[android-developers] Re: Updating the Call Log.

2010-11-24 Thread Denis Souza
I don't know if it would work to update the call log on a stock
android version without having a contact. What I do know is that the
HTC Sense devices are buggy and you can't do updates and inserts
properly even if you DO have the contact. That happens not only on the
Desire but all devices with HTC Sense that I've tested so far.

On Nov 23, 3:33 pm, Mandave davide.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I have the same problem too. When I add a call to the calllog
 the name becomes unknown with my HTC Desire 2.2, while in the
 Emulator it works fine.

 This is the code:

 private void addToCallLog(){

 String phoneName = Test Tested;
 String originalNumber = 11223233445;
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

        values.put(CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME, phoneName);
        values.put(CallLog.Calls.NUMBER, originalNumber);
        //values.put(CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, phoneNumber);
        values.put(CallLog.Calls.DURATION,((endCall - startCall) /
 1000 ) - 2 );
        values.put(CallLog.Calls.DATE,System.currentTimeMillis() );

        Uri uri =
 getContentResolver().insert(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, values);

 Did you solved it? how?


 On Nov 13, 2:46 pm, Anders anders.bromha...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello. I'm trying to update the CalLog to change the name/cached name
  of an entry. I have successfully updated a row but once i go into 
  thecalllogon my phone the displayed name is removed after a short
  moment. I figured this is because the number of the incoming called is
  not found in any of the contacts. But why would it then clear the
  cached name that is in theLog?
  If the number is not in contacts thecalllogshould display the
  cached name without trying to refresh it? Atleast that's the behaviour
  I expect.

  So, my question is: Is it possible to add a name to an incoming number
  to display in thecalllogwithout adding the number and name to the
  contact list? I've figured it should be possible to add the contact
  first, then mark it as removed and thus get it displayed in thecalllogbut 
  that seems like a stupid work-around.

  // Anders

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[android-developers] Re: How to access voice input settings

2010-11-17 Thread Denis Souza
Use RecognizerIntent


You can query which language is set and, on 2.2, you can get a list of
all available languages.

On Nov 17, 2:35 am, kevindroid kevin.wang...@gmail.com wrote:
   I am not sure at what point this setting has been introduced, I have
 seen it on 2.1 and 2.2. It has voice recognizer settings in it, in
 there you can set Language, SafeSearch and Block offensive words.

 How do I access those settings from API? Especially I want to know if
 the language is set to English.

 Please help.

 Also can someone clarify at which version this setting has been
 introduced? I noticed that voice recognition was using Locale setting

 urgent help please..

 Regards, Kevin

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[android-developers] Re: how to detect if a phone is running HTC sense UI

2010-11-02 Thread Denis Souza
 Given that the CallLog is I believe a public API, the manufacturer breaking
 it makes it not CTS compatible and they need to fix it.  You should very
 much treat this as a bug with HTC's device and push to have that fixed.  One
 thing you could do is file a bug in the bug tracker with sample code showing
 the problem.  Even better would be to contribute a patch to CTS that ensures
 the API is working correctly, so this won't break in the future.

Great! I'll look into that.

 Are you talking about the API to intercept outgoing calls?  If so, again
 it's a public API that if broken makes the device not CTS compatible.  I am
 surprised about this one since Google Voice relies on it so it seems like I
 would have already heard about any significant issue in this area.

Yes, it's exactly the API to intercept outgoing calls. Although it
works well on most devices, some have very strange issues. I found out
that on Motorola devices, for example, it will work perfectly if you
don't set a priority on the intent filter for the NEW_OUTGOING_CALL
action. If you do set the priority the problem becomes intermittent
(tried it with several different values). Some users will report it
working well and others with the same exact device will report it not
working at all (I had access to a device in which it didn't work and
found no other software that could be causing a conflict). As for the
HTC Desire with Android 2.2, it's a mystery to me. I had reports of
older versions of my app working on it and then not working anymore
after a reinstall. Newer versions didn't work at all. My app displays
the number being dialed on a toast right before returning from the
broadcast call. The number displayed on the toast is always the exact
same as set on the call to setResultData() (I even declared the
variable as final to make sure I wasn't changing it) and still the
number won't change (even though returning null does cancel the call).
I have no idea what to make of it and had to use a workaround in which
I cancel the call and make a new call.
I'd really like to be able to file a bug report on this but I have no
idea what's causing it or how to reproduce the problem with 100%
certainty on any device.
As I said before it might not be a Sense UI specific problem (I have
an HTC Hero and never had any issues with that). If I had a device
that had this problem maybe I could dig a bit deeper. There are a few
users willing to run some tests that I send them but I think I've
already pushed their patience a little too much ;).

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[android-developers] Re: Detect weather a phone is rooted or not

2010-11-02 Thread Denis Souza
Maybe you can test for the presence of the su command.
It would just be as simple as testing if the file /system/xbin/su
exists but I'm not sure how reliable that would be. Another
possibility is to check for the presence of /system/app/Superuser.apk,
but I also don't know how reliable that would be.

I wouldn't recommend having different behavior on your app based on
that unless you intend to write an app that requires root
functionality. Not everyone that roots their phone are pirates. There
are still plenty of legitimate reasons for people to root their
phones, especially if their phones are not running Froyo (which
contains features that root users have had for a while).
If you want to protect your app use LVL as Miguel said.

On Nov 1, 1:42 pm, Tejas tej...@gmail.com wrote:

 I would like to find out in my application if the phone is rooted or
 Is there any API that tests this ?


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[android-developers] Re: Always getting java.lang.VerifyError on 1.6 but fine on 2.1 and 2.2

2010-10-28 Thread Denis Souza
 0 (CONTENT_URI) in Landroid/provider/ContactsContract$CommonDataKinds$Phone;

ContactsContract is an Android 2.0 class. It won't work on earlier
versions. I have an app that uses the contacts API also and solve the
problem with something like this:

public abstract class ContactManager {

public static ContactManager getContactManager(){
 if(version = 2.0) {
   return new EclairContactManager();
else return new CupcakeContactManager();

So I implement the EclairContactManager and CupcakeContactManager
classes with their respective API calls.
It works fine on any android version = 1.5

Note that there are absolutely no API calls in this abstract class so
there is no risk of it trying to link to a non-existent class.

On Oct 19, 11:24 pm, Alex Xin xinxi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you!  Now I know where I can get those messages.

 10-20 09:18:14.973: WARN/dalvikvm(210): VFY: unable to resolve static field
 0 (CONTENT_URI) in Landroid/provider/ContactsContract$CommonDataKinds$Phone;
 10-20 09:18:14.982: WARN/dalvikvm(210): VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x62 at
 10-20 09:18:14.982: WARN/dalvikvm(210): VFY:  rejected
 10-20 09:18:14.982: WARN/dalvikvm(210): Verifier rejected class

 Now I know where I am wrong, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds is only
 available on API Level 5 or higher.

 Thank you all


 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:39 AM, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:
  Right ***above*** the exception trace should
  be some arcane-looking messages with VFY in them.

  On Oct 19, 6:36 pm, Alex Xin xinxi...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi, thanks for helping me, here's the logcat, you could see it crashes
   to call my onCreate() method.

   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204): java.lang.VerifyError:
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at

   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at

   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   10-20 07:32:27.490: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(204):     at
   dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

   On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 7:11 AM, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:
On Oct 19, 2:25 am, Alex Xin xinxi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an app that runs perfect on 2.2 and 2.2 but always getting
 VerifyError on 1.6 while startup, I don't think that my app cannot
 1.6 because I don't call any APIs that don't support 1.6.

Post the output from logcat.  Right above the exception trace should
be some arcane-looking messages with VFY in them.

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[android-developers] Re: Distributing free licenses to paid apps

2010-10-22 Thread Denis Souza
How about if you issue a refund after the 48 hour period in which a
user can return the app?

On Oct 21, 8:15 pm, Marcin Orlowski webnet.andr...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'd like to authorize certain people to use my app without buying it.
  Is there a way to do this?  Am I running into issues with my own phone
  because my Google Apps account is not considered a Gmail address?

  If I tell them to buy the app, then I immediately issue a refund in
  Google Checkout, will this somehow affect my standing as a developer
  or merchant?  Does it cost me anything to issue a refund?

 Unless I miss the point of LVL, issuing refund would cancel license
 for the users so they won't be able to use it anywy. Google needs
 to add coupons as this is quite common problem with paid apps

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting area code

2010-10-21 Thread Denis Souza
GPS position is a bit overkill and I don't think my users would really
be happy with my app doing that. I do like the idea of running in the
background and using the last-known (cell tower) coordinates. I'm just
affraid many users might not have a data plan and so the coordinates
can get easily outdated if they don't connect to wi-fi with a certain
frequency. The whole point of having this feature is for the users
that travel a lot and there is a good chance that they won't have open
wi-fi available just anywhere.

The app is actually for use in Brazil but I think it might not be so
hard to get hold of a database of cities and their area codes.

On Oct 20, 5:59 pm, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:
   Right, there is only less than a thousand area codes in the US,
 actually much less because they can't start with 0, 1, or 2 (if I
 remember right).

 So having a predefined mapping from GPS coordinates in the application
 seems feasible.

 Now getting area code coordinates for the mapping is another issue
 entirely. Maybe this info is available somewhere?

 -- Kostya

 20.10.2010 23:40, Miguel Morales пишет:

  Ah my mistake, I didn't read the last part.  You could also just do
  the network operation in the background and when the user is about to
  make a call just use the last-known co-ordinates.

  On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Miguel Morales
  therevolti...@gmail.com  wrote:
  Perhaps by using GPS position and some sort of area code database you
  might be able to conjure up something.

  On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Denis Souzadenis.so...@gmail.com  
  Is that really possible?
  Frankly I don't think so... but not 100% sure either. Just wanted to
  see if there are any ideas out there that could solve the problem.

  On Oct 20, 12:42 pm, Julie Andrewsjulieonli...@gmail.com  wrote:

  On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Denis Souzadenis.so...@gmail.com  
  I'm trying to find out if the user is still within range of his own
  area code. Detecting roaming doesn't solve the problem since the user
  may still be in the same network with a different area code. I thought
  about getting the user's coarse location to find the city he's is in
  but this approach needs Internet access and might not be fast enough
  (this is done as the user is making a call and needs to finish before
  the call is made).
  Is there any way I can do this with just the info from the cellular
  Denis Souza
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  ~ Jeremiah:9:23-24
  Android 2D MMORPG:http://developingthedream.blogspot.com/,

 Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 

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[android-developers] Detecting area code

2010-10-20 Thread Denis Souza

I'm trying to find out if the user is still within range of his own
area code. Detecting roaming doesn't solve the problem since the user
may still be in the same network with a different area code. I thought
about getting the user's coarse location to find the city he's is in
but this approach needs Internet access and might not be fast enough
(this is done as the user is making a call and needs to finish before
the call is made).
Is there any way I can do this with just the info from the cellular

Denis Souza

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[android-developers] Re: Detecting area code

2010-10-20 Thread Denis Souza
 Is that really possible?

Frankly I don't think so... but not 100% sure either. Just wanted to
see if there are any ideas out there that could solve the problem.

On Oct 20, 12:42 pm, Julie Andrews julieonli...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm trying to find out if the user is still within range of his own
  area code. Detecting roaming doesn't solve the problem since the user
  may still be in the same network with a different area code. I thought
  about getting the user's coarse location to find the city he's is in
  but this approach needs Internet access and might not be fast enough
  (this is done as the user is making a call and needs to finish before
  the call is made).
  Is there any way I can do this with just the info from the cellular

  Denis Souza

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with interecepting outgoing calls on HTC Desire

2010-10-07 Thread Denis Souza
Agreed. Billas' solution is a very good one and there's no real
difference to the user, visual or otherwise. I didn't think it would
work so well until I actually implemented it. I also don't think that
we can rely on HTC to fix it. Since its the only device that seems to
have such a problem I decided to detect the HTC Desire instead of
adding a flag to the app. If I start getting reports from other
devices the solution will definitely be to add a flag.

As I said previously I started having the same problem with some
Motorola devices but removing the priority setting has fixed it and
since there is no real need for my app to run at a specific priority I
left it out for good.

On Oct 7, 11:41 am, felix felixwal...@gmail.com wrote:
 I got to borrow a HTC desire 2.2 today and I tested my application on
 that device for first time.
 I obviously found the same problem.

 I can confirm that setting the priority to 0, 1 or removing it doesn't
 effect the outcome for me.

 Current solution fix I have in place is the one Billias wrote. Just
 cancel the broadcast and launch a new Intent.
 This however doesn't feel right and could likely screw some other
 applications over that also react to outgoing calls.

 If this indeed is HTC's fault, I guess there will be no fix done to it
 for a very long time, if ever.
 A flag to enable the cancel broadcast+starting new Intent might be the
 only way to go in this case

 On Oct 1, 4:10 am, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

  Anyone had any progress or ideas with this?

  It's a bit hard to test it when you don't have the device.
  Anyway, I got two reports from Motorola users with the same problem...
  but the interesting thing is they only started having any problems
  after upgrading to my app's latest version.
  It occurred to me that the phone might have a limit to the time it
  waits for a response from the app (since my latest version does a few
  extra things before dialing) but I wrote a special super fast test
  version for one of the users and it still didn't work. Also I tried it
  on my HTC Hero making the phone wait 10 seconds but it worked fine,
  which means that's probably not the problem.

  Nicholas, you said you had the Desire with 2.2. Have you tried playing
  with the intent filter's priority values? Maybe using 1 or 0 or even
  removing the priority parameter altogether? That would be my next

  On Aug 27, 11:28 am, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

   Just had a report a few days ago from a user on HTCDesire(2.2) that
   says a previous version of my app worked fine. This is confirmed since
   I sent him a previous version and it worked. It might be just this one
   case since I've had another user say it didn't work with the same
   previous version.

   I'm trying to find out exactly which change made the difference (both
   versions do essentially the same thing with subtle differences) so I
   sent him a changed version to test it. If I find out anything I'll
   post it here, but don't hold your breath.. he's not very responsive.

   The workaround placing a new Intent seems reasonable in these cases. I
   think I'll add an option in my app for people having this issue though
   it's awful that I even have to think about doing that. One would think
   a company like HTC would test the whole API before releasing a new ROM
   (after all they sure take their time to do it).

   On Aug 27, 5:48 am, billas tobias.bil...@gmail.com wrote:

As it seems the HTCDesire(2.2) responds to setResultData(null)
wich will stop the out dial. Then you can place a new intent
(Action.CALL) to call the new number.
Not so nice workaround, but as a user you hardly notice it.

On 26 Aug, 14:42, billas tobias.bil...@gmail.com wrote:

 Here to. Exact same problem. Tested onHTCDesire2.2 (not working).
 It seems like it ignoring the resultData from the broadcastreceiver.
 Earlier tested onHTCHero build 2.73.405.x (android 1.5) where the
 Dialer application doesn't even send a broadcast!!
 Current build onHTCHero (android 2.1) works perfectly.

 I'm getting a bit desperate for a good workaround


 On 18 Aug, 21:31, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm getting the exact same problem.
  I have an app that changes the number being dialed.
  It works on everything except theHTCDesirewith Android2.2. Works
  withDesireon 2.1 and with any other device I tested with2.2. There
  are reports from several of my users using2.2devices and it works on
  all of them except for theHTCDesire.

  I'm think it might be a bug introduced byHTC.

  If you find a workaround let me know.. I'm still looking...

  Denis Souza

  On Aug 18, 10:20 am, Nicolas Zerr nicolas.z...@gmail.com wrote:


   I'm having troubles with intercepting outgoing calls. In fact, it
   works perfectly on emulator 2.1 and2.2, and was running also

[android-developers] Re: how to detect if a phone is running HTC sense UI

2010-10-04 Thread Denis Souza
 I would really like to know why people want to know they are running with
 Sense UI.  Is it just for notifications?  Are there other things?

Yes, there are. The Sense UI changes some of the API's behavior. I
know of two things that work differently on Sense UI. Both of them
have to do with my app, which changes the number being dialed.

1) The call log won't allow updates. It strangely allows inserts but
even though it lets you insert the phone number dialed it won't allow
you to also insert the display name (if you do it stays as unknown
and looks really awkward). I opened a discussion about this a while
back and didn't realize back then that it only happened on Sense UI
phones. Some people argued that you shouldn't touch the call log (even
though there's nothing about that in the documentation). On the
emulator and on non-Sense UI devices it works flawlessly (at leas on
all of those that I've tested so far). My app need this to keep the
original dialed number in the call log. In this case, when running
Sense UI it's better not to touch the call log that to touch it and
have it look awkward.

2) In particular HTC Desire with Android 2.2 won't allow you to change
the number being dialed.
(see thread:
I do admit that in this case I'm not completely sure it's a Sense UI
problem (I've seen it happen on Motorola devices but it was an easy
fix, removing the priority setting from the Intent). I also had
reports from Desire 2.2 users that had this working and one day, it
just stopped to never work again.

On Sep 28, 12:36 am, GodsMoon godsm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Looks like a good solution for an unfortunate problem David.

 Anyone know what package is MotoBlur would be?

 I'm using this to instruct the user to change the Lock phone after
 or the Security lock timer for SenseUI or MotoBlur respectively.
 I need to use the right terminology. Also these two settings are
 value added features that break my app, Smart Lock.
 I'm pretty sure I can't access those custom skin api's.
 I know my app is a statistical outlier, but I'd call this

 David Shellabarger

 On Aug 7, 12:50 pm, David david_almi...@yahoo.com wrote:

  This is how I do it. I would use it sparingly though so you don't bind
  your app to a particular phone.  I really only use it to determine
  whether or not I should be showing light or dark icons in the
  notification bar.  This seems to work fine with my HTC Incredible and
  the emulator to determine whether it is there or not.  Of course I
  don't have two home screens installed on my incredible so I don't know
  what would happen in that case.

  Hope this helps,

          private static final String SENSE_UI_LAUNCHER_NAME =
          private static BooleansenseUI;

          public static final boolean isSenseUI(Context context) {
                  if (senseUI== null) {
                         senseUI= false;
                          PackageManager packageManager =

                          Intent intent = new
                          ListResolveInfo list =
                          for (ResolveInfo info : list) {
                                  if (info.activityInfo != null 
  SENSE_UI_LAUNCHER_NAME.equals(info.activityInfo.name)) {
                                         senseUI= true;

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with interecepting outgoing calls on HTC Desire

2010-09-30 Thread Denis Souza
Anyone had any progress or ideas with this?

It's a bit hard to test it when you don't have the device.
Anyway, I got two reports from Motorola users with the same problem...
but the interesting thing is they only started having any problems
after upgrading to my app's latest version.
It occurred to me that the phone might have a limit to the time it
waits for a response from the app (since my latest version does a few
extra things before dialing) but I wrote a special super fast test
version for one of the users and it still didn't work. Also I tried it
on my HTC Hero making the phone wait 10 seconds but it worked fine,
which means that's probably not the problem.

Nicholas, you said you had the Desire with 2.2. Have you tried playing
with the intent filter's priority values? Maybe using 1 or 0 or even
removing the priority parameter altogether? That would be my next

On Aug 27, 11:28 am, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:
 Just had a report a few days ago from a user on HTCDesire(2.2) that
 says a previous version of my app worked fine. This is confirmed since
 I sent him a previous version and it worked. It might be just this one
 case since I've had another user say it didn't work with the same
 previous version.

 I'm trying to find out exactly which change made the difference (both
 versions do essentially the same thing with subtle differences) so I
 sent him a changed version to test it. If I find out anything I'll
 post it here, but don't hold your breath.. he's not very responsive.

 The workaround placing a new Intent seems reasonable in these cases. I
 think I'll add an option in my app for people having this issue though
 it's awful that I even have to think about doing that. One would think
 a company like HTC would test the whole API before releasing a new ROM
 (after all they sure take their time to do it).

 On Aug 27, 5:48 am, billas tobias.bil...@gmail.com wrote:

  As it seems the HTCDesire(2.2) responds to setResultData(null)
  wich will stop the out dial. Then you can place a new intent
  (Action.CALL) to call the new number.
  Not so nice workaround, but as a user you hardly notice it.

  On 26 Aug, 14:42, billas tobias.bil...@gmail.com wrote:

   Here to. Exact same problem. Tested onHTCDesire2.2 (not working).
   It seems like it ignoring the resultData from the broadcastreceiver.
   Earlier tested onHTCHero build 2.73.405.x (android 1.5) where the
   Dialer application doesn't even send a broadcast!!
   Current build onHTCHero (android 2.1) works perfectly.

   I'm getting a bit desperate for a good workaround


   On 18 Aug, 21:31, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm getting the exact same problem.
I have an app that changes the number being dialed.
It works on everything except theHTCDesirewith Android2.2. Works
withDesireon 2.1 and with any other device I tested with2.2. There
are reports from several of my users using2.2devices and it works on
all of them except for theHTCDesire.

I'm think it might be a bug introduced byHTC.

If you find a workaround let me know.. I'm still looking...

Denis Souza

On Aug 18, 10:20 am, Nicolas Zerr nicolas.z...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm having troubles with intercepting outgoing calls. In fact, it
 works perfectly on emulator 2.1 and2.2, and was running also
 perfectly on myHTCDesirewhen i was in 2.1 version.

 Here is some source code :

 package com.testcallcatch.test;

 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.util.Log;

 public class OutgoingCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
         Log.d(LOOK HERE, - + getResultData());
         Log.d(LOOK HERE, Setting to 0123456789);


 And the manifest :

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
         package=com.testcallcatch.test android:versionCode=1
         application android:icon=@drawable/icon 

                 activity android:name=.TestCallCatch 
 android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /

                 receiver android:name=.OutgoingCallReceiver
                         intent-filter android:priority=2147483646

[android-developers] Re: New countries !!!!

2010-09-30 Thread Denis Souza
I just registered here in Brazil. It links to your AdSense account so
you can receive the payments. I thought it was a pretty clever way to
do it, using the existing AdSense system so they wouldn't have to
implement payment systems for every country. Maybe the restrictions to
Czech Republic and Poland have something to do with the availability
of AdSense in those countries (can anyone from those countries
enlighten us?).
It's lame, but having 20 additional countries selling apps is a pretty
big deal (from the handful that there was before) and I'm sure they'll
continue expanding, especially with Android's increased growth in
market share.

On Sep 30, 8:07 pm, { Devdroid } webnet.andr...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 1 October 2010 00:55, { Devdroid } webnet.andr...@gmail.com wrote:

  (namely South Korea and Poland)

 I meant Czech Republic and Poland of course

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[android-developers] Re: New countries for paid apps! Maybe Ireland will be included??

2010-09-28 Thread Denis Souza
Just saw this: 

Today Google finally announced that paid apps are now available in

Hong Kong
and South Africa.

Sweden and Hungary are also rumored to receive Android apps, but no
words on it at the moment. India still misses out the list.

I don't know if there will be more (I'm guessing, yes) but the
question still in my mind is: when will all these countries be able to
SELL apps?

On Sep 25, 3:12 pm, skooter500 skooter...@gmail.com wrote:
 I received this from Google yesterday:


 We're writing to inform you about some changes to Android Market that
 require your attention.

 Over the next few weeks, we’ll be addingpaidapps support for
 additionalcountries.  If you have selected to publish yourpaidapps
 to all locations and intend to support all new locations as we expand
 the number of supportedcountriesforpaidapps, you don’t have to do
 anything.  If you have selected to publish yourpaidapps to all
 locations but intend to only target the currently supported 14countries, 
 please update your location selections to target these

 Please look for follow-up emails when we introducepaidapps support
 for specific additionalcountriesin the coming weeks.  At that time,
 you’ll have the option to target these specificcountries.

 Thanks, and we look forward to continue working with you on Android

 The Android Market Team

 It seems at last Google are adding new coutries forpaidapps! This is
 pretty exciting news. I wonder whatcountrieswill be supported?

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[android-developers] Additional countries for paid apps

2010-09-24 Thread Denis Souza
I just received an e-mail from the Android Market that I'm sure all of
you also received (or will receive shortly). It says that in the next
few weeks they will be adding paid apps support for additional
Can anyone at Google share which countries are these or is it a secret
until the day comes?

Also does anyone know if the paid apps support only means more
countries being able to buy apps or does it also mean that more
countries will be able to sell apps? There is a huge difference and I,
as a developer in a country that can't sell apps, am looking very much
forward to being able to sell apps (as I'm sure many of you are too).

Denis Souza

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with interecepting outgoing calls on HTC Desire

2010-08-27 Thread Denis Souza
Just had a report a few days ago from a user on HTC Desire (2.2) that
says a previous version of my app worked fine. This is confirmed since
I sent him a previous version and it worked. It might be just this one
case since I've had another user say it didn't work with the same
previous version.

I'm trying to find out exactly which change made the difference (both
versions do essentially the same thing with subtle differences) so I
sent him a changed version to test it. If I find out anything I'll
post it here, but don't hold your breath.. he's not very responsive.

The workaround placing a new Intent seems reasonable in these cases. I
think I'll add an option in my app for people having this issue though
it's awful that I even have to think about doing that. One would think
a company like HTC would test the whole API before releasing a new ROM
(after all they sure take their time to do it).

On Aug 27, 5:48 am, billas tobias.bil...@gmail.com wrote:
 As it seems the HTC Desire (2.2) responds to setResultData(null)
 wich will stop the out dial. Then you can place a new intent
 (Action.CALL) to call the new number.
 Not so nice workaround, but as a user you hardly notice it.

 On 26 Aug, 14:42, billas tobias.bil...@gmail.com wrote:

  Here to. Exact same problem. Tested onHTCDesire2.2 (not working).
  It seems like it ignoring the resultData from the broadcastreceiver.
  Earlier tested onHTCHero build 2.73.405.x (android 1.5) where the
  Dialer application doesn't even send a broadcast!!
  Current build onHTCHero (android 2.1) works perfectly.

  I'm getting a bit desperate for a good workaround


  On 18 Aug, 21:31, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm getting the exact same problem.
   I have an app that changes the number being dialed.
   It works on everything except theHTCDesirewith Android 2.2. Works
   withDesireon 2.1 and with any other device I tested with 2.2. There
   are reports from several of my users using 2.2 devices and it works on
   all of them except for theHTCDesire.

   I'm think it might be a bug introduced byHTC.

   If you find a workaround let me know.. I'm still looking...

   Denis Souza

   On Aug 18, 10:20 am, Nicolas Zerr nicolas.z...@gmail.com wrote:


I'm having troubles with intercepting outgoing calls. In fact, it
works perfectly on emulator 2.1 and 2.2, and was running also
perfectly on myHTCDesirewhen i was in 2.1 version.

Here is some source code :

package com.testcallcatch.test;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.util.Log;

public class OutgoingCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Log.d(LOOK HERE, - + getResultData());
        Log.d(LOOK HERE, Setting to 0123456789);


And the manifest :

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
        package=com.testcallcatch.test android:versionCode=1
        application android:icon=@drawable/icon 

                activity android:name=.TestCallCatch 
android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /

                receiver android:name=.OutgoingCallReceiver
                        intent-filter android:priority=2147483646
android:name=android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL /

        uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=7 /


As you can see, it is a very simple sample, but it's not working on
   HTCDesireunder 2.2 . I suspect this comes fromHTC, but I wonder if
there are other devices with this bug.

The app replaces each called number by 01232456789. Don't forget to
uninstall the application once done ;)

So I'm searching people for testing this little app :

- People who haveHTC2.2 device
- People who have other devices that run 2.2 android version.

Maybe someone has already solved this problem?

Thanks a lot in advance,


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[android-developers] Re: Android Emulator vs iPhone emulator (Why does it take so long)

2010-08-25 Thread Denis Souza
I guess the emulator's problem could be solved with some sort of save
state feature so you can just start up the emulator with the saved
state and not have to go through the entire android boot process.

On Aug 24, 6:41 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Vedran Rodic vro...@gmail.com wrote:
  Both things contribute to iPhone development being significantly faster.
  I wish google did something like this for Android 3.0.

 This requires building the entire platform to run as native code on the host
 machine, as well as compiling a different version of the app if it has
 native code to run on the host.

 This is not going to happen any time soon.

 In fact you can build a simulator version of Android that runs on Linux.
  Ultimately though this is not very useful for app development because it
 has low fidelity with the real platform -- it can't use separate processes
 for each app, etc.

 Also being able to build a simulator that runs on Windows or Mac would be
 *extremely* challenging.  It is not too bad on a Linux desktop, because
 Android is based on Linux.  However making it run on another kernel would
 mean introducing a very significant compatibility layer across some large
 section of user space to allow it to run on these very different kernels.

 You'll notice that the iPhone simulator only runs on Mac.

 I don't think the significant effort to get a production quality Android
 simulator, that ends up only being able to run on Linux, would be anywhere
 near worth the effort.

 Also, as has been pointed out, you should only need to boot the emulator
 once.  After that you keep it running and just reinstall your app on it...
  just like working with a device.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: Problem with interecepting outgoing calls on HTC Desire

2010-08-18 Thread Denis Souza
I'm getting the exact same problem.
I have an app that changes the number being dialed.
It works on everything except the HTC Desire with Android 2.2. Works
with Desire on 2.1 and with any other device I tested with 2.2. There
are reports from several of my users using 2.2 devices and it works on
all of them except for the HTC Desire.

I'm think it might be a bug introduced by HTC.

If you find a workaround let me know.. I'm still looking...

Denis Souza

On Aug 18, 10:20 am, Nicolas Zerr nicolas.z...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm having troubles with intercepting outgoing calls. In fact, it
 works perfectly on emulator 2.1 and 2.2, and was running also
 perfectly on my HTC Desire when i was in 2.1 version.

 Here is some source code :

 package com.testcallcatch.test;

 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.util.Log;

 public class OutgoingCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
         Log.d(LOOK HERE, - + getResultData());
         Log.d(LOOK HERE, Setting to 0123456789);


 And the manifest :

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
         package=com.testcallcatch.test android:versionCode=1
         application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/

                 activity android:name=.TestCallCatch 
 android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /

                 receiver android:name=.OutgoingCallReceiver
                         intent-filter android:priority=2147483646
 android:name=android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL /

         uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=7 /


 As you can see, it is a very simple sample, but it's not working on
 HTC Desire under 2.2 . I suspect this comes from HTC, but I wonder if
 there are other devices with this bug.

 The app replaces each called number by 01232456789. Don't forget to
 uninstall the application once done ;)

 So I'm searching people for testing this little app :

 - People who have HTC 2.2 device
 - People who have other devices that run 2.2 android version.

 Maybe someone has already solved this problem?

 Thanks a lot in advance,


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[android-developers] Re: paypal mobile payment allowed?

2010-07-08 Thread Denis Souza
Well, they did manage to pull it off for AdSense... I would think that
doing the same thing again would be much easier.

On Jul 8, 5:28 am, ko5tik kpriblo...@yahoo.com wrote:
 On Jul 7, 11:40 pm, Michael A. michael.aki...@gmail.com wrote:

  The legal  logistical issues are of course why this is not just a
  technical issue, but after 2 years? There are dozens upon dozens of
  digital distribution platforms out there - some of them started after
  the Android market - that manage to handle purchase and developer
  sales from multiple countries. It may not be trivial issue, but it is
  not rocket science either. The only explanation that really makes
  sense is that Google just isn't interested (i.e., to prioritize it).

 Google is big and visible - so they have to comply with goverment
 in the countries they are physically present. (everybody likes to
 chisel out
 something - like german cities a fee for streetview based on street
 Small fish just does not care - they are invisible and too small and
 too fast .

 So there will be no official sales in embargoed countries - like iran
 or kuba,
 and nobody will bother  with small ones like swiss, because management
 will be bigger than potential revenues.

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[android-developers] Re: paypal mobile payment allowed?

2010-07-08 Thread Denis Souza
Google did manage to solve all those problems for AdSense, which is
available in a lot of countries. Why not use the same structure for
Google Checkout?

On Jul 7, 4:03 pm, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:
 My understanding is that the problem is more a legal  logistical
 issue than a technical one (e.g complying with local tax requirements
 and laws governing resale of goods supplied from a country), so a
 software update alone won't help.


 On Jul 7, 7:34 pm, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could there be any chance that with the new Android Market, made to
  support some features in Froyo, Google would also allow more countries
  to sell apps? Does anyone have any idea of when this new Market would
  be released?

  On Jul 7, 10:30 am, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:

   It's using an unofficial API and could be cut off at any point. It
   also doesn't allow you to actually download the apps, only display the
   app listing information.


   On Jul 7, 8:00 am, ko5tik kpriblo...@yahoo.com wrote:

On Jul 6, 10:19 am, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:

 Just to address your point on collecting information from Googles
 Market; I've talked to someone at Google about this and it was an
 absolute no-go. The request wasn't for AndAppStore, but for another
 project that I was working on part of and some people at Google had
 shown some interest in.

Well,  what about cyrket?  It collects information from market and
displays it in a better way than original  ( user comments were
visible for ages )


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[android-developers] Re: paypal mobile payment allowed?

2010-07-07 Thread Denis Souza
Could there be any chance that with the new Android Market, made to
support some features in Froyo, Google would also allow more countries
to sell apps? Does anyone have any idea of when this new Market would
be released?

On Jul 7, 10:30 am, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:
 It's using an unofficial API and could be cut off at any point. It
 also doesn't allow you to actually download the apps, only display the
 app listing information.


 On Jul 7, 8:00 am, ko5tik kpriblo...@yahoo.com wrote:

  On Jul 6, 10:19 am, Al Sutton a...@funkyandroid.com wrote:

   Just to address your point on collecting information from Googles
   Market; I've talked to someone at Google about this and it was an
   absolute no-go. The request wasn't for AndAppStore, but for another
   project that I was working on part of and some people at Google had
   shown some interest in.

  Well,  what about cyrket?  It collects information from market and
  displays it in a better way than original  ( user comments were
  visible for ages )


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[android-developers] Re: paypal mobile payment allowed?

2010-07-05 Thread Denis Souza
So, essentially, you can't use it?

What would be an allowed use of PayPal's library according to the
Market's TOS?

I live in a country where Google doesn't allow me to sell apps on the
Market. I was thinking of using PayPal's solution as an alternative so
the user could do an in-app upgrade from a demo version. If that's not
allowed then maybe I shoudn't be developing for Android. I wonder how
many developers have given up on writing apps because of this. If the
number of apps in the Android Market is growing fast now, imagine how
it could be if Google actually used their global presence to support
developers everywhere.

On Jul 5, 7:01 pm, moneytoo m...@seznam.cz wrote:
 It depends on what you want to charge the user for.

 From 3.3: All fees received by Developers for Products distributed via
 the Market must be processed by the Market’s Payment Processor.

 Definition ofroducts: Software, content and digital materials created
 for Devices in accordance with the Android SDK and distributed via the

 On Jul 5, 6:03 pm, Kai snowst...@gmail.com wrote:

  Paypal recently released a mobile payment library for android.
  see news 

  I recalled that the android market TOS doesn't allow non-google
  checkout payment solution.

  has TOS been changed to allow paypal integration??

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[android-developers] Re: Accidentally made my paid app free

2010-07-02 Thread Denis Souza
I woudn't know, sorry, though I'd start with contacting support, which
you have already done... Try explaining again what happened. I don't
know if anyone with any power to make that change reads these posts,
but it would help if you could get anyone from the inside to
sympathize with your problem.

On Jul 1, 7:21 pm, g1bb corymgibb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks everyone for the feedback.

 For the record, I had the app published since the Market's inception
 (~1.5 years?) with 5000+ downloads, a multitude of ratings, etc.

 Denis, do you have any ideas on how to fight it? I'm not blaming
 anyone but myself on this one, but would love to have my downloads and
 ratings back.

 Thanks again.

 I opened a ticket with support, and this was the response:
 Thanks for writing in.

 Once you've set the price of an application, you can change it at any
 time. However, if you've previously published an application for free,
 cannot change it to have a price.

 If you'd like to sell your application, you'll need to upload a new
 and add a price.

 If we can assist you further, please let us know.

 On Jul 1, 3:36 pm, Denis Souza denis.so...@gmail.com wrote:

  In your place I'd fight it a little and try to get someone at Google
  to change it back. If changing the name/package means it's an entirely
  new app, it also means that all those people who purchased your app
  would have to pay for it again if they ever have to reinstall or if
  they want to update to the latest version.

  On Jul 1, 2:43 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 4:23 AM, SiteNook siten...@gmail.com wrote:
I assumed the opposite, a new app.

   It's in the title Accidentally made my paid app free ... IOW, had a 
   app already, then made it free, oops.

I doubt he changed it to free on version 2.6 or something.

   I think he did.

   So I made my paid app free, not realizing that I wouldn't be able to 
   it back to paid.

   Am I the only one who actually read what the OP posted?

   TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 
   deviceshttp://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking-Hide quoted 
   text -

  - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Re: Android paid apps in Ireland

2010-07-01 Thread Denis Souza
In your place I'd fight it a little and try to get someone at Google
to change it back. If changing the name/package means it's an entirely
new app, it also means that all those people who purchased your app
would have to pay for it again if they ever have to reinstall or if
they want to update to the latest version.

On Jul 1, 12:35 pm, Shane Isbell shane.isb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for taking a look, Steve. Just to throw some stats your way: Facebook
 has 400 million active users and 70% of the users are outside of the US.
 There are also 100 million users that access FaceBook through their mobile
 device, so it's a great community to sell Android applications into.

 It's also a great way to interact with your user base. When you click on an
 app, you see a picture of the dev (with a link to their facebook page),
 giving it far more of a personal feel. Users can see these are real people.
 A face to the apps. And my feeling is that the feedback will be far more
 constructive when they see it's not some faceless entity.

 One complaint I've heard from devs is they can't communicate with their user
 base if they find a bug and need to head off the stem of bad reviews or if
 they get a bad review because the user doesn't understand the product. With
 Zapp you can go in and see who left a comment or who bought your apps (with
 a link to their page) and address things quickly.

 And then you have the whole viral nature of the app, where friends recommend
 to friends and so on. This provides exposure to apps that traditionally get
 buried in the Android Market.

 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:51 AM, gosh steve...@unimelb.edu.au wrote:
  sell Android apps into the facebook community, take a look at ZappMarket

  Thats a very cool idea - its given me a whole new perspective on
  I've stayed away from facebook for years, for philosophical reasons:
  I've always considered it to be an attempt to fence-off the Internet
  into a private space, one not much different from Microsoft's attempt
  years ago with MSN. Hated the 'login in' screen before you could see
  anything at all - at least they've moved away from that.

  BUT, now that Google has shown itself far less International than I
  would have ever suspected prior to Android app development (re: the
  hard limit to 9 seller countries), it puts facebook in a whole new
  light to me. It is effectively a very large social space that crossed
  those national boundaries that Google has stopped at the border of. So
  from a commercial point of view, it may well turn out to be the most
  International player at the top end of the service providers

  Good luck to you with it.

  On Jun 29, 2:26 pm, Shane Isbell shane.isb...@gmail.com wrote:
   If you want to sell Android apps into the facebook community, take a look
   ZappMarket. It has a dozen payment methods including paypal, google
   checkout, as well as an offer wall. Pretty much anyone, anywhere will be
   able to buy your app. You don't get the instant audience of Android
   but Zapp is a great way to build a community of users around your app.
   Android Market finally comes to Ireland, you could already have a good
   base built up.

   Keep in mind, to upload, you will need a facebook account:


   On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Mathias Lin m...@mathiaslin.com
Don't expect an answer from Google, cause they won't. Just move to
another market platform. Google has no interest to offer paid apps
model in too many countries, as they heavily rely on advertisement

On Jun 28, 3:15 pm, skooter500 skooter...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is a disgrace! And I cant get an answer from anyone in Google as
 to when this will be available.

 Oh well. It looks like SlideMe it is


 On Jun 26, 7:43 pm, Tomá¹  Hubálek tom.huba...@gmail.com wrote:

  On 21 èvn, 10:37, skooter500 skooter...@gmail.com wrote:

   (though I have users in 22 countries). I am not going to release
   for free. It seems I cant sign up for a google checkout merchant
   account, because I live inIrelandand there are no paid apps
   on the Irish Android Marketplace!!!

  Welcome to Android World where highest percentage of the apps on
 marketis free... We are going to communism where everything is for
  free and everybody is working for pleasure ;-) And all pigs are
  and some of the are more equal ;-)


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[android-developers] Re: Accidentally made my paid app free

2010-07-01 Thread Denis Souza
In your place I'd fight it a little and try to get someone at Google
to change it back. If changing the name/package means it's an entirely
new app, it also means that all those people who purchased your app
would have to pay for it again if they ever have to reinstall or if
they want to update to the latest version.

On Jul 1, 2:43 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 4:23 AM, SiteNook siten...@gmail.com wrote:
  I assumed the opposite, a new app.

 It's in the title Accidentally made my paid app free ... IOW, had a paid
 app already, then made it free, oops.

  I doubt he changed it to free on version 2.6 or something.

 I think he did.

 So I made my paid app free, not realizing that I wouldn't be able to change
 it back to paid.

 Am I the only one who actually read what the OP posted?

 TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 

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[android-developers] Call Log on HTC Hero

2010-06-09 Thread Denis Souza

I have an app that changes the number being called and updates the
call log after the call to keep the original number.
In the emulator (and on most devices) everything works fine but on the
HTC Hero I can't seem to update the number in the Call Log. I run an
update but nothing happens.

Until recently I was using Android 1.5 on the Hero and I could work
around this issue by deleting the log entry and creating a new one
with all the same data, but after upgrading to 2.1 I can still delete
the old entry but when I insert the new one the only info that gets
inserted are the phone number, call type and time of call. The contact
name and number type don't get saved and it always shows on the log as
an unknown number.

It sounds to me like HTC's sense UI breaks the call log somehow. Has
anyone seen this issue and has a workaround for it? Or is there
something I might be missing about the call log?
Ultimately it's a database, right? So there must be a way to do it if
I have access to the database.

Thanks in advance,
Denis Souza

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[android-developers] Re: Call Log on HTC Hero

2010-06-09 Thread Denis Souza
Ok, bad choice of words... still, I can generate requests to a the
call log's content provider. Does that mean that HTC likely replaced
the content provider with a buggy/restrictive version? If that's the
case would there be another way to change that data without root

On Jun 9, 11:08 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 Denis Souza wrote:
  Ultimately it's a database, right? So there must be a way to do it if
  I have access to the database.

 You do not have access to the database.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
 Version 1.6 Available!

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[android-developers] Changing the Caller ID

2010-05-28 Thread Denis Souza

I'm trying to write a program that changes the incoming caller ID
number to match exactly number in the phone's address book (since some
carriers vary how they send the caller ID).

I am receiving broadcasts for changes in phone state. I can get the
caller ID number by checking the incoming_number extra that comes
with the intent. However, when I change anything in the extra it
raises an exception saying that I can't do that because I'm using a
non-ordered broadcast receiver.
The SDK docs say that if I use the android:priority attribute in the
intent filter the broadcast will be ordered, but even when I do that,
I always get a non-ordered broadcast.

What could I be doing wrong?

Below is the snippet from my manifest file:

receiver android:name=.Update
   intent-filter android:priority=100
  action android:name=android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE /
  category android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /

I tried setting the priority to 1 and to 100 but it still doesn't

Thanks in advance,
Denis Souza

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