[android-developers] Android app licensing error class not found

2016-07-16 Thread Bob B.

I have worked through the example in the SDK and am now receiving the 
following error when trying to run the demo app.

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class 
"com.rythmair.licenseverification.MainActivity" on path: DexPathList[[zip 

Here is my full MainActivity

package com.rythmair.licenseverification;
import android.app.Activity;import android.app.AlertDialog;import 
android.app.Dialog;import android.content.DialogInterface;import 
android.content.Intent;import android.net.Uri;import android.os.Bundle;import 
android.os.Handler;import android.provider.Settings;import 
android.util.Log;import android.view.View;import android.widget.Button;import 
import com.google.android.vending.licensing.AESObfuscator;import 
public class MainActivity extends Activity {

String tag = "LICENSE: ";

private static final String BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY = "MY_KEY_REMOVED";

// Generate your own 20 random bytes, and put them here.
private static final byte[] SALT = new byte[] {
-46, 65, 30, -128, -103, -57, 74, -64, 51, 88, -95, -45, 77, -117, 
-36, -113, -11, 32, -64,

private TextView mStatusText;
private Button mCheckLicenseButton;

private LicenseCheckerCallback mLicenseCheckerCallback;
private LicenseChecker mChecker;
// A handler on the UI thread.
private Handler mHandler;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Log.i(tag, "Just in onCreate method.");

mStatusText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.status_text);
mCheckLicenseButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.check_license_button);
mCheckLicenseButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {

mHandler = new Handler();
Log.i(tag, "Just set mHandler to new Handler.");
// Try to use more data here. ANDROID_ID is a single point of attack.
String deviceId = Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), 

// Library calls this when it's done.
Log.i(tag, "Setting new mLicenseCheckerCallback");
mLicenseCheckerCallback = new MyLicenseCheckerCallback();

// Construct the LicenseChecker with a policy.
Log.i(tag, "Setting mChecker variable.");
mChecker = new LicenseChecker(
this, new ServerManagedPolicy(this,
new AESObfuscator(SALT, getPackageName(), deviceId)),

protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) {
final boolean bRetry = id == 1;
return new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage(bRetry ? R.string.unlicensed_dialog_retry_body : 
.setPositiveButton(bRetry ? R.string.retry_button : 
R.string.buy_button, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
boolean mRetry = bRetry;
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
if ( mRetry ) {
} else {
Intent marketIntent = new 
Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(
"http://market.android.com/details?id=; + 
.setNegativeButton(R.string.quit_button, new 
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

private void doCheck() {

private void displayResult(final String result) {
mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

private void displayDialog(final boolean showRetry) {
mHandler.post(new Runnable() {

[android-developers] Am I missing a qualifier?

2016-07-05 Thread Bob B.
Hello all, 

I am continue to build my knowledge around Android design and could use 
some clarification.

I am trying to understand how you can get two different sized devices which 
have the same dpi use two different image assets.

I have built an application which has a significant number of res folders 
which use one or more resource qualifiers.

For example, I have the following.



I've had to do this in order to keep images in my application proportional 
from one screen size / density to the next.

Here is where things are getting a bit rough.

Take a phone that is listed at 768x1280, mdpi, 160dp.

If I am understanding things correctly, this means the following.

It is an mdpi device so 1px = 1dp
The size of the device in dp is 768x1280
This device will use my layout in the layout-sw800dp-mdpi folder
It should use the image asset that is in my drawable-sw800dp-mdpi folder

Am I correct up to this point?

Now, let's say I have a tablet, that is 2048 x 1536 (Galaxy Tab S2) and is 

Does this mean that it will use the same layout and drawable resources as 
the previously mentioned phone?

Does this also mean that the resource in my drawable folder should be as 

dpi = 48
size (what fits my needs)

Given this information is correct, I would expect that the single image of 
sizeX and dpi of 48 would look proportional on both devices, which 
unfortunately I am not always finding to be correct.

If someone could tell me if I'm in the ball park or WAY off base on my 
understanding up to this point, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you!

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[android-developers] Android virtual device help

2016-07-04 Thread Bob B.
Hello all, 

I am looking to be able to test a wide variety of screens in Android studio 
and am wondering if someone could point me to a resource or provide some 

My goal is to be able to develop against the following.




... the same for sw720dp

I am guessing there are profiles you can download and load in to the AVD 
manager?  Or do you need to build them manually?  

I have tried to setup a few of them but I am not fully understanding the 
AVD yet for getting new device definitions in to it.

I am using this many qualifiers due to the fact that I have some images 
that I need to stay proportional between smaller and larger same density 
devices.  Unfortunately, Androids scaling to ensure things stay the same 
size between a 3" phone and 10" tablet that both happen to have a dp of 320 
is not helping me here.


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[android-developers] SURELY, someone out there can help/explain this to me.

2016-07-02 Thread Bob B.
Hi all, 

(as you read through this)
-- I am not hard coding ANY dimensions or sizes for anything
-- All elements use wrap content and match parent
-- I have read over the Android development for different screen sizes so 
many times I can almost recite the page (not to say I haven't missed 
something, so if I have, please point it out).

I am literally on weeks of trying to figure this out and have read (many 
times) every resource I can find and am still clearly missing something.

I am attempting to get image assets to stay in proportion to the screen on 
different devices.  This seems very fundamental and there is tons of 
documentation, but I am still struggling and would greatly appreciate some 

I have created 5 sets of images which look like the following.

- dpi of the images is 36 x 36

- dpi of the images is 48 x 48

- dpi of the images is 72 x 72

- dpi of the images is 96 x 96

- dpi of the images is 144 x 144

I am designing in Android Studio and using one of the 10" xhdpi tablet 
devices to design against.

I have a square image that I am placing 4 times (roughly evenly spaced) at 
the top of my screen and when viewing the screen, the image takes up 
roughly one inch or so. 

To accomplish this, I created an image that is 325x325px with a dpi of 96 
and it looks fantastic.

The problem comes when I try to view my app on smaller device with the same 
density of xhdpi.  In these situations, the image is HUGE and takes up far 
more space than it should.

I believe I understand the difference between pixel (tablet that is 1200 px 
x 800 px) and dip/dp.  Given that the dimensions in pixels are 1200 x 800 
and the density is xhdpi, the dimension in dp would be 600 x 400.

This is where I am getting totally lost.  Clearly I am missing something 
and there must be a way to keep images proportioned correctly when you go 
from a small device size to a larger device size when both use the same 
density (for example, a  800 pixel x 600 px 3" phone and a 2500 pixel x 
1600 pixel 10" tablet which both have a density of xhdpi).

I do also realize that this is only 1/2 of the equation and the use of 
additional layout folders with qualifiers will be needed to potentially 
make adjustments for different screen sizes.  That part I am ok with but I 
am losing my mind over trying to figure out how to get my image assets to 
look the way I need.

Any help would be OH so much appreciated.

One final note.  I have seen several posts where people have stated, "Just 
use xhdpi assets and Android will scale everything for you."  Yes, I know 
this is a performance issue, but even trying that, it certainly is not 
scaling things down for me.  One thing I have noticed is that if I set the 
background property of a layout to an image asset, it seems to display as 
I'd want on every device, regardless of size or density.  However, the 
issue I am having is with image views specifically, so does my problem 
exist there?


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[android-developers] Missing something when sizing images to support different screens

2016-07-01 Thread Bob B.
I have been reading over this information, forums, developer site, etc. for 
the past week and still have been unsuccessful in fully understanding how 
to size images such that things appear acceptable on different sized 
devices.  Certainly there is something I am missing, as this can't be that 
difficult, can it?  If someone could please point me in the right 
direction, I would be ever so grateful.

I am using qualifiers on the drawable and layout folders in an attempt to 
handle the various screen sizes and densities.

I have created drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, and 
I have created layout-w320dp, layout-w480dp, layout-w600dp, and 

I have placed a copy of the layout I am dealing with in each of the layout 
folders so I can adjust each as needed.

I have placed my graphics that I am testing with in their respective 
drawable folder.  

I initially designed my app using a Galaxy Tab 10" and scaled my graphics 
(png) files in GIMP with a dpi of 320 and sized to fit how I wanted them to 
look in the 10" environment.

I then took the original graphic (unmodified) that was used for the 
previously mentioned image and made the mdpi version by changing the dpi to 
160 and setting the pixel width/height to 1/2 of the previously mentioned 

For the rest, I followed the information from the design guide of...

ldpi = .75 of the mdpi
hdpi = 1.5 of the mdpi
With the first image created being the xhdpi

Question 1:  Should you scale all images such that the following are true, 
regardless of the dimensions of each image?

- ldpi images should always be 120dpi
- mdpi images should always be 160dpi
- hdpi images should always be 240dpi
- xhdpi images should always be 320dpi 

Here is an example of what I have done and what specifically is not working.

I have a logo that is 400 x 400 and has a dpi of 320.  This image looks 
beautiful on my tablet and the image file resides in the xhdpi folder
I then took a copy of this image and scaled it to 200 x 200 with a dpi of 
160 for my mdpi version and placed the file in the mdpi folder.
When viewing a 10" device in Android Studio, it looks great
When viewing a phone 3-4" device in Android Studio, the logo in HUGE!

My goal is basically this.

If I have an image that takes up exactly 1/4 of my screen on a tablet in 
the lower left corner, I want that image to take up the same 1/4 of the 
screen on the smaller devices, not be huge, taking up pretty much the 
entire screen.

Question 2:  I thought Android was supposed to down-sample the images of 
larger than what was needed so it would essentially scale things down for 
me, with a better goal of providing assets that are close to where they 
should be, which is what I am attempting to do.  Is this not the case?

There has to be some formula / step that I am simply missing here so if 
anyone could shed some light on this for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you all!


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