The PCR-1000 and the UT-10 L-band module have been sold.  

The Arrow antenna is still available!  Keep in mind the current new/retail 
price for this antenna is $139 (plus shipping).  That makes this one "better 
than new" ;-) 

1) Arrow II Antenna 146/437-10WBP Satellite version with built-in
diplexer and split boom.   Condition: nearly new, only assembled about
5 times.  Elements/boom neatly numbered via label-maker tape.   $100 +


Mark N8MH

>>Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 15:51:50 -0400
>>Subject: FS items (Arrow, PCR-1000, 1.2 GHz module for TS-790).
>>From: "Mark L. Hammond" <>
>>Hello AMSAT-BB,
>>I need to pursue a tower/rotor/antenna project.  Therefore, I am
>>selling some items in the shack to help fund the project.  The prices
>>are "fair" and therefore "firm".  I'm giving the BB a shot before I
>>take these to a local hamfest or eBay.   Prices do not include
>>SOLD   2) Icom PCR-1000 receiver.   Includes receiver, serial cable, and
>>power supply.  Condition: few minor scuffs/scratches, perfect working
>>condition.  (The variable bandwidth permits reception of 38k4 packet
>>signals!)  $250 + shipping/insurance.
>>SOLD   3) UT-10 1.2 GHz L-band module for Kenwood TS-790.   This is a
>>plug-n-play module, about a 5-10 min. no-tuning install.  Includes
>>screws.  Condition:  Perfect working order, low transmit time, full
>>10W output.  Price:  $475 + shipping/insurance.
>>Please contact me directly offlist at:   marklhammond AT gmail DOT com

Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]

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