[amsat-bb] 1703 pass of SO50 2/8

2013-02-08 Thread ryan woods
Right after I got done my qso with k8yse I heard some other people calling me 
but I was getting LOS and I could not make out the call(s) and if anyone 
wants/needs fm09 or wv let me know we can give it a try. I will try to be on 
the next pass.


Sent from my Nexus 7 tablet! 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Amsat Journal?

2012-10-18 Thread ryan woods
Ok thank you Gould can't wait to start getting them again! 

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[amsat-bb] Amsat Journal?

2012-10-17 Thread ryan woods
What is going on with the journal I have not received one in a long time. I 
always enjoyed reading it. I know im still okay on my dues are up to date 
because I joined this year after moving out of my parents house. 

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[amsat-bb] FO-29 over us?

2011-12-31 Thread ryan woods
So is FO-29 working over the us yet? 

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[amsat-bb] AO-27 web page is back up!

2011-12-28 Thread ryan woods
I just got to looking and saw that the AO-27 web page is back up! Good news!


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[amsat-bb] Re: SSTV via ARISSat-1 RADIOSKAF-V KEDR

2011-12-20 Thread ryan woods
I will give voice a try sometime Christmas day! 

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[amsat-bb] FO-69

2011-12-04 Thread ryan woods
Is their any luck with FO-69? im gonna try it here on the next pass with a 
ft-817 and a tnc-x to a jpole.. If the jpole dont work ill use the arrow 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Stop flaming please

2011-12-03 Thread ryan woods
What do you mean so-50 is unpredictable? 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Fw: Stop flaming please

2011-12-03 Thread ryan woods

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[amsat-bb] A single ft-817 hooked up to satpc32 for linear satellite?

2011-11-19 Thread ryan woods
I was wondering if you can use a single ft-817 with satpc32 for sats like 
ao-7?  I have a 2meter all mode that i have use before but it sorta works when 
it wants lol but just was curious. 

73 KD8ATF 

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[amsat-bb] Ao-51 at 2100z today

2011-11-17 Thread ryan woods
Well this was the first time for me to work any satellites in a really long 
time just wanted to day AO-51 still sounds great and i hope it stays that way 
for a long time. Im running a wouxon ht to an arrow on a tripod it works good 
but not as well at my th-d7a. Anyway just want to get some input while im 
writing this... I am always portable when im on the birds and can never 
really get my logging down so just wanted to know 
How everyone else goes about it?. Thanks in advance 

73 de KD8ATF 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Here's something we could try.

2011-11-01 Thread ryan woods

I say we go for it!

From: Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL vlfis...@mcn.net
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 7:36 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Here's something we could try.

If Amsat won, we could use the winnings to launch a HEO.

RELEASE: 11-370


WASHINGTON -- NASA has signed an agreement with the Space Florida
Small Satellite Research Center of Cape Canaveral, Florida, to manage
the Nano-Satellite Launch Challenge, one of the agency's new
Centennial Challenges prize competitions.

The Nano-Satellite Launch Challenge is to launch satellites with a
mass of at least 2.2 pounds (1 kg) into Earth orbit, twice within the
span of one week. The new challenge has a NASA-provided prize purse
of $2 million.

The objective of the competition is to encourage innovations in
propulsion and other technologies, as well as operations and
management relevant to safe, low-cost, small payload delivery system
for frequent access to Earth orbit. Innovations stemming from this
challenge will be beneficial to broader applications in future launch
systems. They may enhance commercial capability for dedicated
launches of small satellites at a cost comparable to secondary
payload launches -- a potential new market with government,
commercial, and academic customers.

Monday's agreement between NASA and Space Florida for use of
facilities at the Kennedy Space Center even better positions the
organization for managing this new Nano-Satellite Launch Challenge,
said Michael Gazarik, director for NASA's Space Technology Program at
NASA Headquarters in Washington. Space Florida has extensive
experience working with NASA, the FAA, the Air Force, commercial
spaceflight companies and universities to advance their plans for
spaceflight operations. We look forward to having the Space Florida
Small Satellite Research Center overseeing the competition and
bringing together innovative teams with creative problem-solving

Space Florida submitted a proposal last spring in response to a NASA
solicitation for this partnership opportunity. They will now begin
detailed preparations for the challenge, publishing rules and then
registering competitors. The first competition launch attempt is
expected to take place in the summer of 2012.

The Centennial Challenges seek unconventional solutions to problems of
interest to NASA and the nation. Competitors have included private
companies, student groups and independent inventors working outside
the traditional aerospace industry. Unlike contracts or grants,
prizes are awarded only after solutions are successfully

NASA's Centennial Challenges program provides the prize purse for the
technology and innovation competitions. The competitions are managed
by non-profit organizations that cover the cost of operations through
commercial or private sponsorships.

In October, NASA awarded the largest prize in aviation history
following Pipistrel-USA's win of the agency's CAFE Green Flight
Challenge, sponsored by Google. NASA's $1.35 million first prize and
a $120,000 second prize recognized competitors using electric
airplanes to break all previous fuel efficiency records. The
technology and innovation used in electric aircraft may end up in
general aviation aircraft, spawning new jobs and new industries for
the 21st century.

There have been 22 Centennial Challenges competition events since
2005. NASA has awarded nearly $6 million to 15 different
challenge-winning teams. Centennial Challenges is one of the ten
Space Technology programs, managed by NASA's Office of the Chief
Technologist. For more information about the program and descriptions
of each of the challenge competitions, visit:


For more information about Space Florida and updates on the
Nano-Satellite Launch Challenge, visit:

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[amsat-bb] Re: MARK AUSTIN KB1GRV

2011-08-16 Thread ryan woods
I remember makeing many qso's with him on aprs via iss,pacsat,ande and raft. He 
will be missed.by chance do we know what he died from?

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[amsat-bb] Arissat-1 broke?

2011-08-03 Thread ryan woods
Grrr just A little mad right now. If they broke it the need to pay for a 
new one.

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[amsat-bb] Xponder on arisssat-1

2011-08-03 Thread ryan woods
Has anyone tried the xponder on arisssat yet I mean it probably won't work but 
still worth a try?

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[amsat-bb] SO-67

2011-06-05 Thread ryan woods
Is it just me or was SO-67 audio low on this last pass I could bearly hear 
anything but every couple times their would be peaks of the audio. This is the 
first time in months I've worked the birds. So thanks for the help

73 kd8atf 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Useless experiment running today...

2010-10-03 Thread ryan woods
VERY! good audio here in NA of ho68 becon (as I write this)...glad to 
see it working for you 73 de kd8atf 

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[amsat-bb] need help with satpc32 on windows 7

2010-09-19 Thread ryan woods
Ok still need help trying to install satpc32 ver12.6 on win7 home I cant even 
run it as admin it keeps saying I need a 64bit version.

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[amsat-bb] need help with satpc32 on windows 7

2010-09-17 Thread ryan woods
Hi all

I need help I got satpc32 back in 2007-08 but just had to get a new computer 
to hard drive failure and the new computer wont let me install satpc32 Im 
running win 7 home for the os.

thanks for the help 73 de kd8atf 

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[amsat-bb] Re: SSTV demo on July 14th AO-51 afternoon pass

2010-07-12 Thread ryan woods

Hello Drew

I would be glad to help if I can it just depends on what the uplink is the only 
thing I have that will do SSTV is my 817 so if I can help just send me an email 
at kd8...@yahoo.com with the details so I can get setup.

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[amsat-bb] Re: XW-1 FM voice no work over Australia

2009-12-18 Thread ryan woods
Hello Bruce

It was a rural area I live in the eastern panhandle of wv. no preamp. I hope I 
get to work it before the snow comes here its calling for 5 to 10 inchs tonight 
so I should be busy running car wreaks tonight...vol firefighter here.

Ryan Woods

From: ryan woods kd8...@yahoo.com
To: amsat-bb@amsat.org
Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 9:53:39 AM
Subject: XW-1 FM voice no work over Australia

I also heard the beacon very well here in FM09 on my d700 with a mag-mount in 
the car but I didnt hear the carrier or anything on the repeater. Lets hope all 
is well with our new sat.

Ryan Woods

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