I am throwing out a shameless plug for this great software. I was at the Orlando Hamcation and eyed their booth and finally bought the software I so have needed to use my W32A properly. Entering anything into the W32A is tedious and a bother, while the software provides a spreadsheet entry mode. I love spreadsheets- really I do! Anyway, I am a bit picky so I found a quirky thing about the software and contacted Karin in support who got it sorted out and made me BETA TESTER!

Bottom line, there is an upgrade on line at their website and you can access through the program. So if you already have the newer version with USB interface try it out. Let me know if anything broke, I may be responsible! But I think it is fine.

If you have a W32A and don't have this SW you are glutton for punishment!

-- Joe Leikhim K4SAT
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