[amsat-bb] Cub Scout Space Camp Theme

2014-05-24 Thread Mark Spencer


Good question with a bazillion answers.  It all depends on what the venue
will be.  Small groups, large groups, are they looking for introductory
material or something in depth, will the timing be during a pass, what do
you want to accomplish.lots of things impact what will be presented.


I'd suggest you look into presenting something that matches a requirement to
satisfy an award the scouts can walk away with.  Perhaps a requirement for a
Bear Arrow Point Award.  I saw major categories for:







Each category has some requirements that could be addressed during your
presentation.  In my mind, setting up to take a NOAA satellite pass might
fit into a number of these categories (of course it all depends on when the
scouts will be in the area). This would give you connections to all the
categories listed above.   You might have the scouts make a model of a
CubeSat and then witness a FunCube pass so they can see the data (graphs)
that are the outcome of the telemetry (interpreting the graphs would be
pretty heady stuff of a scout camp venue).


In any event, you're going to have your hands full between the venue, age,
time limitation and the bell schedule of the event.  If all the stars align
and there is an appropriate pass, all it will take is for the previous
presentation to run over, and all your careful planning is out the window.
So a backup plan is in order.  BE PREPARED I guess is the word of the day. 


Hope you have a busy time.





The K4AMG Club has been approached by a CUB SCOUT summer camp coordinator. 

The camp will be held in Norfolk, VA at an Elk's Lodge on Friday June 27th.


Age range of kids are 6 -10 years old.


Looking for suggestions of what to do.  They are willing to give us 1 - 2 



Example:  Toss the satellite where kids stand in a circle and spin a 4 

square box around to show orbit and spin.


So now it is time for your ideas.


Would like to have your responses in the next 5 days ... what should these 

kids now ... what can they learn!


Rich W4BUE 



Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Consultant

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



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[amsat-bb] Re: Antenna Question

2014-05-01 Thread Mark Spencer
Hi Doug,


I doubt that I have greater understanding of antennas than you do, but I'll
give your question a shot.  Actually, I have been working on circularly
polarizing the ARROWS with the WRAPS lately, a work still in progress but
almost complete.  So I am throwing out the draft information I have been
working on to date.


You can circularly polarize a pair of ARROWs and they actually work well
together from my experience (one of the reasons I suspect is that the feed
system of the individual antennas is very well matched).  If you are
mounting the two antennas virtually on the same boom (sticking them right
next to each other) it might get pretty crowded and interactions
complicated.  I have mounted two ARROWs separated horizontally about 3 feet
apart with pretty good success.  I have done this with stock ARROWs, and
also with one side with the two meter elements, and the other side with the
70 CM elements (had to drill extra holes for the 70 CM mod), both ways
worked about the same.  The tricky part is coming up with the right feed
lines (the transformer lines and the phasing line).


I have a first draft of an article I am working on that describes my latest
effort to come up with a polarity switching arrangement for ARROWs with the
WRAPS, it can be downloaded here (if you have download issues, let me know
and I'll try and get it to you another way). 


Click here to view Circling the WRAPS


I will be adding to the conclusion of the piece some suggestions on where to
include an external diplexer in the line to handle the single feed line
issue that you mention in your post.


Anyway, I hope this will stimulate some ideas.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME




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[amsat-bb] FUNcube telemetry performance?

2014-04-19 Thread Mark Spencer


I have been monitoring the FC telemetry pretty closely and have some
observations for what it is worth:


1.The last update to the Dashboard produced marked improvement in
decoding the telemetry.

2.Using an IC910, M^2 14-element RHCP yagi with antenna mounted
preamp, I typically decode around 120 frames and lose around 10 frames.

3.Using the FCD with a simple turn-style RHCP with antenna mounted
preamp, I will get approximately one third the performance of the main
station setup.  Using a simple antenna with no preamp I get dismal
performance with the FCD.

4.Of course I have more success decoding the telemetry when the bird
is in the daylight mode than when operating in the night/transponder mode.

5.I have not noticed any significant fading of the signal with the
M^2 setup except some minor fading at AOS/LOS.  I will get fading using the
turn-style however the fades appear to be due to the nulls in that antenna
pattern more than due to fades from the satellite.  However, the reduced
signal strength helps to emphasize the fades with the turn-style.

6.I estimate that it takes a minimum of 50 decoded frames to capture
a full set of whole orbit data.  It requires a significant number of
additional frames to capture usable high resolution data during a pass (I
define a usable data set as being able to determine the rotation rate of the
satellite from the high resolution data).

7.There is significant frequency drift in the downlink frequency
that tracks the temperature of the satellite internals.  I also notice
significant FMing of the downlink frequency when the transponder is being
used (appears to track with the power used by the transponder).  The
Dashboard does a pretty good job of compensating for these frequency
deviations, I haven't noticed any significant loss of data due to this
FMing.  The frequency drifting needs some attention when using a traditional
rig under computer control (the drift is beyond Doppler).  When using the
FCD, the Dashboard takes care of the temperature drift issue.


One of the many interesting things that I am monitoring on this bird is the
rotation rate.  The bird started out with a rotation rate of .4 RPM, then
something happened on or about December 28th and the rotation abruptly
started to slow down to a minimum rate of .12 RPM (or 8.5 minutes per
revolution) around the end of January, then it started to spool up again to
a maximum rate of 1.16 RPM around the end of March, and then it started
slowing down again.today at .65 RPM (1.54 minutes per revolution) with the
curve trending down.  I have taken many mind trips trying to rationalize
what I am observing.but all those roads are leading somewhere near
Albuquerque and I have no reason to go there (nice place though hihi). 


Let me know off line if you would like the graphics of my rotation study.


Mark Spencer, WA8SME



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[amsat-bb] WRAPS Additional Information

2014-02-28 Thread Mark Spencer
You can download the additional information for the WRAPS system at this web
dropbox location: Click here to view WRAPS CD Master
https://www.dropbox.com/l/W1bqbzv8EKIpfNvLX0mJee .


Please let me know if you have any problems.  My e-mail is mspen...@arrl.org
[not .net.if you try dot net, I don't have that address].  I haven't made a
video of the rotator operation, didn't think of it, it is sort of like
watching grass grow, and currently it is too darn cold to do it.  





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Consultant

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



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[amsat-bb] Re: Newsky dongle

2013-01-15 Thread Mark Spencer


I too have just started playing with the NooElec SDR.  One thing that hit me
between the eyes is that the SDR is not very sensitive.  I have had moderate
success copying local two meter traffic and APRS signals on 144.390 by using
a broad band preamp at the radio and also one at the antenna, with that
arrangement the SDR hears much better.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



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[amsat-bb] FT-817 Sat-CAT Interface Boards and Kits

2012-12-11 Thread Mark Spencer
Hi All,


A while back, an article about a FT-817 Satellite Control Interface was
published in QST.  There were numerous requests for boards and kits on the
project.  There is a small quantity of the boards and kits available but the
procurement information didn't make it in the original article.


The raw boards are available for $20, and a kit with the board, parts and
programmed PIC is available for $35.  You can send an email to Debra Johnson
at ARRL HQ and order them from her (djohn...@arrl.org).  The proceeds from
this effort is going back to AMSAT and the Fox birds, so anything above and
beyond these amounts (which are basically at cost) will go into space as
part of Fox.


Questions?  Let me know mspen...@arrl.org.






Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



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[amsat-bb] MAREA a School Activity You Can Do

2012-11-13 Thread Mark Spencer
Dinner conversation the other evening. 


Dad:   Suzie, what did you do in school today?  


Science class was pretty cool today.  We have been teaching our robot,
Robbie, to move through a maze.last week my group was the first to make it
through the maze without hitting the sides.  So today, Ms. Smith allowed us
to send the commands we made up to move Robbie through the maze up to the
International Space Station and back down to Robbie.  We used ham radio to
do it.  I got to push the computer key that actually send the commands!
There was some raspy sounds from the radio speaker, a delay, like a hundred
hours.well it seemed like a long time. and then Robbie started to go through
the maze!


Wow, that's pretty amazing.


Yes it is.  We listen for radio signals from the ISS all the time, but this
is the first time that we ever sent our own radio signal to the ISS from the
radio in our classroom.  And I know that our radio waves were heard in space
because the signals came right back down to Robbie and we watched him move
through the maze.just like Mission Control does to make Curiosity move on


Dad:  Well I didn't know you were an astronaut.


Ah Dad, not yet, but I will be some day.  .I'm sure you will Suzie.


Interested how you can help your school do this?  Ask me, mspen...@arrl.org.



Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 7, Issue 312

2012-09-23 Thread Mark Spencer
Just out of curiosity what would a reasonable estimate of the launch costs be 
for a P3E class satellite ?

Mark Spencer
VE7AFZ (long lapsed former AMSAT member (: )
 Message: 5
 Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 21:16:48 -0700
 From: Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) amsat...@wd9ewk.net
 To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: 22% votes
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Since this discussion started around the topic of the 700
 ballots AMSAT-NA received for the Board election, let me
 add one point to that thought.  Thanks to those who
 in the election, whether or not you voted for me. 
 for taking the time to consider each person who was on the
 ballot, and for selecting the person or persons you voted
  Amsat is living in a brave new world where launches are
 fully commercialized
  and nobody gets a free ride anymore. We will either
 adapt to that paradigm
  shift or we will cease to exist.
 This is the point some want to overlook.  It is
 that we are not able to get the free or extremely cheap
 launches that we had in the past.  When there are more
 satellites to be launched than launches, the launch
 set the prices.  Other than some opportunities like
 has for Fox-1 from NASA, the days of free launches are
 pretty much a thing of the past. So we adapt to the new

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[amsat-bb] Teachers Institute July 24 at W1AW

2012-07-19 Thread Mark Spencer
Hi All,


Thanks for your support of the teachers institutes in Sacramento and Dayton
last week.  Next week is my turn in Newington.  For those wanting a contact
with W1AW, I will be testing my portable set up for the TI on Sunday July 22
during the 1741Z pass of AO27 in the League parking lot with call W1AW.
After the contact, if you would like a card, send me an e-mail to my address
below and I'll take care of it.  I'd appreciate it if you could give us some
demonstration contacts on Tuesday July 24 during the 1824Z pass of AO27.
The TI curriculum is packed full of activities, therefore I can only spare
that time for the satellite demonstrations.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Latests and Last rev to APEEx

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Spencer
The last rev to the APEEx concept.  Included a couple of slides on command
details is all.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] K2D July 6 and 7

2012-07-05 Thread Mark Spencer
If you will still need K2D for the 13 Colonies Satellite effort after today,
could you send me a note via my direct e-mail to set up a schedule and I'll
try and make the schedule.  I have some conflicts that will prevent me doing
ad-hoc operations beyond the normal scheduled date of July 5.  I will be on
this afternoon's FO29, AO27 and AO7 passes.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] W1AW on AO27 1 June

2012-05-30 Thread Mark Spencer
I will attempt to put W1AW on AO27 for the Friday, June 1, 1700Z and 1843Z
passes (I'll be portable in the parking lot with an 817 and ARROW).  If you
would like a QSL, let me know via e-mail and I'll take care of it.


For those working stiffs---I hear you; I will try to make some Saturday
trips to the League in the future to accommodate those that can't work the
birds on week days.  I know for sure I will be doing a pre Teachers
Institute test on AO27 on Sunday July 22nd.  I will confirm that via this
venue before the operation.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] W1AW 4-23-1900z

2012-04-23 Thread Mark Spencer
For those who I contacted from W1AW during the 1900Z pass today would like a
card, send me a note via the e-mail below and I'll make sure you get one.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] W1AW 4-10

2012-04-11 Thread Mark Spencer
Thanks to all for your patience.  I had a heck of a time hearing the
bird.there are some serious downlink issues at the station that need to be
address.  Having said that, there were a number of successful contacts.  If
you'd like a QSL for the contact, send me the specifics direct (e-mail
below) and I'll make sure you get confirmation.


Apologies to the west coast folks, timing didn't work out.  I will try to
get back to the station within the next two weeks for a pass that favors the
west coast.  I'll keep you posted.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] W1AW on AO27 April 10

2012-04-02 Thread Mark Spencer
I will try and put W1AW on AO27 April 10 for the 1830Z pass.  Fastest QSL is
via my call address.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] W1AW/5

2011-12-20 Thread Mark Spencer
Thanks to all the stations that helped W1AW/5 to make a few contacts on AO27
today during the Teachers Institute.  Your help and participation made for a
very excellent demonstration and it would not have been possible without
your patience.


If you need a QSL from W1AW/5 or from EM42 for the contact, just drop me an
e-mail (adr below) and I'll fire one off to your when I get back to the home


73, Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Satellite Demo MSU-TI Dec 20

2011-12-11 Thread Mark Spencer
I will be conducting an ARRL Teachers Institute at Mississippi State
University from December 19-22.  The afternoon of Dec 20 (with the 21st as a
backup) I will be covering using space-borne systems in the classroom.  A
major part of that unit is demonstrating ham satellite contacts, and I could
use your help.  If you could give a listen for us on the AO27 pass that (I
think.I'll confirm once I am at the location and test things out) will go
over EM42 on Dec 20th at around 1435 EST and give a shout-out to the
teachers.  I will be using the call W1AW/5 for the pass.  If you'd like a
QSL for the contact, send an e-mail to me and I'll make sure you get one.


If you would like to see what else is covered during the Teachers Institute,
check it out at:


The satellite demonstrations are always an eye-opening experience for the
teachers, and the TI demonstrations would not be possible without your
support and patience.


TNX and 73,



Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Director

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioTM

43 Pinelock Dr.

Gales Ferry, CT 06335


860-460-1139 (cell)



Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: The Need for Phonetics

2011-04-10 Thread Mark Spencer
The use of Kilowatt as a phonetic is a pet peeve of mine especially where there 
is a brief pause between kilo and watt.   When I hear kilo I assume the letter 
is being represented, then when I hear watt I have to decide if the sender is 
also representing the letter w or not.

It seems overly confusing to me.

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[amsat-bb] Re: ITU Phonetics - Kilo

2011-04-10 Thread Mark Spencer

I have no problems figuring out most adhoc phonetic alphabets, but when people 
use two separate words to represent one letter I find it distracting and 
confusing.  I doubt I'm the only person who suffers from this.

(In case any one is wondering, yes I was trained in the use of the icao 
phonetics a long time ago, and I work in a field were the abriveation KW means 
Kilo Watt.)

In any event as this is ham radio the worst that will likely happen is that an 
extra letter will get added to some one's call.


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[amsat-bb] Re: Using Preamps In Shack

2011-03-13 Thread Mark Spencer
Yes I have done this.  The feed line loss will essentially add to the noise 
figure of the pre amp, which is not desirable, but in my case with a 70 foot 
run of 9913F7 the arr gasfet  preamplifier was still worth using on 70 cm.

Sent from my iPad

On 2011-03-13, at 9:36 PM, Paul Delaney - K6HR paul.hamra...@verizon.net 

 Does anyone have their preamps in the shack as opposed to mast mount?
 Any major disadvantage to having the preamps in the shack?
 I just acquired two AR2 SPxxxVDG preamps and understand they are not
 weatherproof and would need an enclosure to mount near antennas, which for
 the time being is not possible. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
 Paul Delaney - K6HR
 Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
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[amsat-bb] Re: Fwd: 420 MHz in Jeopardy!

2011-02-21 Thread Mark Spencer
I wonder how that will work out with the Pave Paws (and other) radars along 
other DOD useage in these bands, not to mention the cross border issues they 
going to have with Canada.

I can't see the USAF / USN etc being to keen on large scale comerical useage of 
the 420 to 450 mhz band.

I doubt that DOD will be very happy if  440 to 450 mhz is the only portion of 
the 420 to 450 mhz band without large scale comercial use.

- Original Message 
From: Patrick Green pagr...@gmail.com
To: Amsat BB amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Mon, February 21, 2011 3:22:54 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Fwd: 420 MHz in Jeopardy!

Auctioning off spectrum that includes the important 435-438 Satellite
segment?  Let alone that 430-440 is a ham band almost everywhere in
the world.

73 de Pat --- KA9SCF.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:40 AM,  wa4...@comcast.net wrote:

 - Forwarded Message -
 From: Rick Pinelli ka2...@gmail.com
 To: Damon wa4...@comcast.net, David kd4...@arrl.net, Lee 
lr...@ci.collierville.tn.us, Rick wa4...@comcast.net, 
chris dowland ch...@aleadingedge.com, Danny Banks 
Richard Martin kj4...@att.net, n4...@comcast.net, w...@netscape.net, 
 Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 10:27:33 AM
 Subject: 420 MHz in Jeopardy!

 I received this info from one of the D-STAR groups about the 420 MHz band
 and thought I would pass it along.

 Rick - KA2BSM
 Subject: 420 band auction imminent if HR 607 passes

 I think we need to be aware of this issue, since our repeater system lives

 This is being done in order to offset the loss of revenue that would occur
 as the result of the allocation of the D-Block to Public Safety instead of
 commercial auction.

 So they are giving away some spectrum that they said they would auction, and
 we get to pay the price for it.

 This bill was introduced by the Horable Peter King, R-NY District #3.

 Read more about Congresman King's spin on this plan here.


 Note that there is NO MENTION of the 420-450 and 450-470 bands in his press
 release, and they are in a footnote in the bill (oh, by the way, we can make
 up the revenue shortfall by auctioning off these frequencies...) So these
 bands will be sacrificed to pay for the reallocation of the spectrum that
 was previously cleared by TV Broadcasters for acution in the name of
 Homeland Security.

 The 450 band contains Broadcasting Remote Pickup and Studio to Transmitter
 links along with other coordinated use. 420 to 450 is our 70cm amateur


 *Spectrum Management Bill Threatens Amateur Frequencies*

 *On February 10, Representative Peter King (R-NY-3), Chairman of the House
 Homeland Security Committee, introduced HR 607, the **Broadband for First
 Responders Act of 2011**. The bill been referred to the House Energy and
 Commerce Committee, which handles telecommunications legislation. *

 *HR 607 addresses certain spectrum management issues, including the creation
 and maintenance of a nationwide Public Safety broadband network. As part of
 that network, the bill provides for the allocation of the so-called
 D-Block of spectrum in the 700 MHz range for Public Safety use.*

 *The D-Block consists of two, 5 megahertz-wide segments of **spectrum
 (758-763 and 788-793 MHz) that became available when the FCC ended analog
 television broadcasts in June 2009 and reallocated the 698-806 MHz band for
 Public Safety and commercial broadband. It was anticipated that the D-Block
 would be auctioned for commercial use. *

 *There are several bills in Congress providing for the allocation of the
 D-Block for Public Safety use, and HR 607 is one of those. But HR 607
 uniquely provides for the reallocation of other spectrum for auction to
 commercial users, in order to offset the loss of revenue that would occur as
 the result of the allocation of the D-Block to Public Safety instead of
 commercial auction. *

 *HR 607 lists the paired bands of 420-440 MHz and 450-470 MHz among the
 bands to be reallocated for commercial auction within 10 years of its
 passage. *

 Read more

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[amsat-bb] Fw: Re: New Satellite Downlink?

2010-08-29 Thread Mark Spencer

In my oppinion, I don't see much difference between the military broadcasting 

this satellite to hams and cross band HF contacts with military stations where 
the military transmits on their own frequencies knowing that hams are 

 Granted in some places it may not be legal to listen to 149.985 or for hams to 
listen to non amateur broacasts but that is another issue.

If only the military can uplink to this satellite then I would expect that they 
are accountable for what gets broadcast.    


- Original Message 
From: George Henry ka3...@att.net
To: amsat bb amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Fri, August 27, 2010 4:28:02 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: New Satellite Downlink?

Question:  since there is no amateur radio allocation at 149.985, we 
(hams) would be asking the Navy, to whom the downlink frequency is 
allocated, to transmit one-way amateur communications thru this satellite, 

Doesn't anyone else see potential legal problems involved here?

George, KA3HSW

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Bruninga bruni...@usna.edu
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:27 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] New Satellite Downlink?

 Possible new AMSAT Application?

 We may have access to two old TRANSIT navigation satellites with
 a 50 baud downlink at 149.985 (and 400 MHz). (presently coming
 over in the mid afternoon).  My problem is, coming up with any
 meaningful application to use them for communications that would
 capture the interest of students, hams or volunteers in support
 of education, public service or emergency comms or just plain

 The downlink can be heard on an OMNI antenna (though I would
 suggest a 3/4 wave (55) vertical) and could be decoded by a
 simple software only application with a sound card. (someone has
 to write it)...

 The total useful message capability is about 500 bytes
 transmitted every 2 minutes (at 50 baud).  The uplink is very
 specialized and can ONLY BE DONE from one (or two) very special
 commmand stations.  These satellites of course were the original
 Navy Navigation satellite system (also called OSCARS) and so the
 message would be in-place of the normal navigation data.  SO in
 a sense, this is a downlink BROADCAST application.  Since ham
 radio is two way, I'm stumped for applications.

 The total message capability of 500 Bytes can contain one long
 ARRL bulletin, or 20 APRS position/status reports, or say 20 or
 so APRS text messages, or say 50 callsign exchanges or maybe
 even 1 thumbnail image...  but what's the application?

 Even if we allow say, INTERNET link to the command station for
 anyone to contribute to the twice per-day upload, then
 everyone's receiver application can receive them...  For what?

 So Im looking for ideas.  All I can come up with so far is:
 1) ARRL Bulletins? (I don't even know how often ARRL sends
 2) Navy/Army/AF MARS broadcast bulletins...
 3) Internet message in-to-command-upload-to message RF downlink.
 Two stations do this to each other and it counts as a two-way
 4) ...

 Every scenario of interest usually begins with the much higher
 value of UPLINK from the individual field station, not
 downlink.. Hence I am stumped.

 HUMMH... Maybe purely educational?  If the software can run on
 any PC with a sound card connected to any scanner... Then every
 school can use it as a satellite downlink signal of interest..
 What kind of thumbnail image can fit in 500 bytes?  Send in your
 picture and get it downlinked on a given day?


 Will need a DSP volunteer to write the sound card decoder.

 Bob, WB4APR

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[amsat-bb] Thanks for the TI Support

2010-07-15 Thread Mark Spencer
I want to offer my sincerest thanks to the satellite community, Drew, and
AMSAT for the support that you gave us during the TI-2 Space this year.  We
are in day 4 of the teachers institute and will be wrapping up the day with
some last minute satellite contact opportunities.  But over the last three
days, your support in making contacts with the teachers, and in particular,
the dedicated SSTV activity on AO51 last night, has made the TI-2 Space a
huge success this year.  I wish each of you could have seen the glowing
light bulbs in the teachers' heads at each successful satellite contact.  I
am confident that they will be taking what they learned this week back into
their classrooms to make space alive for their students.  Thanks for the
patience you showed as these novice satellite operators learned the tricks
of the trade.  I can tell you that I am warn out (in a good way)
facilitating their learning experience.  (It is also a hoot to see 8
satellite ground stations, and antennas operating at one time.)  I think we
may have a record of work around the table via satellite awards.


Thanks again for your support, and I'll be seeing you on the birds when I
recover and am back at the home QTH next week.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] TI-2 Space Operations

2010-07-07 Thread Mark Spencer
Hi All,


The Dayton Amateur Radio Association sponsored ARRL TI-2 Space will be
conducted next week in Dayton from July 12 through 15.  The purpose of this
teachers institute is to instruct teachers on how to access satellites for
use in their classrooms.  The four day institute will involve a lot of
on-the-air activity on the birds.  I hope that you will listen up for the
teachers who will be working the birds for the first time and help
participate in the TI by making contacts with them.  They will be novice
satellite operators so I hope you will forgive mistakes as they learn the
ropes.  It will be interesting to see how 8 ground stations operate from one
location!  (The stations consist of FT817s, ARROWS and computer controlled
G5500 rotors.)


If anyone needs a contact with W1AW/8, I will be using that call sign
periodically while doing some demonstrations during the TI.  If you have a
specific request, let me know via e-mail and I'll listen for your call


CU on the birds and I appreciate your patience during this TI.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] W1AW/4 TI SC Contacts

2010-06-15 Thread Mark Spencer
Thanks to all who helped me with the satellite demonstration during the ARRL
Teachers Institute in SC (EM84) today on AO27 around 1815Z today.  If you
would like a card for the contact, send a card to my home address (WA8SME),
no SASE required.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] W1AW/4 Tuesday in EM84 Teachers Institute

2010-06-13 Thread Mark Spencer
Hi All,


I will be attempting a satellite demonstration during the teachers institute
in Walhalla, SC (EM84) on AO27 Tuesday June 15 at 1441 EDT (hope I have the
time right and my batteries charged this time).  The backup to deal with
potential rain is during the 1550 EDT pass.  I will be using W1AW/4.  If you
would like a QSL for the contact, use my home address WA8SME, no SASE
required, and I'll take care of the return card.


Thanks for supporting the ARRL teachers institutes.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] W1AW/5 at NM TI

2010-05-26 Thread Mark Spencer
Hey Guys, thanks for sticking it out through my battery failures and time
zone changes and helping make the satellite demonstration for the 13
teachers participating in the teachers institute at the New Mexico Military
Institute!  The reviews from the teachers were very positive and summed up
with WOW.  If you need a QSL for the contact, just send a card to me at my
call address and I'll take care of a return card from DM73, Roswell, NM.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] W1AW/5 for DM73 Wednesday

2010-05-25 Thread Mark Spencer
For those that tried to help with the Teachers Institute demonstration
today, thanks, but I had a battery failure and missed the pass.  I will
attempt again tomorrow first during the AO27 pass at 1922Z and then again if
not successful on the 2209Z pass.  I'll be using W1AW/5 from Roswell, NM
DM73.  Thanks again for the support, things happen, and we'll try and
recover tomorrow.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] Teachers Institute Roswell NM

2010-05-20 Thread Mark Spencer
I will be conducting the second in the 2010 ARRL teachers institutes series
next week at the New Mexico Military Institute campus in Roswell (DM73).
The satellite and space technology unit will be conducted May 25 in the
afternoon.  I will be attempting a satellite demonstration on the AO-27 pass
at 2049Z on May 25.  I will be using the call W1AW/5.  I hope you will help
with the demonstration and say hello to the participating teachers.  If we
make contact, and you'd like a QSL, a simple e-mail request to me will be
sufficient (no SASE required, I'd send it back anyway).


73, Mark WA8SME


Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Education and Technology Program Coordinator

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT






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[amsat-bb] Re: New Lindy's QRV

2010-02-09 Thread Mark Spencer
I can consistently copy the beacons on FO 29 and HO 68 down to the horizion 
using a larsen 2/70 mobile antenna with the larsen radial kit.   The feed line 
is approx 60 feet of Belden 9913F.    I typically connect the antenna to a 
comet duplexer to my mirage UHF amplifer which has a gasfet preamp and use 
my  FT736 as a receiver, but the 736 can copy the beacons with the preamp 
switched off.  I have an ARR gasfet preamp that works a bit better but is not 
TR switched and I usually don't bother with it.   VO52 is also typically 
copyable down to the horizon with this setup.  

I haven't been on the FM sats in a while but don't recall any issues copying 
them either.   

I have been told by several people that my ears seem to do a better job than 
others at copying weak signals though (:

- Original Message 
From: Bill Dzurilla billdz@yahoo.com
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 6:23:18 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: New Lindy's QRV


I would be suspicious of the construction.  I can get a few minutes of good 
copy from AO-51 on a high pass with just a rubber duck on an HT.  If you do get 
a preamp, the run between the antenna and the preamp is critical, so if 
possible keep it short and use good coax.  Ed seems to be having success with 
4' of RG-58U, but generally the use of any RG-58U at 70cm is not a good idea.

Here's a quick summary of my results with various antennas:

* HT and rubber duck or other antenna mounted directly on the HT - success only 
at high elevations
* HT and Arrow or Elk antenna, no preamp - success from horizon to horizon, if 
no trees or other obstructions
* base rig and dual band omnidirectional ground plane, no preamp, 40' of 
RG-213U - success on most birds only when elevation is above 25-35 degrees
* base rig and dual band omnidirectional ground plane, ARR preamp, 40' of 
RG-213U - success on most birds when elevation is above 15 degrees
* base rig and Elk antenna on 12' pole at 15 degrees fixed elevation, azimuth 
rotation with old TV antenna rotor, ARR preamp, 70' coax run (my current setup) 
- full success from horizon to horizon on all birds, except in directions where 
blocked by trees or roof.

The Elk is $135 shipped and the used rotor was $25, and this combo is by far 
the most effective I have used.  My community has antenna restrictions, but so 
far no one has complained about the little 2' long Elk.  The Elk could be 
replaced with a homebrew Cheap Yagi or tape measure yagi, which can be built 
for $10.

I am not aware of anyone who is able to work the sats at low elevations with 
any type of omnidirectional antenna, even with the best preamp.  You can have 
plenty of fun working the birds at higher elevations, but you will be able to 
work more passes and better DX (e.g., Europe on AO-7) if you can catch them at 
lower elevations.

73, Bill NZ5N 

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[amsat-bb] Sat688 Rotor Controller Interface

2010-02-02 Thread Mark Spencer
I will be making a board order and building a batch of the Sat688 Rotor
Controllers for use and distribution among the teachers who will participate
in this summer's Teachers Institute-2 Space in Dayton, Ohio.  The Sat688 is
a no-frills, inexpensive interface to be used between SatPC32 or Nova and
the Yaesu G5500 or G5400 rotor.  The interface is either USB or serial.  I
can add additional boards to the order if you are interested in obtaining a
board (and programmed PIC).  The price will be cost plus postage.  If you
are interested, drop me a note off-line ASAP.   I will be ordering boards
late next week.   73, Mark


Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 reception report

2009-12-05 Thread Mark Spencer
My experience copying AO-51 using a ground plane antenna today was similar.  

Mark VE7AFZ.

- Original Message 
From: w4upd upd...@bristor-assoc.com
To: amsat-bb AMSAT-BB@amsat.org
Sent: Sat, December 5, 2009 2:40:57 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-51 reception report

Since the changes made to AO-51 the other day, it appears I am having 
more difficulty in copying the bird than others on this list server. 
Tonight during the 22:22UTC pass which was at an maximum elevation of 60 
degress I was not able to hear the bird as well as I have in the past. 
The signals had more fade and were about 1/3 of what they use to be. 
Again, my present antennas have a lot to be desired as I am using a 2 
meter homebrew ground plane for the 435.300 reception. Before the 
changes, this worked reasonable well, now it appears I'll need to do 
something different and improve the reception antenna. I am assuming the 
downlink power is still reasonable.

Just a report of how I seem to fair (or not) with the recent orientation 
changes of AO-51.

Reid, W4UPD

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[amsat-bb] Re: 70cm preamp

2009-11-26 Thread Mark Spencer
I'm also happy with ARR.  I have not tried other typical amateur brands 
including MFJ.


- Original Message 
From: Mark Lunday mlun...@nc.rr.com
To: Gary Joe Mayfield gary_mayfi...@hotmail.com; Michael Chen 
michael.bd...@gmail.com; amsat-bb amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Thu, November 26, 2009 3:07:29 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: 70cm preamp

Personal experience with ARR, they are superb.  Tried MFJ, not too happy
with the result there

Mark Lunday
Greensboro, NC - FM06be

-Original Message-
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of Gary Joe Mayfield
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 2:46 PM
To: 'Michael Chen'; 'amsat-bb'
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: 70cm preamp

Hard to beat ARR


Joe kk0sd

-Original Message-
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of Michael Chen
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2009 1:04 PM
To: amsat-bb
Subject: [amsat-bb] 70cm preamp

HI, All,

I am looking for a good 70cm preamp for satellite operation. Kind of
urgent. Recommendations and sale are welcome.

Michael Chen, BD5RV/4
Email: michael.bd...@gmail.com
MSN: bd...@jsdxc.org
Skype: michael-bd5rv
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[amsat-bb] DN00-01 Grid-pedition Complete

2009-10-17 Thread Mark Spencer
Gze, now I know why DN00 and 01 are rare grids!   There literally isn't
anything out there, certainly no local RFI or traffic.   It took 7 hours of
driving round trip for 7 minutes of satellite time.hum 60 to 1, guess that
ain't bad.  Anyway, thanks to all who stuck it out through some QRM and
congestion to make contact.  Simply confirm the contact via e-mail and your
cards will be in the mail, no SASE or QSLs required on this end.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





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[amsat-bb] DN00_01 Reminder Saturday

2009-10-15 Thread Mark Spencer
My adventure to DN00/01 is on track for October 17 (Saturday) and I will be
on the AO27 2054Z pass.  If you hear me, give me a call.  No QSL or SASE
necessary, just an e-mail reminder to check my logs to get your QSL.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] DN00/01 October 17

2009-10-09 Thread Mark Spencer
When I was an Air Force pilot, and the XYL would go on a trip, I'd hit as
many bars and carouse as much as the law would allow (remember those days
Leo?).  What do I do now?..Grid-pedition!  I'll be taking a trip to the
middle-of-nowhere Nevada on October 17th to the boundary of grids DN00 and
DN01 so you can cross them off your grid maps.  Look for me on the AO27 pass
around 2054Z.  Give me a call, and give my 5 watts and ARROW a break.  No
QSL or SASE required, just a quick e-mail note to check my log and QSLs will
be in the mail to you.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL, the national association for Amateur RadioT

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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[amsat-bb] Re: more amsat.org broken links

2009-09-08 Thread Mark Spencer
Just my $.02 worth, as a former amsat member from the early 90#39;s who is 
slowly getting back into the sattelite game I didn#39;t have any issues 
finding the needed info.  Finding info on the net has been one of the eaiser 
parts of the process. 


Mark. VE7AFZ

Andrew Rich (Home) wrote: 
 There is heaps
 Actually the satellite section of amatuer radi o is the worst
 For a system that requires up to date information i have seen the oldest 
 amsat pages from 2002 and 2004
 Andrew Rich
 Airways Technical Officer Grade 4
 Surveillance - RADAR ADS-B
 Amateur Radio Callsign VK4TEC
 email: vk4...@tech-software.net
 web: www.tech-software.net
 - Original Message - 
 From: racer5039 racer5...@q.com
 To: amsat-bb@amsat.org; Joseph Armbruster josepharmbrus...@gmail.com
 Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 5:50 AM
 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: more amsat.org broken links
 http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/echo/9600tnc.php  large number of links on
 this page do not work

http://xe1mex.gq.nu/antenas/yagi.html - page not found

 - Original Message - 
 From: Joseph Armbruster josepharmbrus...@gmail.com
 To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
 Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 2:04 PM
 Subject: [amsat-bb] amsat.org ao-51 broken links

I was browsing the AO-51 page just now on amsat.org and noticed a few
 links.  Here is the list.  I listed the main URL and then the links that
 were broken on that page.

http://bach.as.arizona.edu/gallery/v/chuck/echo - page not found
http://home.centurytel.net/ke4aznsatellite/ - no content at this page

http://web.infoave.net/~mkmk518/echo_integration.htm - page not found

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 Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
 Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
 Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.83/2352 - Release Date: 09/07/09 
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[amsat-bb] DM19 Activated Aug 17

2009-08-13 Thread Mark Spencer
I will activate grid DM19 (smack in the middle of NV) on August 17th during
the 2130Z AO27 pass (approximate).  (It must be a rare grid because even
WD9EWK says he needs the grid!)  There is a ghost town out there that I will
visit on my way to AZ.   I'll be on my HT and an ARROW.  If you need a QSL
for the contact, just send me an e-mail, I'll confirm with the log and send
you a card.  No need for SASE or return card.


I have a shameless request.  I only need New Hampshire to complete my WAS
satellite.  Anyone in NH interested in setting up a schedule on any bird,
any mode?  I have a granite challenge to me east (a mountain) that limits
the pass opportunities to reach the east coast, but I know I can because I
have confirmed contacts with the rest of New England.


Hope the DM19 grid will increase your totals.


73, Mark


Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL-The national association for Amateur Radio

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

[amsat-bb] Re: Fwd: Launch your own satellite for only eight grand

2009-08-05 Thread Mark Spencer

The PDF on their web site also mentions at 420 to 480 mhz radio option with a 
500 mw output which might be somewhat more usefull (although the voltage 
requirements of this radio seem different than the sattelite can provide ?)


- Original Message 
From: W4ART Arthur Feller afel...@ieee.org
To: Mark Thompson wb9qzb_gro...@yahoo.com
Cc: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 4:43:56 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Fwd: Launch your own satellite for only eight grand

Hi, Mark,

The 902-928 MHz is not available for space stations in any radio  
service.  2400 to 2450 MHz is available to the amateur-satellite  
service.  However, many of the example projects appear unrelated to  
radio or may be commercial in nature, so they may not qualify for the  
amateur-satellite service.

Wi-Fi equipment operates at very low power and relies upon provisions  
in the radio regulations allowing administrations to use frequencies  
for any purpose, provided they don't cause interference to stations  
operating in accordance with the Table of Frequency Allocations.  Low  
power in this band fits the bill very nicely for short range use; not  
for space operations.  Timing issues may also apply.

Some good frequency planning is in order.

73, art.
W4ART  Arlington, VA

On 5-Aug-2009, at 3:52 PM, Mark Thompson wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: djmullen tds.net djmul...@tds.net
 To: BARS b...@cs.wisc.edu; Joe j...@dzsp.org
 Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 11:46 pm
 Subject: [BARS] $8000 to launch a satellite?

 Here's an interesting article from The Register:


 Launch your own satellite for only eight grand
 Prospective world domination candidates apply here
 By Bill Ray • Get more from this author
 Posted in Telecoms, 4th August 2009 14:59 GMT
 Interorbital Systems is offering your own orbiting satellite for  
 only $8,000, including launch, though evil geniuses might balk at  
 the expected 2-week lifespan before a fiery re-entry.

 The plan is to launch 32 of the diminutive TubeSats into low earth  
 orbit, around 310Km up, using a single Neptune 30 launcher (under  
 development by=2 0Interorbital). The Neptune 30 will time release  
 the TubeSats into orbits that decay within a few weeks, after which  
 they'll burn up re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.

 The cost of each one is $8,000, though you'll have to pay up front  
 to guarantee a launch slot, and put the satellite together yourself  
 from the supplied kit. Stil, at least Interorbital Systems accepts  

 Fitting a doomsday machine into the 13.5cm long TubeSat, which is  
 only 8.7cm wide, will challenge plans for world domination, but that  
 will be where the genius comes into play.

 The company suggests you might use your TubeSat for everything from  
 Earth-from-space video imaging to private e-mail or On-orbit  
 advertising, though we're not sure what the audience figures would  
 be for the latter. More realistically, buyers might like to bounce  
 amateur radio signals off their own bird, or try experiments within  
 orbital conditions.

 The radio aboard the TubeSat will operate at 902-928MHz or  
 2.4-2.4835GHz, the latter being ideal for Wi-Fi, as well as covering  
 the bands allocated for amateur satellite operations - allowing Hams  
 to fly even if pigs can't. Full specifications are available from  
 Interorbital (pdf).

 Not that professionals will be allowed to buy TubeSats: The listed  
 price is not valid for military, governmental, or large corporate  
 entities. Members of these organizations should contact Interorbital  
 Systems if interested in purchasing a TubeSat.

 Interorbital Systems has some form in space operations. It was a  
 competitor in the X-Prize, and has entered Google's Lunar X-Prize to  
 retrieve a bit of the moon. More practically, the company has been  
 testing engines in the Mojave desert, but the TubeSat launches  
 planned for next year will be the first time the company has flown a  
 bird, even a small one. ®

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I'm on the road again for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Please,  
help!  Donate and follow the story on my TNT web site!!


CAUTION:  Web site may have a photo of me in Spandex.  ;-)

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[amsat-bb] W1AW Jul 28 AO-27

2009-07-23 Thread Mark Spencer
I will be putting W1AW on AO27 for a demonstration (HT and ARROW) during the
teachers institute on July 28 (Tuesday) probably during the 1216(L) pass.
Your assistance with the demonstration would be appreciated.  If you would
like a QSL of the contact, please send yours to WA8SME, and I'll take care
of it.  No SASEs required.





Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL-The national association for Amateur Radio

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





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[amsat-bb] G5500 Rotor Drift Issue

2009-07-13 Thread Mark Spencer
There have been a couple of recent posts about a G5500 voltage drift issue
and some solutions.  I'd like to thank those gentlemen for the posts and the
solutions.  I am in a unique position to be able to work with nine G5500
rotors side-by-side in preparation for the Teachers Institute II that I will
hold at the end of the week.  I noticed the same warm-up/calibration issue
mentioned in the posts.  I discovered that it took on average 10 minutes of
warm up time for the voltage to stabilize, and this voltage is the reference
on which the antenna position indications are based.  The difference between
the cold start and warm up position was around 10 degrees for AZ and 4
degrees for EL.  Minor but irritating.  I thought I'd try the easiest
solution suggested first (changing the output cap on the regulator to .1uF)
before I tried the more dramatic solution of changing out the voltage
regulator.  I simply tack soldered the .1uF cap on the exposed leads of the
existing .01uF cap, and it worked like a charm.  All nine rotor controllers
fire up at 6.12 volts and hold that voltage throughout the operation of the
rotor.  This sure will make instruction of rotor setup and calibration a
heck of a lot easier.  Thanks for the suggests.


Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL-The national association for Amateur Radio

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





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[amsat-bb] W1AW/8

2009-07-07 Thread Mark Spencer
Thanks to all who helped out with the satellite demonstration during the
ARRL teachers institute held in Dayton OH today.  The contacts were on AO27
during the 1515 EST pass.  For those that contacted me (I was using W1AW/8)
that would like a QSL, just send me a card at my call book address and I
will return the favor (no SASE required).


73 and CU again from HQ (Newington) July 28th on AO27 and the afternoon pass
(EST), there I will of course use W1AW.




Mark Spencer, WA8SME

ARRL-The national association for Amateur Radio

Education and Technology Program Coordinator





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[amsat-bb] Re: Way-OT: Re: Full Duplex HT's

2009-06-11 Thread Mark Spencer

I seem to have learnt something new today.  I didn't think that front pannel 
programmable radios that were frequency agile could get an FCC approval (for 
Part 90 or other non ham use) these days.   I also looked up the FCC ID on the 
FCC web site and found a copy of the manual that seems to confirm front pannel 

- Original Message 
From: Kauto Huopio OH2LFM oh2...@sral.fi
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:37:56 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Way-OT: Re: Full Duplex HT's

 Its interesting that nobody seemed to look at their main page, where I
 found this statement:
 **WOUXUN Two-way radios are CE FCC and RoHS approved.**

 And further down the page:
 _WOUXUN Two-way radios are FCC approved.FCC ID:WVTWOUXUN03

Feeding this ID to Google I find this:


--Kauto OH2LFM
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Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


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[amsat-bb] Re: Way-OT: Re: Full Duplex HT's

2009-06-11 Thread Mark Spencer

Thanks.  And of course aviation and some marine radios have various degrees of 
frequency agility, still I was under the apparently mistaken impression that 
user accessible front pannel programabiltiy was frowned upon in the land mobile 
bands in the USA.

I'll have to see if they have also gotten a Canadian certification as I have a 
liscence for a comercial VHF frequency in Canada (:

Mark Spencer

- Original Message 
From: Ben Jackson b...@innismir.net
To: Mark Spencer mspencer12...@yahoo.ca
Cc: Kauto Huopio OH2LFM oh2...@sral.fi; amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 8:32:06 AM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Re: Way-OT: Re: Full Duplex HT's

Hash: SHA1

Mark Spencer wrote:
 I seem to have learnt something new today.  I didn't think that
 front pannel programmable radios that were frequency agile could
 get an FCC approval (for Part 90 or other non ham use) these days.
 I also looked up the FCC ID on the FCC web site and found a copy of
 the manual that seems to confirm front pannel programability.

Also check out the Motorola JT1000

- --
Ben Jackson - N1WBV - New Bedford, MA
bbj at innismir.net - http://www.innismir.net/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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