I've been trying to get my pair of U-100 rotors under automatic control from a 
modified version of KO6TH AZ/EL Rotor Control program for a couple of months 
and have come up against a show stopper to get AZ/EL data from Orbitron on the 
serial port to load into a BS2. The BS2 loads programs and will display static 
data into a 2-line LCD display with no problem. It seems to be just the 
Wisp-DDE data is not recognized and stored. I have tried the original WispDDE 
and the Orbitron-Wispdde code AD5JN put out on the web but neither seem to 
work. I've disconnected the ATN line on the program-serial cable when trying 
receive data from the serial port but still no joy. I am sure this will work if 
I knew what I am doing wrong. 
Thanks for your attention, Gary AB3ID
Snow Hill, MD   

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