Hello Everyone,

I am attempting to add an AutoCompleteTextView to my Android Honeycomb
application. I would like the AutoCompleteTextView to access the
contacts of the primary Google account that is registered on the
device. Specifically, I would it to provide suggestions for e-mail
addresses listed in the "Directory" (see http://i.imgur.com/kvSNy.jpg
). The GMail application seems to have this exact functionality, but
as far as I know, it is not open source.

I got started by adding the AutoCompleteTextView to my layout and
adding <uses-permission
android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" /> to the Manifest
file. However, I am not sure how to get the contacts (specifically
those in the "Directory") and use their e-mails as suggestions for the

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you!

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