[android-beginners] Re: Poor performance on my file loader (code optimization help!)

2009-09-29 Thread Glen Kimsey
Thanks to everyone for the help on this.  As I mentioned, I'm rather
new to Java, so things like StringTokenizer being legacy are news.

Believe it or not the file format uses actual frames instead of
keyframes (hence no timestamp or other indication of time or frames
between each being parsed out), but this is all still up in the air.
Obviously it's a very amateur way to do it right now.  I'll probably
shift back to quaternions and worry about interpolating later (it
might be a application size vs. performance vs. memory usage thing in
the end.  I'm not sure).  Thanks for the links.

The LineNumberReader was actually hijacked from some open source code
intended for a very similar purpose.  I didn't know what to use for
this scenario and so finding someone else using LNR meant I jumped on
it as the ideal solution.  Safe to say I'll be trying R.E.s and/or
buffered reader soon enough.  Are mark and reset really that taxing?
More so than basically buffering the several lines that might need to
be re-parsed?

Thanks again.  Very helpful.

On Sep 24, 10:14 am, Kaj Bjurman kaj.bjur...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there a reason to why you use a LineNumberReader? I would instead
 use a BufferedReader, that will probably improve your performance.

 I don't know anything about the dataformat in the file, but there
 probably is a much faster way to parse it than using all those
 StringTokenizers (or regexp even if that might be faster). I would
 also try to parse the file without mark and reset.

 On 20 Sep, 20:28, Glen Kimsey gkim...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm fairly new to both Android and Java (pretty experienced in C/C++),
  and (stupidly, perhaps) took on a big project.  In it, I need to load
  information about 3D models and their respective animations from a
  text file (proprietary file format based on PSK/PSA).

  The loading process on a sample (1000+ line) file is abysmally slow
  (more than 4 minutes).  The good news is that there are lots and lots
  of ways I can improve it.  What I'm hoping to find out here is if
  there's anything in *particular* in my code that is very inefficient
  that I can change.  Don't worry about offending me, I know this is
  amateur code here.

  Some possible causes for the slowness:
  - Extensive use of parseFloat()
  - Creating new StringTokenizer for every line
  - Inefficiencies in for() loops (not caching as necessary?)
  - Repeated use of the acos() and sqrt() functions

  I'd like to find out from you gentlemen (ladies) what you think is the
  major thing eating up my time here.  If there's some tool I can use to
  find out what lines of code are taking up the most time that'd be
  ideal.  I'm open to any possible solutions.  The file format can
  change (and probably will).  I could even do something as drastic as
  performing this load in a separate app (before distribution) and
  somehow exporting the resulting object (KdfAnimation) that could more
  easily be picked back up (this would work in C, but I'm doubtful Java
  would allow such low-level memory copying).

  One final note is that the action loading section of this code
  occupies about 3/4 of the files being loaded (so this section may be
  more important to optimize).

  Loader Code
  public class KdfLoader {

          public static KdfAnimation load(String file) throws IOException {
                  KdfAnimation anim = new KdfAnimation();

                  FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                  String line = [start];
                  LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(new 

                  int boneNum = 0;

                  try {

                  for (line = lnr.readLine(); line != null; line = 
  lnr.readLine()) {
                          if (line.length()  0) {
                                  if (line.startsWith(numbones)) {
                                          // Ignore it for now
                                  else if (line.startsWith(bone)) {
                                          // Bone define
                                          StringTokenizer tok = new 
                                          KdfBone bone = new KdfBone();

                                          // Toss out bone

                                          // Set name
                                          bone.boneName = tok.nextToken();

                                          if (boneNum == 0) {
                                                  // Root bone.  Ignore 
  children and parent id in file
                                                  bone.parentId = 0;
                                                  bone.parent = null;
                                                  // ignore numchildren x
                                                  // ignore parentid x

[android-beginners] Re: Poor performance on my file loader (code optimization help!)

2009-09-23 Thread Glen Kimsey

Thanks for the reply.  I think your suggestion of going binary is one
of the better ones I had considered.  Especially because I can avoid
the parseFloat() calls altogether using this method.

As for the quaternion vs axis/angle, I had thought I HAD to translate
them originally (I found out later with more research that I just had
to use the more complicated matrix math rather than simple glrotate
and gltranslate calls if I didn't).  I don't suppose you could direct
me to a tutorial or good description that will help a 3D rendering
newbie like me use the quaternions?  If it really is better/faster, I
want to go that route rather than finding out later I should have.

I'm still looking for any additional suggestions on what particular
parts of the code might be killing my load times, although I'm sure
switching to binary and not using acos and sqrt will help quite a bit.


On Sep 22, 5:03 am, a1 arco...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 20 Wrz, 20:28, Glen Kimsey gkim...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm fairly new to both Android and Java (pretty experienced in C/C++),
  and (stupidly, perhaps) took on a big project.  In it, I need to load
  information about 3D models and their respective animations from a
  text file (proprietary file format based on PSK/PSA).


          private static float[] parseRotLine(String line) {
                  float[] retFloat = new float[4];
                  StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line);

                  // Ignore rot
                  // theta
                  retFloat[0] = wToTheta(Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken()));
                  // x
                  retFloat[1] = Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
                  // y
                  retFloat[2] = Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());
                  // z
                  retFloat[3] = Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken());

                  // Need to scale this vector to make glRotate happy
                  retFloat = scaleAxisAngleVector(retFloat);

                  return retFloat;

          private static float wToTheta(float w) {
                  // w = cos(theta/2)
                  float theta = (float)Math.acos((double)w) * 2;
                  // convert theta to degrees
                  theta = 180 * theta / (float)Math.PI;
                  // The above calculation only gave us a value from 0 to 180 
  of arccosine
                  // TODO: Determine if this is a problem.  Note that w can be
  negative, and this implies 180 degrees
                  if (w  0) {
                          theta += 180;
                  return theta;

          private static float[] scaleAxisAngleVector(float[] unscaled) {
                  float[] scaled = new float[4];
                  // scale = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2);
                  float scale = (float)Math.sqrt(unscaled[1] * unscaled[1] + 
  [2] * unscaled[2] + unscaled[3] * unscaled[3]);

                  if (scale != 0) {
                          scaled[0] = unscaled[0];
                          scaled[1] = unscaled[1] / scale;
                          scaled[2] = unscaled[2] / scale;
                          scaled[3] = unscaled[3] / scale;
                          // Scale can be 0, which means we're not rotating
                          // but dividing by zero is bad, and glRotate still
                          // needs a normalized vector.
                          scaled[0] = 0;
                          scaled[1] = 1;
                          scaled[2] = 0;
                          scaled[3] = 0;
                  return scaled;

  End of Loader Code

 Ugh, why oh why are you transforming quaterninions to axis/angle
 representation? Quaternion interpolation is easier, and gives better
 result (you will also save a lot of time on calculations).

 About performance, if it's possible (eg. you are not downloading the
 scene files from network or smth), write a small utility that will
 convert text file to binary representation offline, and then read the
 binary files on android. Also try to minimize number of allocation
 during file loading.

 Bart 'arcone1' janusz
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[android-beginners] Re: Poor performance on my file loader (code optimization help!)

2009-09-23 Thread Glen Kimsey


Sorry, I missed your reply when I responded to Bart!

I tried to find significant ways that I could avoid allocation, but
the StringTokenizer is the main thing that I'm calling 'new' on and I
didn't see any way to avoid doing that for every line.  Your
suggestion of using regexs for a parser kind of threw me off, because
I didn't even see that as a possibility.  I'll have to look into that
and see what you mean.  I also didn't know the G1 didn't have floating-
point hardware.  Will this likely be the case for other android phones
in the near future?  This information combined with Bart's suggestion
to stick with quaternions means I'll very likely be removing those
calls to acos and sqrt entirely.

Also, thanks for the links.  Your reply was extremely helpful.


On Sep 21, 7:22 pm, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:
 On Sep 20, 11:28 am, Glen Kimsey gkim...@gmail.com wrote:

  The loading process on a sample (1000+ line) file is abysmally slow
  (more than 4 minutes). [...]

  Some possible causes for the slowness:
  - Extensive use of parseFloat()
  - Creating new StringTokenizer for every line
  - Inefficiencies in for() loops (not caching as necessary?)
  - Repeated use of the acos() and sqrt() functions

 Re-use objects when possible to avoid allocation and construction
 overhead.  For a parser using regular expressions, you avoid the cost
 of recompiling the RE.  acos() and sqrt() are not especially fast; sqrt
 () in particular, since the G1 lacks floating-point hardware.

 You can get some sense for where the time is going with the method
 tracing facility:


  [...]  I could even do something as drastic as
  performing this load in a separate app (before distribution) and
  somehow exporting the resulting object (KdfAnimation) that could more
  easily be picked back up (this would work in C, but I'm doubtful Java
  would allow such low-level memory copying).

 Java does provide a serialization mechanism, but it's not widely
 loved. :-)
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[android-beginners] Poor performance on my file loader (code optimization help!)

2009-09-21 Thread Glen Kimsey

I'm fairly new to both Android and Java (pretty experienced in C/C++),
and (stupidly, perhaps) took on a big project.  In it, I need to load
information about 3D models and their respective animations from a
text file (proprietary file format based on PSK/PSA).

The loading process on a sample (1000+ line) file is abysmally slow
(more than 4 minutes).  The good news is that there are lots and lots
of ways I can improve it.  What I'm hoping to find out here is if
there's anything in *particular* in my code that is very inefficient
that I can change.  Don't worry about offending me, I know this is
amateur code here.

Some possible causes for the slowness:
- Extensive use of parseFloat()
- Creating new StringTokenizer for every line
- Inefficiencies in for() loops (not caching as necessary?)
- Repeated use of the acos() and sqrt() functions

I'd like to find out from you gentlemen (ladies) what you think is the
major thing eating up my time here.  If there's some tool I can use to
find out what lines of code are taking up the most time that'd be
ideal.  I'm open to any possible solutions.  The file format can
change (and probably will).  I could even do something as drastic as
performing this load in a separate app (before distribution) and
somehow exporting the resulting object (KdfAnimation) that could more
easily be picked back up (this would work in C, but I'm doubtful Java
would allow such low-level memory copying).

One final note is that the action loading section of this code
occupies about 3/4 of the files being loaded (so this section may be
more important to optimize).

Loader Code
public class KdfLoader {

public static KdfAnimation load(String file) throws IOException {
KdfAnimation anim = new KdfAnimation();

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
String line = [start];
LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(new 

int boneNum = 0;

try {

for (line = lnr.readLine(); line != null; line = 
lnr.readLine()) {
if (line.length()  0) {
if (line.startsWith(numbones)) {
// Ignore it for now
else if (line.startsWith(bone)) {
// Bone define
StringTokenizer tok = new 
KdfBone bone = new KdfBone();

// Toss out bone

// Set name
bone.boneName = tok.nextToken();

if (boneNum == 0) {
// Root bone.  Ignore children 
and parent id in file
bone.parentId = 0;
bone.parent = null;
// ignore numchildren x
// ignore parentid x
// ignore numchildren x
// ignore parentid text
bone.parentId = 
bone.parent = 
// get loc and rot
line = lnr.readLine();
bone.loc = parseLocLine(line);
line = lnr.readLine();
bone.rot = parseRotLine(line);

// Handle explicit linkage
while(true) {
line = lnr.readLine();
if (line.startsWith(obj)) {
tok = new 
// ignore obj


[android-beginners] Re: Is it possible from Android device to access a local pc?

2009-09-21 Thread Glen Kimsey

The standard way to do real-time audio over a network connection is
using RTP (real time protocol), which is what Voice Over IP is based
on.  While there are almost certainly RTP libraries available in Java,
I'm not sure Android will let you get straight PCM data from the
microphone or send PCM data straight to the speaker/headphones.

That's your main question, Kevin.  In Linux you would do this using
ALSA.  I'm pretty sure Android will let you wrap the PCM data (or
unwrap it) into RTP and send it along (if not you could fake it over
HTTP, but it'd be messy), but the other end requires low level
hardware access.

Two sort of answer both of your questions, if you can get that close
to the hardware you'll most likely need root access which means it
wouldn't be a normal Android Market app.

On Sep 21, 12:19 am, kevin j ken...@verizon.net wrote:
 I'm interested in something similar. I would like to know if the
 following application is possible given the currently available tools
 and OS services. I want to send audio from the microphone in real-time
 over Wi-Fi to a Windows desktop application. I also want to send data
 which represents what screen icons have been tapped. I want to receive
 audio and data the same way - using Wi-Fi.


 Kevin J

 On Jul 23, 8:47 am, Sean Hodges seanhodge...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Android supports bluetooth,Wifi(local networking) and USB.

  Which one you want will depend on your requirements. For easy
  sychronisation of files between phone and PC, USB is probably a good
  choice; assuming you don't require the connection to be wireless.



  On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Michael Leungmichaelchi...@gmail.com 
   Hi all,
     I am new to Android. I am thinking to build an application for my 
   use. It has a desktop version and I will build a simple Android client.
   Without using Internet, Is it possible from Android device to access a 
   pc? so I can do a sync with data between two versions?
   Michael Leung
  http://www.michaelleung.info-Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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