An annoyingly high pass this evening (79 degrees, on the wrong side of a 
South-centered rotor)...

03:44z 8/16/2011
MET = 60 min
IHU temp = +39c
Control panel temp = +29c
Battery = 35.58v
Charge = -20ma

Satellite appeared to switch to low power mode right before this, as there were 
a couple of voice greetings ("Hi this is ARISSat-1") prior to the telemetry, 
then 2 minutes of silence.

When the satellite came back after the 2 minute pause, I tried hitting the 
transponder with some CW dits.  Nothing heard on the downlink, though my rotor 
was horribly mispositioned at the time (ref the afore mentioned annoyingly high 

Greg  KO6TH

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