Re: [android-developers] Getting Registration Data During Signup

2015-12-29 Thread TreKing
On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 12:32 AM, Mohit Sofat  wrote:

> Is there any way i can get that detail.

It would depend on what the detail is, but you didn't specify what you're
actually looking for, so it's impossible to say for sure.

TreKing  - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Android sms per hour/minute limit Bypass/remove

2015-12-29 Thread Muhammad Kamran Aslam
hey everyone, 
i am trying to develop an sms bulk/bomber like application that sends 
through default/stock messaging app, but i cant find a solution to the 
problem of sms_max_count limit, after the limit is reached popup appears 
and ask for every new message either to send or not,
is there a work around to it, how can i avoid/bypass this, any solution?

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Re: [android-developers] Does getIdentifier method pick the correct drawable image resource based on the screen size?

2015-12-29 Thread TreKing
On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:10 AM, Asa Ban  wrote:

> does this (getItentifier) method grantees that the respective image
> resource id (that suits the screen size of the device that runs this
> application) gets retrieved?

Resource ID is not a qualified value. There is one ID for a given resource
and the system determines what that maps to based on the device
configuration when that resource is requested via that ID.

So when you do res.getIdentifier(...), you will always get back one value
for a given resource. Then when you do res.getDrawable(id), you will get
the correct resource based on the device.

TreKing  - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [android-developers] TextureView canvas drawing problems

2015-12-29 Thread Swapnil Gupta
I am trying to write a real time pitch visualization using TextureView. The 
flow of the code I have implemented seems to be okay but I am unable to see 
the pitch contour I am trying to plot.

So, I have created a custom view as ...

public class PitchSurfaceView extends TextureView implements 
TextureView.SurfaceTextureListener { ...}

In the constructor of the view I have set the listener ...

public PitchSurfaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {


Inside my onSurfaceTextureAvailable(), I am doing the following
public void onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture surface, int 
width, int height) {
Log.i(TAG, "Width of the texture view: " + width);
Log.i(TAG, "Height of the texture view: " + height);

// creating the bitmaps to draw them 
if (!isBitmapsCreated) {
Log.i(TAG, "Drawing bitmaps for the first time.");
isBitmapsCreated = true;
   * drawOnView();*

The important method here is drawOnView which actually uses the canvas to 
draw on the View bitmap. As for other methods above, I have already tested 
them using a custom View by just extending the View class. They work fine 
there. Here is my implementation of drawOnView()

protected void drawOnView() {
if(null == mPitchContourGT) {
Log.e(TAG, "mPitchContourGT is null", new 

final Canvas canvas = lockCanvas();

try {
// clearing the canvas ...
Log.d("drawOnView", "Before!!");
canvas.drawColor(0x, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
// Drawing the front padding ...
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmaps[0], 0, 0, mPainter);
int pos = mBitmaps[0].getWidth();

for (int i = 0; i < (mBitmaps.length - 1) * mNumberLoops; i++) {
// mBitmaps.length - 1 because we have an extra bitmap at 
the beginning ..
final int index = i % (mBitmaps.length - 1) + 1;
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmaps[index], pos, 0, mPainter);
pos += mBitmaps[index].getWidth();
} finally {
Log.d("drawOnView", "After!!");

Here I am first getting lock at the canvas and drawing my earlier created 
bitmaps on the canvas. I see the debug logs that I have put but I cannot 
see the brawn bitmaps on my view. Anything wrong that I am doing?

On Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 5:31:33 PM UTC+2, Conrad Chapman wrote:
> I looked at this more and Romain Guy unsurprisingly got it 100% right.
> My code pasted here is wrong.
> DO NOT add 
> setWillNotDraw(true); in the TextureView and
>  mSurface.updateTexImage(); in the drawing thread.
> They will mess it up!
> On Thursday, 4 October 2012 17:17:33 UTC+2, Conrad Chapman wrote:
>> Thank you so much Romain for your reply and example. I might be the only 
>> real canvas textureview example on the net. It worked but not quite as you 
>> said. It might be something to do with my class structure as this part of 
>> the program does not have internal classes..
>> I will explain and show a little. Maybe my approach is bad or wrong I 
>> don't know.
>> Main Activity
>> spawns
>> - CustomTextureView class extending TextureView
>>   -this spawns the worker thread (it does not extend thread 
>> but just a worker class)
>> the TextureView constructor
>> public CustomTextureView (Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
>> super(context, attrs);
>> mContext = context;
>> setWillNotDraw(true);
>> setFocusableInTouchMode(true);
>> setFocusable(true);
>> setSurfaceTextureListener(this);
>> }
>> and the listener callback within this class
>> @Override
>> public void onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture surface, int width,
>> int height) {
>> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>> isRunning = true;
>> mSurface = surface;
>> mChart.setTextureSurface(surface);//mChart is the worker class/thread
>> mChart.setSurfaceSize(width, height);
>> mChart.Redraw(true);//this does all the canvas drawing on a bitmap for 
>> buffering.
>> invalidate();//this is essential to make it display on 1st run..why?
>> }
>> The worker class spawned from the CustomTextureView and the critical void
>> protected void RenderCanvas(){
>> final Canvas canvas = CustomTextureView .lockCanvas(null);
>> try {
>>canvas.drawBitmap(buffBitmap, 0, 0, null);
>> } finally {
>> CustomTextureView .unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas);
>> mSurface.updateTexImage();
>> }
>> }
>> So I do not work from the main activity and don't understand why I need 
>> to call invalidate() in onSurfaceTextureAvailable for the 1st run to 
>> display properly.
>> Romain Guy you said NOT to call updateTexImage 

[android-developers] Permission and Gradle problems...

2015-12-29 Thread Kimberly Crawley
Hello everyone!

I'd like to thank you in advance for your help.

I've been trying to get help with my two problems on StackOverflow, and
I've only had limited success so far.

Here's a copy/paste from

I've lurked on StackOverflow for years, but now that I'm getting serious
about Android development, I've finally started an account.

I Google searched thoroughly for help with my problem, to no avail.

I was successfully developing simple apps in Android Studio 1.4 since I
first installed the IDE on my old Linux laptop last month. Then, I
installed Android Studio 1.5 on a much better machine, because the hardware
limitations on the old laptop were really getting to me.

I was careful to install Oracle JDK 7 before installing Android Studio, and
also to enable KVM in BIOS. I also made sure to install all of the Android
SDKs that weren't specific to Android Auto.

When I started to import my old projects, Gradle was having a hell of a
time compiling them. So I decided to start a new project and copy and paste
my old code via a text editor.

I learned that I now have to activate permission checking in Java in
addition to requesting permissions in my Manifest XML, in order to
accommodate Android 6.0 Marshmallow, which is fine.

I put this code into my like so:

 public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements
LocationListener {
int permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION);int permissionCheck2 =

Android Studio is still marking this code in my OnCreate method in red:

Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider);

On mouse cursor hover, I still get: "Call requires permission which may be
rejected by user."

I also have another problem.

I made sure to assign the correct ID to the views I'm using from my
activity_main.xml to my But still, when I call
findViewById and use, it's not linking and that bit of text isn't
purple in my IDE. Here's the code I'm referring to:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

latTV = (TextView) findViewById(;
lngTV = (TextView) findViewById(;
addressTV = (TextView) findViewById(;
altitudeTV = (TextView) findViewById(;

None of the nor the R.layout.activity_main in setContentView are
turning purple as they're supposed to. As I said, I made sure that the
resources and IDs exist.

OS: Kubuntu 14.10 LTS IDE: Android Studio 1.5

Thanks in advance for your help.

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[android-developers] How to change MediaRecorder.AudioSource form another process?

2015-12-29 Thread 村上伊織

I am developing an app that uses voice recognition and WebRTC.  
There is a problem that VoiceRecognition does not work during a calling 
with WebRTC.

I guess to cause that the MediaReord.AudioSource has changed. WebRTC is 
MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION, but Voice Recognition 
service is MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION.

How to change the MediaRecorder.AudioSource form another process?

Thank you

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[android-developers] How to disable pull down status bar Android

2015-12-29 Thread Peng Cao
Hi everyone:

How to disable pull down status bar in SystemUI(have android source code)

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Re: [android-developers] question for my app

2015-12-29 Thread William Garcia
If I may interject for a quick response to be in order. Replace
 with your
actual app id.
On Dec 20, 2015 10:54 PM, "mrjasna100"  wrote:

> erm the link isn't working
> On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 12:24:56 PM UTC+8, Steve Gabrilowitz wrote:
>> try using this URL
>> On Dec 20, 2015 11:07 PM, "mrjasna100"  wrote:
>>> Hi all i have a question regarding my app. it has been 5days since i
>>> launch the game but until now google still haven't pick up any keyword from
>>> my game title or description. i try to key in all possible words but none
>>> of which i can find my game. Anybody know what is the problem or how many
>>> days more do i actually have to wait for these to happen ? thanks
>>> --
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[android-developers] Re: WebView Slow Page Load

2015-12-29 Thread Brahmam Yamani

 use the Chrome Custom Tabs,it is very faster then webview,Custom Tabs Are 

For More Information :  

On Monday, 21 December 2015 12:39:28 UTC+5:30, Parimal Muli wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am using a webview in my app. The problem is that it takes a lot of time 
> (10-25 
> secs) for the sites to render in the webview. Can you please suggest some 
> methods to improve the webview page load time?

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[android-developers] an internal error occurred during building workspace . java heap space in eclipse juno

2015-12-29 Thread sharvari
my eclipse.ini file is

C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_04/jre/bin/javaw.exe

Please give me solution for java heap error,

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[android-developers] Widget stops working on Sony xperia z1 Compact(lolipop) after opening some app and coming back to home screen

2015-12-29 Thread cham3333
Hi all,
#All data on widget changes back to default data given in xml file.

I am not able to figure the cause of above problem. Any help would be 

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[android-developers] Github project: Android-Dev-Favorites

2015-12-29 Thread jimson liang
The repository is Android development favorites, It used to collect the 
knowledge of Android Development.

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[android-developers] Re: security exception using intent in tab.-ava.lang.SecurityException: Requesting code from

2015-12-29 Thread asion wang
i meet this issue too

在 2013年6月16日星期日 UTC+8上午2:03:37,JossieKat写道:
> when i use intent to call using phone it does it. from my activity
>Intent intentphone = new Intent();
> intentphone.setAction(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
> String uriString = "tel:" + "555".trim() ;
> intentphone.setData(Uri.parse(uriString));
> no security exception.everything works.
> permission are set in manifest,
> when i try to do it using tab   ,same activity. 
>  TabSpec tabSpecPhone = tabHost.newTabSpec("Phone")
>   .setIndicator("Phone", 
> ressources.getDrawable(
> .setContent(intentphone); 
> I get this message,
> 06-15 20:41:26.749: E/AndroidRuntime(12880): java.lang.RuntimeException: 
> Unable to start activity 
> ComponentInfo{}: 
> java.lang.SecurityException: Requesting code from (with 
> uid 1001) to be run in process (with uid 10229)
> any suggestions?
> regards
> jossie

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[android-developers] getmobile number

2015-12-29 Thread Mufamaju Ali
hi guys, how can i get user mobile number on android, i used this simple 
code in my main class


String mobilephonenumber= tm.getLine1Number();


but it doesnt retrive any information the textfield stay blank when load the 
form on my device. Please help me am using android studio version 1.5.1

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[android-developers] exception when using mediaplayer.selecttrack(timed_text_track_id)

2015-12-29 Thread Gentian Bajraktari

I get  timed_text_track_id using mediaplayer.trackinfo and use it to change 
internal subtitle of a given video stream 
as mediaplayer.selecttrack(timed_text_track_id).

when i use SelectTrack to change internal dvbsub subtitle track in this 
videoview i get an error as follows:

12-27 18:53:50.905: E/MediaPlayer(15688): internal/external state mismatch 
12-27 18:53:50.915: E/MediaPlayer(15688): error (100, 0)
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): Process: com.example.gent3, 
PID: 15688
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): java.lang.RuntimeException: 
failure code: -32
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): at
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): at
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): at
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): at
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): at 
12-27 18:53:51.385: E/AndroidRuntime(15688): at$ButtonHandler.handleMessage(

when i use same code to select an audio track on the same video stream 
there is no error and the audio track is changed. 

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[android-developers] day dream translucent

2015-12-29 Thread Davide Montesin
Hi, it is possible to make a daydream translucent/transparent?

I can do this with an activity using


but how to set it on a daydream service?

I have tried using only code:

getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0));

but does not work both for activities and daydream.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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[android-developers] Invitation to Participate in Software Development Survey

2015-12-29 Thread Douglas Tome

Together with my colleagues, we are conducting a study that aims to measure 
attitudes towards software development. We expect that the outcome of this 
study will help to further understand the different software design 
approaches and, therefore, contribute to the theory and practice of 
software development.


The survey involves answering some general demographics questions, 
questions about your beliefs related to software development, and questions 
about your political beliefs. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.


Participation in this study is voluntary and anonymous. The risks 
associated with participation in this study are no greater than those 
encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or 
psychological examinations or tests. There is also the possibility of loss 
of confidentiality. However, personally identifiable information will not 
be collected in order to ensure participants' privacy and confidentiality. 
Any write-up/publication of data yielded from this study will not be able 
to identify you in relation to this study. The data from this study will be 
securely stored for five years and it may be used for future related 


The following link will direct you to the research survey:



Your participation in this research study is voluntary. If you decide not 
to complete the survey, there are no penalties. If you choose to start the 
survey, but decide not to finish, there will be no penalty.



The data from this study will be entirely anonymous. There will be no 
record kept of your participation.



You can ask questions about this research study now or at any time during 
or after the study, by talking to the researcher in charge of the study, 
Dr. David A. Broniatowski, who can be reached by phone at 202-994-3751.


If you have questions about your rights as a research participant or feel 
that you have not been treated fairly, please contact The George Washington 
University Office of Human Research at (202) 994-2715.


We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Douglas Feitosa Tome

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RE: [android-developers] Android For Work | How to download DPC while NFCactivation from Google Play / Google Play For Work?

2015-12-29 Thread Bipin Jethwani
What's DPC?
Do you mean divide productivity app?

-Original Message-
From: "Andrey Egorov" 
Sent: ‎24-‎12-‎2015 05:54 PM
To: "Android Developers" 
Subject: [android-developers] Android For Work | How to download DPC while 
NFCactivation from Google Play / Google Play For Work?

Can I download DPC apk while NFC activation from Google Play/Google Play For 
Work instead of direct link for the apk?

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[android-developers] How to give certain users IAP for free?

2015-12-29 Thread Nick Mowen
Hello everyone! So I have an app which has in app purchases and I recently 
added features which those in app purchases unlock. I want to allow some 
people that helped me with the app to have the extra features for free. How 
would I go about giving them the IAP for free? 

Thanks, Nick

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[android-developers] How to Update or Delete instance of recurring Event on Android Calendar..?

2015-12-29 Thread Ym J

I'm trouble in update or delete on One instance of 
recurring CalendarContracts.Events

i think it should use the CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_EXCEPTION_URI. 
from here 


other calendars have _sync_id is insert 'original_sync_id + 
originalinstanceTime' form.

but when i following above link,  _sync_id is inserted  "SYNC_ERROR : Not 

What is right way.. ?

Let me know what to do for treatment.

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Re: [android-developers] How to give certain users IAP for free?

2015-12-29 Thread Steve Gabrilowitz
You could have them buy the IAP and then refund it, at least it works that
way with a regular paid app and I would assume IAP also.
On Dec 29, 2015 5:31 PM, "Nick Mowen"  wrote:

> Hello everyone! So I have an app which has in app purchases and I recently
> added features which those in app purchases unlock. I want to allow some
> people that helped me with the app to have the extra features for free. How
> would I go about giving them the IAP for free?
> Thanks, Nick
> --
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[android-developers] Android sms per hour/minute limit ?

2015-12-29 Thread Muhammad Kamran Aslam
hey everyone,
i am trying to develop an sms bulk/bomber like application that sends 
through default/stock messaging app, but i cant find a solution to the 
problem of sms_max_count limit, after the limit is reached popup appears 
and ask for every new message either to send or not there a work around to it, how can i avoid/bypass this, any solution?
2. or if a standalone-app(messaging app with bulk sms option) is developed 
that doesnot sends through stock, can we handle the limit problem in this 

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[android-developers] 3 minute delay in showing SMS

2015-12-29 Thread Abhishek E S

I have a 2nd gen Moto X and I am observing  a strange behaviour with regard 
to SMS. Whenever I receive a message, it shows up after 3 minutes in the 
messaging app. It is not just the notification that is missing, but the 
actual message in the messaging app. Finally, when the message shows up, it 
says 3 minutes ago.  I tried using Hangouts instead of the default 
messaging app and Chomp SMS as well.

The delay is almost always 3 minutes. I know that the message has arrived 
earlier because some applications like Whatsapp which wait for SMS 
verification themselves find the verification code 3 minutes before the 
messaging app shows it. This is a major issue for me since the OTP code 
sent by my bank expires in 3 minutes.

I even wrote a small application that has a broadcast receiver with filter 
for SMS_RECEIVED intent. I could see the message appearing almost 
immediately. The messaging app shows this only after 3 minutes.


PS: This issue existed in Lollipop and is continuing on Marshmallow as well

Has anyone faced this ?

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[android-developers] Re: Send DTMF

2015-12-29 Thread Sahil Desai
Hello Pulkit,

Have been able to read the dtmf tones sent back to you? if yes, then please 
guide me through that. 


On Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 10:25:40 AM UTC+5:30, Alex Zhilyakov 
> Hi, 
>   I am wondering if it is possible to make a call and then send DTMF 
> digits using Android API. I can't find an appropriate method to send 
> digits in android.telephony.IPhone interface. Is it possible? 
> -Alex

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[android-developers] Issues with SupportPlaceAutocomplteFragment

2015-12-29 Thread Arun venkatesh
Using SupportPlaceAutocompleteFragment i notice that PlaceSelectionListener 
is not invoked at all. However with "PlaceAutocompleteFragment" all works 
good. Has anyone faced similar problem with the support library. any 
suggestions pls ?

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[android-developers] Different APKs for same code on difference machines

2015-12-29 Thread Shashidhar
 I have used the same code base and referenced the same android version on
2 windows machines and generated APKs on both of them. The APK's differ in
size. What could the possible reasons for APKs to differ even thought I
have same development environment in both machines.


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[android-developers] On my app's page "google +1" count have been reset to zero

2015-12-29 Thread jsket . org
Hello, My name is Alex, I'm developer and have apps on google play:
previously this app has near 600 "google +1" count, but today count have 
been reset to zero.

I had the same problem in past with another my app:
count was more than 25 but month ago was reset to zero.

I can't send mail on
And now I'm searching with whom can I contact to make this problem more 
If anyone know whom can I write, or had experience with such problem please 

Thank you in advance, for your attention.

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[android-developers] Android CTS 5.1_r4 fails with "Start test run of 0 packages, containing 0 tests"

2015-12-29 Thread SD.

I am trying to run CTS on my OEM device. After downloading (Android 5.1 
) and setup as per 
(cts-setup ), when 
I run any of the package from list, It shows the same message as shown 

"Start test run of 0 packages, containing 0 tests", followed by no 
error/warning and any additional information.

Am I missing something?


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[android-developers] Re: How to store videos with similar naming scheme as stock camera, but in custom camera app

2015-12-29 Thread gjs

I don't think you'll get the confirmation you are seeking, but here's what 
I think is currently happening.

(1) The (Google) Gallery app is no more, now being replaced by the (Google) 
Photos app.

(2) Currently the (Google) Photos app appears to ignore the 
MediaScannerConnection calls and / or does not query the associated Media 
repository (/database) where media metadata is cataloged nor listen or act 
on any associated Content Providers etc.

(3) The (Google) Photos app currently seems heavily invested in using 
(Google) cloud storage to backup and sync all your photos from all your 
devices mobile & desktop. From some tests undertaken just now I've found 
that photos from third party app won't show up in the (Google) Photos app 
unless you explicitly turn on sync'ing and backup (via its settings) 
and explicitly select your third party app media folder(s). You 
won't necessarily see photos taken very recently (with 3rd party app) in 
the main photo view and you might see these in the Device Folders view (on 
some devices), eg: I can see a recent photo taken on a Nexus 6P, but I 
can't yet on an Xperia Z5.

(4) The (Google) Photos app is overly ambitious(?) with many moving parts, 
seeking to do all sorts of things, grouping stories, show what you were 
doing on this day in previous years etc etc etc, but can't get the basics 
to work *reliably* such as show all photos on the device, sharing & getting 
sync'ing to work consistently, (unless perhaps you only use the default 
camera app). On the Xperia Z5 sharing a photos currently crashes 
the (Google) Photos app... The help suggests things like turning off 
syncing and turning it back on again when it's not working...

(5) Google has a habit of consistently changing the Photos apps every few 
months or so both on mobile and on the web, so what might work now it bound 
to change and be broken again in future.

(6) If you want to be certain that photos, videos captured with you app are 
present on the device then you need to provide you own viewer activity of 
some sort as previously suggest, or else be willing to help your users get 
the (Google) Photos app configured to find photos, video created with your 
app and be ready to do that all over again with next the (Google) Photo app 


On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 6:37:32 AM UTC+11, David Karr wrote:
> I'm still hoping to get some help with this.  I've made no progress on 
> this.
> I've yet to get any confirmation that something like this can even do what 
> I think it's supposed to do, which is make videos recorded by a custom app 
> be visible by the "Photos" or "Gallery" app, as if they were recorded by 
> the stock app.  What I've read implies that this will happen, but I've yet 
> to have this confirmed.
> The versions of this that I've tried both call the "completed" callback 
> (except for the simple "sendBroadcast" variation), but that's the only 
> indication I get that the process did anything.  Despite the "completed" 
> callback being called, the recorded videos are never visible in the 
> "Photos" or "Gallery" app.
> On Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 9:58:02 AM UTC-8, David Karr wrote:
>> Because I can't bring up the stock camera app with just a video 
>> record/stop button (I'm using a remote bluetooth button to start/stop 
>> recording), I've written a custom app that just displays the camera preview 
>> and a video record/stop button.
>> Despite the fact that this is a custom app, as much as possible I'd like 
>> to store the videos as if they were taken with the stock app.  This at 
>> least means storing them in the same place, with a consistent naming and 
>> metadata scheme.  I might consider having custom preferences in the app, 
>> but for now I'd just like to retrieve properties that will tell me where 
>> the stock camera app will store videos, along with any other configuration 
>> that should describe how I store the videos.
>> How can I get this information within my custom app?

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[android-developers] Re: On my app's page "google +1" count have been reset to zero

2015-12-29 Thread jsket . org
I found way to contact with support. Wrote them and in two business days 
I'll post here  replay.

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[android-developers] how to make a pattern lock screen in android studio!!

2015-12-29 Thread Nishant Choudhary
how can i make a pattern lock screen in android studio

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[android-developers] I want to use the calendarDaysBetween() below method in my TextView, or I want my TextView to display difference of two dates. Can anyone help me with this?

2015-12-29 Thread Ankit Gupta
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity {
static EditText metTodate, metFromdate, metInTime, metOutTime;
static long no_of_days1;
static long no_of_days2;

static TextView no_of_days;
static TextView no_of_days3;
public static String str;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

metTodate = (EditText)findViewById(;
metFromdate = (EditText)findViewById(;
metInTime = (EditText)findViewById(;
metOutTime = (EditText)findViewById(;

no_of_days = (TextView)findViewById(;

// Here is my method where I want my text view to display dates.
no_of_days.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
calendarDaysBetween(Calendar metFromdate, Calendar metTodate);

// Both date picker dialogs
public void showTruitonDatePickerDialog(View v) {
DialogFragment newFragment = new DatePickerFragment();, "datePicker");

public static class DatePickerFragment extends DialogFragment
implements DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener {
public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Use the current date as the default date in the picker
final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
// Create a new instance of DatePickerDialog and return it

return new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(), this, year, month, day);

public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int month, int day) {
// Do something with the date chosen by the user
metTodate.setText(day + "/" + (month + 1) + "/" + year);

public void showFromDatePickerDialog(View v) {
DialogFragment newFragment = new FromDatePickerFragment();, "datePicker");

public static class FromDatePickerFragment extends DialogFragment
implements DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener {
public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Use the current date as the default date in the picker
final Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = c1.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = c1.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day1 = c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

// Create a new instance of DatePickerDialog and return it
return new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(), this, year, month, day1);
// calendarDaysBetween(Calendar metFromdate, Calendar metTodate);

public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int month, int day) {
// Do something with the date chosen by the user
metFromdate.setText(day + "/" + (month + 1) + "/" + year);

public static long calendarDaysBetween(Calendar metFromdate,
Calendar metTodate) {
// Create copies so we don't update the original calendars.

Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance();

Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance();

// Set the copies to be at midnight, but keep the day information.

start.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
start.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
start.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
start.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

end.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
end.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
end.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
end.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

// At this point, each calendar is set to midnight on
// their respective days. Now use TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS to
// compute the number of full days between the two of them.
no_of_days1 =
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(Math.abs(end.getTimeInMillis() -

String finalresult = new Double(no_of_days1).toString();

return no_of_days1;

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