[android-developers] Service and START_REDELIVER_INTENT

2012-08-31 Thread Lieuwe

I have been playing around with trying to restart a service that was killed 
while it had started. There are some questions that I can't seem to answer 
by searching in the API documentation.

- Is the re-delivery of the Intent guaranteed? 
- Are there any timings available for the scheduler that re-delivers this 
intent? (do I wait seconds, minutes, hours, )
- Is this behaviour affected by the user (me) clicking the OK button on 
the forced close pop-up? (ideally it would have to work without user 
intervention - so no-one closing the pop-up)
- Is this behaviour affected by me running the Service attached to eclipse 
in debug mode (i.e. I have to manually resume the debugger as it catches 
the exception)?
- I packaged the Service with an Activity that can control it (start / stop 
it) .. is the strategy still supposed to work when it is only the Service 
that is killed and the Activity is still running?

I also tried to add an UncaughtExceptionHandler, report what is happening 
and then package the caught Throwable in a RuntimeException and rethrow it 
but this way the Service is never restarted. For the other situations I get 
some very intermittent results and more often then not - the service is not 
restarted while stopSelf() is definately not called.



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[android-developers] Re: Handler or (Local) BroadcastReceiver

2012-08-29 Thread Lieuwe

 We did consider that option but we decided we wanted the HTML5 without all 
the 'if this OS then .. else ..' stuff that comes with it.

I had a quick look at how phonegap does it:

For Android they inject a js object. They use the 
Activity.runOnUIThread(...) functionality to report back to js. 

For iOS the js signals the native code by loading a gap:\\ url. The 
Native code intercepts this and then does a js callback to receive the 
functionality requested.

Interesting to note that it is possible here to do synchronous Android 
native calls but only asynchronous iOS calls. We decided on asynchronous 
native calls only x-platform when we designed our application.

I'll have a look at the example you suggest re the broadcast receiver. 


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[android-developers] Re: Handler or (Local) BroadcastReceiver

2012-08-29 Thread Lieuwe
I'll have a word with our iOS lead as it isn't my field of expertise. My 
understanding is that it is not possible to inject js objects with iOS. I think 
phonegap also uses the intercept a url 'click' method.

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[android-developers] Handler or (Local) BroadcastReceiver

2012-08-28 Thread Lieuwe

I am working on a fairly complex bit of code. I would like your input to 
understand which (if any at all) of the above classes I should use.

The short description is that I have an Activity that displays local HTML5 
within a WebView. The WebView utilises a WebViewClient which intercepts URL 
requests from the HTML5 implementation (I realise that on Android the 
HTML5/javascript implementation can directly call native code but 
unfortunately the HTML5 needs to be x-platform (i.e. run on iOS) so I am 
forced to communicate through intercepting URL's that are being loaded). 
The application also has a separate Thread that I use to communicate with 
an external server across the network.

1: When the native Android code wants to do a javascript call in the 
WebView object, does this need to be done via the main application thread 
or could for instance the external server Thread do a 
WebView.loadURL(javascript:..) directly?
2: Is the HTML5/javascript implementation run by the main thread? In other 
words, is the WebViewClient.shouldOverrideUrlLoading() called by the 
main application thread?
3: I implemented PUSH notifications within the application and I am 
currently using a BroadCastReceiver in my Activity to receive broadcast 
messages from the cloud messaging IntentService I added. As the Activity 
already contains a Broadcastreceiver - should the external server Thread 
(in case the answer to 1 is yes) and the WebViewClient (in case the answer 
to 2 is no) also send a broadcast message to report to the Activity or 
should I implement an additional message Handler?

- on a sidenote .. I just read that I cannot perform timeconsuming actions 
from the BroadcastReceiver.onReceive() method. (apparently not even 
open pop-up dialogs although that is exactly what I do and works fine on 
both the simulator and a range of real devices) ... what is the solution 

Hope I explained the situation clear enough :)



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[android-developers] access points

2010-07-16 Thread Lieuwe

I have some code that uses a network connection .. I create a
connection by calling openConnection() on a URL object.

Is there any documentation that explains how this process works? Which
access point is being used? When that access point becomes invalid,
will it automatically switch to another accespoint? etc.

I would like to use only WIFI access points and otherwise fail even
tho 3G or GPRS could be available, is that possible?


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[android-developers] Re: access points

2010-07-16 Thread Lieuwe

I understand that I can use that to monitor the network connection(s)
- but I would like to choose which one to actually use when I call

Can I tell the phone which connection I want to use (or use 2
different ones at the same time perhaps) .. or do applications only
get to use the one that the OS decides is active?

In my case I use a http connection as our server side API uses that -
but I can go down to socket level if that is needed.

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[android-developers] Re: access points

2010-07-16 Thread Lieuwe
Thanks for the response. It is actually a bit of a problem as I only
want to use WIFI (i.e. when in a MacD or Starbucks). My app should not
be allowed to use the network if it is on GPRS. I just hope the phone
will prefer WIFI over GPRS if both are available ...

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[android-developers] Using contacts (again)

2010-07-13 Thread Lieuwe
Is it possible to create a generic android application that uses
contacts (though a contentResolver) that will run on all android
versions  1.5 ?

I have backward compatibility issues where f.i. my HTC Hero which is
upgraded to Android 2.1 is not able to use the People.CONTENT_URI even
though this is meant to be deprecated - not unsupported!

If I include the new API style ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI
(with or without a check on the Build.SDK_VERSION to alternatively
load the old style URI - similar to the Businesscard example -
I would still have to set up Eclipse to use the Android 2.1 libraries.
Would this application still run on an Android 1.5 device if I keep
the minsdkversion in the manifest at 3?

I would like to avoid having to branch my application, create 2
eclipse projects and release 2 different applications.

Any advice on this?


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[android-developers] Using contacts

2010-07-05 Thread Lieuwe
I have an issue regarding the use of contacts in my Android
application. I currently do the following:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_CONTACT);

which allows me to pick a contact. 2 Questions:

- How do I limit this to only contacts with a mobile number
- Why does the intent not honour the way I have set up my contacts on
the phone itself? I have set up the contacts so it will not use gmail
and facebook ones, just phone ones however using the Intent I see them


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[android-developers] Re: soft keyboard

2010-06-29 Thread Lieuwe

On Jun 28, 6:35 pm, YuviDroid yuvidr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I found this to work for me:



That doesn't seem to do what I want. I placed the above statement
after each setContentView, but if the softkeyboard is open, it will
remain opened ... the only way to get rid of it is physically pushing
the back button .. maybe it is possible to fake a back button event
although that surely can't be the best solution

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[android-developers] soft keyboard

2010-06-28 Thread Lieuwe

I've got a problem with my application in that the soft-keyboard is
not being closed unless the user pushes the back button.

I use several layouts which I load using the setContentView method of
the application. Some layouts contain multiple EditText fields. The
soft-keyboard pops up correctly when the entry boxes are being
clicked, but never gets dismissed, even after I switch to a new layout
using setContentView (instigated by on-screen push buttons).

I found a way of apparently removing the keyboard using the
InputManager class but how exactly does that work if I don't know
which entry field opened/currently owns the keyboard?

Is there a way of possibly invalidating a whole layout which would
perhaps cause all resources (and hopefully the keyboard) to be
cleared? As said before, I currently just use setContentView to load
the next screen.


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[android-developers] Re: Updating SDK through AVD

2009-12-08 Thread Lieuwe

 I know the error message doesn't seem to relate to the problem, but
 that fixed it for me.


I found a direct link here:


Your solution may well have worked as I indeed had several of these
google API's already installed (but not all the SDK's)


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[android-developers] SDK version problem

2009-12-08 Thread Lieuwe

I have this strange problem here. I am fairly new to Android
development and I was just playing around putting a few bits and
pieces from several samples together.

I created (in Eclipse) an Android 1.5 project (thats sdk version 3
right?) .. now it creates the apk file no problem, Eclipse doesn't
indicate any problems either, but when I run this through my Android
1.5 AVD I get an error message stating

ERROR: Application requires API version 4. Device API version is 3
(Android 1.5).
Launch canceled!

so how come it is quite capable of linking against the 1.5 library
without errors, but it won't execute it in the AVD ... and more
important - how do I found out which bit of code I apparently use is
from API version 4??

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[android-developers] Updating SDK through AVD

2009-12-07 Thread Lieuwe
Is there a proper fix for this

  Unzip failed: Cannot run program chmod: java.io.IOException:
error=24, Too many open files

Problem yet? I have SDK 2.0 installed, now trying to add 1.5 through
the AVD and get the above warning.

I tried the workarounds, running it from the commandline, forcing http
instead of https but nothing works. I even tried moving the 2.0 out of
the platforms directory but that doesn't help either. I can download
the package, it installs to about 60% or so and then the error. Does
anyone have the direct url to the SDK's so I can at least unzip /
install it myself?

Running this on Fedora 8 as root and ultimit is unlimited.



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