[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 BPSK

2011-11-11 Thread John Heath
Hi folks,

Just got my first 1000 BPSK frames of data using the ARISSat-1 Telemetry 
Appreciate most of you  on the bb have probably already done it already.
I just wanted to say a public thank you for a superb and easy to use piece of 
Looks cool on screen too.

Using the CW beacon as a reference to stay on tune is brilliant, worked well, 
even with manual Doppler tune.

Anyone not yet tried it, give it a go. WX4SXM's quick Start Guide will put you 
on the right track.

73 All

off to get a few more frames

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 BPSK: time to ask for help debugging my system

2011-08-10 Thread PA3GUO
Time to ask for help ...

Somehow my set-up for ARISSat BPSK decoding is not working.
My I kindly ask for your suggestions ?

Using an FCD  HDSDR I record the passes.
When I play back I see this freq spectrum.

Should such a result (S/N Ratio wise) be enough for the decoder to work ?

Thanks for your suggestions !
(also on your own settings of HDSDR, eg sampling rate etc.)

Henk, PA3GUO

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 BPSK Telemetry decoded

2011-08-06 Thread Jason Charles
I finally successfully decoded the BPSK telemetry!! On a 15 degree Max El
pass at that!

I wrote up a post that will hopefully help others if they decide to try it.
The audio is also available in the post so you can hear what it sounded like
during the pass.


This is a lot of fun!

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 BPSK Reception Challenge

2011-08-05 Thread Trevor .
The signal levels from ARISSat-1 should be similar to those expected from the 
AMSAT-UK FUNcube-1 satellite (and also from UKube-1) and the AMSAT-UK team are 
keen to discover what will be the minimum and best type of antennas for schools 
to use.

To encourage everyone to receive and report the ARISSat-1 145.920 MHz BPSK 
telemetry signals AMSAT-UK are offering a FUN reward for listeners!

For further details see the ARISSat-1 BPSK Reception Challenge at

Download the Windows and Mac versions of the free ARISSatTLM BPSK telemetry 
soundcard demodulator and display software from

How to receive ARISSat-1

Read the ARISSat-1 article from QST magazine at

AMSAT-UK http://www.uk.amsat.org/

73 Trevor M5AKA

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[amsat-bb] ARISSat-1 BPSK software

2011-02-07 Thread Gould Smith
The ARISSat-1 team is still working on the first release version of the 
BPSK-1000 software.

We hope to release a version within the next week.  The PC version is only 
running on XP at the moment. There will be a Mac version also.

There will a wav file available to test the operation.

Gould, WA4SXM
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