[android-developers] Re: which is a true Android phone?

2009-08-14 Thread jhoffman

The G1s, as far as I know, got an Over-The-Air upgrade to v1.5 when it
came out. The only thing that the older hardware precludes you from is
testing your app on the newer hardware. The SDK is the same (unless
somebody simply did not update their Android version on the phone).

On Aug 14, 2:23 am, -v- vishal.changr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am planning to a buy an android phone to test my app for ADC II. But
 the ones sold by google is a lil too expensive for me so I am thinking
 of buying one off of Craigslist...but am confused which one to buy...
 some of them say - Non Android OS..what does that mean? Does it mean
 my app may not run on it?
 Also I see there are some HTC G1 for sale..I am presuming that these
 are an year old...can I use them and upgrade them to latest android?
 how is the adroid SDK 1.5 related to the Actual Android OS version?
 Please help.
 Thanks in advance.
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[android-developers] Re: Animation Problem

2009-08-11 Thread jhoffman

I'm not sure about the coordinates thing, but if you are trying to use
rotateAnimation to rotate something such that it looks like it is
spinning in-place, then 0,0 are not the coordinates you want. The
coordinates are a 'pivot point'; you could think of them as the
'middle' of the rotation.

If you want an object to rotate or spin without moving up/down/left/
right, then what you actually want is:  RotateAnimation spin = new
RotateAnimation(0.0f, 360.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f,
Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f);

This gives the middle of the image as the 'pivot' so it doesn't move
in an arc. Hope this helps!

On Aug 11, 1:59 am, HVT vikramhiman...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello All,

 I'm new to Android and trying to develop an app that has loads of
 Its a small game.

 Currently i have a object (image) moving around the canvas. I used
 animation to animate it around the screen.

 But the problem here is i dont have the XY coordinates of that object
 while its animating.
 I want to get the coordinates of the bitmap whenever i want during the

 I think if there was some way where i can read the presentation layer
 probably i could get the cordinates of the object.

 Please help me guys i'm stuck here now for like a week.

 My another problem is with rotate animation, i some how dont seem to
 understand its functionality.
 I have played with it for a couple of days but no luck, i'm still new
 to it and dont get anything.

 The object makes big arcs even if the  x,y values are  0,0 and the
 object jumps around when i try to give it random values.

 Any help would be highly appreciated.

 Thanks in advance.

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[android-developers] Re: Can I use the picture of Dev Phone 1 in my app? (copyright question)

2009-08-11 Thread jhoffman

I was pointed to http://www.android.com/branding.html when I had
questions about some different legal issues. I checked and there isn't
anything there regarding the G1 hardware... I guess because T-Mobile
or somebody else probably owns the hardware licensing?

I doubt anybody is really going to get after you about using a 3D
model skinned like a G1, but if you're really worried about it, maybe
one of the T-mobile guys who read Android Developers will get back to
you on it :)

On Aug 11, 3:09 am, hzakimoto hzakim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Say, if I want the G1 (3D OpenGL model skinned like G1) to be the main
 character in my game. Will I get into copyright problem?

 Well this sounds silly I presume. Since the picture of G1 or ADP1 can
 be found anywhere. And there should be no reason at all to prohibit
 developer from using the G1 picture.

 But better safe than sorry so I asked here. I know this type of
 question should be answered consult a lawyer. But well I don't
 expect a decisive answer here. Just want to hear your ideas for this
 type of things.

 Thank you.
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[android-developers] Re: AirplaneMode notifications

2009-08-10 Thread jhoffman

Hi Mark, I'm pretty unfamiliar with detecting actual Airplane mode
settings, but I do have a potential work-around for you in case you
can't get it working the way you're trying to (which, by the way,
definitely seems like the -right- way to do it). I've been checking
for network connections using code like:

ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService
if (cm.getNetworkInfo(cm.TYPE_MOBILE).isConnected()){
else if(cm.getNetworkInfo(cm.TYPE_WIFI).isConnected()){
//different stuff

This seems to work fine in my case, but with the application I am
working on I actually care  whether the user is connected over 3G/2G
or Wifi. In your case, you probably just want to get the airplane mode
detection working, but I thought I'd mention this in case you end up
stuck. Hope it helps!

On Aug 10, 10:43 am, Mark Nuetzmann mark.nuetzm...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying to determine if the device is in airplanemode when my
 activity starts.  I did not see a setting that exposed this but did
 see a way to set up a broadcast receiver to be notified.  After coding
 the receiver I never see my code getting loaded or called when I put
 the device into and out or Airplane mode.  Here is the code I am using
 and the setting I placed in my app manifest.  If someone could take a
 look at let me know what I am doing incorrectly I would really
 appreciate it.


         !-- Broadcast Receiver that will process be notified of
 changes in AirplaneMode --
 android:name=android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED /

 package com.myapplication;

 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.util.Log;

 public class AirplaneModeBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
     private static final String TAG = AirplaneMode;

     public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent intent) {
         Log.d(TAG, onReceive);
         // Do something...


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[android-developers] Re: Changing background

2009-08-10 Thread jhoffman

I would recommend looking into using AsyncTask to do this (http://

You can check against your mp.isPlaying() in the doInBackground
portion, use a sleep for some appropriate amount of time if it is
still playing (else finish the task), and in onProgressUpdate you can
change your color. You can use publishProgress(i); from your
doInBackground to pass the iterated color value to your
onProgressUpdate to achieve to same color switch functionality you
originally wanted.

AsyncTask takes a bit to learn, but you'll be glad to have it later!

On Aug 9, 11:54 am, androidom saviodom...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hi there,
 I am trying to set the background dynamically as I play music.

 1) I am able to set the background using the setBackground
 (Color.GREEN) method.
 2) Then I play a MP3 file (audio) using the MediaPlayer.
 3) when I call myPlayer().isPlaying(), I would like to keep changing
 the background color continiously till the music stops.  I tried this

                 tv = new TextView(this);
         tv.setText(Do you hear me!);
                 mp = MediaPlayer.create(getApplicationContext(),
                         i += 20;
                         tv.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(i, 100, 100));

 It changes only at the end of the sound file. Can someone help me find
 the right way towards this ?
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[android-developers] Re: Close Application

2009-08-10 Thread jhoffman

It really depends on the structure of your app, but one trick you
might employ is to launch your various activities with
startActivityForResult(intent, ID);
and then override onActivityResult to watch for a return value from
the activity you launched. You can then make decisions about whether
you should call finish() in the original activity, or whether the user
just wanted to go back to that original activity without closing the
entire app.

Again, without knowing the structure of your app or more details, I
can't be sure that this is actually going to be helpful to you. If it
isn't though, feel free to post some specifics! :)

On Aug 10, 2:36 am, Blackmarket pascal.se...@gmail.com wrote:

 i want to add an exit button to the menu, but didn't see an easy way
 to close an application or acces all activities of an application and
 finish them. Is there an easy approach avaible?

 Regards, Pascal
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[android-developers] Re: Library Reference Error in Eclipse - OpenIntents FileManager

2009-08-10 Thread jhoffman

Bump - any thoughts on this?

On Aug 6, 12:48 pm, jhoffman keshis...@gmail.com wrote:
 One other thing I forgot to mention, I checked a few of the strategies
 posted on Android-Developers in similar threads, but unfortunately
 none of them have worked for me :(

 Solutions tried so far were:
 Restarting Eclipse
 Performing a 'Clean'
 Performing a 'Fix Project Properties'
 Performing a 'Refresh'
 Messing with the project properties manually (not 100% sure I did this
 one right)

 On Aug 6, 12:40 pm, Josh Hoffman keshis...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello everyone, thanks for reading!

  I'm having an issue calling methods from the OpenIntents FileManager
  class. What I am trying to do is set up my app to open up files of a
  specific format based on receiving an intent from a program like the
  OI FileManager. I have set up the intents/filters such that the OI app
  will launch my app on the emulator, but I instantly crash with:

  08-06 19:18:12.362: ERROR/dalvikvm(960): Could not find method
  org.openintents.filemanager.util.FileUtils.getFile, referenced from
  method edwardslab.util.MobileMetagenomics.onCreate

  I have successfully referenced other parts of the OI FileManager
  project without crash issues, i.e.
          Intent intent = new Intent(FileManagerIntents.ACTION_PICK_FILE);
  to do the reverse of what I am working on now (launch the OI file
  manager from within my own app).

  Am I missing something here? It seems like Eclipse doesn't know that I
  want to use a few of the Public Static methods from the OI class; but
  I'm confused as to why it has no trouble with one of the packages from
  the OI project while a different one works totally fine.

  Thank you very much for your help

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[android-developers] Re: Flipping / Rotating TextView (or layout) upside-down

2009-08-07 Thread jhoffman

After all was said and done, that last issue appeared to be a matter
of RelativeLayout and RotateAnimation not playing as nicely together
as I thought. The 'visual' buttons were in a different place than the
'actual' buttons were. I switched to a LinearLayout setup, and things
behaved a lot better for me.

On Jul 24, 11:27 am, Josh Hoffman keshis...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I'm trying to find a way to rotate a View, or (more
 conveniently) an entire layout, upside down and have it stay that way.
 I found the rotation and animation classes in the SDK, and these come
 close to what I want, but at the end of the animation I want my Layout
 to stay rotated; repeating the animation or just flipping back right-
 side-up doesn't help me with my app unfortunately.

 The only thing I can think of so far would be to find the source code
 for the rotate class, and override it such that the ...and then flip
 it back around to be right-side-up code never happens. I'm not sure
 exactly where I'd find the original rotate code for reference if I
 were to do something that extensive however.

 I've found references online to the full android source - is that
 basically what I'd be looking at downloading to be able to attempt
 something like this? Am I missing a simple option on the rotation that
 would let it just stay put after I rotate it? Any help would be very
 much appreciated! Thank you!
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[android-developers] Re: left handed user

2009-08-06 Thread jhoffman

Agreed! The orientation issues were a problem for me in an app I
recently developed :(
It ends up working out okay, but if there were support for either
orientation, I think I could've made the app a bit cooler...

On Jul 29, 2:26 pm, Sophie shkass...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi developers,
 As I'm just an Android user, I might be illegally here. But I just
 found out that being left handed, I have a slight problem with my
 recently purchased HTC Magic. I have searched Market already, 
 butcouldnotfindanything to help me. My problem is this: as I am left
 handed, I like to turn the phone to landscape orientation with the
 buttons to the left (turning it clockwise). As you will probably all
 know, this won't work. To get landscape you have to turn the phone
 counter clockwise. Would it be possible for one of you to develop
 something to enable left handed people to turn the phone to landscape
 like they would intuitively do, that is clockwise?
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[android-developers] Re: Library Reference Error in Eclipse - OpenIntents FileManager

2009-08-06 Thread jhoffman

One other thing I forgot to mention, I checked a few of the strategies
posted on Android-Developers in similar threads, but unfortunately
none of them have worked for me :(

Solutions tried so far were:
Restarting Eclipse
Performing a 'Clean'
Performing a 'Fix Project Properties'
Performing a 'Refresh'
Messing with the project properties manually (not 100% sure I did this
one right)

On Aug 6, 12:40 pm, Josh Hoffman keshis...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone, thanks for reading!

 I'm having an issue calling methods from the OpenIntents FileManager
 class. What I am trying to do is set up my app to open up files of a
 specific format based on receiving an intent from a program like the
 OI FileManager. I have set up the intents/filters such that the OI app
 will launch my app on the emulator, but I instantly crash with:

 08-06 19:18:12.362: ERROR/dalvikvm(960): Could not find method
 org.openintents.filemanager.util.FileUtils.getFile, referenced from
 method edwardslab.util.MobileMetagenomics.onCreate

 I have successfully referenced other parts of the OI FileManager
 project without crash issues, i.e.
         Intent intent = new Intent(FileManagerIntents.ACTION_PICK_FILE);
 to do the reverse of what I am working on now (launch the OI file
 manager from within my own app).

 Am I missing something here? It seems like Eclipse doesn't know that I
 want to use a few of the Public Static methods from the OI class; but
 I'm confused as to why it has no trouble with one of the packages from
 the OI project while a different one works totally fine.

 Thank you very much for your help
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[android-developers] Re: Flipping / Rotating TextView (or layout) upside-down

2009-07-28 Thread jhoffman

Romain, the solution you gave me works perfectly for rotating the
layout upside-down. Unfortunately, I now have another problem! After
the layout has been rotated, the Views no longer respond to clicks and
long clicks. Inside of the RelativeLayout I am rotating, I have a
textView that I allow the user to edit when they perform a long press.
Is there any way for me to still allow for this functionality, while
presenting the textView upside-down?

If not, I guess I can just add an additional right-side-up button to
replace the onLongClickListener when in the upside-down view mode, but
this strikes me as something that probably should work. I feel like I
may be missing something simple again. Thanks in advance for any tips!

On Jul 26, 3:51 pm, Romain Guy romain...@google.com wrote:
 All you have to do is set the fillAfter property of the animation to true.

 On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Josh Hoffmankeshis...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello, I'm trying to find a way torotateaView, or (more
  conveniently) an entire layout, upside down and have it stay that way.
  I found the rotation and animation classes in the SDK, and these come
  close to what I want, but at the end of the animation I want my Layout
  to stay rotated; repeating the animation or just flipping back right-
  side-up doesn't help me with my app unfortunately.

  The only thing I can think of so far would be to find the source code
  for therotateclass, and override it such that the ...and then flip
  it back around to be right-side-up code never happens. I'm not sure
  exactly where I'd find the originalrotatecode for reference if I
  were to do something that extensive however.

  I've found references online to the full android source - is that
  basically what I'd be looking at downloading to be able to attempt
  something like this? Am I missing a simple option on the rotation that
  would let it just stay put after Irotateit? Any help would be very
  much appreciated! Thank you!

 Romain Guy
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them
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[android-developers] Re: Flipping / Rotating TextView (or layout) upside-down

2009-07-27 Thread jhoffman

Yeah  my apologies on the double-post... I wasn't aware of the
moderation on new posters when I tried to post. I thought maybe the
internet ate my first post. Really sorry to double post, but thank you
both very much for your help, I'll try those approaches now!

On Jul 27, 2:49 am, Jeff Sharkey jshar...@android.com wrote:
 Ugh double-post.  I just responded in the other thread with an
 alternative approach that doesn't require animations.


 On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Romain Guyromain...@google.com wrote:

  All you have to do is set the fillAfter property of the animation to true.

  On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Josh Hoffmankeshis...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello, I'm trying to find a way to rotate a View, or (more
  conveniently) an entire layout,upside downand have it stay that way.
  I found the rotation and animation classes in the SDK, and these come
  close to what I want, but at the end of the animation I want my Layout
  to stay rotated; repeating the animation or just flipping back right-
  side-up doesn't help me with my app unfortunately.

  The only thing I can think of so far would be to find the source code
  for the rotate class, and override it such that the ...and then flip
  it back around to be right-side-up code never happens. I'm not sure
  exactly where I'd find the original rotate code for reference if I
  were to do something that extensive however.

  I've found references online to the full android source - is that
  basically what I'd be looking at downloading to be able to attempt
  something like this? Am I missing a simple option on the rotation that
  would let it just stay put after I rotate it? Any help would be very
  much appreciated! Thank you!

  Romain Guy
  Android framework engineer

  Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
  to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
  public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

 Jeff Sharkey
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