[amsat-bb] Hawaii to VK/ZL qso?

2013-11-10 Thread Tom Worthington
I occasionally have passes where I can copy myself when the footprint of
either FO-29 or A-07 shows some coverage to extreme North East Australia and
the North Island of New Zealand, but I've never heard any signals from

Are there any operators who would like to try a QSO?

73 and Aloha de Tom, NH6Y


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[amsat-bb] Hawaii on AO-7

2013-08-26 Thread Glenn AA5PK

Just worked Tom / NH6Y (in BL10) again this evening on AO-7 (@ 0108Z).  He had 
a good signal.

He plans to be active on AO-7 and FO-29 and occasionally on VO-52.   

Glenn / AA5PK 

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[amsat-bb] Hawaii-FO-29

2013-03-25 Thread John Fickes
 Any Hawaii hams around for FO-29 pass today (3-25) 19:30utc to Iowa EN31
 Thanks John  KC0BMF
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii Footprints

2012-08-04 Thread Robert Smith

I hope to be on the FO-29 pass at 2243Z and 
AO27 at 2308Z grandchildren precluding.
As aforementioned my home QTH allows only
the western region and Alaska on these passes.
Hopefully mobile soon!!!
de robert, NH7WN

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[amsat-bb] Hawaii

2012-02-19 Thread Kevin Deane

Just worked NH7WN 6 degress, he said he was lookin for people on the linear 
birds for those needing HI, N8RO!


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[amsat-bb] Hawaii Trip March 22 - April 4th, 2012

2012-02-19 Thread Adrian Engele
Aloha fellow satellite operators,
I am happy to announce that I will be traveling to Hawaii
on March 21st and plan to stay on the Big Island and Oahu for two weeks. My
trip is a primarily a scuba diving and sightseeing trip with my girlfriend,
which means ham radio will be a secondary activity unlike my trip to Kauai in
2010 when I made a big effort to activate BL02 with mixed results.  I will be 
bringing a limited amount of
satellite gear as I am already loaded with HF equipment and Scuba gear.  I will 
try to get on the satellites as often
as my schedule permits within our vacation activities.  My primary focus will 
be on FO-29, VO-52 and
AO-7 Mode B passes.  I may try to get on
SO-50 and AO-27, but the passes on those satellites are short and I will be
focusing less on those satellites. 
Here are the current travel plans:
March 21st: Fly Chicago to LAX, LAX to Honolulu, Honolulu
to Hilo; arrive late evening.
March 22nd to March 25th:  I will be South of Hilo in BK29nn by the water 
front. This will be the
best time to work stations past central CONUS, perhaps as far East as
Florida.   Opportunities to work VE, KL and some RU/UA
stations will also be possible. Contacts with Japan may be possible but I
suspect I will have blockage from the Mauna Kea Volcano on the Western passes.
I will know more once I am in Hilo.
March 26th through April 1st:  I will be in Kailua-Kona in BK29an at a local
resort (March 26/28th) and I will be moving further North to BK29ao to a condo
(March 29th/ April 1st). This will be the best opportunity to work Japan on
FO-29. Based on some early pass evaluations, I see some slim opportunities of
working Northern New Zealand and Eastern Australia (Brisbane/Gold Coast area)
on AO-7. There may be some opportunities to work some West Coast stations on
FO-29, VO-52 and AO-7 on higher elevation passes. There are two 13,000 ft. 
blocking the Eastern passes and this will create some logistical issues. There
may be a small chance I can make it over BK19xp. 
April 2nd through April 4th: I will on Oahu Waikiki beach
in BL11cg. I expect limited operating due to sightseeing activities and some
blockage from the local mountain range. 
I have already had numerous sked requests. I cannot
guarantee that I will be on a specific pass as this will be determined by my
activities schedule, the weather and the anticipated pile-ups, as I am
operating portable. I encourage you to stay tuned via AMSAT BB for schedule
updates.  I also recommend signing up to
my Twitter feed @AA5UK.   I will also be
updating my QRZ.com page in the coming weeks with additional information. 
I know activities on satellite from KH6 have been low and
there is great demand for Hawaii for WAS awards. Collectively we will work
together and get as many contacts in our logs as possible.  I highly encourage 
operators that are new to
working the linear satellites to start learning to operate on SSB now.  Please 
do not wait until the last minute to
understand the subtleties of operating SSB. It takes some skill and technical
knowhow to properly operate this mode.  I
plan to operate using SatPC but if needed I will operate Doppler manually.   
Once we get closer to my trip, I will post
some additional information and operating suggestions that I have learned over
many years of operating from Hawaii and the Cayman Islands.
I encourage US and DX operators to send me a note (see email
address at QRZ.com) so I know you need to work me for a WAS award or a DX
contact. I also encourage any interested RU, ZL and VK stations to contact me 
should a try on AO-7 be of interest.  I
will make an effort to work Japan on FO-29 knowing the preferred local
operating hours.  Stay tuned for
additional information in the coming weeks.
Mahalo, Adrian AA5UK 
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii

2012-02-17 Thread Kevin Deane

Thank you all for the emails...
AH6JA, NH7WN,WH6BIE are active and some others heading there as well...


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[amsat-bb] Hawaii

2012-02-17 Thread Kevin Deane

Does anyone remember the guy thats active on the sats in HI I know about Harvey 
AH6JA I forgot to write down the other call


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[amsat-bb] Hawaii Command Station for PCSAT-1

2012-01-28 Thread Bob Bruninga
We are again in need of a quality PCSAT command station in Hawaii.

This is for our Arctic Buoy experiment at the North pole! (off Barrow Alaska).  
The problem is that the ISS digipeater only gets gets 1.5 degree above the 
Horizon in Barrow.  Probably won't work.

Fortunately, PCSAT-1 overflies the Arctic area  5 times a day listening on 

Unfortunately, the Buoy is set to digi via ARISS and will not digi via PCSAT-1 
unless the PCSAT-1 alias is commanded to match the ISS alias of ARISS.  This is 
a fundamental design of PCSAT, but when we set the ARISS digipeater alias, it 
only lasts until the next eclipse 30 minutes later, and so this command will 
have to be sent from Hawaii on EVERY pass where we want to check on the health 
of the Buoy.  So we also need to train a Hawaii command station.

This will -not- be a daily task.  Just occasionally when time permits to allow 
us to get back one health-packet from the Buoy every now and then.

If there is anyone fully conversant with conventional packet and Kantronics 
remote-logon and remote control of a KPC TNC, and is interested in this 
project, let us know.

Bob, Wb4APR
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii for WAS

2012-01-22 Thread Wyatt Dirks

Still looking for someone in Hawaii to work for my last state for satellite 
WAS. From EN41 either AO7 or FO29 would have to be used to make contact. 

While FO29 is operation it might be the better choice as it is quite a bit 
easier to work at low elevations and it in my opinion is easier to work 
portable. If anyone could help that would be great!

73 Wyatt
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii

2011-06-03 Thread Jerry Clement
Hey Kevin,

A real stretch was working Hawaii from Alberta. I worked Richard WH6FC on AO51, 
from my mobile, with Richard using a Arrow with his handheld. He also has a 
nice QSL card. The pass was a minute and a half, and a degree or so of 
elevation. Gotta love it!

Jerry VE6AB
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii

2011-06-02 Thread Kevin Deane

Thanks Guys! Probly have a better shot from my brothers station, I will try to 
set somethin up with Robert. I am set up with the Elk right now we'll see if 51 
is on or not.
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii Qsl

2011-06-02 Thread Kevin Deane

Has anyone ever got Hawaii from the West Coast? Hopefully Robert NH7WN will get 
back to me, a friend and I would really like to try it!
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii AO27 low pass

2010-09-30 Thread Robert Smith
Aloha All

Short notice, I realize. However I thought
I'd give the next pass in Hawaii's footprint
a try at less than 3.0 deg. at about 2226Z
(an hour from now) AO-27 will be at 2.7 
deg max. el. I will be at Sandy Beach Park
aiming east with Arrow and VX7R. 

robert, NH7WN
BL11, Hawaii
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii - YES!

2010-08-17 Thread Bob Herrell
I would like to thank Robert, NH7WN, for my last state for WAS - 
Satellite. We worked at 18:27Z today on HO-68. I would also like to 
thanks all those that emailed me with suggestions for the contact.


Bob Herrell - AJ5C
EM36 Arkansas
AMSAT #36645

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[amsat-bb] Hawaii needed for WAS-Satellite

2010-08-14 Thread Bob Herrell
Hello all. I need help with a contact with Hawaii. It is my last state 
for WAS - Satellite.
Anyone in Hawaii that might be able to help? I have emails into NH7WN 
and NH6VB.

73, Bob Herrell - AJ5C
AMSAT #36645

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[amsat-bb] Hawaii AO-51 pass today

2010-03-05 Thread Robert Smith
Aloha all

AO-51 flies by Hawaii at a max. el. of 4 degs 
at 0203Z this afternoon. In order to spot the bird I will have 
to head to the beach but it might be worth it!
The footprint will cover the entire western U.S.,
 extending to Hawaii. My intent is to 
be on the air. Hope to hear the  mainland. 

73 de robert
NH7WN, Honolulu
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii and AO51

2010-02-18 Thread Robert Smith
Aloha All

Very late notice!!

BUT, I will give 51 a try on the next pass at
0159Z (AOS). Max el. here is 4 deg.  and the footprint 
should cover as far east as Colorado. 

Will QRP it with Arrow and HT after traveling 
to the easternly beach area of Oahu. 

Hope to year you. 
73 de robert
NH7WN   BL11cg, Honolulu

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[amsat-bb] Hawaii SSTV

2009-11-14 Thread Robert Smith
Aloha All

On the 0226Z AO51 pass today, I attempted
to xmit QRP SSTV (2.5 W) to WH6BIE
5000 miles round trip  back to Hawaii (4 deg
max. el)

Surprisingly,  prior to my SSTV xmit, I picked
up several new stations but as my digital recorder 
was in the xmit position and my hands full with my 
Arrow, HT, and digital recorder I was unable 
to log the calls received (I recall most QTHs)
Also, if I happened to "step" on anyone with
the SSTV xmission my apologies!

WH6BIE was the last station I heard prior to 
my image xmit and the frequency appeared 
quiet at that point. If anyone happened to copy
or hear the SSTV I would be enjoy hearing about.
73 to all.

robert, NH7WN, Honolulu, Hawaii
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii AO-51 QSO

2009-06-01 Thread Robert Smith
Aloha All 

For all those that called out to me this afternoon.
Mahalo. The AO51 easterly at 0231Z had a 
maximum elevation of 1.6 degrees here. I was able
to hear Patrick (WD9EWK) barely. A review of
the audio tape clearly shows WB7QXU also 
calling (I just couldn't make out Michael at the 
time). Operator error took my downlink off 
frequency for awhile. Today's pass indicates 
that AO51 is doable at less than 2 degs max. el.

Aloha and many tnx! We'll have to try this agn
soon. 73.

robert NH7WN in Honolulu
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[amsat-bb] Hawaii BL11 on AO51 today?

2009-06-01 Thread Robert Smith
Aloha All

I've noticed that AO-51 will have a maximum
elevation of 2 degrees on todays "easterly" 
Hawaiian pass. The footprint will extend from
Honolulu to near the western border of Iowa.
To date, my "longest"  AO-51 QSO has
been with K7ULS near Eden, Utah. This 
may be an  opportunity to extend that 
distance. I am willing to give it a try. 
The pass "over" Hawaii will be from 0232Z
to 0236Z today. I should be at the beach
with my Arrow and D700 shortly before
that (5 Watts). At minimum,  I will get to
see some nice sceney on the way to the
beach HIHI.  Hope to hear you.

Aloha and 73, de robert
NH7WN in Honolulu. 
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