[android-developers] YouTube Android Player API - PlayerViewDemoActivity crash

2013-11-20 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All,

I am trying to use the youtube android api jar  the samples from here :


But everytime, i run this app  press the back key continously, before the
video is loaded in the activity, I see youtube crashing.

It says : Unfortuantely, Youtube has stopped with a Report  a Ok.

The logs says an *unregisterReceiver() for youtubeservice is missing.*

*Is this a known issue? Does anybody know anything about this?*

 11-20 15:36:44.023: E/ActivityThread(5674): Service
has leaked IntentReceiver
that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to
11-20 15:36:44.023: E/ActivityThread(5674):
android.app.IntentReceiverLeaked: Service
com.google.android.youtube.api.service.YouTubeService has leaked
was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to
11-20 15:36:44.023: E/ActivityThread(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.023: E/ActivityThread(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.023: E/ActivityThread(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.023: E/ActivityThread(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.064: I/dalvikvm(5674): Could not find method
android.media.MediaPlayer.setVideoScalingMode, referenced from method
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.074: E/AndroidRuntime(5674): at
11-20 15:36:44.084: E/EmbeddedLogger(263): App crashed! Process:
11-20 15:36:44.084: E/EmbeddedLogger(263): App crashed! Package:
com.google.android.youtube v5227 (5.2.27)
11-20 15:36:44.084: E/EmbeddedLogger(263): Application Label: YouTube
11-20 15:36:46.276: D/PackageEnabler(5522): action:
android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED, pkg: com.google.android.youtube,
disabled: false, replacing: false


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[android-developers] Need help: How to disable a view(provided there are 2 views in xml) ??

2010-03-25 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All,

In one of my applications i have 2 views(1 surfaceview and 1
videoview). And my main requirement now is

to disable videoview(  its corresponding surface obtained thru
videoview-getholder-getsurface()) when i dont need it.

The reason for me to do this,

I have created these 2 views in the beginning of the app. SO they are
always present.
But in some cases where i want only 1 view(which is surfaceview) and
if i dont need the 2nd view(i.e, videoview), i am still getting a
black patch at the palce where i have defned a videoview.

I want to get rid of this.

Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to disable views/surfaces
corresponding to them? If so how can we do this?

Please do advise. Your help is very much needed.


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[android-developers] Need help: How to create Surfaces in Native layer(equivalent of view-getholder-getsurface)

2010-03-22 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All,

In one of my applications, i am doing some video playback and other
display related stuffs in Surfaceviews and i create them in XML
layouts. I am all fine in Java here.

But now i need to do all this in C/C++(native layer),

I have this doubt in this regard.

Is it possible to create Surfaces in C/C++?

(the main activity that needs this surface in my C file is the
mediaplayer's setVideoSurface() method which requires this surface.)

Could anyone please let me know how to achieve this?

Your advice is highly appreciated.


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words REMOVE ME as the subject.

[android-developers] [Android-developers] Overlay in Views. Please suggest

2010-03-19 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All

I need your help/suggestion on this issue.

In my application, i have a surfaceView and a videoView which are
occupying the full screen.

SurfaceView is on the top and thus VideoView is hidden below.

But i need to see both SurfaceView and VideoView together. How do i
achieve this?

I tried giving


and tried even this:


But nothing seem to bring my VIdeoView on my SurfaceView :(

Can anyone please suggest something. I would appreciate your help.

thanks in advance,

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[android-developers] [Android-developers] ApiDemos' MediaPlayerDemo_Video not playing the video fully in new SDK 'android-sdk_r05-windows'

2010-03-11 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All,

I just got a new SDK 'android-sdk_r05-windows'

from the site and tried the
, but I found something strange with the MediaPlayerDemo_Video.java

When i tried running a 3gp file ( which used to run perfectly fine on
sdk1.6), i could see it not running. It however starts playing the
video file but after a first frame or so, it stopped the animation.

Has anybody tried this? What is wrong in here?

Please share your experiences.


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[android-developers] [Android-developers] General question: Can't we have 2 projects(same) in 2 different locations and import them in eclipse?

2010-03-09 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All

I always face this problem in my eclipse.

I would like have a copy of the apps in all the versions of SDKs/NDKs.

And once i have a project in eclipse, and if i have to import the same
project from a new location, i get the message saying  can't import,
project of the same name already exists

Is this how it is? We cant import the same project from its 2nd
location in eclipse? Everytime i delete the project from old location
and put it in new :( ( i know, it is a very unacceptable approach).

Can anybody please suggest me.


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[android-developers] [Android-developers]How many SurfaceHolder objects can be created in one activity having one view?

2010-02-26 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All,

I need to have an app where i can play both video and audio using
mediaplayer APIs.
But my problem here is , for video . i have to use
SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS and pass this to mp.setDisplay().


Where as, An audio file can not be played with

What is the best solution to achieve this?

Is it possible to have more than 2 SurfaceHolder objects can be
created in one activity having one view?(one for audio with no
SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS and other one is for Video)

Please do advise.


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[android-developers] Need help:Any Opencore APi to get the decoded frame of a video into a buffer??

2010-02-07 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All

Is it possible to get the decoded frame of a video in a buffer using
Opencore Apis? Or is it like, the Opencore Media APis would directly
update these frames on screen display?

Any reply is greatly appreciated. Please do advise.


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[android-developers] Need Help : canvas.drawtext() for a lengthy string

2010-01-07 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All

I am stuck in a very simple problem.

I have one lengthy string  I need to draw that on the device display.

My code is as follows:

void ShowText(String text) {
                canv = thread.mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas();

                       if (text!= null) {

                               canv.drawColor(Color.WHITE); //background color
                               mPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); //font color
                               mPaint.setTextSize(15);         //font size
                               canv.drawText(text, 10, 200, mPaint);
                        //startign at some
(10,200) coordinates , dratext


But the problem here is, the string is going out of the screen. I want
it to break down into multiple lines if it is too big for the screen

Can anybody show me some example to do this? Is there any other better
way than using canvas class? please do suggest.

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[android-developers] Need Help : calling a non-static Java method from C in Android

2009-12-21 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All

In my Android app, I need to call a  non static java method from C/C++.
But i get a blunt crash when i do it using
GetMethodID/CallVoidMethod()1 methods.

I have done like this:

1. Register the method using GetMethodID() as follows (mine is  a cpp file):

   jmethodID xyz =  (env)-GetMethodID( cls, showxyz, ()V);

2. And I call this method as follows:

 env-CallVoidMethod(cls, xyz);

3. In java, my showxyz() is defined this way(this basically enables a
button which was disabled)

void showxyz()

And this crashes.

But I have been using this method of calling Java funcs from C using a
set of  GetStaticMethodID/CallStaticVoidMethod()(for nonstatic
methods) and that works always.

But in this case, I have to call a non-static method and i get a crash.

Can anybody please tel me where I am going wrong. I know this is a
basic JNI knowledge. But I am left high and dry. Please do advise.


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[android-developers] Need Help: Is widestrings like LString allowed in Android?

2009-11-13 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All

Does anybody know about the behavoir of Android’s compiler for target
on wide strings like  L”string” ??

I have a piece of code like this:

Unsigned short* TESTWSTRING[] =
L.jpg”, L”.txt”

Will TESTWSTRING[0]  TESTWSTRING[1] be widestrings ?

In Win32, memory used by TESTWSTRING[0] is 5x2 bytes(inclusive of null
termination). But in Android this is not the case. So wondering
whether prepending “L” to a string is valid in Android or not?

Can someone please explain this difference in behavior?

Please do advise.


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Re: [android-developers] Need help : JSR s supported in Android

2009-11-09 Thread Latha Shivanna
oh thanks ..but any idea on what all JSRs supported in android?

please do share this info


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Romain Guy romain...@google.com wrote:
 JSR 226 is not supported.

 On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hii All

 What are all the JSR s supported in Android?

 Is JSR 226 supported?

 Can anybody please let me know this.

 Thanks a lot

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 Romain Guy
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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[android-developers] Need help : JSR s supported in Android

2009-11-08 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All

What are all the JSR s supported in Android?

Is JSR 226 supported?

Can anybody please let me know this.

Thanks a lot

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Re: [android-developers] Re: [Android-developers] Display APIs in Android?

2009-11-05 Thread Latha Shivanna
OoO , i used drawbitmap(int[],) apis  to replace my createbitmap()
and drawbitmap() methods.

Thanks a lot for your replies. I felt really dumb not to hit
ctrl+space on eclipse :-|

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:14 PM, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:

 OnDraw gets a Canvas object passed to it. You basically draw directly
 to this object (Use Canvas's methods to do the drawing). However, you
 won't be double buffering then so you may see some flicker.


 On Nov 4, 5:33 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
  You can directly draw onto surface bound with canvas passed in in your
  draw handler. You don't have to always first draw into bitmap then
  copy from bitmap to surface.

 can you please give me some sample code for the same? It would be
 really helpful. Or any references where i can have a look at for this
 draw handler example?


 On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Westermann Fu westerman...@gmail.com wrote:
  You can directly draw onto surface bound with canvas passed in in your
  draw handler. You don't have to always first draw into bitmap then
  copy from bitmap to surface.

  In fact, no matter what strategy you use you have not really drawn
  onto screen framebuffer directly, the last action is composing done by
  surfaceflinger service which sit in native layer but it only export
  limited method you can access. I think directly accessing /dev/
  graphics/fb0 is not recommand by android platform.

  On Nov 4, 12:35 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
  I need some 2D apis. can anybody suggest something?

  Are there any ways to display a buffer on screen in native layer? I am
  aware of using some ioctl calls on /dev/graphics/fb0.(But it needs
  root access)

  Please do advise.


  On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM, sham shamcs shamc...@gmail.com wrote:
   you can use opengl also

   On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com 

   Hii All

   Can anybody please tell me how can we display a buffer on screen?

   Currently I create a bitmap using Bitmap's CreateBitmap() and render
   it on screen using canvas' drawBitmap().

   Is there any other way of doing this in Java layer?

   Please do share your thoughts.

   thanks in advance

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Need Help : Profiler/task manager in Android

2009-11-05 Thread Latha Shivanna
oh ya...adb shell top was enough for me .

thank you Lance :)

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've used the top command inside adb shell to see what percent of
 the CPU time an app was using before.

 There's a more advanced tool called traceview you might want to look
 into as well:

 I haven't needed to use that one yet.

 On Oct 26, 8:10 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hii All,

 My android app is running very slow and I doubt that it is not given
 enough CPU. So wanted to know if there is any way to check the CPU
 utilization by all apps at the time when I am running my app.

 Or any tool, by which we can get to know what all applications are
 running at some instance of time?
 I mean, some kind of a “task manager”? profiler?

 Please do share your inputs.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: arrays to be accessed by both JAVA n C thru JNI in an Android app

2009-11-05 Thread Latha Shivanna
ya...I now create the new array only once in the beginning and release
it once my app ends.
Untill this release my array would be retained n used without being
created once again.

thank you

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:39 PM, fadden fad...@android.com wrote:

 On Oct 23, 3:51 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
 The whole procedure is followed for (480x640) times. And so there is a
 redundant creation of the array for every frame display.

 Why do you have to create a new array each time?  Why can't you re-use
 an existing one?

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Re: [android-developers] Re: [Android-developers] Display APIs in Android?

2009-11-04 Thread Latha Shivanna
 You can directly draw onto surface bound with canvas passed in in your
 draw handler. You don't have to always first draw into bitmap then
 copy from bitmap to surface.

can you please give me some sample code for the same? It would be
really helpful. Or any references where i can have a look at for this
draw handler example?


On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Westermann Fu westerman...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can directly draw onto surface bound with canvas passed in in your
 draw handler. You don't have to always first draw into bitmap then
 copy from bitmap to surface.

 In fact, no matter what strategy you use you have not really drawn
 onto screen framebuffer directly, the last action is composing done by
 surfaceflinger service which sit in native layer but it only export
 limited method you can access. I think directly accessing /dev/
 graphics/fb0 is not recommand by android platform.

 On Nov 4, 12:35 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
 I need some 2D apis. can anybody suggest something?

 Are there any ways to display a buffer on screen in native layer? I am
 aware of using some ioctl calls on /dev/graphics/fb0.(But it needs
 root access)

 Please do advise.


 On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM, sham shamcs shamc...@gmail.com wrote:
  you can use opengl also

  On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hii All

  Can anybody please tell me how can we display a buffer on screen?

  Currently I create a bitmap using Bitmap's CreateBitmap() and render
  it on screen using canvas' drawBitmap().

  Is there any other way of doing this in Java layer?

  Please do share your thoughts.

  thanks in advance

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[android-developers] [Android-developers] Display APIs in Android?

2009-11-03 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hii All

Can anybody please tell me how can we display a buffer on screen?

Currently I create a bitmap using Bitmap's CreateBitmap() and render
it on screen using canvas' drawBitmap().

Is there any other way of doing this in Java layer?

Please do share your thoughts.

thanks in advance

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Re: [android-developers] [Android-developers] Display APIs in Android?

2009-11-03 Thread Latha Shivanna
I need some 2D apis. can anybody suggest something?

Are there any ways to display a buffer on screen in native layer? I am
aware of using some ioctl calls on /dev/graphics/fb0.(But it needs
root access)

Please do advise.


On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM, sham shamcs shamc...@gmail.com wrote:
 you can use opengl also

 On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hii All

 Can anybody please tell me how can we display a buffer on screen?

 Currently I create a bitmap using Bitmap's CreateBitmap() and render
 it on screen using canvas' drawBitmap().

 Is there any other way of doing this in Java layer?

 Please do share your thoughts.

 thanks in advance

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[android-developers] Need Help : Profiler/task manager in Android

2009-10-26 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hii All,

My android app is running very slow and I doubt that it is not given
enough CPU. So wanted to know if there is any way to check the CPU
utilization by all apps at the time when I am running my app.

Or any tool, by which we can get to know what all applications are
running at some instance of time?
I mean, some kind of a “task manager”? profiler?

Please do share your inputs.


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[android-developers] [Android-developers]arrays to be accessed by both JAVA n C thru JNI in an Android app

2009-10-23 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hii All,

I am facing a problem in my Android app which is calling native
functions through JNI. So thought somebody in this group can help me
to resolve this.

The current code :

1.  Create an array in JNI layer ( by NewIntArray()) which can be used
by both Java  C.
2.  we can name that array as type ‘jintArray arrayX’.
3.  We call GetIntArrayElements() on this ‘arrayX’ to get its elements
i.e, int * elementsX.
4.  This ‘elementsX’ would be used by a native call which will set it
to some value.(project specific* : may not need interest for this
5.  We now get the updated value of ‘elementsX’. And copy it back to
‘arrayX’ using ReleaseIntArrayElements() .
6.  We use ‘arrayX’ in bitmap/canvas class of Java layer to display on 

The whole procedure is followed for (480x640) times. And so there is a
redundant creation of the array for every frame display.

Is there any way to avoid this creation of array for each frame. Any
better solution to achieve the above?

I am not getting a way out of this  the performance of my app has
gotten very low too:(

Any JNI code snippets to modify steps (1 to 3  5) would be of great help to me.

Appreciate your suggestions on this.


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[android-developers] Re: Need Help : getheight()/width() API returning wrong screensize on device.

2009-10-22 Thread Latha Shivanna

thanks a lot Lance and Richard.

I was wrong when I said my API version is set.

On changing

uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 / to uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=4 /
my issue was solved.

thanks once again.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:

 Have you tried the android:targetSdkVersion attribute on the uses-sdk
 tag in AndroidManifest.xml?

 I was able to get the default display returned by the window service
 to switch from reporting 480x533 to 480x800 in a quick test just now
 by changing from this:
 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /

 To this:
 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 android:targetSdkVersion=4 /

 Both on the WVGA800 skin.

 No targetSdkVersion attribute and just setting minSdkVersion to 4 also
 gave 480x800. No uses-sdk tag at all gave 480x533. Not sure if you
 meant these attributes or the build target when you wrote that the API
 version is set.

 On Oct 21, 6:34 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes .. API version is set to 4 in my app. Even all the samples under
 SDK 1.6 are all 4. Still there is problem.

 Has anybody seen seen the APIDemos in SDK1.6 in a large screen by any chance?

 Please do share your knowledge.


 On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:08 PM, RichardC

 richard.crit...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Have you set your API version to 4 (SDK 1.6)?

  If I remember correctly - if your API is set to version 3 (or lower)
  the platform will run your application in emulation mode and scale it
  to the actual screen size.  So you will never see the large screen.


  On Oct 21, 10:22 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hii All,

  I am facing a small problem in my android app regarding its display
  resolution. Getwidth()/height() in my app is always giving me a screen
  size of (320x480) though the actual screensize of the target is

  I checked APIdemos/lunarlander n other sample examples from the
  Android SDK on this device with 480x640. But they too are taking only
  the size ~320x480.

  Why is it? What API i should use to make my app occupy the entire
  screen? Any input from you is highly appreciated.


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[android-developers] Need Help : getheight()/width() API returning wrong screensize on device.

2009-10-21 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hii All,

I am facing a small problem in my android app regarding its display
resolution. Getwidth()/height() in my app is always giving me a screen
size of (320x480) though the actual screensize of the target is

I checked APIdemos/lunarlander n other sample examples from the
Android SDK on this device with 480x640. But they too are taking only
the size ~320x480.

Why is it? What API i should use to make my app occupy the entire
screen? Any input from you is highly appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: Need Help : getheight()/width() API returning wrong screensize on device.

2009-10-21 Thread Latha Shivanna

Yes .. API version is set to 4 in my app. Even all the samples under
SDK 1.6 are all 4. Still there is problem.

Has anybody seen seen the APIDemos in SDK1.6 in a large screen by any chance?

Please do share your knowledge.


On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 3:08 PM, RichardC
richard.crit...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Have you set your API version to 4 (SDK 1.6)?

 If I remember correctly - if your API is set to version 3 (or lower)
 the platform will run your application in emulation mode and scale it
 to the actual screen size.  So you will never see the large screen.


 On Oct 21, 10:22 am, Latha Shivanna latha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hii All,

 I am facing a small problem in my android app regarding its display
 resolution. Getwidth()/height() in my app is always giving me a screen
 size of (320x480) though the actual screensize of the target is

 I checked APIdemos/lunarlander n other sample examples from the
 Android SDK on this device with 480x640. But they too are taking only
 the size ~320x480.

 Why is it? What API i should use to make my app occupy the entire
 screen? Any input from you is highly appreciated.


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[android-developers] Video problem - How to use a surface for both canvas and mediaplayer

2009-10-12 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hii All

I have a requirement in my application where i need to do 2 things :
1.use canvas to display a bitmap
2.use mediaplayer class to display a video.

I tried using getHolder().setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS);
and could see the video alone followed by an exception for  canvas.
This is expected as i am using SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS.

But if i dont use 'SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS' then the video will not
be seen but everythign that i have given for 'canvas' works.

But i need to use both canvas and mediaplayer(for video) in my app.
How can i achieve this?

Or is it possible to create 2 surfaceviews, one for canvas and the
other for mediaplayer.setDisplay() ??

can anybody please share with me the code if they have tried something
like this?

Please show me some path out of this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance,

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[android-developers] Any API to get the time elapsed since the system was started?

2009-10-07 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hi All

In one of my Android app, I need to get the number of milliseconds
that have elapsed since the system was started.(soemthing like
GetTickCount() in Windows mobile)
Is there any API for the same ?
Or can anybody share the code, if they have done it already?

Please do share your thoughts.

Thanks for your help,

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[android-developers] Audio on Android : \frameworks\base\media\tests\mediaframeworktest

2009-09-02 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hii All,

I need to understand how an audio is being played by Android in its
native level. I started looking at its
'\frameworks\base\media\tests\MediaFrameworkTest' to track down the
call sequence into the native level.

I gave a LOG statement everywhere in all the functions that come under
frameworks\base\media\jni\ thinking any Java Android API would call
its corresponding JNI function which would then call its native code.
But i did not see any of these LOG statements on my logcat.

Can anybody please give me a call sequence for MediaPlayer.start();
till its native code??

i.e, MediaPlayer.start() - which JNI call(JNI File) in Android tree?
- which Native function  ??

I am sure there is a lot of expertise with you people on this. Could
you please share it with me and help me to come out of my problem.

Would be really grateful for any help.


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[android-developers] Query: Packing resources into an APK

2009-08-27 Thread Latha Shivanna

Hii All,

In one of my applications, I am pushing few image files say xyz.png
into the device using adb push  command. And I use these files in my
application by giving their exact filepaths (say if I have pushed them
into /data, I wud say /data/xyz.png).

So to short it down, i wud say, I have a .apk and to run this apk I
would push few files manually using adb commands and I use these files
in my application by giving their full path.

But my requirement is that I should not be pushing the files manually
into the device. Instead I need these images to be a part of my .apk
itself. And I should get their fullpath which are the input parameter
to my method in the application.

Is there any way to do this? Could anybody please help me in this. Any
of your help is highly appreciated!!

Please do suggest.


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[android-developers] [android-developers]Query : Mouse event codes on Android

2009-06-16 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All

I am writing an application in which i need to handle mouse events. I am
infact not sure on how Android supports mouse pointers. With all the
discussions on android groups, i got a vague idea that it is nto suported.

But could anyone please tel me if mouse is suported on Android.
On WindowsMobile,we have

  WM_MOUSEMOVE ://move the pointer/cursor while pressing the
left mouse button.
  WM_LBUTTONDOWN ://press the left mouse button
  WM_LBUTTONUP : //release the left mouse button
  WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : //double-clicks the mouse

I need to know the exact equivalent for these above events.

I am trying with
I am not quite sure if i am right or not.

Please do help me,if you know anythign about this.Would appreciate any help.


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[android-developers] Messaging between 2 threads

2009-05-21 Thread Latha Shivanna
Hi All

I am writing an application in which i need to handle messages between the
main thread(the deafult UI related thread) and the user created Gamethread.

The requirement is like this.

An activity(say Activity_X) is setting the view by setContentView(some
View_Y). In Activity_X i have implemeted onCreateOptionsMenu() and
onOptionsItemSelected() fucntions for creating menus  a switch case for
action to be taken on selecting those menus.Menu has items like
resume/pause/zoom/ .

All action to be take on selecting these menus are implemented in View_Y
in a separate Gamethread by extending Thread class.

So whenever a menu is selected in Activity_X i need to send a message to
View_Y. And on receiving this ,a particular action/method should be called
in View_Y(GameThread).

How can i achieve this using Handlers?Is there any other way of doing this?
Please do share with me some code snippets for these.
Your advises are highly appreciable. Thank you for your time.


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