
I am trying to run service example. I declare a service in a project
and want to call the service from an activity that exists in another

in first project, my AndroidManifest.xml looks like this
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
                <service android:exported="true" 
android:name=".CalculatorService" /

the CalculatorService class extends the Service class and its onBind
method looks like this
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        if(calculator == null) {
                calculator = new CalculatorImpl();
        return calculator;

The CalculatorImpl class extends Calculator.Stub class and
Calculator.java is generated from Calculator.aidl.

in the other project, in the activity onCreate there is a code like

Intent intent = new Intent(Calculator.class.getName());
boolean connected = bindService(intent, connection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

the method bindService returns false. what is missing in my both

note: the Calculator.java file is shared between both projects by a

thanks in advance.
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