good to know it was  successful.
> 73,
> Raydel
>  - Mensaje original -
> De: Dave Webb KB1PVH  
> Para: Raydel Abreu Espinet  
> Enviado: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 10:58:55 -0500  (CST)
> Asunto: Re: [amsat-bb] ARISS Contact
>  Raydel,
> I heard it here in Massachusetts.
>  Dave-KB1PVH
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid RAZR
> ___
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[amsat-bb] Looking for help for a school in Indiana County PA for an upcoming ARISS contact

2013-08-16 Thread AJ9N
Hi all,
I am mentoring a school in Indiana County PA that is going to have an  
upcoming ARISS contact.  We don't have the school scheduled yet but it will  
probably be in early 2014.  If you can provide some help with equipment,  then 
please let me know and I will forward it on to the school.
Thanks for the help.
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
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[amsat-bb] Re: hams on ISS

2013-01-30 Thread AJ9N
Hi all
As part of my volunteer duties with ARISS, I post the schedule of upcoming  
ARISS contacts on practically a daily basis.  I post to the SAREX BB 
(_sarex@AMSAT.ORG_ (mailto:sa...@amsat.org) ).  You can also check the  
at _http://www.issfanclub.com/_ (http://www.issfanclub.com/)  and at 
_http://ariss.rac.ca/_ (http://ariss.rac.ca/)   (actually 
(http://ariss.rac.ca/upcoming.htm#NextContact)  and  
look for the link saying Tentative List of Upcoming School Contacts .   You 
can also go directly to _http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.rtf_ 
(http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.rtf) .
In spite of what some may think as to how up to date the schedule is,  as 
soon as I get updates on the schedule and success of a contact, I usually  
have updates posted in less than a day.  There are times when we get the  
locked down time from the ISS planners for a contact almost at the last minute  
so my heads up might be very short.  Unfortunately we sometimes find out  
about the Russian contacts after the fact and thus I am unable to give 
everyone  a heads up.  Usually we at ARISS get the scheduled date and time 
about 10 
 to 14 days in advance but we warn all schools that we may get told with 
less  than 36 hours.  We have also been aborted with less than 10 minutes to 
go  before a contact.
We are often asked about when the crew is going to make a general  contact. 
 We simply do not know.  The crew is super busy and when they  do get free 
time, they have many things they can do.  We can suggest that  they get on 
the radios; we can never demand.  So ham radio may or may not  be in their 
game plan for that day.  By the way, all of the ARISS school  contacts 
actually take place during a scheduled off time for the  crewmember.  That 
they either gave up some free time or their day  gets extended.
Charlie AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
In a message dated 1/30/2013 7:30:56 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
ve3...@gmail.com writes:

On 30/01/2013 9:30  PM, Personal wrote:
> Remember they don't get paid to sit up there on  the radio. Remember too 
> ham radio in manned space flight has  changed since SAREX and Mir.
> It's no longer the back up system it once  was. They have iPods and such 
> now. There is Internet access  and a telephone to speak with family.

I don't generally get into these  types of verbal banter, but this time I 
make an 
exception.  Right now  a Canadian, Chris Hadfield, is onboard and doing a 
great job 
with pictures  and Twitter.  I see today that he did a live feed to a 
school here 
in  Ontario.  The part that bugs me is there were a few ARISS Ham contact  
Christmas that did not show up till the day of the contact.   The Canadian 
RAC site 
had no mention of it on their site and still is  stuck in November.

I read a lot of AMSAT/ARRL news letters and I  have suddenly realized that 
the ham 
community is out of it  altogether.  It would appear that starting this 
year NASA 
themselves  is looking after the contacts.  I would have thought that the 
community would have been in an uproar over this, guess not.

I know  that the chances of hearing or contacting the ISS is like winning 
lottery, but I think now it is long gone.  I am disappointed that  when an 
USA or 
Russian is onboad you may hear them once or twice.  I  doubt that you will 
hear Chris at the mic. he seems to be  caught up in social media.

> I'm not sure what the definition of a  real ham is but too many times it 
>to be a person stuck in the  past, bemoaning the things that used to be

No I do not feel that way, I  try all kinds of stuff when I have the time.  
you I see the day  when the radio will have an iPhone built in, and we will 
longer need  the the communication devices we have now.

Long live the smell of the  big tube Collins and Heathkit rigs

Sent from my personal  computer.

Bill Booth VE3NXK
Sundridge ON, Canada
79.23.37  W x 45.46.18 N

Visit my weather WebCam at  http://www.almaguin.com/wxcurrent/weather.html

Organ and Tissue  Donation - The Gift of Life
Talk to your family.  Your decision can  make a difference.
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[amsat-bb] Re: hams on ISS

2013-01-30 Thread AJ9N
Here is the present group of  folks on board the ISS.   
Exp. 33/34 
Oleg  Novitskiy 
Kevin  Ford KF5GPP 
Evgeny  Tarelkin 
Exp. 34/35 
Chris Hadfield KC5RNJ/VA3OOG 
Roman Romanenko 
Tom Marshburn KE5HOC 
Charlie AJ9N 
One of the ARISS  mentors
In a message dated 1/30/2013 3:52:44 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
k7trkra...@charter.net writes:

Any hams  on the ISS at this time ?

73, Ted,  K7TRK

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[amsat-bb] Re: Polarization for ISS and Weather Satellites

2012-10-27 Thread AJ9N
The antennas on the ISS are ground plane type antennas for 2m and  70cm.  
So one could just say that the antennas are vertically  polarized.  However, 
the ISS superstructure has gotten so big that it does  actually block or 
reflect the signal between the ISS and the ground  station.  So we recommend 
that a circular polarized beam be used as the  polarity changes throughout the 
pass.  I think most of the ARISS schools  have used RHCP but there have 
been a few where switching to LHCP during the pass  did help.
As a side note, the ARISS schools are to have a backup radio with an  
antenna that has no moving parts.  Usually that means a 1/4 wave  vertical.  I 
use a vertical and an Eggbeater for my school contacts with an  antenna switch 
between the two.  You might want to do the same thing with a  Quadrifilar 
and a vertical.  I always tell the backup radio operator to  switch between 
the two during the pass and go with whichever has the greater  signal 
strength.  They are usually stunned by the change in signal strength  between 
two as the pass progresses.  The signal with the beam is much  more stable 
and stronger as expected.
Hope this helps.
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
In a message dated 10/27/2012 2:31:27 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
gdillabo...@nf.sympatico.ca writes:

I  haven't posted here in a very long time.  I hope this works.

I am  building two Quadrifilar Helix antennas (from QST, August 1996); 
one for  weather satellite experimentation, and one as a backup 
antenna for an  upcoming ARISS contact.

I haven't found anything in the ARRL antenna  book, or on the web, 
that specifically says that one mode (RHCP or LHCP)  of circular 
polarization is better than the other for either of the two  
applications noted above.

Any insight or experience with  polarization issues with the ISS and 
weather satellites are  appreciated.  The last time I did an ARISS 
contact, I was plagued  with very deep fades, and want to do better this  


Graham Dillabough, VE6KJ,  VO1DZA

Albert Einstein, when asked to describe radio,  replied:

"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat.  You pull his
tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do  you understand
this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send  signals here, they
receive them there. The only difference is that there is  no cat."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)  

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[amsat-bb] Re: JOTA and ISS

2012-10-16 Thread AJ9N
The ARISS schedule is updated quite often.   I do post an announcement to 
the SAREX BB of the updated schedule.

You  can always go to http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/news/arissnews.rtf 
for the  complete schedule.

The Boy Scouts will be having an ARISS   telebridge contact via VK6MJ in 
Australia.  Below is an excerpt from what I  have already posted.

National Scouting Museum, Irving, TX, telebridge via  VK6MJ
Contact is a go for: Sat 2012-10-20 18:32:30 UTC 66 deg

As far  as JOTA goes for general contacts, we tell the crew about the 
weekend but we  cannot demand that they participate.  So if you hear them on 
can work  them, go for it.  Happy hunting!  Just realize that any general  
contact as well as the scheduled ARISS contacts take place during a 
crewmember's  off time.  So if you can work the ISS, please thank them for 
time  during their off time.

Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS  mentors

In a message dated 10/16/2012 2:58:15 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
l...@wt.net writes:
Besides HF, I hope to be able include some satellite  contacts this 
weekend for the Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air (JOTA).  I  would love to 
hear from others who will attempt some satellite contacts for  JOTA. I am 
just beginning to figure out what passes and satellites will work  on 
Saturday, October 20.  I will be operating from Galveston State Park  in 
Galveston, TX.

Also, does anyone have info on when the ISS will be  in contact with the 
Boy Scouts in Irving, TX this weekend?  I  understand they have a 
schedule set up and perhaps we can give a  listen.  Perhaps on the next 
pass or so, they will consider a contact  with  others.

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[amsat-bb] Re: Man on a Mission

2012-01-19 Thread aj9n
I give it 4 stars.  Lots of behind the scenes stuff.  Shows about 1 minute of 
him on the radio.
Pretty good music.

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

- Reply message -
From: n4csi...@bellsouth.net
Date: Wed, Jan 18, 2012 5:19 pm
Subject: [amsat-bb] Man on a Mission

I see that Richard Garriot has released a documentary of his trip. See the 
trailer at 

Web site is http://firstrunfeatures.com/manonamission/

Dave, AA4KN
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[amsat-bb] Re: NA1SS Chats with Lompoc, CA

2011-09-29 Thread AJ9N
Hi all,
I post all upcoming ARISS contacts times to the SAREX BB.  You  might want 
to subscribe to that one if you don't already.  You can also use  the link 
that is posted on the AMSAT main webpage.
Yes, you were hearing Lompoc have a great contact.  The ISS crew  will 
ignore any callsign it hears except for the school one.  Plus they are  not 
using the public uplink frequencies.
We welcome all listeners; that is why the 145.8 MHz frequency is used for  
all voice contacts (general or school).  Perhaps this will get you started  
getting involved with a school that may want to do an ARISS contact.
Thanks for listening!
Charlie AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
In a message dated 9/29/2011 11:48:48 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
da...@cdwing.com writes:

I was  checking out my equipment and had the ISS rising out of the Pacific.
I  rarely try to work the ISS but thought I would give it a try and  
swung the antennas over to the correct azimuth.

I  heard some chatter and was initially irritated that someone would be
having  a QSO on the downlink frequency but then from the conversation I
realized  that it was someone on the ISS describing seeing hurricanes in  
Pacific.  I could not believe my luck that NA1SS was actually  working
contacts!  Not being able to hear the uplink, I gingerly threw  out my
Callsign a couple of times hoping to get into the rotation and then  to my
great embarrassment, it became apparent that NA1SS (Mike Fossum) was  
a school contact in Lompoc, CA.  I sure am glad that I just  threw out my
callsign twice  before I clued in on  things.

At any rate I was able to monitor NA1SS down to about 3  degrees.really
clean, strong signal.  First time for me hearing the  ISS because I rarely
check it out and typically don't have SatPC32 even  tracking it.  Sure glad 
decided to use it as a test  target!




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[amsat-bb] Re: Adjusting true north for azimuth rotator.

2011-09-04 Thread AJ9N
SatPC32 and Nova both support Flip mode directly.  Just follow the  
instructions within the programs on how to do the set up.
Charlie AJ9N
In a message dated 9/4/2011 1:28:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
wa4...@amsat.org writes:

I  believe the G5400 is a 360 degree rotor control.  If you are wanting  
to go from West through North to East, you will hit the stop.
Two  options come to mind.  Put the stop at South, but this gives the 
same  problem going from West to East though South.  The second option is 
a  program like FLIPANTS that turns the antenna on it's back and turns 
the Az  control  plus/minus 180 so that the stop is not a problem.

Decide  if the "through North" or "through South" will become a problem 
and make a  choice, then use the software to overcome it.
Flipants is a old DOS  program, but I think you can find an equivalent 
available.  Click  below to go to download  Flipants.


Good  luck and I hope this helps solve some obstacles.


ps:  The G5500 rotator has a 450 degree travel and helps  diminish this 
problem, but it will cost more .

On 9/4/2011  1:15 PM, Joe Leikhim wrote:
> Thanks to all who replied. When I last  installed the rotator, I had a 
> free standing tower and I pored the  foundation and mounting bolts such 
> that one leg was aligned true  north.
> In this new case, the tower face will have to be  against a wall and 
> that wall as I mentioned is +28 degrees from  north. The consensus is 
> that the azimuth rotator case can be oriented  in any direction and the 
> antenna's (and elevation rotator separation  kit) be clamped to the top 
> of the rotator aligned to true north. What  I can't sort out is if I 
> will hit a stop if I rotate full CW or CCW,  before reaching the south 
> direction. The comments seem to imply I  won't.
>  Thanks.

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[amsat-bb] Re: ISS Voice Contacts?

2010-12-27 Thread AJ9N
At this point in time we do not know active the new crew will be.  As  with 
every new crew, the crew is off limits for a few weeks once they have  
docked to allow for them to get acclimated to space and learn their way around  
the ISS.
The first scheduled ARISS school contact with the new crew is Università  
degli studi di Bari “Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza”, Bari, Ba, 
Italy, direct via IZ7EVR  slated for Sat 2011-01-08 12:21:55 UTC  41.2 deg.  So 
look for activity starting about then. 
As  always, I attempt to keep everyone up to date with the latest schedule 
when I  post to the various bulletin boards.  Also monitor the ISS Fan Club 
webpage  for activity announcements..
Charlie Sufana AJ9N
One of the ARISS mentors
In a message dated 12/27/2010 6:52:57 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
k7trkra...@charter.net writes:

I guess I'm a little late  coming to the party, but is there any possibility
of working the station  post Col.  Wheelock?

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[amsat-bb] Sebastian Mohr

2010-10-07 Thread Aj9n

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