[android-developers] CSS on Android: webkit-transform support

2011-01-18 Thread devi prasad
Hi, I notice that rotate3d on -webkit-transform isn't supported in
Android 2.2 Webkit. Has anyone used these features? I'm curious to
know the official stand on supporting CSS transformations, in general.


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[android-developers] poor state of webkit transforms in Android

2011-01-16 Thread devi prasad
Hi, I'm finding out that Android has either disabled or broken
Webkit's -webkit-transform features. I couldn't locate an authentic
documentation from Google about android.webkit and its (broken)
status. Can someone who knows it all throw light and save immense time
that I'm spending testing these things? For example, when I try
rotateZ it behaves like rotateY, while rotateY just doesn't work for
me on Android 2.2 + Nexus One. I have tested rotateY and rotateZ on
Chrome browser and things appear fine there.

So, any official statement on Android's Webkit (in)capabilities?


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[android-developers] glReadPixels and Bitmap.Config are not your friends!

2010-08-05 Thread devi prasad
I'm trying to read the color buffer using OpenGL function
glReadPixels. Since OpenGL ES 2.0 allows RGBA+UNSIGNED_BYTE
combination in glReadPixels, I'm using it to read 480 x 800 pixels on
my Nexus One. I want to save the read pixels as JPEG data.
Bitmap.Config allows ARGB_ and *not RGBA_*, although the
underlying libjpg library has the following definitions:

JCS_RGBA_,  /* red/green/blue/alpha */
JCS_RGB_565 /* red/green/blue in 565 format */

Why is it that the SDK doesn't expose the RGBA_ config? Any
technical reasons?

At the moment, I'm shifting A and RGB bits to suite
'Bitmap.createBitmap()'. [Bitmap.createBitmap(colorData, width,
height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_);]
Of course, this is inefficient on large images, especially when I use
large FBOs.

I appreciate suggestions as well as solutions!


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[android-developers] OpenGL ES Java binding not supported on Nexus One + Android 2.2?

2010-07-16 Thread devi prasad
My Nexus One is updated with Android version 2.2 (build number FRF91).
However, when I try to use the OpenGL ES Java binding, I see the

D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
E/libEGL  (15206): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
E/libEGL  (15206): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API

The last two lines are frustrating.

To state the obvious, I have set up my manifest file:
uses-feature android:glEsVersion=0x0002/
uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=8/

I use GLSurfaceView and have only one line in onDrawFrame:

What's that I'm really missing something here?


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[android-developers] Re: OpenGL ES Java binding not supported on Nexus One + Android 2.2?

2010-07-16 Thread devi prasad
alright, it took a good night sleep to correct the embarrassing mistake :)
I forgot to call setEGLContextClientVersion(2) in my code!

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:41 PM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 My Nexus One is updated with Android version 2.2 (build number FRF91).
 However, when I try to use the OpenGL ES Java binding, I see the

 D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
 D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so
 D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so
 D/libEGL  (15206): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so
 E/libEGL  (15206): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
 E/libEGL  (15206): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API

 The last two lines are frustrating.

 To state the obvious, I have set up my manifest file:
 uses-feature android:glEsVersion=0x0002/
 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=8/

 I use GLSurfaceView and have only one line in onDrawFrame:

 What's that I'm really missing something here?


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[android-developers] Re: using KeyguardManager for presenting unlock screen

2010-03-13 Thread devi prasad
By any chance, Is this fixed in Android 2.1r1 release? I notice that
there are many commits that mention Keyguard related fixes. I'm
currently building the AOSP sources to verify the behavior in the

Some kind of confirmation will be appreciated :)

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 7:34 PM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 In my application I want to use KeyguardManager to present the unlock
 screen at required places. I wrote the following code and tested it on
 Google IO phone (Android 1.6) and a Nexus One phone. Although this
 works decently on Nexus one, its behavior is odd at times. Sometimes
 the unlock screen doesn't appear for consecutive runs. It also has
 serious issues with configuration changes. And surprisingly, if I turn
 off the screen and turn it back on, the unlock screen disappears! Of
 course, this happens only in my program, and not in general in the

 Can someone explain what's wrong with my code? Just FYI, I have tried
 various combinations of disableKeyguard() and reenableKeyguard()
 without much gain.

 public class UnlockActivity extends Activity {
    KeyguardManager mKgm;
    KeyguardLock mKgl;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mKgm = (KeyguardManager) getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
        mKgl = mKgm.newKeyguardLock(me);

    class HandlerCallback implements Handler.Callback {
        public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
                mKgm.exitKeyguardSecurely(new OnKeyguardExitResult() {
                                public void onKeyguardExitResult(boolean 
 success) {
                                        Log.d(UnlockActivity, status:  + 
                return true;


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[android-developers] using KeyguardManager for presenting unlock screen

2010-03-11 Thread devi prasad
In my application I want to use KeyguardManager to present the unlock
screen at required places. I wrote the following code and tested it on
Google IO phone (Android 1.6) and a Nexus One phone. Although this
works decently on Nexus one, its behavior is odd at times. Sometimes
the unlock screen doesn't appear for consecutive runs. It also has
serious issues with configuration changes. And surprisingly, if I turn
off the screen and turn it back on, the unlock screen disappears! Of
course, this happens only in my program, and not in general in the

Can someone explain what's wrong with my code? Just FYI, I have tried
various combinations of disableKeyguard() and reenableKeyguard()
without much gain.

public class UnlockActivity extends Activity {
KeyguardManager mKgm;
KeyguardLock mKgl;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mKgm = (KeyguardManager) getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
mKgl = mKgm.newKeyguardLock(me);

class HandlerCallback implements Handler.Callback {
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
mKgm.exitKeyguardSecurely(new OnKeyguardExitResult() {
public void onKeyguardExitResult(boolean 
success) {
Log.d(UnlockActivity, status:  + 
return true;


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[android-developers] testing/understanding weak and strong pointers

2009-06-19 Thread devi prasad
While trying to follow the implementation of weak and strong (smart)
pointers in Android, I created a few code snippets to test my
understanding. I'm sharing a few samples here. I have attached a file
that show the contains of my Android.mk file, source files, commands
to build this sample code, and also the logs.

I'm providing it here believing that there are many like me out there
who'd benefit. Please feel free to provide comments and suggestions.Of
course, one needs to spend some time with RefBase.h and RefBase.cpp to
really appreciate what's going on behind the scene. I'm reserving the
explanations for some other day :)

Devi Prasad

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A C++ source file (without a main function)
#define LOG_TAG smart-ptr-sample

#include utils/RefBase.h
#include utils/Log.h

using namespace android;

class Point : public RefBase {
Point(int x, int y) :  mx(x), my(y) {
LOGD(Point constructor);
virtual ~Point() {
LOGD(Point destructor);

virtual void onFirstRef() {
LOGD(first weak ptr ref callback);

virtual void onLastStrongRef(const void* id) {
LOGD(last strong ptr ref callback);

virtual void onLastWeakRef(const void* id) {
LOGD(last weak ptr ref callback);

int mx, my;

Here's the contents of Android.mk file
LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

$(info building weak pointer example code)

LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= weakp.cpp

   libutils \

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += frameworks/base/include system/core/include



  Here's are the instructions to compile and run the code within the emulator

I created a folder named example within the top directory (i.e., at same 
level as frameworks and external directories), and used the following commands 
to build my samples:

(1) . build/envsetup.sh 
(2) mmm

Then I'd push the resulting executable (using 'adb push') to '/data/app' 
directory and run it from there. Use 'adb logcat' to view the logs.

  Here's are a few samples of 'main' function and corresponding logs
int main()
wpPoint weakp(new Point(10, 20));

LOGD(weak ptr's lifetime is just about to finish ...\n);
LOGD(weak ptr is out of scope.\n);

return 0;

D/smart-ptr-sample(  731): Point constructor
D/smart-ptr-sample(  731): weak ptr's lifetime is just about to finish ...
D/smart-ptr-sample(  731): last weak ptr ref callback
D/smart-ptr-sample(  731): Point destructor
D/smart-ptr-sample(  731): weak ptr is out of scope.

int main()
wpPoint weakp(new Point(10, 20));

LOGD(weak ptr's lifetime is just about to finish ...\n);

LOGD(weak ptr is out of scope.\n);

return 0;

D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): Point constructor
D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): first ptr ref callback
D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): last strong ptr ref callback
D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): weak ptr's lifetime is just about to finish ...
D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): last weak ptr ref callback
D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): Point destructor
D/smart-ptr-sample(  734): weak ptr is out of scope.


int main()
spPoint strp;

wpPoint weakp(new Point(10, 20));

strp = weakp.promote();
LOGD(weak ptr's lifetime is just about to finish ...\n);
LOGD(weak ptr is out of scope.\n);
LOGD(only strong ptr is in scope.\n);

LOGD(strong ptr is out of scope.\n);

return 0;

D/smart-ptr-sample(  729): Point constructor

[android-developers] targeting custom-android 1.5 to dev phone

2009-05-15 Thread devi prasad

hi, I have a custom build of android-1.5_r1 code, where I have made a
few modifications to AudioFlinger.I want to flash this build to my dev
phone. Can someone guide me in building for dream? After reading
through various posts, I'm somewhat confused about the overall state
of this process.

thanks a lot.

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[android-developers] Re: Android Dev Phone 1 activation Problem

2009-05-13 Thread devi prasad

Hi, I'm also facing a similar problem with Airtel SIM in India.I get
the following error message:

There is a problem communicating with the Google Servers;

This could be a temporary problem. Your SIM card may not be
provisioned for data services. If it continues, call customer care.

Any help and suggestions are welcome

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Shre555 shreyas1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi  I  got my Android Dev Phone 1 Yesterday.

 I tried to enter my gmail account info but it always gives me the

 I stay in India

 I used Airtel

 with APN settings Name:airtelgprs.com

 APN: airtelgprs.com

 when I enter the info and press the sign in button the adb logcat



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[android-developers] Re: Ideas behind Android's task concept

2009-05-08 Thread devi prasad

Hi, Mike, thanks for your views.I agree that this model is more
complex because there are no formal rules that associate launch modes
with the properties of activities.

I'm sure I'll have more questions in the coming days :)

2009/5/8 Mike Hearn mh.in.engl...@gmail.com:

 Can someone educate me about the rationale behind Android tasks? I'm
 also curious to know the thought process behind their design when they
 were originally conceived?

 I think the problem they solve is that it's hard to have a multi-
 tasking OS when only one thing can be on the screen at once. So the
 idea of tasks is that you can switch quickly between them, and they
 preserve your state in the context of that application:

  Maps - View Business Details
  Contacts - View Contact - Edit Contact

 Now if am editing a contact and want to do something else like view
 business details, I can go back home, press the Maps icon, do
 whatever, and then use home to press contacts and arrive back at the
 edit contact screen.

 I guess there are a few problems with the current implementation
 though: it's quite complicated, and there's no real way for users to
 learn how it works. The obvious mental model is of a linear stack of
 activities, but that's not what actually happens so you get things
 like pressing back on the home screen does not actually take you back.
 And then there is a lack of guidelines around when to use the activity
 modes - as you have found. And finally the built-in apps do use the
 activity modes inconsistently. For instance my example is wrong
 because the contacts app does reset the task stack.

 I think this stuff will shake out with time. Better animations can
 help users figure out the application model. UI guidelines will help
 developers. Hopefully the built-in apps will either become consistent
 or at least call out in their manifests why they use certain
 attributes so people can learn from them.


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[android-developers] Re: Ideas behind Android's task concept

2009-05-08 Thread devi prasad

I was thinking of preparing a bunch of matrices that capture various
details. For instance, we can have a matrix that expresses the result
of composing activities with different launch modes. Another matrix
may capture the effect of taskAffinity and such factors. My major
interest is in defining a set of activity-composition rules.  I hope
I'm clear :)

If others can spare time to review, I can post a couple such matrices soon.


On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:08 AM, Mariano Kamp mariano.k...@gmail.com wrote:

 This discussion is very enlightening. Dianne that would be a great topic
 for a blog post of yours, wouldn't it? ;-)

 Hopefully we can have full UI design docs for this. :)  I kind-of avoid
 writing blog posts, because that would take the last little bit of time I
 have for coding these days. :/  (Or I guess I could take the time I spent
 reading and posting to these groups. :p)

 Anyway, I'll see.  The material I wrote in the application model docs was
 supposed to explain a lot of this.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.


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[android-developers] Ideas behind Android's task concept

2009-05-07 Thread devi prasad

I've been trying to understand the key concepts that make up the
Android programming model. I'm impressed as well as intrigued by
'tasks' that stack up activities. I do not really appreciate why and
how one assigns a particular launch mode to an activity. For instance,
I'd like to define a few necessary conditions for marking an activity
the root of a new task. I'm focusing particularly on the 'singleTask'
launch mode. I'd like to know, for example, whether security, user
experience, and such factors decide the launch modes...

Can someone educate me about the rationale behind Android tasks? I'm
also curious to know the thought process behind their design when they
were originally conceived?


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[android-developers] Re: Ideas behind Android's task concept

2009-05-07 Thread devi prasad

Dianne, thanks much for the details. I had, in fact, taken a look at
the implementation of ActivityManager, and now I need to go back to it
again. Thanks for clarifying the evolutionary growth of these ideas.

I agree with you about the singleTask launch mode. It's strangeness is
what led me to this question -- honestly!

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 1:06 AM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 Tasks are purely there for UI navigation -- they basically take on the roll
 of an application for the user, in lieu of a more rigid 1 apk == 1 process
 == 1 icon == 1 app model.  A task really has little identity of its own --
 without some activity, a task doesn't exist.  It is just a way to group
 related activities together for purposes of managing flow through the UI.

 For launch mode, I would strongly discourage from using singleTask unless
 you understand what that is, why the default interaction model doesn't work
 for your app, and how singleTask changes it to do what you want.  The vast
 majority of apps don't need it.  The Browser does use it, but I would argue
 that this is as much to its detriment as to its advantage.

 As far as the thought process...  well, first there were activities, and
 that was all.  A single linear activity stack was not enough for the UI
 navigation we ended up doing, though, so the concept of tasks was created as
 a way to group related activities together so they could be moved around in
 the history.

 If you look at the activity manager implementation, you can still see many
 remnants of the fact that tasks were a later addition -- the activity
 manager is still all oriented around a single global stack of activities,
 and the implementation of tasks is actually just re-ordering operations on
 that single list.  So while the model we present is that each task has its
 own activity stack, the implementation hasn't actually caught up to that.
 (Actually this global list ends up being useful to have, anyway, to give the
 window manager a single holistic Z-ordering of all windows...  but if we had
 started with tasks as a formal concept from the start, it is unlikely we
 would have ended up with the current implementation.)

 On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:59 AM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've been trying to understand the key concepts that make up the
 Android programming model. I'm impressed as well as intrigued by
 'tasks' that stack up activities. I do not really appreciate why and
 how one assigns a particular launch mode to an activity. For instance,
 I'd like to define a few necessary conditions for marking an activity
 the root of a new task. I'm focusing particularly on the 'singleTask'
 launch mode. I'd like to know, for example, whether security, user
 experience, and such factors decide the launch modes...

 Can someone educate me about the rationale behind Android tasks? I'm
 also curious to know the thought process behind their design when they
 were originally conceived?


 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.


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[android-developers] Re: Relationships among apps, tasks, and activities

2009-05-02 Thread devi prasad

Hi, Dianne: this is the portion of the dump that I get by executing
adb shell dumpsys activity :
Activities in Current Activity Manager State:
Task{3 com.robosoft.example}
clearOnBackground=false numActivities=3 rootWasReset=true
intent=Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN

comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.AppRootActivity} }

History #3:
packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
Intent { flags=0x1000
comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.SingleTaskActivity} }

History #2:
packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
Intent {
comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.ChildActivityOfRoot} }

History #1:
packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN
As I gather, this shows that all three activities are part of the same
task, even though I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK while starting
'SingleTaskActivity' and mark it with 'singleTask' launch mode. The
intent flag value (0x1000) indicates this in the top most activity
entry above.

I cannot explain this behavior with my current understanding derived
from the documentation. What am I missing here?


On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 10:50 AM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Dianne: ok, thanks.
 I use the following functions to determine the task id and if it is
 the root of a task:


 I used logcat looking for useful hints. Let me see if I understand it
 better if I use
 adb shell dumpsys activity

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[android-developers] Re: Relationships among apps, tasks, and activities

2009-05-02 Thread devi prasad

Well, I DO think that Android documentation speaks about tasks and
their affinities, contrary to what I said previously :)

I defined a non-default value for the taskAffinity attribute of the
activity in question:
activity android:name=.SingleTaskActivity

and the activity gets to run in a separate task.

Both 'taskAffinity' and 'launchMode' are necessary if we want to have
an activity run in a separate task. Alternatively,
Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK may be used in the intent, in case only
'taskAffinity' is mentioned in the manifest.

This is really interesting :)

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 1:37 PM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Dianne: this is the portion of the dump that I get by executing
 adb shell dumpsys activity :
 Activities in Current Activity Manager State:
    Task{3 com.robosoft.example}
    clearOnBackground=false numActivities=3 rootWasReset=true
    intent=Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN

 comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.AppRootActivity} }

    History #3:
        packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
        app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
        Intent { flags=0x1000
        comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.SingleTaskActivity} }

    History #2:
        packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
        app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
        Intent {
 comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.ChildActivityOfRoot} }

    History #1:
        packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
        app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
        Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN
 As I gather, this shows that all three activities are part of the same
 task, even though I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK while starting
 'SingleTaskActivity' and mark it with 'singleTask' launch mode. The
 intent flag value (0x1000) indicates this in the top most activity
 entry above.

 I cannot explain this behavior with my current understanding derived
 from the documentation. What am I missing here?


 On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 10:50 AM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Dianne: ok, thanks.
 I use the following functions to determine the task id and if it is
 the root of a task:


 I used logcat looking for useful hints. Let me see if I understand it
 better if I use
 adb shell dumpsys activity

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[android-developers] Re: Relationships among apps, tasks, and activities

2009-05-02 Thread devi prasad

some more thoughts...
What I've said about taskAffinity and launchMode attributes, in
general, makes sense when the activities are in the same app since the
default value of taskAffinity will be set to the package name. When
the activities across apps activate one another, just the launch mode
value tells if the launched activity would be the root of  the new
task. Again, this is because the package names of the apks would be

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 5:17 AM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, I DO think that Android documentation speaks about tasks and
 their affinities, contrary to what I said previously :)

 I defined a non-default value for the taskAffinity attribute of the
 activity in question:
        activity android:name=.SingleTaskActivity

 and the activity gets to run in a separate task.

 Both 'taskAffinity' and 'launchMode' are necessary if we want to have
 an activity run in a separate task. Alternatively,
 Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK may be used in the intent, in case only
 'taskAffinity' is mentioned in the manifest.

 This is really interesting :)

 On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 1:37 PM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Dianne: this is the portion of the dump that I get by executing
 adb shell dumpsys activity :
 Activities in Current Activity Manager State:
    Task{3 com.robosoft.example}
    clearOnBackground=false numActivities=3 rootWasReset=true
    intent=Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN

 comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.AppRootActivity} }

    History #3:
        packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
        app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
        Intent { flags=0x1000
        comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.SingleTaskActivity} }

    History #2:
        packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
        app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
        Intent {
 comp={com.robosoft.example/com.robosoft.example.ChildActivityOfRoot} }

    History #1:
        packageName=com.robosoft.example processName=com.robosoft.example
        app=ProcessRecord{43516130 181:com.robosoft.example/10018}
        Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN
 As I gather, this shows that all three activities are part of the same
 task, even though I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK while starting
 'SingleTaskActivity' and mark it with 'singleTask' launch mode. The
 intent flag value (0x1000) indicates this in the top most activity
 entry above.

 I cannot explain this behavior with my current understanding derived
 from the documentation. What am I missing here?


 On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 10:50 AM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Dianne: ok, thanks.
 I use the following functions to determine the task id and if it is
 the root of a task:


 I used logcat looking for useful hints. Let me see if I understand it
 better if I use
 adb shell dumpsys activity

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[android-developers] Relationships among apps, tasks, and activities

2009-05-01 Thread devi prasad

I am trying to understand the interactions among apps, processes, activities,
and tasks. After reading 'Application Fundamentals' many times, I wrote a tiny
piece of code with three different activities. Here's my manifest file:

application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=ABC
       activity android:name=.AppRootActivity
               action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
               category android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER/

       activity android:name=.ChildActivityOfRoot

       activity android:name=.SingleTaskActivity

The AppRootActivity starts ChildActivityOfRoot which in turn starts

Since 'SingleTaskActivity' is marked with 'singleTask' launchMode I expected
two different tasks with the following activity sets:
Task1 -- AppRootActivity - ChildActivityOfRoot
Task2 -- SingleTaskActivity

However, I was surprised to see all three activities running in the same task.
This doesn't change even if I use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag in the
intent used to activate 'SingleTaskActivity'. I use the getTaskId() to
the task the activity is running.

IMO this behavior is not at all apparent from the documentation. Can someone
shed more light?


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[android-developers] Re: Relationships among apps, tasks, and activities

2009-05-01 Thread devi prasad

Hi, Dianne: ok, thanks.
I use the following functions to determine the task id and if it is
the root of a task:


I used logcat looking for useful hints. Let me see if I understand it
better if I use
adb shell dumpsys activity

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 The behavior you are describing is not how things work.  What do you mean
 you don't see another task?  How are you telling?  adb shell dumpsys
 activity will show you the current activity state with the exact task
 organization (in the first part of the output).

 On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:17 PM, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying to understand the interactions among apps, processes,
 and tasks. After reading 'Application Fundamentals' many times, I wrote a
 piece of code with three different activities. Here's my manifest file:

 application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=ABC
        activity android:name=.AppRootActivity
                action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
                category android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER/

        activity android:name=.ChildActivityOfRoot

        activity android:name=.SingleTaskActivity

 The AppRootActivity starts ChildActivityOfRoot which in turn starts

 Since 'SingleTaskActivity' is marked with 'singleTask' launchMode I
 two different tasks with the following activity sets:
 Task1 -- AppRootActivity - ChildActivityOfRoot
 Task2 -- SingleTaskActivity

 However, I was surprised to see all three activities running in the same
 This doesn't change even if I use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag in
 intent used to activate 'SingleTaskActivity'. I use the getTaskId() to
 the task the activity is running.

 IMO this behavior is not at all apparent from the documentation. Can
 shed more light?


 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.


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[android-developers] does cupcake recognise (anti)clockwise rotatiions of the device

2009-04-21 Thread devi prasad

I was told that Cupcake distinguishes both clockwise and
anti-clockwise rotations of the device and that it sets UI layouts
accordingly. Is this true? Or have I misunderstood something?

Also, what happens when the device is flipped upside down? Does
cupcake deal with it at all?


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[android-developers] (pre- post-) processing raw audio data

2009-04-10 Thread devi prasad

I want to develop an app that lets one intercept raw audio data sent for
playback (possibly by a different app), and apply audio enhancements
over this raw data.

Does Cupcake allow such filtering of audio data? If so, which API should I use?

I understand this may not be possible at an application level for security
reasons.  I'm trying to see if this is possible with native code
linking to public
or private API of Android.


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[android-developers] Re: (pre- post-) processing raw audio data

2009-04-10 Thread devi prasad

Hi Dave
thanks much for the information. What I'm actually looking for is a
bunch of functions equivalent to the WaveOut API of MS Windows. Are
there equivalents to  functions such as waveOutOpen, waveOutClose,
waveOutWrite, waveOutReset, etc?

thanks again

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Dave Sparks davidspa...@android.com wrote:

 No, this is not supported. If we ever do support it, it would require
 a special permission that the user would have to grant, and it would
 break for DRM content for obvious reasons.

 On Apr 10, 1:44 am, devi prasad dpras...@gmail.com wrote:
 I want to develop an app that lets one intercept raw audio data sent for
 playback (possibly by a different app), and apply audio enhancements
 over this raw data.

 Does Cupcake allow such filtering of audio data? If so, which API should I 

 I understand this may not be possible at an application level for security
 reasons.  I'm trying to see if this is possible with native code
 linking to public
 or private API of Android.

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[android-developers] Re: removing preference file and its implication

2008-11-05 Thread Devi Prasad

Hi jason,
that works!
Thanks for pointing me to it.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Jason Parekh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The SharedPreferences keep a cache in memory.  So, when you remove the file,
 it ends up using the cached value (false) from memory.

 Try rm'ing the file, killing your process (from Devices tab in eclipse), and
 then relaunching.


 On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 3:30 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I noticed an interesting but unexpected behaviour with preference
 processing in Android. Here's what I'm trying to do.
 My app needs to perform some specific tasks when it is launched for
 the first time after installation. I use an element named
 firstLaunch for this purpose. I set its value to false in the first
 launch so that subsequent launches will see it properly.

 Here's the piece of code:

 package com.example;
SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(pref,
isFirstTimeLaunch = prefs.getBoolean(firstLaunch, true);
Log.d(readPreferences, read first time launch value:  +

SharedPreferences.Editor editorPrefs = prefs.edit();
editorPrefs.putBoolean(firstLaunch, false);

 So far so good. Everything works as expected. However, I wanted to
 test its behavior when the preference file is removed. I removed the
 file '/data/data/com.example/shared_prefs/pref.xml' and relaunched the
 app within the emulator. To my surprise I found that my technique
 fails -- the variable 'isFirstTimeLaunch' will be false, even if I
 remove the preferences file.I repeated removing and launching the app
 many times and I see the same result every time.

 However, if I run the program from within Eclise IDE or if I do an
 'adb install' from the shell, things work as expected.Obviously these
 methods clear the app data. Isn't simply removing the preference file
 same as removing data since my app doesn't use anything else?

 Am I missing something here? Can someone explain what's wrong with my

 Devi Prasad


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