[amsat-bb] AO-27 Pass 2023 UTC

2012-07-06 Thread Joe Batty
Hi Guy's,
I think I was the only station from CN85 working this particular pass. I didn't 
hear any other station from CN85. I'm kind of taken back when some unidentified 
station identified "the CN85" station as always having problems and he doesn't 
know what he's doing or having problems with. You know what, maybe your are 
But then I could hear the sat very well, I could hear my station identify 
myself, and I did very much not try to step on any one already in communication 
that had control of the sat and waited my turn until it cleared. 
I would have very much preferred to have an email or a call from someone 
offering to help a station that's relatively new to sats and act as an elmer 
rather than cast the aspersions as I heard. I am new to sats and I'll not 
apologize for that. I do have not have a lot of experience with the Icom 910 
but I've tried to assemble a reasonable satellite station. More help would be 
appreciated than criticized over the air. 
73  Joe KT7E CN85
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[amsat-bb] FO-29 @ 20:25Z

2012-06-08 Thread Joe Batty
Hi Folks,
Just for my own edification, what the heck was the noise on FO-29 around the 
2020UTC pass today? Was that man made stuff or what? Some one playing around, 
the Sat or? I'm still learning this stuff and I'm just curious.
73 and thank you
Joe KT7E CN85
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[amsat-bb] ARRISSAT1

2011-12-30 Thread Joe Batty
Hi guys,
Well, I heard the announcement enough times I thought I'd try some CW. So at 
the 1930 UTC pass today I had the rig set up and a soon as I heard the sat I 
started calling cq But, not having the kepps Installed I had to keep adjusting 
the VFO, which was OK. There was some one else doing CW and the copy was a tad 
fast for me I listened for some time till it went totally out of range, but it 
was Q5 copy all the way. Being a newbe at Sats this is all new to an old HF guy.
Good job Amsat and we certainly look forward to the Fox projects.
73 and and have a great new year
Joe KT7E
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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT1

2011-12-21 Thread Joe Batty
The pass over the Pacific Northwest yesterday afternoon at 2320 was heard for 
several minutes. The anouncement and telemetry was heard. I can't do SSTV or 
read the telemetry and the signal was a tad weak but we heard the whole pass.
73 all, as I learn how to do this sat stuff
Joe KT7E
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[amsat-bb] Joanne "CN:35"

2011-12-14 Thread Joe Batty
My mistake, I was trying to work AO-27 which on the other side of the country 
and I guess I gave my grid as CN35 not CN 85. A newbe at work still trying to 
learn how this Sat stuff works. Lots to learn after years of HF.
(You were right Wyatt) 
73  Joe KT7E CN85mm
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[amsat-bb] IC 910H Hints?

2011-12-07 Thread Joe Batty
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to learn all the little ins and outs of the IC 910H that I've had 
for a short time. Is there an active station in the Portland, OR or Beaverton, 
Hillsboro area that has this radio that I can communicate with to help learn 
some little hints and quirks for it's operation. Especially when it comes to 
using SatPC32 and the LVB Tracker interface. It's all working, but I'd really 
like to become a lot more efficient with the radio, software and the protocol. 
I don't hink I'm being very efficient with either the radio and software.
Being a newbie to Sats I'd really like to get the operating procedures down 
like I know what I'm doing. hihi
Thank so much to all the Amsat folks, Dee especially, and have a great holiday.
Also, a very honorable thank you to those surviving Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7th 
1941. A very special day indeed for our real hero's.
73  Joe KT7E
from the great wet Pacific North West
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[amsat-bb] TS 2000 Question

2011-08-11 Thread Joe Batty
Hi Folks,
My first post to the BB website.
I'm new to the Sat world and trying to find the suitable radio here. Can 
someone tell me if the TS 2000 will put DC voltage down the coax to trigger the 
pre-amp? I'm also considering an Icom 910H if I could find one.
73 and thank you
Joe KT7E
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Receive Report

2011-08-05 Thread Joe Batty
Gould and Dee,
It is with pleasure that I'm able to say I heard the the new ARISS1 at 0946Z 
(0246 local) from CN85mm. A solid copy but didn't last very long. I heard the 
lady's intro for about 20 seconds then gone. My first experience with the new 
satellite and only my 4th or 5 total contacts being so new.
Congratulations Gould, Dee, AMSAT and all who worked on the project.
73 and take care
Joe KT7E
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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